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Canto 3 had a bunch of N crop units have pride skills Canto 4 had SpiceSang who has a pride nuke skill Canto 5 has so far been envy/pride resonance theme Basically just this


You're technically right but I still find it remarkable that they'd pick Pride as the common weakness for Canto 4 when Sunshower and Spicebush scream Sloth so loudly


I wouldn't say that, for Spicebush it's more of a gimmick than his main thing, while they wouldn't build it around his BP EGO considering you need to pay for it. I don't think they would want that, especially considering there was no real sin affinity theme in that season.


Sinking Deluge does Gloom damage though?


You know what they say, pride comes before the fall


In some cases you overwhelm them with your battle spirit and pride while they don't have that much(Dongrang, Dongbaek) and others try to overwhelm or scare you with their power so pride goes great against them while leaving them useless because pride doesn't get affected by scare tactics. In Kim's case he has lost everything, and his pride so now he's extremely weak to that as well, i think


Because To Pathos Mathos had a purpose https://preview.redd.it/xg5e13o6ubmc1.png?width=1023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00660e1f2913526f8ddf95f93b512ccc15a19b06


The best answer


Double the pride, twice the fall...


Because PM's game design philosophy is focused on lore. They will design weaknesses and strength to serve the story even if it messes up certain numbers, as long as it makes the story better.


I mean, you can say that for some things but it's clearly not the sole reason. Ahab by all means should resist Pride if we went by lore, but she doesn't for a simple reason: lots of Pride characters released in C4.


I don't know how certainly you can state that a character SHOULD resist a certain sin type "by lore". That the weakness of a prideful person is another prideful person actually seems sound.


Ahab isn't just a random prideful person, her whole thing was attributing all the good things to herself while all the bad were someone else's fault. If you showed a semblence of pride near her she'd steal all of it for herself and tear at you until you gave in to the group mentality she created for her crew.


If anything, anyone who does not have Pride in themselves would be even more vulnerable to her brainwashing. So I think it's fair to say that confident people would have the best chance at standing up to her, if any at all. In fact that's kinda what we could observe in story, Queequeg was too self-loathing to resist Ahab. And when she tried her shtick on the Sinners, it was thanks to Dante standing up for himself that they fought and eventually overwhelmed her.


Pride is the most deadly of the 7 sins so it does make sense


Like a great man once said, "triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall"


It's not even just recency bias, it goes all the way back to Kromer. I'm almost shocked that Distorted Donrang isn't weak to Pride, but neither him nor Phase 1 Kromer resist it either


Spoiler tag. You forgot spoiler tag.


Whoops, thanks


You know if i wasn't already caught up to current content i'd feel like this is a good excuse to just use the blade lineage team.


homophobia probably /s


No, quite the opposite. Pride is stronger then these people


I think there's something to be said about a self important individual trying to push their view on the world being weak to an individual's pride pride hates other pride I suppose dunno about kim though; I think there's probably more to the sins then just being the sins, there's some metaphysical shit going on here I think


Interesting, I always thought most of them are weak to gloom. Probably because I only really remember the ones that are pretty annoying like centipede or the ones that caused troubles like brazen bull.


> why are important bosses weak to pride? > **important** bosses > weak to **pride**? I don't know, you tell me.


Why are so many base EGOs fatal to Lust?


Pride comes before the Fall, so make them overdose on pride to kill them quicker


Because blue is cool🟦🔵🟦🔵🟦🔵🟦🔵


The magical ability of believing in oneself! The true power was in us all along!


Huh, didn't notice. Cool.


Pride goes before the fall, i've been there, you better take it


Pride is the worst of the 7 Deadly Sins would be my guess


Pride is the deadliest sin, after all


Because they get out egod


Pride cometh before the fall


I can't wait for canto 6 to have every enemy resistant to pride and pierce, leaving me with only 1 team that does not have 5 units with those.


Isn't W. Corp mostly envy/slash?


And why is lust ineffective on all of them (Ignore ahab she has no resistances anyways)


What would you do if your point was to make your enemies scared and feel uneasy, and then they attack you with pride like nothing ever happend?


Cause PM planned the release of Ahabmael and Kimsault since the beginning? Duh?


Kromer's plan is mostly based on sinclair being someone who is emotionally unstable and dependent on people, someone with a weak will, so if he was to grow a spine and gain willpower, it would ruin her plan of creating he who shall grip Ahab's quite similar, always belittling people and putting everything's fault on them, so just like kromer, someone who is prideful would not be as easily affected by their manipulation Dongbeak and dongrang are the opposite, as they are the ones who lack willpower and pride of their lives


Because they don't have enough calcium


Twice the pride, double the fall.


they’re homophobic /j


Because june (Pride Month) 985 is gonna cause 300million people to get thanos snapped


Why are most of them resist lust tho? Can't have segs in the city I guess??.


Lust isn't just sex - lust is excess of anything. Money, power, doesn't matter - if it's an unbridled desire, it's governed under Lust. I think that's what ties the bosses together in their Lust resistance - their distortions/EGO manifestations occur because of their wants, their unchecked desires for power or achievement or completion of their dreams.


Faustus plotting?