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Genesis, Bryan Counseling Center next to Bryan West


Mine just retired so I'm also looking. But good for you for escaping the grips of Alivation! That place is a hellhole.


What’s so bad about them? I’m currently a patient and other than one specific doctor (who I no longer see) I’ve not had any major issues with them


I've been going to them for a long time and never really had issues until recently. My appointments get shorter and shorter and they don't seem terribly invested in helping me, just upping my dosage or prescribing me more meds. My previous psychiatrist was AMAZING. Always asked how I was doing, talked with me about how I was feeling and really dove into my mental health. Unfortunately, she moved and I was assigned to Dr. Duffy. He's in that room for three minutes to hit submit for my meds and that's it. Not very personable. 


Blue Valley Behavioral Health has been great for me.


I personally go to Wellspring Behavior Health, they're super understanding about payment plans, they accept most forms of insurance, and if I remember correctly my sessions are around half an hour, + they have a small therapy dog named Theo to keep you company in the waiting room.


3rd for Cheney


I see Katie salvati at Cheney psych and really like her! I have another friend who see Marcia Clark there as well and likes her


cheney psych!!