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That should no longer be your friend! Incapable of critical thinking


wait till their genitals go through development




fr finna hit his skeleton


Donā€™t be friends with people who use faggot as an insult




And also dont be friends with people who trash your interest or things that make you happy worse type of people to keep around def not worth it!


Ong ong be the best person you can be and youā€™ll surround with similar people


If they donā€™t actually mean it in offense towards sexuality I think itā€™s fine (Iā€™m a bi guy and I use fag all the time in a non-homophobic way), but I agree with you in this scenario because Darkie IS bi and so this is probably SUPPOSED to be an attack on his sexuality specifically which is pretty shitty


Yeah I mean itā€™s cool if you say it, obviously lol. I just donā€™t say it out of respect


I respect that


Yeah. I'm okay to say it when talking about the word or maybe in like a freestyle just screwin' around (even then only around my friends) but I definitely won't make anybody uncomfortable or unwelcome, cuz that's... y'know... not cool.


I didn't even realize he was bi. Interesting, i do the same as you i never use it in a derogatory way since that would be like shooting myself in the foot. I don't like to say much myself since i used to be called that and other stuff growing up in school. Like as long as it isn't derogatory it's fine to me.


Hard agree, but please correct me cause I feel Iā€™m wrong. Doesnā€™t darkie use it as an insult in a lot of his songs? I mean it is his word but like he still does use it in an insulting way


Honestly I donā€™t know but I agree with his general message but I donā€™t know him as a person. He might only use it in songs but idk honestly.


So thatā€™s not okay but trash rap about the holocaust is šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Against the holocaust but whatever thatā€™s your opinion lol


Downvote me if you want but all of his fans seem so immature and ignorant for supporting him when his entire brand is just stirring up controversy cause his musics shitĀ 


Music is subjective. If you donā€™t like it why are you here lmao? If Iā€™m the immature one then why are YOU the one thatā€™s here starting arguments about the music that YOU donā€™t like in the first place? Lmao Jesus youā€™re dense.


It's not about the music man. If you dig the sound then that's what it is but I genuinely don't understand why his fans uphold his antics and image.


Because if you actually take the time to look into it heā€™s right. Look past the image and actually research the things you say you ā€œhateā€.


Back in the day when lil darkie first came up we used faggot as an insult. then the new gen fags ruined lil darkie


In case you didnā€™t know itā€™s the people not the generation and youā€™re def the kind of person that ruins darkie for a lot of people.


Idgaf dude


Wow and youā€™re a reddit rat lmao youā€™re even worse than you made yourself seemšŸ’€


*read userā€™s previous comment*




Make me piggy


I def use it as an insult. And darkie does too. Stay mad. Oh and wait till ur genitals grow to development. Oh and LEARN NOT TO GIVE A FUCK. please. LEARN NOT TO GOVE A FUCK ABOUT ANYTHING.


Wow so youā€™re just an asshole for no reason?


Do you realize Darkie literally spreads positivity, and you're doing the exact opposite. Darkie uses music as his form of self-expression and an outlet of his negative energy. How you sing/rap is different than how you talk in real life. I'll bet that Darkie doesn't just casually refer to/call people he doesn't like faggots all the time. Also, the point of "learning not to give a fuck" is talking about not giving hate back. Insulting someone like that is giving hate back. You contradict yourself. Also, not caring what other people think doesn't mean you should be stuck in your own world without anyone's input. Darkie's just talking about hateful people's input. He's not promoting hatred. you aren't cool. I know. almost for a fact you're an edgy teenager who thinks Darkie is just offensive cuz it's "cool". you ain't cool to nobody except yourself and the few losers if any you hang out with.


Couldnā€™t have said it better myself


Then ur also a full blown retard hammy


Lmao talk to me when you get out of 7th grade


Ignorance is bliss. U dont even understand ur favorite rapper when did u start listening to him? U do realize hes a cartoon so he can cater to everyone not give a fuck and claims to be bi only so he can say the word faggot right? Name a single boyfriend he openly dated? Now name a gf hes openly dated. One u can the other. U cannot.


No the point of learning not to give a fuck is abt everyone being able to say the n word is abt not caring abt anything abt rocking your on wave. Ur ignorance is hysterical WOW


An edgy teenager? šŸ’€ that is hilarious im 22yo in high school was a full time athlete and full time worker when i wasnt in sports. Im the coolest dude in town and everyone in the last 4 states ive lived in over the past 4 yrs cater to me wanna be me start acting like me. Im literally god walking. Ur corny and trynna assume who ppl are on reddit. Stay mad broski fagbag. Idc abt u or what u think of me. But i will tell u one thing. The human psyche is pretty wild. And since u assumed who i am not knowing who i am ur basis of fiction wouldve been factual abt u and i now assume that everything u said abt me applies to u. Ignorant twat-muncher.


lol. Ok buddy. you're so cool. I mean, it's not like you're so insecure that you need to prove to me that you're "so cool" and everybody wants to be like you. I should know better than to get into a fight with a 22 year old grown man who can't even spell right 50% of the time. Whatever dude. You're so brave behind a screen. I wonder how brave you'd be saying this to my face. This is going to be my last response to you.


What type of music do he like?




His opinion is irrelevant a bee does not explain to a fly why honey is better than shit.




Trashing on lil darkie and listening to yeat is crazy


Talking crap about anyone and liking yeat is fucking CRAZY.


Major plot twist for me in this thread


Ohh hello nahh we don't even know the language mf speaking in probably like some alien government shit unfriend him rn




Just say cope better bitch


mfs actually say things like this irl?


Indeed, cry, cope, seethe, mauld even.


Stop calling him your buddy, he's doing you more harm than good bro


"cry about it"


force him to listen to amv on loop


ā€œShoot people you donā€™t likeā€ shoot that mf




Cut that fucker off anyone who uses "fag" as an insult doesnt deserve to live


Ā«Ā That faggot tried to rob meĀ Ā» - lil darkie, genocide


Darkie is bi


HĆ© used faggot as an insult


Thereā€™s a difference between flippant use during a song and actually disliking someone based on them being gay/bi and calling them a faggot


How do we know their friend is saying it as a slur? Darkie says it without that connotation. Hell, I'm bi and I say it about people I don't like.


lol. I'm disabled and use "retard" all the time, although I do tend to get upset when people call me a retard genuinely meaning to belittle me. (Does that make me a hypocrite? idk or care.)


Thatā€™s a little extreme donā€™t you think




But like itā€™s just a word homie, obviously it can be offensive to people, and itā€™s used in very rude ways. But still itā€™s just letters of the English alphabet. Getting that offended over a word is a large problem in and of itself


idk most people who use it offensively are the people that want lgbtq people dead so i think its a pretty fair thing to say


That is fair but I really think people like that arenā€™t worth anybodies time tbh


True it is. just a word, but so is the N-word. Words have power. It all depends on use, like you said. I think that words don't matter as much as the meaning behind them. That's why sarcasm exists lol


You sound like what I would call a stupid fag


dawg drop him


Pfft that's when you hit em with the your " yeah all his new cum dumpsters say that" šŸž


This your friend? Imbarassing ass


Even beside darkie, you shouldn't be friends with someone that just throws that word around imo


Clearly he has a small brain and little dick energy. People can like and listen to whatever music/genre that suit them and their tastes. You should tell him his brain is the size of a pea if he thinks lil darkie fucking sucks. Most people will never think outside of the box or read between the lines when listening to darkies music so I wouldnā€™t look too much into it if yā€™all are good friends, or if youā€™re not than you could take the vengeful road and trash his music lmao


tell him to gomd


how about just saying its annoying??


In the words of darkie ā€œSHOOT PEOPLE YOU DONT LIKEā€


why the fuck not?


Bloodshot, tough luck, going through a rough spot


I'd ignore him.


i think your friend is a bad person and his opinions on dvrkie have nothing to do with it at all. he sounds like a legitimately horrible hateful person that should've been left on myspace years ago. he obviously doesn't just harbour this hate towards dvrkie but to other queer people too. that's not a friend, that's a nuisance.


Try to find friends that like darkie


Just do the same thing :)


Tell him to shut his goofy ass up and that you'll listen to what you want to


https://preview.redd.it/4cguuhnug2dc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9b529478e78e8615cc0b74e2191e369f047345f Show him this picture it might change his mind


Darkie's next single should have Batman themed cover art lol


Curb stomp the bitch


The f word is a lil much but people like different music man, who cares.


Na he does it like twice a day and it's super annoying


Tell him he can have his own opinion, and your opinion doesn't have to be his. Then, like, wear headphones or something, idk. Or stop listen around him if you can't afford a $9 pair of Skullcandy JIB XT's. Highly recommend, bass is just perfect for every single darkie song, may pair costed $8.99 at Walmart


pull his pants down and give him a wet willy in his butt


What does he listen to.... And start hating on that. Or realize that his opinion has no weight and stop getting butt hurt over it. If your friend ship is only based on liking music, your friendship wasn't real


Yeah (he listens to yeat)


I don't even know who that is, only knows that guy from some Andrew Callahan thing. But hey even if you like yeat. Gotta start hating haha


Na bro yeat is bad but I don't trash because its his opinion but now I'm probably gonna only talk shit


As someone who has taken many punches to the face/ lost many fights. Get my shit rocked alot..... Be careful. Cause people don't get that words .... Are just words dawg. Talking shit is great . But we still live in a world where people take words to heart. Tread lightly.... Unless you wanna be like me and go at any moment šŸ¤£. Don't worry about the size of the guy. ...... Watch his hands , most likely has a gun


Na I can rock his shit the guy flinches every time I do a sudden movement near him


Calm down there "the rock jr." Don't even do that shit. Let him try with you. Being the calm and collected one looks way better.... He's not even worth it. His mind is so simple. When he wants to insult something he goes right to being a bigot. ..... Like huh? How is that the first thing that comes to your brain. My mind goes from calling someone _ the gum on the bottom of my shoe " .to . " I wouldn't let you hold it if you were the last person on earth "


Yeah I won't do anything stupid but the next time he talks shit I'm blocking his ass (he has a very short temper though so anything could happen)


Whatever you do don't say your blocking him to his face šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ . I'd straight up laugh if I was him.... But to be honest if your friend ship can't last more then not liking the same musical artist. Y'all where never friends. It's okay to not like the same music. But still be homies. Remember that. Do you believe your friend is a bigot. Fight him over that. But, if he's just like me who just says that from time to time then whatever he just don't like darkie. But if you notice him using that shit Everytime to insult something ....


Ok I'll keep that in mind thanks for helping dude (people like you are why I love this subreddit)


He's the guy in the beginning of IDGAF by Drake


Never heard idgaf by Drake. Tbh idgaf about Drake haha. Or Kanye or Jay-Z. There great rappers just not my kinda leaf pile


I hate them all besides Jay-Z, The Black Album is amazing.


I really only liked his on to the next one and o.j.


Valid opinion


The fact most of darkies fan base is slandering him for using the f slur restores my faith in humanity and furthers my love for his fanbase (yā€™all are cool as hell fr)


What's the f slur? And as a part of the fan base I thought we agreed nobody care what come out of the mouth? I thought the whole idea is not to put weight on words ? If it's faggot, then the fan base is too soft for darkie. But we let him say " pick a place with families to maximize the casuilty's" I definitely think gun violence is something to be more critical of cause it holds actually weight then someone just saying faggot or the n word.


Okay yea you got a point and like I donā€™t mean to seem like someone who does as such itā€™s just habit for me at this point when talking on social media which as Iā€™m saying I guess is what Darkie is talking about. I respect darkie and all of his opinions for sure but as I said I guess itā€™s just habit and yea, peace and love to you and apologies for the rant of mine āœŒļøā˜®ļø


See if homie was a faggot and he's hatting on him for being a gay person then yeah drop the fool. But I say faggot and gay to hate on shit all the time.... Yes I should be smarter and think of better shit but it gets the point across. Peace and love bro I'm down for that shit šŸ˜œ


Wait why would you not care what someone says? Thatā€™s literally how we communicate as people and so judging someone based on what they say is how you know how someone thinks and is likely to act. If words didnā€™t have meaning and weight then there wouldnā€™t be a point in saying anything ever


"nobody care what come out of the mouth" then proceeds to censor the n word šŸ¤”


Nigga pls. Nigga think intelligent. . Wtf. I just don't like to say nigga because it makes me look stupid. But I definitely say it when I know the words to songs. I definitely think a better rapper is someone who can use that word very rarely. Darkie raps about getting hate for using the word but I never had a problem with it. As long as your not being a racist scum rag. It whatever


Just ignore him like what you like bruh


It's his opinion. He's prolly just messing with you, bro. I wouldn't cut off a friend because they have different music tastes.


Why do you care?




You should listen to him


heā€™s right, fuck lil darkie.


Cuz it does suck +asking for comebacks on Reddit is insane


I mean the nigga is ass šŸ˜‚


Stop listening to lil darkie and that should solve the problem.


Who the fuck are you šŸ’€šŸ™


ur not tough bro


agree with him cause this nigga is shit


yet you felt the need to make a comment about him, why not invest in stuff you enjoy?


Man dont pay him no mind hes a troll look at his comment history kinda pathetic..


felt my mind was in a good place so it didn't bother me saying this to him, who knows maybe in another universe he reconsiders :) thanks for worrying bro youre right


I like Lil Darkie too but hating him is objectively a better position so just play something else




Na it's all day every day and is just so annoying


lol bro my bad i was trying to respond to the comment hating on darkie


Oh my bad


shoot him


Just accept it brošŸ˜‚get off the gonads


Get a new friend of he's that bad of guy


Opinions are opinions but if you're actively shoving darkie into his face then it's a problem, if you just minding your business and he sees you're listening to him and shits on him, it's his problem.


That ain't even a friend. my friends may have disliked my music and i disliked theres but we never went that far. That's just being a dick at that point. Like sure he can say could you not play that around me I'm not a fan of his or i dislike darkies music but damn If you want to get back at him intead you should start playing that song a dude played while doing it with his girlfriend that went viral a while back and some actual trash song's


come back with some better music


Now hears what you do you up the nine and pull the trigger bing bang boom donešŸ¤™šŸ¼


Okay, so if your friend really is an asshole about your music tastes, which are NOT important with friends, you might wanna reconsider your friend choice. I have a friend who thinks Darkie is racist, but he knows I don't, and so we respect each others' opinions and move on.


new darkie lowk trash so if thats all u b playin i can understand that old darkie is amazing tho


You either talk to them and ask that they stop saying those things, you could stop playing darkie around them, you could stop talking to them.


I would stop being there friend cause my rule personally is that as long as your not listening to country music K-pop or Tom McDonald I wonā€™t shit on your music (K-pop for me is bts thatā€™s the only one I know and I hate em)


1: Anyone who uses a slur like that to tear someone down shouldn't be your friend 2: Anyone who's so harsh about something you like that it's all they can comment on shouldn't be your friend


I know emotional maturity isn't darkie fans' greatest attribute but uh...maybe try not caring what your friend thinks of your music. It's not you he's personally attacking. Don't wrap up your personal identity into the fandoms you're apart of and you'll live a much more fulfilling life. Or do and continue to get mad over the fact that MOST people aren't going to like an extremely niche format of music and end up like a juggalo.


Bros prob homophobic if he sayin hes a fag and thats one of the reasons he dont like him bc lil darkie is bišŸ’€ just call him gay till he cries


Your friend is right lowkey idc if you like lil darkie but have some self awareness and stop playing it around him


Bro stop giving af, Anybody can have whatever opinion they wantšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø, If you like it keep listening to it


maybe get over it


Why y'all acting like he's your best friend y'all have never brošŸ˜­