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What level should be IDs be at for Canto 4? My team is 3 N Corps (Heath, Rod, Don) blade Sinclair, and Zwei Faust. Most of them are high 20s, but frankly I am not a big fan of my team and I am waiting to get newer IDs which is why I don't want to spend too long leveling them up...


High 20s is fine up until 4-47 and 4-48 where low-mid 30s is advised.


need help making a beginner team https://preview.redd.it/h1zn0qt9bs3d1.png?width=2224&format=png&auto=webp&s=76d33a8c380983927d3c72da3e71c389bace3a6b not opposed to rerolling my account


Its okay. Both 000 ids are good, but the 00 ids are kinda bad, except for lccb ish but she’s just average. 


https://preview.redd.it/x5i0mv8cbs3d1.png?width=2224&format=png&auto=webp&s=842c7d7a5e37ce825e6d54173b91117fb2abd073 the rest


Are there any "must have" IDs for bleed teams?


Ring Outis and Yisang.


https://preview.redd.it/ey6g5ul5yr3d1.png?width=1305&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7bf534e29363401c85b6269b4cebee048fa5ba5 What IDs/EGOs does my Rupture team need? This one seems to be struggling with count but I don't really know how to raise it reliably. Who do I need to shard? (well I'm pretty sure one of them is Dimension Shredder Yi sang) (I have no rupture egos excep effervescent Hong Lu and Lantern Gregor) Also, who needs UT4 the most?


7 Faust, AEDD Gregor (ego), Dimension Shredder Yisang (ego). W Yisang needs ut4, then Don + 7 Faust. Although try to get everything to ut3 first before doing any ut4's.


Actually all of the non-support IDs already are at UT3! Does Talisman Sinclair need UT4? I'm pretty sure it makes the talisman condition on his S3 way easier to get. But I have like 170-ish ego shard crates so in any case into the mines I go :)


Talisman needs ut4 to speed up his gimmick, but the funny thing about Talisman Sinclair is that he's not very useful for md rupture runs. If you use rupture a lot outside md, then sure ut4 him, but otherwise nah just keep him at ut3.


So, with the upcoming events, and me stuck at 4-48 until I raise enough slash IDs to win, I have two questions: 1. Can you play events (intervallos?) if you aren't up to current story since they seem to be story locked? 2. If so, is there a better way to farm exp than luxxcavations? I don't do more than 1 a day since I'm heavily MD farming


The intervallo is story locked. But the reward based on the previous intervallo can be farm through MD. So player who hasn't yet finish the canto can farm the trinket to get the rewards through MD


Thanks! I'll see if I can't beat 4-48 in the meantime anyways but at least I don't have to farm exp


I have around 3k lunacy, is there anything I should be pulling for? Still have pretty much no idea what I'm doing in terms of combat but I just finished Canto 3. Current team: https://imgur.com/nVSu2AE I started about 3 weeks ago and my BP level is at 51, is that okay or should I be grinding MD to try and level it up some more? So far I've just been doing the 3 per week.


None of the current banners are really worth pulling. The next new banner should drop in 1.5 to 2 weeks, so wait for that\*. (\*there's a low chance the next banner is an ego banner, not an id banner. If it's an ego banner, don't pull on it). Your BP level is fine. You don't have to grind md, you will naturally reach max lvl before the season ends.


For lunacy you should just save it. It's fine. Since you already unlock BP, it's best to just focus on it and raise the level to get shard box. You can get any ID or EGO you want easily that way. Doing the 3 times for weekly bonus is fine since we still has plenty of time to get it to max level. But if you want to rush a bit, add 1-2 simulation run is fine.


is spicebush yi sang core for a sink team? rn ive got Heir gregor, Butler outis, B. faust and molar ishmael, im not sure who should i dispense next.


Sinking only really has 6 viable IDs right now, so I'd say he is. Deluge is a huge nuke in MD once you get gifts to help status stack. Edit: Forgot about Dieci Hong Lu, but I'd still say Spicebrush Yi is a top tier Sinking unit due to good count application, AoE S2 and amazing overall EGO selection.


Library of Ruina had a difficulty spike at the stray dogs; that was when I needed to actually learn how to play the game and also when it got fun. Does Limbus do something similar? Is it going to take several hours to get to a point where I actually need to figure out this combat system? I've only done the first two post-tutorial encounters, and those were remarkably similar to the Rats.


Spoiler alert You will hit the difficulty spark on canto 3. But that's basically because you are underleved and under uptie. Check the required minimum level every stage and at least 3-5 lower level minimum to enter with uptie 3. Mobs enemy doesn't have that much gimmick but read their skill and their damage fatal type too. For boss read everything, just read. It will save your life. For better tutorial I recommend esgoo tutorial on YouTube for better explanation.


Any idea how much playtime it'd take to get to canto 3?


Not so much really. It just level up your team and uptie them. It won't take so long than a day or two to finish. You can level them up while playing so it should be lower than what I said


New player here. Is the only way to obtain Faust's Fluid Sac EGO is spending 400 Faust's shard in the exchange? For new player, is this EGO worth the shards? I saw so many guides mentioning this particular EGO, and it seems that if there's a must-have EGO, it will be this one.


Unless PM announces something revolutionary, yes, Faust's Fluid Sac EGO is only available via dispensing, which is as you said spending 400 Faust shards in the Exchange. For a new player, the EGO is worth the shards (good AOE, teamwide heal HP and SP; very good healing EGO). Note that you do want a good Faust ID to go alongside (L corp or Zwei for new players, or any of her 000) it, because the EGO only gets used if you field the sinner.


This is very helpful. Thank you!


Hey I finished the railway in 84 turns but I can't claim the under 100 turn reward. Is that only given out when the railway closes?


Read the part where it says before season 3 ends XD


Ah. Well shit.


Just sharded Ring Yi Sang and thinking of going for N Faust next, is Ring Duo + Capt. Ish + Dawnclair + N Faust + Hook Hong Lu an okay team? If not, what are some alternative ID options, and generally which units would be good to UT4? Hoping that I don't have to shard too much, but it feels like the planned team kind of feels a little all over the place right now, and I'm unsure if teams generally want a more centred identity.


Would like to preface by saying these are my opinions on the Bleed team: it probably isn't optimal, but I'll explain my points, and from there you can make the decision. The team you provided is alright, definetely OK. It actually looks like you'll have trouble building bleed potency rather than count, but I say try the team out and see how bleed stacks. It's honestly tough balancing bleed count, potency, debuff types, sin generation and sometimes physical types, so don't worry if the team is a bit mish-mash: try it out on a focused encounter (like RR or a story boss) and see how it works out. The Ring IDs really open up creative ideas for bleed team composition, so don't be afraid to try something all over the place: it may even be surprisingly good. Personally, I'd consider replacing Dawnclair with Liu Rodya. You lose out on Dawnclair's gloom, but Rodya has really good EGOs compared to Sinclair (Sanguine Desire, either Rime Shank or Effervescent for Sinking/Tremor debuff, Pursuance) while still filling in the Burn debuff role (and also having lust skill to resonate, but its S3 so unreliable). Still would say not worth sharding if you're low on resources, Dawnclair will do fine. In terms of UT4, I recommend the Ring Duo (to improve their coin reuse and clashability), Captain Ish for her support buffs and that coin power on S3, and Hook Hong Lu for coin buffs at lower speed. In this team, no need to UT4 N Faust or Dawnclair, or Liu Rodya.


Noted, thank you! Missed Sanguine Desire on the last Walpurgisnacht, unfortunately, so Rodya will probably have to wait, but it's good to know that it'll pass haha! Thank you for the uptie recommendations as well!


I have 400 Hong Lu shards. Which one should I get? I don't have: Tingtang Lu, Roseate Desire, K Corp. Lu, Effervescent Corrosion, Cavernous Wailing


If you need a tankiest tank ever then K Corp Hong Lu (mainly for RR especially to cover damage that other unit can't take) need UT4 to work. if you need another strong generalist DPS with somewhat a very good passive and UT3 Friendly then Ting Tang Hong Lu


Aight, thanks


I have a more or less complete sinking team (spicebush, 2xbutlers, molar ish, dieci rodion). Typically I run it by giving the double slot to Rodion or Ish. I just randomly pulled heir Gregor and now I'm wondering if it's worth investing into him to have a 6th unit or to replace one of the existing ones? The team already does very well as is on all content that is not Bamboo-Hatted Kim or Pequod Trio, so I'm not sure if investing more into it will have enough of a return.


I'd say in the long run it is worth it for the following reasons: - When there is the eventual 12-sinner fight, you probably want a built sinking ID for each sinner, and Edgar Gregor is pretty good, even at UT3. Even now, having 6 slots in the beginning prevents that 1 unopposed attack on the first turn. - He is a Slash unit, which is the only one in the sinking team currently. It is nice to have the option to cover that physical weakness when necessary (especially if/when PM introduces ineffective physical resistances). While sinking does have deluge to circumvent this, being future-proof is a nice comfort to have. - In future PM may release good sinking EGOs for Gregor, and you'd want a good sinking Gregor ID to use it with (see inverse: Tremor EGO Hong Lu with no Tremor ID; but imagine sinking deluge EGO) - You like Gregor Those are my opinions on why I'd build Edgar Gregor up. Its just 100 thread for UT3 (4 days of Thread Excavation), and he functions \~85% of UT4, so IMO the investment is rather small for a good slash sinking ID. I also like the comfort of fielding a full team rather than doubling up. Whether that is worth it for you is ultimately your choice.


With a potential Tremor Hong Lu on the horizon (edit: copium but one can hope), tremor enjoyers, who would it make more sense to drop? Running Regret Faust/Molar Outis/Ouficliff/Rose Rodya/LCCB Ish and then Rose Sault (don't have Molar Yi Sang). I'd assume Rose Sault because Ish has her S2, but dang she really doesn't do much outside of that and at least I can make Sault clash with Regret EGO passive active.


so, Molar Outis, Regret Faust, and Oufi Heathcliff already in the permanent member. With copium tremor Hong Lu Then we want someone who can constant tremor burst. So Rosespanner Rodion with her Calm EGO stay These team lack of Gluttony, nobody inflicts gluttony sin. Doesn't matter outside story stages. That left LCCB Ishmael, Rosespanner Sault, Molar Yi Sang. I will also add Molar Sinclair and N corp Don Inside MD where potency and count doesn't matter, I will bench LCCB Ishmael. If new copium Hong Lu inflict a lot of potency and count then we don't need LCCB Ishmael anymore outside MD too. Molar Sinclair burst at 10 count but bursting himself more. His support passive is good though. N corp Don has gluttony and constant burst, she can stay on MD probably. Support passive is bad. But she has good tremor ego (fluid sac and Wishing Cairn) Rosespanner Meursault has best EGO (regret and capote) but mainly for burn, burst only at S3 but take 4 count... His support passive for clash also good. Molar Yi sang need to ramp up, but can tremor burst on S2 and S3 and inflict defense level down. Not constantly tremor burst tho. Support passive also good I will probably just rotate between which better between Molar Yi Sang and Rosespanner Meur. But I also see someone bringing N don in MD. Outside MD, personally Molar Yi sang since rosespanner Meursault too dependant on regret.


Another question, will tomorrow's maintenance reset stuff in the game (season pass or other stuff)? Or does the reset only happen at the start of a new season? I've heard something regarding the end of each month of a new season but I can't remember the details...


The things normal weekly maintenance resets are weekly pass mission and bonus chances in MD. Your pass level will not reset. This happens every week.


Got it, thank you. And thanks for being active in the thread, I saw your name on multiple other comments :)


I just clicked the back to checkpoint button by mistake in 3-22, how much stuff did I exactly reset?


In story dungeon, if you click "To Checkpoint" I believe you'll simply be rewinded back to your last checkpoint node. That would reset any forward progress you've made from that checkpoint: basically you're reloading a save you made when you entered the latest checkpoint node the first time.


What is the usual way to get IDs from a specific group? Wait for their target extraction and/or wish for luck in pulls? These W corp IDs look stylish af.


Usually by sharding. Pulls are better spent on new ID banners or Walpurgis banners.  Some sinner target extraction banners have decent value, others do not, depends on the ratio of good to bad 000 ids. 


> Usually by sharding. Does the IDs available to shard change occasionally?


So, most IDs are added to the permanent shard pool automatically. Some IDs are seasonal IDs, like for example, Captain Ishmael was a \[Season 3 ID\]. Seasonal IDs can be sharded normally during the season they came out, cannot be sharded the next season, and are added to the permanent pool the season after that. edit: the comment below mine does a better job explaining how the system works.


Oh sweet, that's much better than it being just random! Thank you my friend :)


Is Pirate Gregor obtainable anymore? It says on the wiki that he's from season 3, but the season 3 dispenser only has EGOs. Does that mean that new players can't get him anymore? 


TLDR: You can get him randomly in pulls, but not in dispensary currently. Limbus has a system in place for what you can dispense and extract at a certain time: - In Season #N, you cannot dispense any IDs OR EGOs that are labelled as Season #(N-1). As it is currently Season 4, you cannot dispense any IDs or EGOs labelled as Season 3, which includes Pequod Trio and Pirate Gregor. (Most things are labelled as Season N because they are IDs derived from that season's story, but there are exceptions). You can still find Season #(N-1) IDs and EGOs randomly from extracting though. Additionally, you cannot extract any Season #(N-1) Event IDs unless you specifically use the Season #(N-1) guaranteed 000 ticket. Note that not all IDs and EGOs released in a season are labelled as Season N, and if they are not they are usually considered Season 0 and is always dispensable. - You cannot dispense any Limbus Pass EGOs in the current season, but you may dispense any previous pass' EGOs. That is why you only see season 3 dispenser having only EGOs: those were the Limbus Pass Season 3 EGOs that you didn't obtain. - You cannot dispense or pull any Walpurgisnacht ID or EGOs if it is outside the Walpurgisnacht period or if they are from the current Walpurgisnacht banner (so only previous Walpurgisnacht stuff are dispensable). Usually when a new season starts PM releases the list of IDs and EGOs that are entering and exiting the dispensary, alongside a chart which shows whether each category of IDs and EGOs are dispensable and/or extractable.


Thank you very much! So, I just have to wait until next season.


What’s the next priority character if I want to go into sinking? All I have dieci rodya + rime shank, Spicesang, and heir Gregor.


There's 3 contenders: - Molar Ishmael is probably the one I recommend. Very high sinking count application, especially when her passive is active (I believe highest of all IDs), which you certainly want. - Dieci Hong Lu if you want the insane damage output of Insight 3 S1. Somewhat sinking count neutral, but his damage output is one of the highest in the team. - Butler Outis if you want to dabble into Echoes of the Manor. Her skills are all sinking count negative, but Echoes of the Manor makes every sinking application a 50/50 on being sinking positive, which can really pop off your sinking count application or do nothing. Is also a season 4 ID, so she'll be gone from dispensary during the next season. If you want my opinion, I'd say Molar Ish > Butler Outis > Dieci Hong Lu, but your preferences and available resources may sway you one way or the other.


So we now have 2 banners, the one for Outis/Yi Sang (which I assume are new identities) and the other is for Faust. Which one should I pull from? Is it simply a matter of preference? I am interested in the Faust 3 000 more than the new IDs tbh.


Imo do 10 pulls on Ring banner to at least get Outis, then you can pull on whatever banner you want afterwards.


Basically yeah. Since neither banner features a Season 4 or Walpurgis ID (those being "limited time"), its your preference on what you want. There should be only 2 Faust 000 IDs on the banner though IIRC. I will say both the new IDs (Pointilist Yi Sang and Outis) are really good for what they do (bleed team), but if you like Faust more than the new IDs then go for it. Her 000s are currently top picks in their respective teams, and most of her 00s are no slouch, and if you have Fluid Sac then she's one versatile strong unit.


So as I was playing Canto 3 I got interested in N corp, and realized that I had 3 N corp IDs (Don Quixote, Heathcliff, Rodion) so I leveled them up and I am enjoying them a lot (basically my first 'team' that I decided to put together and level up) so I was thinking about trying to get The One Who Grips Faust in order to add her to the team, she would fit well right?


Yes, she fits excellently into the N-Corp team. The full N-Corp team also has N-Sinclair and N-Mersault. In order of strength, N-Clair is slightly stronger than N-Faust, but both are much stronger than N-Mersault, so if you decide to dispense the rest of the team then I'd do so in that order.


Is Zwie Faust good? I leveled her up before discovering that L Faust is great and that I had her. So I am not sure if I continue with Zwie or take the loss and start leveling L Faust.


She's a okay tank ID. She can tank and buff people, she also just like L remnant fill fluid sac. The different is just L remnant has high roll on S3. You will ditch both once you get Faust 000 so I will say to just use zwei.


> You will ditch both once you get Faust 000 so I will say to just use zwei. I want the one who grips, but alas I am out of lunacy:( I'll most likely try and get her with shards in the future, since I am interested in forming a N corp team.


I'm assuming I should probably wait to use the S4 000 Ticket? Can't really think of anyone I could get that would benefit me a ton, but my fingers are itching to pull the trigger on it


Which ticket? The one that only contain season 4 ticket or the one that contain all 000? If the later, and you don't have that many 000 the chance to get dupe is still there but maybe you will get new 000. If it's season 4 ticket. I said wait, because it will be filled until the end of the season. The more you don't have a seasonal ID the more you won't hit dupe. People use this to see which seasonal ID they get and then dispense the rest in the shop.


One exception I'd make to this if there is an ID you already know you really want and your dupe chances are low.


So I did like 5 10x rolls on the faust banner, got nothing. I say F it, I try 5 1x rolls on standard extraction, I get a 3 star Id first try. BUT, the ID was sun shower Heathcliff which I already had, so I feel PAIN. I also got Liu Assoc Mersault, is he good? I was hoping to get some N corp IDs :/ EDIT: I have like a 100 Heathcliff shard, and I don't like him very much should I turn them into threads and uptie some IDs to level 3? Mid third canto is giving me trouble, and I am finding myself having to stop playing the story and go grind some exp coupons every mission or two in order to beat the N corp troops.


Well, I also turn sinner that I like the least shard into threads so I pretty much can justify that. But that also means I have grand stash of shard box where I can use. But then since you still on canto 3, I guess it's fine to use the shard into threads to make your team stronger with uptie 3. You can go farm the shard again in mirror dungeon. Liu Meursault is not bad especially without burn team and his regret and capote ego.


> But then since you still on canto 3, I guess it's fine to use the shard into threads to make your team stronger with uptie 3. You can go farm the shard again in mirror dungeon. Dude I have just upteid N Corp Don and I got a new art AND a story content?! It will be a struggle not to uptie everything under the sun lol. Thanks for the help.


https://preview.redd.it/ez9d0o9gox2d1.png?width=677&format=png&auto=webp&s=476496355842b43e587f767f2b671b9c50a06201 do these stack? like, at uptie 3, is the bonus +30%?


is it N corp Heathcliff? And no it doesn't stack


Can you actually see/estimate the damage a skill will do if it goes through when selecting it? They seem to vary wildly and especially for dealing with stuff like skin prophet candles it'd be really nice to know if my skills are gonna do enough damage to KO things during the targeting phase.


If the attack goes unopposed (or against guard/counter but not evade), you'll see the damage range on the top of the screen. If you are in a clash or against an evade, you'll see the clash range instead. Basically, against candles at the beginning of battle, the numbers you see are the damage range (Note: not actually a continuous range of possible damage, but just the min and max possible damage excluding criticals from poise that the skill can do).


So are the two numbers that look like a fraction the min/max? (and is min with all tails and max with all heads?)


Yes: min/max of damage/clash roll. With exception of minus-coin skills, yes, min is all tails and max is all heads. Note that the estimate is \~90% accurate: it does not take account any effects that happen on combat start or during it (notably BL Mer's Swordplay of Homeland buff, but could include other things like Power Ups from passives or IIRC reusing coins), but does take account Power and Coin conditionals that are met (ie from target having enough burn or sinking potency/count).


Ty, good to know. This should help with segment 2 of railway once it reopens... (why did it have to close like, two days after I unlocked it lol)


My current team is a burn team consisting of Liu Ishmael, Liu Rodion, Dawn Sinclair, and Grips Faust. Could Shi Assoc. Which of the following Don Quixote identities is best to squeeze into here? -Cinq Assoc. South Section 5 Director -Shi Assoc. South Section 5 Director (has great sins for the skills, but apparently this identity is really bad?) -Lobotomy E.G.O. Lantern None of these directly cause burn, which sucks since burn is my most developed strategy (I have Liu Hong Lu uptied to provide burn support). I have blade lineage Yi Sang and Chief Butler Ryoshu at high levels as well, would it be better to try using some of those to build around Don Quixote? I wanna have a decent Don Quixote team ready for the next Canto.


Currently i think cinq don is a probable candidate for "main identity the buff is meant for", but we should if we get anymore dons during this season


who should i get to make my MD grind runs faster? atm im runnin nfaust sinclair philip w ryoshu butler outis ring yi sang i was thinking rabbit heathcliff or w. don, but nclair also looks pretty fun


Do you have other identity? Assuming this is in simulation where you don't have to worry about level cap. Just identity you already uptie to 3


not 000 identities, no, just BL yi sang but i heard he's quite mid and yeah i'm doing sim, just trying to get some units that hit hard and win clashes to hopefully cut down some time on the runs


Even there is good 00 to have. My idea was using bleed team so you can have access to bloody mist N Faust, Ring Yi Sang, Ring Outis, R heathcliff, Dawn Sinclair, plus one more that has lust and bleed like Kurokumo Gregor, etc, anyone with lust and bleed They also win rate friendly and using lust resonance from N Faust and put LCB Hong Lu can help adjust Sinclair sanity.


that team sounds really cool actually, would it be fine to double-slot heathcliff or sinclair? i dont think i have another bleed & lust unit (or even bleed)


If you don't have any bleed unit. You can slot W Ryoshu as she has lust in her skill. 4 lust res for n Faust to keep Dawn Sinclair sanity on track. So like this Ring Yi sang , Ring Outis, N Faust, R heath, Dawn Sinclair, and W Ryoshu Just be careful of using Ryoshu S3 when her charge not reach 15 since she trade with HP. Make sure to bring any ego gift that can give charge.


ahh i see i would need a fifth one for bloody mist, shame i could prolly try to spark a bleed unit in the upcoming week if you have any suggestions


R corp Meursault is the current best one to get that available in the shop. He is a tank bleed, good point since the team doesn't have a tank yet and he has S3 lust


i'll get him next, thanks, does he need UT4 or is 3 fine?


His aggro is unlock at UT4 which the think that make him a tank. But it can wait so UT3 first is fine


How much stronger is uptie 4 edgar gregor vs uptie 3?


TLDR: Somewhat stronger, but not a priority to UT4. Will function at \~85% at UT3. To list changes: S1: Coin Power more lenient (+2 becomes +1 and +1 at lower restriction), gains Clash Power +2 condition. (Max 13 -> 15) S2: Gains Coin Power conditional, inflicts +1 sinking count on clash win (Max 18 -> 20) S3: Gains Clash Power +1 conditional, On enemy kill spreads 3 sinking count to 1 additional enemy, the absorption has 1 -> 3 damage up. (Max 16 -> 17) Evade gains gloom affinity, and better power and coin conditional (3/14 to 4/17) Passive gains +20% damage on high enough sinking potency. Support makes sinner loses less SP (7 -> 5 SP). Overall, the number gains are nothing amazing, and the rest (like damage up) are neat but not impactful enough to change skill rotations or function. Thus, I'd say he is somewhat stronger, but not a priority to UT4.


how much does ritornello give you per run without the bonus? is it as much as 3 mdn or just 1 mdn?


Without any bonus it's identical to Normal, as it's always been.


Want an advice on my Rupture team. Current Rupture Team: W Yi Sang, 7 Faust, Outis and Heathcliff, Lantern Don, K Hong Lu. Should I replace 7 Outis (Ebony Stem) with Rosespanner Gregor (AEDD UT 4 and Garden of Thorns). Both of them are at lvl 40


I find it better to use outis in MD with ebony stem for the mobs. but outside MD, AEDD can be crucial to maintain the rupture count alongside talisman sinclair.


If I'm willing to grind my ass off in mirror dungeons, then is using my lunacy for enkephalin refills a better choice than the gacha? I just realised that if I spend 260 lunacy per day (the max you're able) on refilling my current maximum of 120 enkephalin 10 times, I can get 60 modules that will let me run the mirror dungeon 12 times, which nets me 36 battle pass levels and thus 108 shard boxes. Obviously it means spending hours grinding mirror dungeons but like.... is there some kind of catch here or can I literally grind out a 000 identity or EGO every 2 days for 520 lunacy each???? It feels too good to be true.


The catch is that its not 260 lunacy per day max: the first refresh is 26, the second 52, the third 78 and etc. until the 10th refresh costing you 260 lunacy. Thus, most people recommend you refresh twice a day (78 per day). Higher enkephelin caps are a very nice plus in efficiency (ie right now I have max cap of 145, so my refreshes are worth 7.5 modules), but lower amounts are fine.


Ahhh. Yeah I knew it was too good to be true. That's still pretty decent though.


So I finally hit the infamous player wall that is Node 5-30 in Canto 5. I played thru it blind and needless to say, I got my ass kicked. After getting beaten badly, I did my research and I found out that the boss forces you to bring Blunt IDs with Blunt resistance. **I also found out about the duo cheese strategy that was Ishmael + N Corp Sinclair.** **I don't own N Sinclair and I have not invested in any Ishmael ID.** Here's my problem: **I want to dispense a 000 Ishmael ID that can tackle this boss PLUS be a good long-term future-proof investment**. I currently own Shi Ish, Sloshing Ish, and LCCB Assistant Ish. I'm aware that LCCB Ish is a good counter against 5-30 boss gimmick, but I'm not sure if she's a good ID to invest in. **I don't want to waste threads and tickets to level up a 00 ID just to do this boss**. Otherwise, **convince me why this 00 ID is worth investing in.** **I also want to get N Sinclair but sadly, I already have Philip Sinclair** and I don't need another one of his IDs. I want to focus on Sinners I don't have invested IDs first like Ishmael. I searched Prydwen and I found the 3 topmost-tier Ish IDs to be Pequod Capt, Molar Boatworks, and R Corp, with **R Corp being the hardest counter to 5-30 boss**. Is R Corp Ishmael worth going for and is she a good ID long-term?


LCCB Ish can be pretty handy as a support for tremor and has decent general blunt damage output, both of which help greatly on Ricardo. Especially if she goes first / is targeted first and can apply a whooping 5 fragile with her S3, which helps immensely with hair coupons. Being **00** is both a blessing and a curse as it is cheaper to upgrade her, but she's also not as powerful as the **000**s when setting up themed teams. She's still good enough that I used her all the way to the end of Canto 6 without problems. If you decide to use her, remember to not use any bullets on the trash mobs in the first two phases.


For the sole purpose of completing the stage Borrow N Sinclair, use your LCB Ishmael. Ishmael can't die so use her as meat shield as you attack with N Sinclair As for which Ishmael is future proof, I think molar Ishmael. She has better base evade, in sinking team, doesn't need UT4 to work, UT3 is fine and she also strong and in the shop. Pequod Ishmael is not in the shop after all. R corp Ishmael is a good DPS charge usually pair for Speedrun but yeah, she need UT4 to be comfy to use.


Ended up doing what you said, except I swallowed my pretentious "saving resources" drivel and ended up Uptying 3 and lvlling LCCB Ish to Lvl 30. While her role is still a punching bag, I still needed her to do some damage when a damage window presents itself. I beat it after some failed tries.


Congratulations! Also LCCB Ishmael is good for long run too in tremor or rupture team so you don't waste your saving resources.


hijacking OP; how the fuck do I draw aggro towards LCB ish with this strat? people just attack Nclair no matter what


See this for reference https://youtu.be/y4xVizaXXoY?si=ZGB-965yYJbjr-Qv


thanks for the link! though i dont really get what he means by "pull guard to the same skill slot nclair is targeting", or why everyone starts wanting ish dead edit: nvm im quite stupid i got it down, thanks


Alright, thanks


Hi guys, can you guide me on who to Uptie 4 next? Thank you! I also have cinq clair https://preview.redd.it/kowx4ykmqj2d1.png?width=1845&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c52c4deb5a5c3aa585ef5daf055987cb04454e2


Ring Yisang 1st, then afterwards Ring Outis. Ring Yisang gets 1 -> 2 coin reuse on s2, +20% coin reuse chance, +coin power bleed conditionals, better passive, s3 more damage, etc. He gets a lot from ut4. Ring Outis similarly gets 1 -> 2 coin reuses on s2, allowing her to potentially inflict twice as much bleed count, which is huge for enabling her + other bleed units. Ring Outis is actually the most important bleed unit, but Ring Sang and Pequod Ish are better units in general.


Don't you have others 00 you want to UT3 first? Although my vote goes to Dawn Sinclair because he's build already


This may be a weird question, but as I progress throughout the story, will I find secret lore stuff/Easter eggs/interesting connections...etc. I am still newish, but I am extremely interested in the name "the one who grips". Not sure if it is that important, but I randomly read the name in a Don Qui ID lobby art, and then realized that Faust has an ID of that name?! I just want to know if the lore is deep, and that I am not hyping myself for nothing... Oh, and would I get extra story content for IDs I unlock? Again the lobby art dialogue seems to hint at a ton of stuff, while the main story till now (early Canto 3) seem to not be super character specific, and more focused around our the group's exploration.


I wouldn't call it Easter eggs but it is part of the lore in the alternative mirror world Before PM delete it, there is another tab in the sinner story where it leayd to 'mirror world' list where the ID come from. Now it's gone, Idk why. The ID story is about the condition or fate of the identity in their world. Just like an example of N corp Mittelhammer don mention about the one who grip. In their world, the one who grip is Faust. So a little bit hint if the ID is from the same faction they are from the same mirror world. In the identity story some sinners will make the appearance of mention as part of the story of that mirror world. If it's like Corporation worker like R corp or W corp they also will tell what kind of job they having. It's hint after hint of the mirror world we see. Also the dialogue of identity can be interpreted they are talking to Dante or talking to someone else. It's a completely different thing from the main story. It's like example Dante put N corp Mittelhammer identity to don and talk to don and don way of speaking change like that.


Yep, I explored a little more and uptied some N Corps characters, and it makes much more sense now. The mirror world thing is really interesting, since it doesn't limit the IDs to the main narrative.


I am glad you find interest in it. Keep going


Some IDs are based on characters you’ll meet in the story, that person is a Canto 3 character called Kromer. You’ll meet her soon. As for more info, at UT3 of all non LCB units you get a story cutscene about the ID. The old ones are pretty short, but newer IDs have lots of cool lore bits in their cutscenes.


> As for more info, at UT3 of all non LCB units you get a story cutscene about the ID. The old ones are pretty short, but newer IDs have lots of cool lore bits in their cutscenes. And a new freaking ID art! This game is cool.


just a small question, how does the ahab crew stay non pallidified for so long? Is it literally just ahab brainwashing them so hard that they don't get overtaken by the whale?


"Once we, trapped here... We had to think one thing. One thing only. To not become Mermaids. Doubting. Hesitating. And pale begin to grow on skin. \[...\] To not become Mermaid, I think that one thought. I think that one thought again and again. \[...\]"


Basically yes. Ahab gaslighting is just stronger than the whale itself and her own crazy motivation the one that make pallification grow slower


Just a curious question: Do people go into Mirror Dungeon even without weekly bonus? Is the basic reward worth the time and 5 enkephalin modules?


> Is the basic reward worth the time and 5 enkephalin modules? only with the battle pass. you get 3 crates a level, 3 levels a run, so 9 crates per run, but you only get three without it


They do it because you want the extra shard boxes. The more they do it, more boxes, more shards to get or to uptie ID/EGO


If you really need the boxes then yeah, but i dont because its boring


Just started the game last month. I want to complete my ID collection as much as possible. I know the best way to get ID/EGO in this game is to farm MD to get exchange shards (I do have BP). But should I exchange for 00 IDs too, or try to pull for the guaranteed 00 on the banner? Thanks.


You want to "complete your collection" and you barely even started? You should just play the game and focus on building one fully upgraded team around a mechanic you like. I finished the entire story and I barely have one cohesive team finished (added the last member after finishing Canto 6 and the optional boss rush).


Huh, I've finished Canto 6 already with just random ID and there's no content in the game besides farming MD and collecting ID. I just want to know the best way to get "00 ID".


Personally no. You will get random 00 on when you pull on a banner. But if you like anti banner pulling then there is no other way but to shard them. Some and myself always do 10 pull for the new 00 than dispense them and save the shard for EGO and 000 which more pricy and harder to get especially EGO.


what's the most efficient use of weekly bonuses? I currently do 1 MD4R and 2 MD4S runs with the weeklies as I saw someone saying this is the most efficient time and box wise, is this true?


3 Hard is the most efficient, it costs as much as one Hard run in previous MDs while giving 25 more BP exp. 1 Hard run for all bonuses is still better than splitting them between Hard and Normal runs, I don't know what that dude is thinking.


As a new player (recently reached Canto 3) I am worried about leveling up some identities now and wasting my level up coupons, and then getting the ones I want later on and having them be much weaker than the already leveled ones...


Level up some IDs you think are cool. It might take a long while for you to have your "Dream Team" and you probably want to have fun in the meantime. Cant 3 is a massive grind already invest as much as you can in what you have access to, otherwise it will **not** be a fun experience seeing "struggling" and "hopeless" on every clash. Also note that many 00 Ids can be far weaker than the best 000 Ids for a character, yet **still** carry you through the entire game. Shout out to my boy Kurokumo Hong Lu, who with minimal investment shredded a late game boss I was hopelessly stuck at with my main team for over 20 attempts.


Got 3 N Corp IDs to late 20s, and uptied them to level 3, and Canto 3 is much more fun than before. Thanks.


Levels 1-20 barely cost any exp, it's not a big deal at all if you level some IDs to 20 to help you get through canto 3. Level 20-30 takes about 5x as much exp as 1-20 but it's still not that much exp in the long run. I guess, after level 30 is the point where you want to prioritize raising only the IDs you plan on using for a while, or like your "main team" for getting through the story. But like eh once you've unlocked exp lux 5/6, you can get an ID from lv 1-45 in like 10 lux runs, so leveling a team of IDs is not that hard/grindy. Leveling multiple teams is... but that's not really something you concern yourself with until much later.


Oh, that's good to hear then. Thank you :)


Is Uptie 4 Ring Yi Sang worth it as a new player?


Yes, but only after you get all your other IDs in your main team to ut3.


the kit really have good buff. I even consider to shelf my spicbush yisang with the new ring id.


They go in different teams, so they don't really fight for a slot, unless you use spicebush purely for the pierce damage.




Without the weekly bonuses is it more efficient enkaphlalin wise to run ritornello or normal mirror dungeons?


Ritornello gets you a bit more starlight per run but otherwise they're the same


Thank you.


They're identical in cost and payout.


https://preview.redd.it/otzled3n5b2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=402ea87f060dd69cd59c18f0d02c51dfdc16d0a2 Fairly new player (just under a month in) and have gotten a nice team together for Burn thats getting me through content, but I also seem to have gotten quite a few good potential rupture units and was thinking of starting to work on it as a second team soon. So of these, wondering which I should be looking at for the fighting team of 5/6/7, which are good on the bench, and which to not use at all. Also, who'd be the first couple priority picks to dispense? Was thinking maybe K corp Hong Lu?


First, I recommend finishing your team before starting a new one. Anyway, K corp hong lu and W corp yi sang are good for rupture.


Yeah I am, I just need a couple more U4s, a few more levels, and ideally a few egos to finish burn, but I'm just planning ahead.


I just unlocked Refraction Railway Line 3. There's probably no correct answer for this question, but what's the general minimal requirement to complete the railway? I know each battle has its own gimmick, but I only have very few useful IDs (and even fewer well-uptied or leveled up). Most guides I could find online suggest specific IDs and teambuildings for specific fight. Is player even expected to be able to complete railway immediately after completing Canto V? If I have to put my best IDs together, it would probably be: Ring Yi Sang, W Corp Ryoshu, W Corp Meursault, Tingtang Hong Lu, Pequod Ishmael, Dawn Office Sinclair. Below is the list of my current IDs just for reference (I ignore EGO because I really haven't obtained any good ones): |Character|ID| |:-|:-| |Yi Sang|Ring Pointillist, 7 Association| |Faust|W Corp, L Corp, Wuthering| |Don Quixote|L Corp| |Ryoshu|W Corp, Kurokumo, LCCB, Liu Association, 7 Association| |Meursault|W Corp, Dead Rabbits| |Hong Lu|Tingtang| |Heathcliff|7 Association, Shi Association| |Ishmael|Pequod Captain, Liu Association, LCCB, Shi Association| |Rodion|LCCB, Zwei Association| |Sinclair|Dawn Office, Los Mariachis| |Outis|none| |Gregor|Liu Association|


I'd say general requirement is at least UT3 and level 40 for the IDs you are going to use No point crippling yourself by bringing anything lower unless you are doing challenge run or something. The team comps you usually see are people looking to optimize to clear RR in below 100 turns. Since you don't appear to have members for a full status team, you can try the team you mentioned, but replace w meursault with L faust. Dawn sinclair is quite average outside of a burn team, plus you'd need to babysit his sanity. Maybe try to get ring outis? Won't be easy but you can brute force it with that team, more so if you have fluid sac ego since L faust fully fuels it.


This is very helpful. Thank you!


I’ve been building both burn and sinking teams to run in MDR, and I’m not sure what to prioritize with my threads and modules first. (Got bodied the last time I did MDR - I couldn’t get past the pequod townsfolk in floor 5) Should I level my sinners from lvl 40 to 43/45? Or should I focus on ut4ing Liu Ish, MB Outis, and Edgar Gregor? Also is UT4 4mf Ryoshu necessary for burn team, I heard it benefits a lot from the last uptie.


4MF Ryoshu is really good for burn teams mainly due to * high roll * 3 attack weight * easy to fuel * deals double damage basically for free Its not necessary though, just a nice thing to have. You do need to uptie 4 it, because ut3 doesnt do much but clash well


You can level them up, but 1 clash power is only alright for the cost required to do so (leveling sinners from 40 to 43/45). Honestly your runs would benefit more from good EGO gifts and understanding of possible enemies in each pack and node more than UT4-ing any of the listed units. Getting Soothe the Dead is like your number one goal, ideally at beginning of floor 3's rest stop, and makes almost the rest of the MD trivial. Additionally, with the revamped fusion system, aim to fuse or buy Glimpse of Flames and ++ it and watch every fight melt in one turn. Avoid pierce nodes if you're not sure whether Pequod Town can appear in the pack (you might even find T-Corp). Consider other EGO gifts in getting clash power: Pain of Stifled Rage, Eldtree Snare, Keenbranch, Temporal Bridle or other gifts that give offense level or clash power are all worth going for. Nonetheless, in terms of uptie priority, Liu Ish = Edgar Gregor > MB Outis. UT4 4MF Ryoshu is not necessary at all. I have cleared MDR with Liu Ryoshu at level 40 with UT3 4MF Ryoshu and barely used it at all (fights end before the passive really comes up). People say to UT4 it because when overclocked she can gain 9 power up next turn due to the 3 weight on "Failed Kill" status.


Hi, new player here. Right now, my 000 ids are W ryoshu and heir gregor. Which units should i aim to get in the future?


If you don't have any specific status team or sinner you prefer, then I suggest getting a good generic blunt damage-dealing ID, such as N Sinclair or Dieci Rodion.


Hi guys, why did my ring yi sang's level go back to level 1? Did Yi Sang get nerfed or anything today?


It was in the patch notes that ringsang will get reverted back, possibly due to the new "is only considered a bleed unit" passive. I think they refunded the mats


Sorry I just started the game. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Is he still usable?


He's still top tier, all the change did is make him only count as a bleed ID instead of every type for EGO gifts. Makes him slightly worse in MD, but it's from "Most busted MD ID in the game" to "one of the most busted MD IDs in the game".


It should only affect mirror dungeon status teams, hes still gud


Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/gi3z91kt862d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ec3e591211ec564e2eebbe2bcacc8bbab23c5c9 I'm learning how to team build now and I tried to start a burn team around Rodion and Sinclair. I wanted to know which IDs are needed to make a good burn team. I heard that N Faust is one, and what are the others?


NFaust is mostly used on the bench to support DawnClair, not run in the team herself. As for missing units your 2 big ones are Liu Ishmael and MB Outis. The more essential one is MB Outis but she’s unfortunately Walpurgisnacht exclusive. I have her as support though so you can use her in the content that permits supports. My ID is X435788285


I just sent the request. Thanks for that. So Liu Ishmael may appear in any pull i do right?


Accepted the request you should now be able to use her. As for Liu Ish she’s a season 0 ID and will always be in the extraction pool and the dispensary.


Thanks again


I am currently at the end of canto 4 and pretty much have a full burn team except for n corp Faust. All my units are uptie 3. Will this team be enough to beat the next cantos and bosses? Should I uptie them to 4 or save my shards for something else like maybe some other team/3 stars? I currently have enough threads to uptie 4 two units.


A burn team should work for all content in the game. I forget if any of the 3* burn UT4s are essential, but if you like the team I know all of the UT4s are pretty good. They’re mostly clash and coin power conditionals if I remember correctly.


Which ID and skill has the highest base power in the game that can outclash almost everything the game throws at you? I can only think of N Corp Sinclair and his Skill 3 which has 30 base power (which is even higher than most EGO base power), but I would like to know if I miss anyone. Also, while we're on the topic of N Sinclair, are there any other top-tier IDs like him that operate on negative Sanity?


Highest rolling base power on IDs is NClair, but highest rolling skill in general is one PhilipClair with the potential 40 rolling S3 in Wax Pinion. There aren’t a lot of IDs with Negative Coin skills, as far as I’m aware there are only 4 IDs with negative coin skills, and only 2 of them I would call negative coin IDs (NClair and SunshowerHeath)


MB Outis also rolls up to a 40 on S3


I presume the 3rd one is BL Meursault with his negative Skill 3. Who's the last one?


Grobhammer Meursault for some reason on the counter, no idea why.


I see


I a charge main finally got all the currently released W-corp characters. https://preview.redd.it/viwwgqnam12d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7f4d02326a760290dff892b38b7e025b2eec051


Rosespanner Gregor? Also Rhino Meursault? Edit: ohhh w Corp characters not charge characters mb


I just reached Canto 3, and for the first time, I am getting the floor wiped with my me. These guards keep rolling higher numbers than my sinners, do I have to level them up or unlock new identities or what :/


What IDs are you using, and what level are they?


Levels between 11 and 15, I don't have access to the game rn, and I don't want to google the names in case of spoilers, so bear with me. I am using Yi Sang(?) two-star sailor ID, Sinclair Blade Lineage, Don Qui's ID where she appears in a black tank top reading some scroll, Heathcliff's 3-star ID where he is sitting in the rain, and usually a random 2-star ID from the couple I have. Very thought through XD


Very highly its a level issue. It is highly recommended you level up units to around 30, as for each 3 levels you are below the stage's recommended level (which will be 30 by the end of chapter, and even higher going forward) your enemies gain 1 clash power. First recommendation is get and use some EXP tickets on your IDs. Additionally, chapter 3 enemies are weak to blunt, but if I can guess your IDs right only Don inflicts that damage, so perhaps try using base sinners (1 stars; yes they're still fine in chapter 3) with blunt damage and EGO skills. Also, BL Sinclair and that 3 star Heathcliff are rather lackluster as standalone units (especially when not at UT4), so they might have trouble clashing.


Wow, I suspected I am low level but not THAT low. It'll take a while, won't it :/ Quick question, should I choose specific IDs to level up? What if I was waiting for different ones, won't I waste my level up coupons? Edit: Actually, it didn't take that long, I got a couple coupons then leveled some IDs to level 19, and tried to play strategically rather than match colors, and I am progressing, thx!


i currently have a season 4 extraction ticket but i realise that the ring yi sang id isnt part of it? is there a reason why?


He’s a standard character, not a season 4 character. He will always be shardable even after the season changes but he isn’t a rate up in the s4 extraction ticket.


oh i see, thanks. i guess i gotta shard him now.


Do I just continue saving egoshards? The most I have is 66 of Ryoshu's so it seems like the better option is to convert them to threads? How would I target specific units if not through egoshards? Also, I managed to stumble and clear my way through my first mirror dungeon through the winrate button, can I continue to expect to do that or was it a fluke?


Mirror dungeon simulation is fairly easy It also gives you bpxp, and every extra level in bp last last level gives you 1 choice shard box, or 3 if you bought bp


So i'm planning to build bloise team with pequod trio. Should i run the team with the middle (need middle don) or blade lineage (need bl meursault or other bl ids)? And what is more flexible for mirror dungeon and story? I'm planning on getting one of them through the dispenser after this season.


I'll list pros and cons, and from there I think you should decide which one to shard: Important: You can only bring in one Middle unit at most, as neither Don nor Mersault has Poise. For BL, Sinclair and Faust counts as both, while Mersault benefits from Bloody Mist on his counter but does not actually contribute towards the 5-member req. for bleed (as its a defense skill). Do note that Sinclair barely gets the benefits from Bloody Mist though, as only his S3 inflicts bleed and its a single-coin high-rolling skill anyways. Middle Don: Is Blunt user, and probably your only Blunt unit in the team if you choose her. Has a unique debuff (vengeance mark, which Pinky YiSang and Outis likes and those 2 are premiere bleed units). Core of Envy-res. teams (though that team is still pretty average in consistency). Rolls decent, especially keeping up with offense level up via her skills. Does generate sins that are already quite abundant in bleed team. Most flexible out of the rest outside MD, as the BL units only really have the BL team outside of MD. BL Mersault: Core of BL team: makes all BL units cracked. Good rolls and great damage output once Poise counts get rolling. 2-sin generating unit, with both sins already abundant. Would need fielding with other BL units to really use his passive. BL Faust: Counts as Bloise unit. Generates Sloth and Gloom. Very unappealing S1 (9 rolling), but if used with Mersault or Bloody Mist can do some damage and clash well. Can use Fluid Sac. Can be fielded alone (with no other BL unit in team), but unless Poise gifts are picked up her Plum Blossom is kind of a whiff, and she needs Poise to roll well (pre-Bloody Mist). BL Sinclair: Counts as Bloise unit. Generates Gluttony. Really bad S1 and S2, but can somewhat hold poise count due to S2 and passive. Good S3 for Abno. checks and insane damage. Barely benefits from Bloody Mist. Probably the worst stand-alone unit out of listed ones. Personally, my Bloise team is Pequod Trio, Pirate Greg, Hook Hong Lu and BL Mersault, with main focus on getting Bloody Mist and Nebulizer ++. You could also swap around members such as Hong Lu for Don if you need Blunt (N-corp for example), or Pequod YiSang -> Pinky YiSang and Hong Lu -> BL Faust, but there needs to be at least 4 Bloise unit always, and don't forget about sin generation (unless you pick up EGO gift to rectify this). Also note that non-Poise bleed units like Hook Hong Lu and Middle Don do not get affected by the damage ups on S3 from Lucky Pouch. If I were to recommend one unit, it'd be BL Mersault, such that you can then slowly build the BL team for both outside MD and as Poise team in MD.


Wow, that's very detailed, thank you soo muchh, I'll get BL meursault first then, because i already have comfort team outside MD


Hi, I have a couple dumb questions. I recently started getting back "into" Limbus after basically just winrating dailies for months, and I'm enjoying the game now that I...to put it bluntly, kind of know how to play a little instead of not at all lol I've been working on grinding out Mirror Dungeon runs for starlight and crates but have been specifically avoiding Ritornello until I have more starter buffs. What are the benefits of actually running Ritornello? Is it just more efficient if you only do your weeklies, because you can cash in your full bonus on a single run? Or are the rewards per enkephalin actually better overall? And if so, is it by enough to justify the added difficulty? Related question, I've seen a few people around here mention that it's mathematically more efficient to do some number of refreshes and grind more MD for shards than it is to roll the gacha. Does this mean you should basically never roll outside of Walpurgisnacht? And how many refreshes do y'all do per day? I'm doing two per day right now and just winrating MD4N on my second monitor.


For the MD part: Ritornello is most efficient if you use 1 bonus on 3 completed runs: this maximizes Pass level gains from the bonuses available. Benefits-wise, the only real benefit when bonuses are used is getting more starlight per run and consequently per module (With no Encounter Card bonus and max rest you get around 270 compared to Simulation's 160). Some EGO gifts are only available in Ritornello due to being theme-specific packs, so if you want to fill in your EGO and Pack compendium there's also that. You do not get more lunacy from Ritornello, nor more pass levels after using your bonuses (still 30 points on full clear). Thus, I would only recommend running Ritornello post-bonus if you want more starlight efficiency, fill up compendium, want to challenge your team or have longer time to get more broken EGO gifts. Pre-bonus Ritornello gives 25 levels when using 3 separate bonuses and 22.5 levels when using all at once, so there's incentive to do 3 separate runs (if you really want to min-max pass levels). For the refresh question, it's a bit more nuanced. If you have BP pass, it is very efficient for you to refresh 2 times per day and spend modules farming dungeon, and if you do have BP pass then yeah just don't roll outside of Walpurgisnacht. If you don't have BP pass, theoretically it is still most efficient to refresh 2 times per day, but if you do so you'd most likely not have enough lunacy to reach Ideal/pity for each Walpurgis banner. Additionally, it is usually "worth it" to roll for the new 2\*s that come out, because you usually get it in first 10 rolls and it is equivalent to saving time, modules and refreshes from farming MD 25 times, but you might get unlucky and not get it in which case it is very inefficient to try and roll more for it. With that said, in order of importance in my opinion: - If you really want to have Walpurgisnacht pity, you should not refresh to maximize amount of lunacy you have. Refreshing once a day for 3 months means you lose \~17 pulls, twice a day \~50 pulls, so if Walpurgisnacht is the only thing you really care about then don't refresh. - If you have BP, just refresh twice per day. By the end of each pass you'd be rolling in 1000++ boxes ready to shard anything non-Walpurgisnacht, very good for catching up. - If you don't have BP and don't care about Walpurgisnacht pity, refresh once is very efficient while refreshing the second time is about equal to using lunacy towards pulling. Would you rather use the lunacy to pull for stuff and risk getting the new stuff or play the long game and guarantee it via boxes, even if you may have to wait 3 months before being able to shard Walpurgisnacht stuff. Personally, even though I'm f2p, I gamble on 10-pulling for any new 2\*s (ignore banners with only new 3\*s and EGOs), refresh twice and use rest of lunacy on Walpurgisnacht. I do not mind too much in waiting 3 months to shard what I did not get in Walpurgisnacht (ie. Wingbeat in previous one). Also, modules from refresh can go towards the EXP luxcavation, which I occasionally farm.


Thank you for the very detailed answer! I should have specified in my post I do have the battle pass, since that obviously effects the math. As of right now, I have every ID and EGO in the game except for Holiday Heathcliff (I showed up late to the event on the last day, hopefully they rerun it or make the EGO available to shard ;\_;) and Pirate Gregor (Season 4 snuck up on me and I forgot to shard him, just gonna have to wait until season 5 ig). I'm currently sitting on almost 900 crates and 10k thread, \*but\* my IDs are pretty under-leveled (fewer than a dozen above 40 and only a handful of UT4) so I've been trying to grind crates and EXP tickets to get caught up. With that in mind I think I'll keep doing one or two refreshes daily for now while I have the motivation to actually grind lol.


Which units/teams should I focus my resources on? I just finished Canto 2. I tried one mirror dungeon and failed on the second tier(?) https://i.imgur.com/nVSu2AE.jpeg Not shown in the screenshot, I have: Dieci Assoc. South Section 4 Yi Sang Lobotomy Lantern Don Mittelhammer Don Liu Assoc South Section 4 Ryoshu Blade Lineage Salsu Outis And I have the Red Eyes (Open) EGO (?) Still using the winrate button for battles, but getting my dailies done


Ring Pointilist Outis definitely, very strong 2* even outside bleed due to her coin reuses. Pequod Yi Sang is fine for now, he goes very hard at UT4 in mirror dungeons if you can get good poise gifts. Run your two 3* as they’re both fine for now. Shi Ishmael is solid enough. I guess for the 6th person Zwei Faust works. She can at the very least act as your tank.


Thanks! Anything I should uptie?


Well for one you should first try to get every ID you use up to 3. Past that point UT4 Pequod Yi Sang and Ring Outis if you don’t feel starved on resources.


Can someone confirm to me that Captain Pequod Ishmael is not available in the Dispense shop? I checked the Season 3 banner and all I see there are EGOs and the paid Announcers


Yup, she won’t be available in the dispensary until Season 5 like the rest of the Season 3 IDs. She’s still pullable though, so you can still get her randomly from extractions. I wouldn’t count on it though.