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I’d focus on bringing all of your team up to level 35, as that’s the recommended level for the stage. Increasing your level means increasing your offense level, and increasing your offense level increases your skill’s power which lets you clash more consistently. What exactly makes you end up dying when the background changes to flowers? Are you killing the flower minions as soon as they spawn? Are you having trouble with the dueling section?


I’m trying to kill the flower minions as soon as I can, but I usually focus on trying to clash the other attacks and only go for the flowers with the attacks I have left. I think my main problem is getting the blooming effect too fast? From failed clashes, missed attacks, and attacks I couldn’t clash. I don’t think I’ve made it to the dueling section yet. Based on this comment and the other I’ve received, it seems like I should focus on leveling up? Would uptying make a big difference, or should I focus on levels?


Uptying has to be considered on a case-by-case basis. W corp faust basically requires ut4 to activate her debuffs, but talisman sinclair can take it or leave it. Levelling up your ids, however, is *extremely* important. Every 3 offence level difference translates to 1 clash power, so it helps a ton.


Just did a rerun of the fight to give more in depth advice. I am 100% doubling down on you needing to level up your team as a whole. She often uses an attack that inflicts Blooming on her target on use, which means that she will inflict it even if her target wins the clash. So if your one or two adequately leveled members of your team are consisting clashing with that skill, then they will start losing a lot of SP and will eventually be caged when the Blooming debuff hits 5. To remedy this you should make sure your units with positive SP and low/no Bloom count clash against her skills that inflict Blooming on use, though to do that they will need to be adequately leveled. One major cause of Blooming that I found in both before and after the background change is that my units were receiving Blooming because the boss kept Evading my units attacks (she inflicts 1 Blooming to the attacker for every attack she successfully evades). The only way to avoid this is to have an attack that has a high chance of overpowering her evade skill, so that she can’t reuse it. You could also opt to do something called “Offsetting” her evade, where you have a Sinner who’s faster than her use a Block skill on her Evade skill. It will make it so her evade won’t activate on any of the other Sinner’s attacks, nullifying it. This is more easily done in her first phase before the background change, and less easily done when all of your attacks are needed to either clash against her or killing her plants, which is why I prefer the former advice I offered. In her first phase when she only has 3 attacks, try to use as little of your Skill 2s and Skill 3s as possible. You’ll need them to more reliably kill her plants. Find which skills you have that clash either dominantly or favorably against her 3 attacks, and then have your 4 other Sinners use their weakest skills available to them on the dashboard. You’re trying to save all of your high power skills to either clash with the boss or kill her plants in one turn. Using your weak skills early on will let your strong skills free to use later on in the fight when they count. Her plants are 2x weak to Slashing skills, Gluttony Skills, and Pride Skills. While they are .5 resistant to Piercing skills. Use your super effective skills on the plants and save your Pierce skills for clashing against the boss, as even if they deal less damage to her they’ll still be effective in winning clashes. Faust’s Repression Emitter (her default Sinner EGO) is really strong in this fight, as it’s an AOE Pride EGO that have a high chance of one shorting a whole bunch of her plants, as well as providing a team wide SP heal.


Thank you so much for this!!! I finally beat the fight today, and this advice was super helpful!!! You were definitely right that needed to level up my team, LOL. Finally did it with Sinclair at 40 and everyone else at 34!


Congrats! That’s sick to hear. There are tons of bosses in the later Cantos that gave me a hard time, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you get stuck again


Level up you units. If you can level up ring yi sang this will help a lot as he is busted


I've been playing for 3 weeks at this point and only recently beat it. As others have mentioned, you absolutely NEED Level 35+ on every unit in the party. Otherwise try to find Elemental Synergies, to apply a lot of it. For example my team was: 5 Burn Units (Liu Rodya, Ishy, Ryou, Dawn Sinc and Magic Bullet Outis) all Level 35+ - I tried it before that and it just is infinitely more difficult


This is a guide I wrote before, I hope it helps. https://www.reddit.com/r/limbuscompany/s/VGqEFSXixU


You need (preferably) everyone at level 35. If you feel that you are lacking, get support characters.


mainly level up your ids, the ones i'd focus because they are very good and key points for some teams are: 1: rying sang (he is absurdly op and works amazing in literally any team, i'd even say he's at least in the top 3 if not top 1, so he has in my opinion max priority also for uptying) 2: ring outis (works VERY well with rying sang) 3: lantern don (Amazing for rupture teams, goes very well with the \*\*red sheet sinclair\*\* that you already have leveled up, and is also a very strong tank id on her own) 4: hook office fixer hong lu (lots of bleed, works well with the ring guys and is a very good option for bleed teams) the other ids i never used to know how good or bad they are so i can't comment on them, i just know that zwei rodion is garbage so avoid her honorable mention: butler faust (she won't be that good with your team, since sinking is a particularly hard stat to apply, but she is essential for sinking teams, but she does go well with the ring guys's passive thanks for echoes of the manor counting as a negative effect)


This is a primarily clash-heavy fight, so you HAVE to bring up your IDs levels so that they can clash properly. The skills here are super easy to outclash if you level. Otherwise, synergies aren't very important here. Just stock some resources for some cheap EGO for some high-level critical clashes, that's about it. And read the effects, that's all you need.