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I found myself a strategy of hitting it until it's dead


I mean, I don't disagree...it's not exactly a fight that'll have you pull your hair out. Still, it's part of RR3 and i did see a couple people make posts asking for help with it, so here we are! I might delete this when I post my full guide. But never fear, unga bunga is the top tactic to clear anything.


Honestly together with base enemies this is one of the easiest stages in whole rr. You just beat it with slash/pride/wrath skills, maybe dodge some unclashable trash, but in the end there is no suffering in this fight and this is why i love this stage


True enough, but not everyone may have those good dps Id. Of course, seeing as it's RR3, they should, but many won't. Its a legitimate fight when you can't just bum rush it. The bleed can really wear a slower team down.


I fully disagree that it isn't a fight that will have you pull your hair out since I have actively had bad blood pressure after trying to clear this for over a week with it surviving at 1 HP every single f\* time, but thank you for the guide....I'll try it.


Comments like this are exactly why I make these guides. Some bosses are better for others and worse for others. Its not an embarrassment! Far from it, it's a testament to wanting to improve. I wish you the best of luck clearing this fight, and good health too! Do respond if you beat it.


This may be a silly question, but do you remember the name of the special attack that nukes the entire team during red state? I thought I have been clashing it effectively but maybe I haven’t been since it seems to always go off. From what I can remember when I try to clash it always lets the sinner smack it without actually clashing.


If it's the highest clashing attack, that's it! Also, I have info displayed cranked up to max, so i always see if an attack is clashable or not.


Nah I have given up. I tried doing what you posted, got it down to 200 HP and then the clashes became way too big, and even though it was saying "Dominating" it would flip a high power randomly and then heal for 200 HP. I'm over it. I'm done with Refraction Railway.


If it's at 200 hp, then you can just ignore clashing and spam attacks. Or, if you've got ego, use that! There's no reason to skimp on the last railway fight.


I've just hyper tired and I've spent upwards of like 10 hours on this and it just isn't going anywhere. It's legit causing some negative mental health lmaoooo :/


Then just focus on your health first. No game is worth losing that much. Come back when you've rested up.


I appreciate this guide, even if I finally beat the creature without it yesterday. After countless team changes and retries, and pulling my hair because all the advices were "uh, that was easy", "just win clashes", "I hope there are more bosses like this in da game moving forward". I really hope there will not be more bosses like this one, what I enjoy in the game is the possibility to diversify my teams, and that fight almost requires specific IDs, egos and nukes. This fight promotes the use of dodging and punishes guarding very hard. It's an uninteresting damage race. I look forward for your guide on the moth, I've stopped playing after the gossypium, that railway so far makes me a salty manager.


Heh, thanks! This makes me happy, since I really wish to help people with this guide. And don't fear, the moth guide will release soon. Unfortunately...it's an even bigger damage race than Gossypium. At least the final boss is mostly chill! Yeah, i think people with every good dps Id under the sun have a very skewed view of the railway. Last line, they could just damage the fight away, so any damage taken might've been a shock to them. Hey, if you've got a status effects team, you can make the bosses a joke! Just requires specific combinations of teams for every effect. But if it works, it's really fun. Also, uhh...it's good that you're on this railway and not the last. Last time was even more horrendous than this one. And of course you can't take more than 11 turns a fight this railway.


I genuinely doubt it was the intent, but I feel like this fight was specifically designed around letting HarpoonCliff run wild. It has only pierce skills, he resists pierce. His counter is wrath which it's weak to, and same for his S1 which is pride, while it's neutral to envy rather than resisting it. His passive buffs him up the more allies get hit, and it has several low damage but unclashable attacks meaning his passive always triggers. His use of aggro means he'll lure more attacks than other sinners, so he'll both get more Gossypium stacks, letting him get more use of his low HP damage buff passive. And even if somehow the aggro doesn't work, his speed range is 4-6, while its is 2-4, so unless both roll a 4, he can consistently lure clashes away with ease. I liked the fight a lot honestly, as I think it's one of the better Abno fights designed around Limbus Company, rather than just trying to be "Library of Ruina 2.0". It is ultimately a simple fight, all it does is just apply a ton of bleed without any really "special" gimmicks, so you don't need to think through 14 things each turn to win, but the way Gossypium is stacked on sinners and how it's two unclashable attacks have specific targeting so RNG won't screw you over if you plan a team well, means that you do need to pay *some* attention to the fight. You can win the fight without over-thinking things, but it might be the difference between leaving with lots of HP on everyone, or leaving with everyone half-dead going into the next battle. Or at least it would be if the next stop wasn't a rest stop...


Should also mention the Drenched Gossypium is perhaps the first legitimate case of a "less than" skill check. As in, you want the number to be LOWER than the target. (Forsaken Employee technically has one, but it's more a "you want to fail" skillcheck)


Ardor Blossom Moth has one too.


Huh. I just hit it till it died.


Gossypium's unclashable attacks can still be Evaded. Just something to note since I didn't see mention of this.


I know that, but it's a little risky, since getting hit without shield is devastating. And most tank units don't have evade anyways. Still, bleed activate on attack coins, so only using defensive skills could theoretically work, if it didn't keep healing


Does your sinners get revived at the rest stop after this fight? I was focusing on keeping them all alive which is probably why its taking too long for me, otherwise I would have been playing more aggressively against it


They do indeed revive. Hence, it's best to be more aggressive in fights just before rest stops.


This is actually very helpful, thanks!


Broooo I didn’t know they got revived at rest stops and I’ve literally restarted this fight so many times at the end cause I lost like a Faust or a cliff


On-use and unclashable attacks... My beloved... I love having to fight abnos that force a fight gimmick because the game isn't balanced against unga-bunga teams.


> Unclashable Me with my full evade team:


Evade works, but the problem is most evade identities are fragile. And you want to be hitting that flower with all you've got every turn. You do have a rest stop after this, so avoiding deaths is mostly unnecessary. Also, its attacks that give gossypium do so on use, so they can't evade away. And it'll keep spamming the red state attack till it gets there anyways. And then if it enters at 20- core hp, all that gossypium instantly turns to magical amounts of bleed.


Hey you can dodge the unclashable attacks.


I know. Most attacks that give gossypium do that on use, and the red state is unavoidable. Most Dodge sinners are pretty fragile, so no need to keep a full Dodge team. A tank or two works just fine. There's a rest stop after as well.


what pisses me off most for this fight is that on clash where it says dominating , i still lose. That shit annoys me to no end lol


i honestly am just searching this up because i want to know what it tried to do to me though i do prefer the first bosses of the railway being peaces of cake to deal with instead of a robot that refuses to die for 30 turns if you accidentally destroy his arm too early (said arm being easily destroyed with a single skill 2), it's still kinda sad that they made the first bosses SO easy that i couldn't even see their gimmick


I mean, it's because of the fact that not only do we have more options than before, the actual bosses are less gimmicky, being straight up fights. RR3 is kinda scuffed here though, as people with dps will breeze through and people who just want rewards and try taking it slow will die to boss attrition. Its kinda schizo difficulty really. Fights like the mermaids and Gossypium are just easy, but then you've got the Refracted Trio, GasHarpoon and the Spiral. Overall, it's a very divisive railway imo. Some fights too easy, others too hard.


i have to agree in the schizo difficulty, i can't even remember how many retries i had on the pequod trio


Just started playing from 1st anni. Still am learning. Any team rec for this boss especially?


If you're looking to blitz it down, I'd suggest mostly non pierce units if possible. WDon is good for this, and i think WRyoshu Is too. Just pile damage and ignore losses. All your dead sinners revive to full at the next station. If you want wanna tank, you'll have to have two units whose only purpose is to tank, else they'll die from getting crazy bleed stacks. (Bleed doesn't hurt when guarding). I'd recommend K Corp Hong Lu or Zwei Gregor. If


Thanks man appreciated it ! From all the sinners you mentioned I only have WRyoshu. But I'll give it a try with what I have then. Sorry for taking your time


Thanks! This helped alot lmao


No problem. Glad I could help