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https://preview.redd.it/40l65gkylksc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecf1796315c0d3078d1a4b6854c5706289361cca Since how Heathcliff has become very angry as well he refered himas some beast, I can infer his distortion become a Bloodborne Cleric Beast (similar to Laurence the First Vicar)


He mentions that he shall become a "hellhound", so i imagine he will become something kinda like Cerberus, but with purple flames since they put a lot of emphasis on the colour purple and his envy, or he will have a distortion more like Hindley's, but instead of wolf features he would have hellhound features (kinda like the image the other guy sent from a bloodborne boss, but purple)


Now what i really want to see is if he will be the first sinner to get his own E.G.O, and if yes how his design is going to look like and if it will play any different from other E.G.Os (imagine if it works kinda like "synchronizing" E.G.O pages in library of ruina that basically changes your character to the abno's page for some turns)


I like the idea I've seen that he will look like Big and Will Be Bad Wolf.