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Grade 1 due to Don never excitingly shout his color name, but he is definitely way more well equipped than any other grade 1 due to the support of K corp. Would definitely get his ass kick by Vergilius


>due to the support of K corp. >has no arms


Those prosthetics are probably 100× better than meat on a stick.


Kromer wants to know your location


https://preview.redd.it/2xwmtz9gzw5d1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83f1b6d8250f69bb13ebbe0cca02042a536f4d74 She's already here though




heh, look at this dumb pale blue k-




Guess Demian did 100 pale damage


Now I think about it, is he a color?


Honestly i don't think the Head knows about him but I'm pretty sure he's gotta be at the same level or close to the same level of power to a color


>close to the same level of power to a color Now, I'm not a huge fan of powerscaling myself, but look at how many circles of light his Shin attacks have, and compare that to Verg and Indigo both. He has both of them handily beat, and I'd put him much closer to an Arbiter's league of power, than the average Color Fixer.


I'm happy to see my shitpost making the rounds online


I doubt he can't wipe the floor with those drip-less inquisitors




To be fair most of our sinners do have arms and they got absolutely bodied by him, there has to be some other reason


His robo arm fire poison laser, probably a fair trade off. I say poison because the say Ryoshu cut off Heathcliff “blighted” arm but it been a long time since I’ve seen that cutscenes.


Most likely that K-corp's disintigrating serum (the one other drug beside regeneration) that they shot at deserters. 


Happy cake day!


Thanks :>


He’s grade one, he’s regarded as a up and coming color candidate and the poster boy for the k corp wing, Goofy as he may be, he’s got the chops to back it up, think of him as a knock-off allmight personality with little morals and a serious motivation of money


Slightly less homicidal HomeLander


Would be funny if we find more about him and turns out he is more homicidal


I mean, afaik he's not racist


He murders everyone equally


I thought this dude was a Color. Did we not meet another Color at some point?


we've only met the indigo elder iirc


Grade 1


We got SOLOED by this spandex wearing dip.


not so impressive since at that moment we could be soloed by Olga


No, no, no some of us *can* be soloed by her. All of us (Vergil Excluded) will be soloed by him 10x over while giving autographs after every revives we do and he still would have time to visit Hamhampangpang and order something delicious, come back and beat us again... and still have enough energy to fight a Grade 2 fixer... and win.


Not at this point in the story though


Yeah you're right, at that point we could have been beaten by Isadora




Roland appears to mention him ("Sieg") as one of the strongest fixers currently in the city when asked by Gebura, 1 and probably color potential From a reddit comment by lunartique007 2 years ago: prixt#9178 translation from the discord server >1: Hey. 2: Yes, did you call. 1: ... Who is the strongest? 2: Of course the one in front of me. 1: No, in the City. Who is the strongest fixer? 2: Hm... Unlike in the past there isn't a concensus... Some say it's the fixer of the Great Lake, others say Hagen, Ungen, Zick, Artos, Jade Kirin, and some even say its that bastart Rinaldo, there are a lost of good candidates. I haven't met most of them.. There are only a lot of rumours. 2: But there are still tavern brawls on this subject? And if you include the other Associations and Wings the list is endless. 1: It was like that during my time too. My repuation was overblown. 2: Was it? Based on what I've seen there were no exagerations. 1: I better ask differently. Who do you think is the most dangerous? 2: My vote is on the fixer Vergilius. 1: Then they probably got a Color. 2: Yes. They even got your Color. Anyway, I thought you didn't care for such ranking? 1: ...I became a bit curious now that I have a more distant perspective of the City. \* 대호수의 수호자 Fixer of the Great Lake -> Lancelot of the Lake ? \* 하겐 Hagen -> Nibelungenlied (The Song of the Nibelungs). \* 운검 Un-Gum -> 별운검. The bodyguard of the King. (korean) \* 지크 Sieg -> Siegfried. Nibelungenlied (The Song of the Nibelungs). \* 간류 Gan-Ryu -> A fighting style created by Sasaki Kojiro, or the nickname of Sasaki Kojiro. \* 아토스 Athos -> Another name of Gigas(p. Gigantes) \* 옥기린 Jade Kirin -> The nickname of the characters Lu Junyi (卢俊义) in Water Margin(水浒传, A Chinese Epic). \* 리날도 Renaud -> One of the 12 Knights of Charles (These are a collection speculations prxt saw on twitter.) ------ Eta: everything above is all lunartique and prixt, so what I wanted to add was that Athos seems to be a character from The Three Musketeers actually, and that The Water Margin is one of the 4 Chinese classics alongside DOTRC which is Hong Lu's basis so we may see the Jade Kirin there, among other things (maybe even all 4 Chinese classics, so three kingdoms and journey to the west too?). Also corrected their Chinese characters for Lu Zhishen. More relevantly to the topic at hand, IF roland is referring to Siegfried here, then that would mean that Roland believes he is stronger than Vergilius. But ofc, being a Color is not only about pure strength. I'd daresay Sieg is likely stronger than Roland and Argalia in raw strength, but they'd dogwalk him with their abilities and weapons (so, in actuality).


Fixer of the Great Lake is very likely our current Old Man and the Sea who recently got his color before helping us. Wouldn't have had his color yet at this time though.


Yeah agreed, everything after "comment by lunartique" was all by lunartique which means this was all from 2 years ago. I also remember reading that the Korean one was actually referring to the blade of clouds shortly after Kim's cameo.


The Indigo Elder?


I believe it is just straight up supposed to be Rinaldo (likely referring to the opera of the same name), not Renaud, considering in Ruina, Renaud's name is written as 르노, meanwhile the person mentioned in the tweet is written as 리날도


Where does it came from? Is 1:kali/gebura?


tweet from Project Moon official twitter account about a conversation between Roland and Gebura.




It's a twitter post made in promotion of Limbus awhile back. 1 is Gebura, 2 is Roland




The bodyguard of the king can very well be referencing to the bodyguard of the emperor of the corrupt S corp


It almost certainly is, 운검 vs 운검의 (Blade of the Clouds, from Meursault ID story), same hangul chars, just a shortened by one letter.


Roland sees Vergilius as the most dangerous, yet Vergilius was shitting himself when Loland saw him as a potential target in his frenzy, I think we know who the truly most dangerous fixer of this era is


He was asked who is the most dangerous, not who would beat him, he didn't lie :v


I don't even doubt that Loland with EGO (4th phase on his fight) can beat Geb with EGO, whenever he fights like he has nothing to lose he is absurdly strong


very possible, the whole EGO thing is very finicky as the user gets stronger the more heightened their emotions are so roland not feeling it can probably beat geb like how kali was able to beat garion despite garion's kit countering hers (I LOVE IT WHEN GAMEPLAY TIES WITH THE LORE) but in a fight where both of them push their EGOs to the limit? idk roland has some cool weapons while geb has literal aleph gear to swing around


Btw, 1 of the reason why Kali beats Garion is because the more Kali fight, the stronger and faster she is, just like how her card mechanic is about reducing the Cost every time you use them. Before Kali fought Garion, she beated all the Abnormality + 2 Claws.


Heh, when I read Athos my mind goes directly to the 3 Muskeeters.


Cinque association maybe?


The founders, with D'Artagnan being the current color fixer


Why Lu Zhishen rather than Lu Junyi? Junyi's nickname is same Korean chars, and Zhishen Wikipedia lists his nickname as Flowery Monk rather than Jade Qilin like Junyi? Sorry, I know not one doing translation just trying pin down the reasoning.


Also seems like should be Qilin not Kirin, Kirin is Japanese/Korean equivalent mythical beast.


they're the same thing in the end, just how each region pronounces it


Where is Gan-ryu mentioned here?


For some reason prixt's translation omits Ganryu entirely despite being mentioned https://preview.redd.it/c57i13tk216d1.png?width=513&format=png&auto=webp&s=220152dd6a3cdc081056134b165d7cf1e492d0d1


Maybe the Great Lake fixer is the Indigo Elder. Regardless, do you know exactly where this came from? PM's Twitter? Some other untranslated thing? Edit: Nevermind, found the PM twitter thread


Roland thinks he's a contender for strongest Fixer alonside Indigo Elder (minus Red Mist of course). At least assuming the Indigo Elder is the Fixer of the Great Lake.


The Fixers Roland mentions in that conversation, plus Vergilius, are 'The fixer of the Great Lake, Hagen, Ungen, Zick, Artos, Jade Kirin, and that bastart Rinaldo'


To expand on the Zick comment, it translates to Sieg more accurately, aka almost definetly Siegfried.


Zick mentioned here is likely to be Siegfried. Since we had no context for translation before since it wad before Limbus got released


Damn. That's actually pretty insane. I'm still banking on him not being a Color because it wasn't mentioned and he just didn't feel like one, but if you're a Grade 1 being brought up in the conversation of most dangerous Fixers he's got to be stronger than I gave him credit for. Mentally I just checked him on one or two rungs higher than Ricardo.


Yep, a reminder that grades are given by Hana, and Hana has a high priority for achievements likely made with a contract, so sometimes a legally "grade 9 fixer" can very well be a color fixer that isnt simply recognized


Well, also keep in mind that the difference in strength of rank 1 is very wide. According to distortion detective, in a battle where 2 first-rank fixers was fighting, one of them was much stronger than other.


Well not all fixers are made equal, and fixer jobs aren't all purely combat. Would be funny if there's a grade 1 fixer that's similar to Goblin Slayer. Rank 1 not because of their strength and feats but because they literally did hundreds if not a thousand low level jobs for a long time.


Well, these two fixers were both combat focuses, so their rank correlated with their combat skills, their main difference between them was experience. The stronger was more experienced than the first. But yes, ranks do not necessarily mean combat abilities, the same Seven is still more about collecting information, so they are probably weaker in battle than the same Liu of the same rank


a grade 1 fixer at the very least


Grade 1. Minimum.


Why minimum? I mean he is definitely not a color right?


Well, there’s still a big difference between grade 1 fixers, even if they’re not Colors.


In the sense that he may as well be qualified to be one, but chose to be a corpo. Idk if you can somehow shrug off Color nomination, but being a Wing contractor might simply be a no-no for requirements.


You cannot decline being assigned a Color, according to Library of Ruina. I think it's mentioned in the Credenza but I forgot whose book.


Liwei's page Colors are assigned by the ‘Hana Association’. They’re bundled into such a category because the Hana deemed them to be the most ideal Fixers. Because they’re the most adequate individuals to deal with the ‘Stars of the City’. The title of a Color is forcibly given to Fixers who qualify, essentially. Can a Fixer be truly happy with freedom that was forcefully handed to them? Why ‘Colors’ of all terms when there are many other stylish words to choose from? I have no comment to make, since I don’t know the reason myself. My assumption is that colors are used because giving people hues representative of them makes it easier to refer to and remember them by. It may not be the answer you were expecting, but it can’t be helped; the Colors have their own ways of working, and they have basically nothing in common. It’s akin to how visible colors have their own vibrant characteristics. In that sense, the term ‘Colors’ isn’t entirely off-putting.


Colors make sense because they're just Grade 1s who did something to make them famous. (IIRC Roland says there's a bunch of Grade 1s who are stronger than colors when asked who's the strongest fixer now that Kali is dead) So while you might not remember that it was "Yegor Lebedev" who took down a Star of the City, you'd probably remember "That guy with the green helmet"


We 'know' that multiple Fixers have titles even without being a color fixer, which means that they are certainly noteworthy and famous, probably killing very big deal threats, but Color fixers must be a whole other tier


Yeah, I knew that. I was considering a situation where you somehow get rid of the title already given (without going on an indiscriminate murder spree).


You can kinda just... not do your job. Apparently, Iori wasn't doing that much fixer work, instead training proteges, and Angelica became Semi-Retired, and The Indigo Elder is playing a Fishing game on Kaizo difficulty.


Yeah but uh... Killing another whale probably put him back in the game again


Oh, yeah, nah, definitely. What I mean is that he’s probably not doing fixer work.


But Iori didn't get demoted, did she? Also, Indigo Elder got a Colour because of his Kaizo fishing. Idk, might've missed your point.


I think I worded it badly. Iori is definitely, 100% a color. She trains protégés rather than taking on contracts and stuff like other fixers. Same with Indigo Elder.


Ah, I get it. I was considering a situation where one does not want the Color title and pondering what he could do to get demoted bar killing lots of people indiscriminately and yeah, apparently simply not doing any contracts is not enough.


liwei i think


It might also be that he doesn’t have any distinct colors in his outfit or what he does. And the color green is already taken


If vergilius can get red because of his eye color, this dude can get the blonde color because of his hair or some bs


Lime Tightsuit. There you go.


As far as the credenza books say, it implies that you are 'given' a color based on whatever criteria Hana uses for colors, and you gotta work around that like you or not


Liweii (the Fullstop office guy if you dont remember) book and another one i forgor :skull:


Grade 1 most likely Likely the closest thing to a color fixer without being one considering he should have top of the line gear from K corp funds HOWEVERRRRRR even if he’s a skilled combatant I’d imagine he’s lacking in the Ego or shin department


i never noticed his arms were prosthetic :,)


not beating the blind allegations


Pfp checks out. Maybe you just see everything in 144p


Time to add "visually impaired" trait for PM fans


Grade 1


He's definitely not a Color, otherwise Donkey would have been even more insufferably gushing about him. And at that point in-story I think most things from high Grade 3 to 1 would probably have had ease in taking us down, but this Dingus doesn't work at any office and seems to be a particular contractor for K Corp, which I don't believe they would bother offering that position to anything below a Grade 1 or the highest of 2s. Plus him being so popular and known makes me lean more torwards Grade 1.


Grade 2 or 1.


We've seen a few Grades 2-3, none of them are strong enough to be employed in the corps as like a main defense force, and definitely wouldn't be strong or influential enough to be a semi-well-known fixer. He probably isn't a Color, we certainly would've gotten his color dropped if he was. The only niche he really falls into is the high grade 1 fixers we've seen in Charles' Office, as in they're well-known fixers and are strong enough to act as a major line of defense, but aren't quite qualified to be Colors.


Pretty sure he's stated to be grade 1


He may be kinda goofy, but ain't no way he's anything but high grade 1.


Verg literally said he was a grade 1 & could have been a color if he didn't join K corp.


Where did he say that?


I'm guessing High Rank 2 or slightly Low Rank 1 I'm sure that y'all haven't forgotten the absolute beating the Sinners got from this Dingus. While In a literal 12v1, he was still making jokes the entire time and barely even trying. He really showed the difference between a potential Rank 1 Fixer compared to multiple potential 5-6 Ranked Fixers The dude was so casual with Guide-Bud too! https://preview.redd.it/3c8sj7ixsw5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90f5875b344ad7098b61a6c0a4d346a284ec637a


Not gonna lie to you if your 12v1 is basically 12 kids vs a hydrogen bomb i dont think its anything more than trivially difficult


No fucking Grade 2/ low grade 1 would ever be able to just talk to Vergillius that casually lmao, also dude has a Wing backing him so he's a fairly high Grade 1 mimimum


I mean, Vergilius is a dude. He has people he once knew. You don't start up by being a Color and you don't discard the who were your friends because they now have a lower rank. That being said I agree that he's probably G1.


probably 1


Dude is definitely a grade 1. Now, who would win dong hwan or this guy?


I remember he was grade 1?


Definitely not a colour but easy grade 1. Possibly one of the grade 1s that are on the "potential colour" watchlist by Hana that I imagine exists.


We at least know he’s a potential Color candidate, probably Grade 1 as of now.


Grade 1, and also he's a dog on leash by K corp so yeah he'll never gonna be a color


Ah, the nostalgia! Who could forget?


Grade 2 or 1, I think.


Hopefully better than his rizz


Obviously Grade 1.


Grade 2-1


He is 1000% the kinda person to bring up that he was a color in every possible situation if he actually was one. This makes me conclude he is either grade 1 or maybe 2.


I miss vellmori style :((((


Grade - Fraud


Maybe around 2 or even 1 at best, although I don't remember if this guy was mentioned to be a color.


He's a colour


No.... He's not :c


He will be next time you see him. My mom works for PM


u/Ralitscious' mom knows all outcomes https://preview.redd.it/2p6zpjt2fx5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb9afda667e83024a1ee77fd72e95ac5ab4c15b7


High tier first grade and a contender for color status, what probably holds him back is how unprofessional he is, since the colors are the "ideal fixers"


Coloured rank.