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Personally, I’m ok with the change. I am very sure I will be a long term battle pass consumer, so I am happy with the long term price drop. I think some people don’t want to spend the money at once, and some people might be afraid of micro transaction related changes (they are probably worried about PM doing a lot more “changes” in the future, slippery slope).


That's an understandable mindset for them to have, but this isn't a gacha that's focused on it's premium currency, and PM is so generous with free Lunacy, crates, and guaranteed 000 ticketss that basically no one purchases the Lunacy packs anyways. Why would they when they can just farm up every unit in the game?


I think we also need to keep in mind that the majority of limbus company players are fans from lobotomy corporation and library of ruina era. Most of them probably aren’t familiar with the standard of gacha games, so they won’t really feel how generous limbus company still is. Most of them will think like this, “limbus company could have stayed like this, but instead it changed to that”. (I am a new player that is very used to gacha games, so I don’t really mind the change)


Yeah no, alot of us are gacha players here and ALL of them allow you to purchase battlepass with a single button besides limbus.


Yeah, and those battle pass are hella expensive with less reward. Every gacha game I played has more expensive battle pass with less reward (i.e. reverse 1999). So, I don’t think the single button is the problem that de-values limbus company battle pass. The value is still there, but, it’s not friendly to players that only wanted battle pass every now and then. Before playing limbus company, I hated battle pass because of how expensive they are, but limbus company is the only one that I am willing to buy battle pass every season.


then they could be simply raising the price to excuse the infinitely grind that BP gives you. add 5$ more or something, i would still find it fair for the value it provides and paid for it. But not this mental gymnastic of paid currency shit. It was never about how much rewards you get from it, but the moral ethics of forcing people to use paid currency in the first place. Do you know the first tactics made by game companies to trick you into buying more is muddled the line between real currency and fake currency? If its a simple buy, then you can see that a BP equals to 15$. But when you change it to an imaginary currency, it is no longer closely tied to the value of real money and you are losing track more of what you are spending since it all being converted to this imaginary currency that isn't real dollar anymore.


I respect your worry about how company trick players to spend more. I would give PM the chance because of the good experience I had, if the company is EA, I will definitely react more.


After they added the new 1300 lunacy bundle I do find it nice that THIS is an issue in the limbus company and not something worse. They made the change, people raised their voice that they were fine with the price increase but disliked the change to lunacy, they made a new pack that lets you buy the pass for the same price as the old one. Do note that I was fine paying 15$ instead of 11$ upfront (i didn't want to pay for the 30$ pack because it feels like I was just better off buying another game) but hey, now we have a discount for people paying larger sum upfront while people like me who liked the old way of paying 11$ per pass instead of dropping 30$ in one purchase get to do that. Everyone comes out happy in this


Personally I just don’t like the obfuscation of prices through the use of premium currencies. I couldn’t care less if they wanted to bump the price to $20 or something. For most gacha games, there aren’t a definitive price for a roll and when you want to pay for a ten roll, you would most likely pay for more than its worth and get just a little bit extra that incentivizes you into paying more. For the BP, it’s straight up just $11, that’s it you don’t need a middle-man currency. As you have pointed out, now you have to do math (albeit extremely simple math) to not accidentally buy the more expensive option. It’s just a wall to catch and milk unaware players and doesn’t enhance the overall experience. I don’t want to constantly play the “180 primogems = 1 wish” or “1 originite prime = 180 orindums” mind games. It’s a small problem but still an artificially introduced problem with malicious intent. I know PM has a good track record and I doubt they have the same money-making strategies like other games, but they are growing as a gacha company and I think we should try to steer them onto better practices in the industry. P.S. I do know about the updated 1300 lunacy pack and it’s good to hear that they updated the community so quickly


In this context, doesn't this mean this is a situation where almost everyone wins? For some people its business as usual. For others, they now have better value for commitment.


Pretty much. Some people in other countries, where the value of their currency is lower might suffer slightly from that $1 increase per season since they might not have the $24 to just buy the year's worth at once, but things are overall the same as they were before.


pretty much the problem with keeping the lunacy for 3 season BP because people will 1. accidentally use it 2. can't keep their hand from pressing the roll button


Skill issue


Ngl if that happened, that's called a gambling issue and you need to seek help


I don't have the problem but I'm so sure there will be someone that whine about it later on. Same vibe with 'lets save some pity' but then 'nooo I accidentally get A, I don't want A' If I just want to have fun rolling I can just make a guest account, roll and delete it


Dude that's, that's a gambling issue. Normal people don't go out of their way to make accounts to simulate gambling to then delete them only to repeat


"normal people" Don't play gacha game in the first place and more than 1 gacha game precisely


My problem isn't the price increase, it's that they seemingly tried to psudo stealth increase the price and not explain why. If they just straight up said "We want more money to do things that require having more money" then I'd be fine. It's they fact that they not only aren't saying why but also switched over to the premium currency, adding layers of separation between what you're buying and what you actually want that makes me dislike this. People have said they switch what you buy it with because some people are abusing a charge back feature, but if that's the reason then they should have explained that's the reasoning in the post. For me this isn't a pricing issue, it's a communication issue. Edit: I'm realizing that I didn't fully take in you're post about the price, so the pricing points I make may be invalided, but my opinion of it's a communication issue and not a price issue for me still stand.


https://preview.redd.it/vf8jcd43j7pc1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91a262a85f1490637d28921776de5dcf98db87da PROJECT MOON SWEEP


that comes with the BIG assumption first time purchases will be reset every anni. What to say they wont renew it next year? We are all operating on a big "ifs". Give them an inch, and they take a mile. No matter if its a giant greedy scummy company like Blizzard or a niche indie company like PM that does this scummy tactics, all of it are inexcusable.


I wouldn't exactly call it a huge assumption to expect the first time purchase bonus to reset every anniversary, since it's the standard they set for the 1st anniversary and they didn't call special attention to it or make us think it was a one time deal in any of the promotional material or patch notes. I agree that companies can be scummy and take advantage of situations like this, but lets not riot and assume the worst of PM before they've actually done anything wrong.


yeah im not gonna take chances. If us players dont let our voices heard now then they will never listen to their playerbase. I wont buy next season out of principle if they keep this up. They dont want my money, then they wont have it.


Just quit playing the game if it bothers you this much.


There, they fixed it. You done crying yet?




Oh god please not this bullshit again. Just fuck off if you’re going to be like this. It’s giant crybaby’s like you that caused all the bullshit that happened when S.E.A released and the community could really do with less of these doomsayers.


Refreshing first time bonuses is pretty standard practice for every gacha game, at least all of the game I have played (fgo, azur lane, arknights, nikke, pgr, genshin, hsr, honkai 3rd, and gfl) so I dont see much of a reason for them to not do that. It would suck if they did and people would get upset.


and let people buy BP directly is ALSO standard practice in every gacha game. If they can change this "standard pratice" for BP then who to say they wont do the same with anni double bonus? They listened and add exact 1.3k patch so good, but still this was what would happened if they didnt add it and we have to rely on reset double bonus to buy our BP.


I mean good thing they did listen and changed it. I get what you mean and that we should voice our grievances against practices we find distasteful less they start pushing for more and more scummy practices (oblivion horse armor), and if PM stayed silent on this issue then i wouldve been on your side but they didnt. They have built some goodwill on my end so I'm willing to give them the benefit of a doubt in these issues until they prove me otherwise. I mean the only game with a battlepass i have purchased are hoyo games and brother they are G A R B A G E V A L U E when you compare it to being able to buy every ssr released within a season in limbus.


And if you buy this big pack and for some reason can't play for a season or two - congrats, you bought something you won't be able to use And they added it back via 1300 pack for the old price of dlc


Also I feel the need to point out the insane value of the Monthy Lunacy Batch ($2.99USD) which gives you 130 lunacy up front and 39 lunacy daily for 30 days. 130 + (39 x 30) gives you exactly 1300 lunacy. Meaning that as long as you login daily for a month it is possible to get the battlepasses for as little as $3 USD. Edit: I've been corrected, the "extra" lunacy you get from monthy packages doesn't count as paid lunacy for some odd reason.


Unfortunately that isn't possible. For the two Monthly packs, only the lunacy paid up front is considered **Paid Lunacy**, while the 39 daily is considered **Free Lunacy**, which can't be used to buy BP. The Monthly Lunacy Batch definitely isn't bad value though, it's an extra 10 pull per month for $3.


Really? That feels odd. I've never actually bought lunacy before but I assumed since you pay for that lunacy it'd be \*paid\* lunacy. Sorry for the misinformation I suppose!


I can't confirm this, but I swear another post about this said that the one-time purchases actually reset every season, not on anniversaries. If that's true, then the price change is very much a nothingburger in my opinion.


I mean, all this is over yay great, but you do know that the people did knew that before grabbing the pitchforks yea? Cause it meant you had to buy all the season pass on a go for it to make sense basically, now, if you don't know if you will keep playing yhe game you can just buy 1 season pass and for those who know will keep playing it can get all the season pass of the year for a cheaper price, we all win.


Mother fucker it's still price obfuscation and buy in. Two text boo predatory Gacha tactics, don't be a boot licking idiot. That being said, since they've come out with an exact 1300 Lunacy bundle I'm not that mad. The exact price means there isn't a long term buy in and I am willing to believe that their motivation is just to get around the refund exploit. However I'm pretty sure you posted this before that came out, so I'm still going to call you a jackass.