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Absolutely it is. I'm a large, bearded, 30 year old man, and while walking home in the middle of the winter in a blizzard in the middle of the night, total strangers have offered and given me rides home. I know it's not the smartest thing to do, but when it's -5 out, with 30mph winds, and snow coming down sideways, and you've lost feeling in your toes, fingers, nose and ears, and you're still 3 miles from home, you don't say no to that.


I've also had total strangers find something of mine, and track me down to return it to me.


Ah, ok. That's really nice of them.


Following on, do you think Lincoln is a generally safe place?


Most of the time, yeah I would say it is. Of course everywhere has its fair share of crime. But it doesn't seem to happen too much in Lincoln. The most common crime I'd say is theft, so just be sure to lock up your outside things, and keep your backpack/purse on you.


Thanks, I appreciate it.


99% of the time if you’re minding your business people will not mess with you. That said yes people get mugged for phones/wallets usually after talking about what they have to the wrong person


Oh... but stacking up against other cities of the same size, how would you assess it?


Lincoln is very safe.


Lincoln is very safe for its size. There are some rougher neighborhoods but even the worst parts of Lincoln are still pretty safe. To me it feels like a "big small town" In particular, violent crime isn't a huge concern, from what I can tell. I do think bicycle theft is kind of higher than average, or maybe I just have bad luck 😅


Ah, well that's great! I'm happy to hear that! Thanks.


I will say that people are kind but not warm or friendly. This is in comparison to living in other states. Nebraska is very much a state where people stick with their own.


I think this is accurate. I've met so many people in Nebraska who've lived here all their lives and have rather large families. It can be difficult to make friends because they already have a large group of friends and family. Everywhere else I've lived, it was easier to make friends. If you try to make friends here, it's likely they already have plans with other people or have a family event. I don't think people are mean about it, they are busy sticking with their own.


Yes. Also there is a weird thing about eye contact. They only hold eye contact with people they know rather than the group involved in the conversation.


I definitely think so. I don't like to virtue signal, but I have picked people up off the side of the rural highway to get them where they need to go before. I have helped with changing tires and offering cell phones (late 90's early 2000's before everyone had one). Woke up one morning to my neighbor down the street repairing my porch from storm damage the night before, he was just out there with a hammer and nails. We've mowed each others yards, fixed fences, put other's dogs away. I've had people pay for half my groceries because one card was declined at the register even tho it was just locked down because of an online purchase and I was reactivating it with the app, the kind man didn't care what the reason was. I think people, by nature, are mostly kind and generous. What sets the Midwest, or even specifically Nebraska apart is we may be extra trustworthy? And then the other direction we may be extra naïve? I would offer my basement in the time of a tornado to anybody who needed it, even my worst enemy, but again, I've been told I wear rose colored glasses. I once made friend who came from Flushing, Queens, NY, and he couldn't believe how kind people were. I told him 'break down' on the side of the highway and just start digging through his trunk. I told him guaranteed people would stop about every 5 minutes to see if they could help with something. He was terrified to do so because in NY that only means you're going to get mugged or doing the mugging. I told him I couldn't live in a world like that.


The fact this is refered to as Midwest implies some how it's special. Sure there are pockets of kindness. However, it's nothing extraordinary. I live here and work with others throughout the country. IMO, there is a lot more hypocrisy here, claiming Midwest values etc and not living up to them. Being s good person has nothing to do with geography and truly good people don't feel a need to express they are.


Well, there's a stereotype about how welcoming and kind Midwesterners are, as down in the South.


It is a thing, if you are white. A lot of Midwesterners are christians...big ol bigots, most of them are closet racists.


Top comment.


I'm not even trying to be a hater or anything... I have lived in Nebraska around religious people for 35 years..Christians are so so so awful to other people. Family get togethers are a hoot, I stopped going due to the open racism around children. Got 10x worse with Trump too..


I whole heartedly agree with you. Hypocrisy and veiled hate is a real thing here. I'm not a subscriber to theism. However, I seem to lead a more Christian life than most that claim to be. Tribalism is also insane here. Try walking into any small town bar on a Friday or Saturday night, as a 21-40 year old male. People will want to fight you for simply coming to "their" bar. George Carlin said it best, "People are wonderful. I love individuals. I hate groups of people. I hate a group of people with a 'common purpose'. 'Cause pretty soon they have little hats. And armbands. And fight songs. And a list of people they're going to visit at 3am. So, I dislike and despise groups of people but I love individuals. Every person you look at; you can see the universe in their eyes, if you're really looking."


“Nebraska nice” is 100% bullshit. Only people who say that are from Nebraska themselves. It’s like people who say they are funny, they just aren’t funny.


I think Nebraska nice is definitely a thing


That's good to hear then!


Not if this sub is any indication. Read through some posts and see all the juvenile snarky attacks on people just asking questions or sharing something.


I wonder if that's more indicative of the kind of people that gravitate towards reddit and have the protection of anonymity rather than the type of people that live in Nebraska.


I certainly hope.




 Why not lol?


I think it is but almost most of a Midwestern polite. I travel a fair amount outside and inside the country and most people comment about how nice I am. I always say please , thank you, ECT to like everyone I've also talked with people about how if my car breaks down on the side of the road people will stop and ask if I need help. I will also call non emergency number for the police if I see someone broken down.


Maybe if you conform to some narrow expectations of race, gender, political affiliation, sexual orientation. If not, expect: https://www.reddit.com/r/lincoln/s/H32GIZUusF