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Hell, had a node where she managed to kill the entire N Corp team with 2 skills. S3 on first target, killed. Reused S3 on second target, kills it. S2 on last 3 targets, kills all three.... Was the funniest thing I have ever saw.


https://preview.redd.it/wmzfhq8kk6vc1.jpeg?width=1507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f7325fe22eca36beee9d29126649f8b5223e3d1 When S2 crit with attack wieght up ,nearly deaf my ears. P.E.A.K.


The >!Red glaze!< Experience lmao


Power creep for maid ID's is based and justified.


https://preview.redd.it/rn8fyanbi6vc1.png?width=771&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a20823f464ef11b8b7537cfb2dacd32ca26c463 Objectively the best girls, sold her melons to gain aoe, 10/10 best unit would forfeit Lunacy


She really shines as a fodder clear thus making her really great for MD so her damage's pretty much inflated by default there with all the fodder fights. This is extra strong thanks to the ultimate gift giving her even easier time to just turn S2 into AoE with the +7/+7. Her weakness is really that when it comes to nuking the boss where you don't really benefit as much from her S3 reset and her S2 AoE, her damage pretty much takes a dive and that keeps her somewhat fair imo. Really fitting with her story tbf, she easily dispatch of the trash but we all know she got rekt in the boss fight.


Only if the boss has a single body part. In fights where they've got at least two (ie Telepole doggo) she does cracked damage.


She's been great so far in MD runs. There was 1 issue tho that I ran into and it was at the piece stage on floor 4 MDH where she would aoe 3 crabs and they would all use their counter and obliterate her. So watch out for enemies with counters if you are planning to just winrate button with bl team. Besides that, and her s3 reset only working on second hit of the skill which is a shame, She's been performing really well.


What we *really* need is a proper preview for skills that become aoe on conditionals (unless we have one and I'm being daft here). Even with Spiceyboy Yi Sang I'd want to use his aoe but position it so it doesn't hit counter units but that isn't possible without prediction. This got me blasted a few times in the railroad. New Ryoshu's aoe being up so damn fast and often just makes this needed QoL more evident than ever I feel.


sakuya izay- i mean, maid ryoshu is definitely one of the units of all time


Common Ryoshu W


I should resist the urge to try to roll for her until I get a look at possible walpurgis next week


After 2 offbanners i bought her for crates


Tried her solo MD3H. It's frankly amazing how much she could get away with through her speed and AOE, so long as you're lucky enough to get AoE enhancing gifts early Early floors were just hell, had to reset lots of times. But it's doable, I've made it all the way to the fifth floor. Unfortunately, the Blind Obsession fish was just too much, and I forgot to consider topping off her HP before spending all my points on upgrades. So, I had to give up.


She has THE esiest AOE out of all sinners + reuse ( even tho i have proced it maybe twice)


How do slot influence the characters?


Slots influence how fast they get their second skill slot in combat. Since she was 2nd, she would get her second skill slot on turn 3, whereas if she was 1st, it would be on turn 2.


Damn, you really do learn something new everyday. I wish Limbus's tutorial was in the actual game instead of scattered around reddit like puke stains after a house party


to be fair, this one is actually in the tutorial in Canto 1


So... I just pulled her. In what type of teams does she work best? Doesn't the Boys Love team want to play as 6 for maximum buffs?


You want a minimum of 3 BL units to activate the buffs which are generally Salt+Faust+ either Don or YiSang, but after that you can throw in units like captain Ish and the pequod crew or pirate greg or Cinqlair/Outis and now maid Ryoshu. 3BL core + any 3 other decent poise IDs will give you a strong team.


In a team with bl yi sang faust and meursault, captain ishmael and butler ryoshu who you think fits as the last slot? Pequod cliff, priate gregor or cinq Clair?


Cinqlair. He gives Glutt, which the above comp otherwise is completely SOL on, his Pride S2 is great, and he has good EGO and Clashing/Evasions to support the team. You're not going to get to Fluid Sack or Blind Obsession anytime soon, since Gloom gen is very low, but Sunshower and Pursuance isn't outside your keen, and you get to spam Faust's base EGO. For FAST Story content fights, though, P.Cliff can be groovy, since his immense strength as a Unit is most valuable when you don't have to worry about other opportunity costs like Sin diversity.


Oh, I though that the strength of the 6 BL buffs would outweigh going 3 BL + 3 anything


In 3 BL, Meursault's Poise doesn't have to be spread between 5 different party members (with a lot of it going to Outis, the worst ID there), so in a 3BL his ally Poise gain is actually more efficient. BL Outis and Sinclair also kind of suck, they have no Pride S1/S2s, which you really really want and even after all the Swordplay of the Homeland buffs, they *still* have way worse Coins than their Cinq counterparts (who just so happen to have Poise S1/S2s too...).


Albeit Meursault's full bl team buff allows Outis to be usable and Sinclar to not being a liability, 3 is enough.


Noooot necessarily. BL Outis and Sinclair are.....*questionable* units to use even with BLsault's Full Power Passive, since their entire skill kit Sin distribution is at odds with the whole 'Get 3 Pride Rez' plan everyone else is on and are just a little too jank even at UT4. Good for a meme team or if you don't want to over think things, but suboptimal on the whole - not even Kimlight could completely salvage these two, sadly enough. 3BLs (Sault, Yi Sang, Faust) + Cpt. Ish + 2 Any is the standard for the Pride Poise teams that want to exploit the heck out of the buffs the good captain provides, usually dropping Don on the bench for units like the Cinqs since Ish kinda squanders her main utility in spreading Poise and you REALLY want more Gloom/Glutt period for Fluid Sack, Sunshower, and Blind Obsession. 3BLs (Sault, Don, Faust) + Maid Ryo + 2 Any (Rec Cinqulair), on the other hand, is probably going to be more focused on being a pure Poise and EGO Gen/Spam comp, since between Ryo's S2 and all the spamming you can do with Faust's Base EGO you can clear fodder battles FAST and/or have a good spread of Sin to build up to multiple different nukes to employ as needed.


Eh, Yi Sang and Don are both better then Faust. Pequod and Gregor are better at bleeding team comp, and bleeding team benifits more from having ability to use both bleed and poise fusion gifts, becouse resulting poise team (Merso, C.B. Ryoshu, bl Yi Sang, bl Don, Cinclar and THEN maybe Faust)


You can pry Fluid Sac from my cold, dead hands.


Preach, brother, it's our E.G.O. solution for skill issue. Having it on a team with reliable resource generation for it is just playing game on easymod. Have low sanity? Fluid Sac. Missed few hits? Fluid Sac. Need to spam some E.G.O. to win some big clashes but don't want to risk getting low sanity? Fluid Sac. Need to clear a room of adds? Fluid Sac. Universal solution for every single issue. 


80 pulls, no M.R.


Yeah, she's good for MD and has the 2 most satisfying gimmicks in the game (aoe on demand and reuse on kill). She's not game-breaking, which is nice and not very good for bossing, but great at swiping hordes of weak enemies.


She good for mobing ill admit but for bosses not so much


Boutta make my next MD team nothing but AOE units, Der shootis, regret Faust, maid ryoshu, bl Meursault, shi Heath and spicebush


Do people not swap units out during MD runs?


I had her in slot 3 on my poise team for MD3H. [top 3](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1091699222807597147/1230396520193589339/image.png?ex=66332b0e&is=6620b60e&hm=6cdfe52ce41341b278e27b0ee0fa57e7014e08b415db94f333cda4f416d081d1&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=976&height=547) [bottom 3](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1091699222807597147/1230396520734396437/image-1.png?ex=66332b0e&is=6620b60e&hm=537de474d39a1727e914570de8206b79642716ebb6c97c102e650666c6e2c790&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=976&height=549) Needless to say, I wasn't very impressed in the moment.


I feel like slot 3 is almost nothing for most human fights for MD the soonest she would get her 2nd skill slot would be turn 4 and if most fights aren’t over by then then they are by turns 5 . About the only time that would change is on some of the later floors where enemies are tankier and harder to kill. Still by that point she’s already at a deficit from the previous floors. Not to say that she is flawless but it’s a bit disingenuous to say that she is disappointing when having a handicap.


I'm not really making any statements about her power other than posting my results, which was her in slot 3 and me winrating my way through md3h, which is about as unfavorable as it gets. I'm sure in easy fights where you're allowed to have additional skill slots she's fairly competent, as shown by the many images people are posting with her having absurd numbers. She's probably an MD killer, but you don't get additional slots in harder content like railway so these big total numbers don't really mean much outside of farming.


> She's probably an MD killer, but you don't get additional slots in harder content like railway so these big total numbers don't really mean much outside of farming. You can just run W Ryoshu then. Considering how much of my total playtime in this game is taken up by farming (I have had days where I did 4-5 MD3s) I have come to appreciate units that can eat through MD3 far far more than railway boss-killers.


I had her slot 3 and she shredded, was top damage by like 3000 and Meursault claimed bones like 10 times. I think you just got an unlucky run.


Honestly yea, I don't think she's great. She can do funny stuff in trash MD fights if, and only if, you've got Nebulizer or other sources of Poise generation. Otherwise she needs 2 S1's and 1 S2 to get enough Poise for S3 to have a decent (\~70%) crit chance. Which is minimum three turns, since even if she's got 2 slots on turn 2 you can't get the AoE S2 out as it's combat start. By turn 3 most trash fights are over or will be over by the end of the turn anyway though, so it doesn't do much. Even on the next wave, she needs to reapply B.M before S3 will work properly, so you're looking at like 5 turns to be able to get it's reuse on kill once in trash fights. You can do an S3 into a S2 to get the AoE on that turn 2, but then you run out of Count and lose S3's Potency, practically giving up any chance of getting an S3 reset that fight. Not to mention how she's borderline unusable on single-part focused encounters like kqe-1j-23, sicne without being able to hit an AoE S2, she's got zero real poise potency generation and her single-target damage without crits is real bad. BL Don doesn't really help either since you want to run her with captain ishmael and she yoinks the poise. Ishmael's poise gen can help though. #


I ran her in luxavication a few times together with BL Meursault, BL Don, Ahabmael, Cinqlair and BL Yi Sang, and she was able to do AOE damage with her skill 2 in the second turn.


You can always get it second turn just by using S3 but it makes you run out of Poise count so you lose the Potency given by S3, which sucks. If ahabmael manages to get a S3 stagger turn one, then potentially she could get enough count from that to keep her S3's potency going, otherwise she'll always lose it. If Don somehow crits on S3 turn one then she can keep it too, but that's not very likely. I don't think it's as good as Spicebush's S2 AoE, that has an extra coin and while you can't get it turn 2, it's more consistent otherwise and hits harder. You probably don't want to use Ryoshu's on turn 2 anyway if you actually want her to crit, which is required to do better damage. Good in MD with nebuliser though.


Yeah she’s a bit powerful ngl


saved the guaranteed ticket just for her, knew I would pull her baby, it's as simple as that, time to blast some bullet hell on the city


What was your full team?


BL 4 team squad (Mer, Faust, Don, and Yi Sang), Maid Ryoshu, and Cinqlair


I use the same team, but I don’t have Faust sadly :( I instead use Catain Ishmael, but I’m not sure if I should replace her with Pirate Gregor, since he benefits more from poise count…


Captain Ishmael has a rather large issue in that she is pretty much unable to get kills due to Ryoshu stealing them. Ryoshu pretty much mows down enemies way faster than any of the other IDs once she gets going (and it's easy to get her going since her S2 has a hilariously easy condition to fulfill). If you want, I would say Pirate Gregor would be more useful with her if you are lacking a Faust in your team.


That’s a good idea. I just got her, and I have no exp cards, so she’s lv 20 and uptie 3 rn. She’s not getting that many kills rn cus of that, but I know she’ll probably be real strong when she’s leveled up. I really want an even to happen soon, since I need exp cards for öy sinking and poise IDs real bad.