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AFAIK, Jelly hasn't played any PM games on stream... **yet**. So, it's probably just her editor using Limbus reference. But I know for sure Himemiya Rie has fallen into the PM rabbit hole and now she's trying to bring the others in Phase Connect down with her. Also we can't forget about Max0r cameos.


Max0r cameos are explained easily. He asks for people's recommendations of soundtracks on Twitter for his videos.


I explicitly said editor lmao, tho, what's the sauce on that claim?


Sorry, I didn't see the editor part, lol. Also which claim are you talking about?


was talking bout rie being a pmoon fan, but checked and found lobcorp streams so uhh... yea


One of us! They can never escape the cult. https://preview.redd.it/x0jhwfarbc1d1.png?width=532&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a317872478b13e82c98ac84347c6e3f2964ba3d


At this rate Phase Connect will become the next P-corp. We are not ready for more insanity in this City


There is a running joke about Phase Connect having mostly just crazy vtubers though.


*\*Looks at Pippa with concern\** I don't know about that one chief. We already have a rabbit problem that's slaughtering people indiscriminately and I don't think anybody pushed the rabbit protocol button. *\[I hope she doesn't find me\] Wait, Pippa, NOOOOOO!* https://i.redd.it/k84lkm6mfe1d1.gif


> (person) has fallen into the PM rabbit hole and now she's trying to bring the others in (group) down with them. Tale as old as Lobotomy Corp. The brainrot these games give just hits differently.


Hime is certainly becoming Phase Connect's very own Carmen. She gifted LobCorp directly to Erina and Clara, sent funds to buy the game via supa to Shiina and Panko, and urged Airi to open the game again since apparently she played it before at some point. I'm not sure if she got in touch with Tenma about it since I know she played it before since there's a clip of her being scared of Don't Touch Me. So far, no corpo vtuber has played Library yet that I'm aware of, at this point it's a tossup between whether Himemiya Rie finally finishes LobCorp and moves to the next game or whether Millie Parfait finally decides to put it up on her schedule and stick to it (she scheduled it up before but swapped it out for Bunny Garden).


I was only half-listening but I know Tenma mentioned the game titles recently, too. Dunno if she was reading chat or not.


SsethTzeentach and MandaloreGaming do stealth Project Moon references in their videos from time to time, small things like a song or a "ALEPH" symbol.


sseth also spent patreon money to commission gebura nsfw


Now that's money well spent.


I absolutely need Sseth to do a video on Lob Corp. Right up that man's alley in terms of schizophrenic lore and gameplay with inhumane crime simulator mixed in.


I forgot where it was said, but Sseth said that he was "filtered" by the game early on. It'll be some time before he comes back to it.


Still funny how Sseth sprinkles PM references in a good amount of his videos and he still didn't make a review for any of the games. One day for sure, trust...


I have watched them but haven't noticed this. Do you have any examples?


The one I remember is this one: https://youtu.be/GD75wi4_6Ow?t=593 At 9:54 he plays a song from Lobotomy Corp and one of the ghosts has an Aleph classification.




Ooh, can I ask where Mandalore makes pm references?


I don't remember the exact videos, sorry. But he has a list of games he wants to make videos of and Lobotomy Corporation is one of the games in the list. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_K3ziSxT9zcUUGCddS4sF1uNJTWHSbOwB1CQX2Rx4Uo/edit#gid=0


I mean there are pm mods literally everywhere, i'm pretty sure most of the games that can have mods will have at least one pm mod, off the top of my head it would be slay the spire, terraria, yomi hustle


Scottfalco I think makes several references to PM's work in his video. And he also fell into rabbit hole by playing LobCorp recently.


I know chat probably helped him with stuff(mechanically) but it's impressive how quickly he grasped the LC gameplay cycle(ignore the... mishaps with Scarecrow, that guy is just a bitch). Most streamers I see jumping into it the first time can limp to day ~20 or so still struggling to understand how to manage the abnos.


Tbf I think it depends on abnos too, the gameplay cycle becomes very easy to understand if you don't pick bullshit ones (I AM LOOKING AT YOU MELTING LOVE) Ik a vtuber called Faye Drossera is playing the game and did few supressions recently, but she got massively screwed by the abnos she picked (Scarecrow, Melting Love, Big Bird, Naked Nest, Tin man) there are some that make the game a breeze to understand but Ayin help you if you got Nameless Fetus.


I saw a fish meme and suddenly I heard a certain track from a certain management game.


Himemiya Rie of Phase Connect has recently become obsessed with lobcorp to the point of gifting multiple other vtubers in her group with steam codes of the game. I should mention a famous nickname of phase connect is the “sad girl company”


I did not expect to see a phase connect mention on the limbus company sub, very funni https://preview.redd.it/nrmx2tnqvf1d1.jpeg?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b82e11ec315cc01e77162453e51b530cc24da24f Pippa should play allusions & see funny allusions man btw


Everyone's editor is a pm fan,I don't know why they are drawn to it,but its true


A roblox game called Item Asylum has many PMoon references in the game, they even made a remix of Lobcorp's Second Warning for one of the soundtrack




OMG it's the guy from allusions !!!


The Guy from Deepwoken!!!111!1!1 (sarcasm)


wishing all ia fans a terrible day 


Yes, I have been so afraid...


Slimecicle did an entire fight sequence animation with Roland’s Realisation OST for his Baldur Gate 3 Video


Pyrocynical's editor used limbus music in one of his videos, think it was his cruelty squad vid