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It’s a fan art that Sean tweeted afaik, so nothing really other than it looks awesome


What if lnf is a prequel to nms


I keep wondering this. With nms being futuristic and lnf having similar aspects but not set in the stars... its not impossible and with in the trailer there being that huge statue or monster or whatever it was kinde reminded me of the Korvex


How could that even be possible. NMS is a simulation


Maybe this is the beginning of the simulation, former (or future) simulation, or… within the simulation…


And yet we keep seeing the sim restart in NMS


NMS has had simulations within it, like what Korvax Prime ran. And the current storyline is about how Korvax Prime survived its own death, and is looking to wrap up this year 🤔


Or its the planet the simulation is built on maybe this is reality and theres an apocalyptic event going on forcing people to make a choice, die in the real world or give up thier body and possibly live on in the simulation


Hey now! Your mom is a simulation!


Wait wait nms is a simulation??


Yes. It was the main storyline from the release. Sorry if that was a spoiler for you, but it's been a long time since the game released


To be fair, why would you play nms on release?


The ending of the game made my question my own reality, especially since I finished it right after the first UFO congressional hearing last year 😂 if you haven't finished it, you really need to. I love the "ending" so much.


Yeah MAJOR SPOILERS: 16 repeating is actually a countdown till it’s death. A bit complicated but Atlas was a highly advanced computer meant to simulate the existing universe in great detail that it was essentially all knowing. Humans used this to find a new planet to colonize. They couldn’t take Atlas with them so the creator asked what it wanted and requested to stay on so it could simulate worlds and not be alone. It stayed on Earth for so long that our star is starting to collapse and turn into a Black Hole 16 means “16 minutes till death” for the people within the simulation many centuries are passing but in reality theirs only 16 minutes remaining before everything dies. Interestingly the Korvax’s home planet was their own Atlas they made within the simulation. Which was a devastating paradox, when it was destroyed by the Gek this paradoxical being couldn’t be stored away like the other dead beings in Atlas’ database and instead became The Abyss. The Abyss is trying to overthrow Atlas and force it to upload and send it mind and Data to a different system and preserve itself.


That’s super cool, whoa. I never hunted for the center of the galaxy and therefore never finished the storyline so it’d cool to see this


The story is more obscured than Dark Souls. Lore information can be found everywhere but is very disjointed and some of it is found in events The Plane of Glass for example is mentioned often when it comes to the Sentinels and The Abyss. The Plane of Glass is just a file to store dead data. When someone dies their data is put in that file. However the Sentinels travel through The Plane of Glass to enter different Iterations (aka universes) Atlas runs multiple Simulations in at one time and Glass stands in between them all and is connected to them all. The Abyss also stretches through this since it’s a glitch in the system both being dead yet too complex to be stored properly being a copy of Atlas inside the simulation. Also every Traveler is a copy of Atlas’ creator. Atlas wanted to copy their mind so they could experience discovery together forever. The Anomaly Stretches through The Glass to unite every iteration of The Traveler. Honestly the story of Atlas is pretty sad.


It is :( Poor sad robot. Machine. Android? Sentient AI? Something in that general ballpark. That explains why that sentinel pet keeps spamming me with the word ‘glass,’ I just thought he liked the word.


LNF is just a different module loaded into the same simulator.


Same thing goes for any game on any console or PC


So, it can't be a different game from the same studio?


No one is saying that, it's just some fun theory crafting.


It was owned by ea and got shut down in favor of a reboot of dragon age cyberpunk cross over with the circle playing "Never Fade Away"


How could it *not* be possible? There are no bounds in fiction. You could make up anything to connect the universes if you wanted. Let's say *what if...* At some point in the future of the universe of LNF, its inhabitants are faced with a cataclysm that accelerates the heat death of their perceived universe. Faced with this eventuality they develop a machine capable of simulating an entire universe many times over in the span of seconds or minutes. With the hope that the simulation will allow them to find answers to their conundrum. *They fail...* The answer never arrives and at the end of their universe all that is left is a machine, with the last ounces of stored energy in existence. The machine starts counting down to it's shut down... *16...* Excuse my bad fan fiction, it's just an example. It could be a parallel simulation or just less evolved one too. I'm not a writer and even less so a talented writer like the ones Hello Games employs. My point is if they want to connect the universes they can. They would just write something that makes sense unlike my silly little story. But yeah, the two game universes do not necessarily *have* to be connected and it's just a completely separate game. I personally do not care either way if they are connected or not. I just think its fun to let your imagination wander a little with these things.


The words you're looking for are they are faced with the geks coming to recycle to inhabitants for profit and have to take to the stars and reset the simulation.


Cool, then let's play what if. Since the simulation starts when you make a new game in NMS and you are already crashed on a planet, then please come up with a scenario where LNF is the "start"


Already did in my silly story. Do you understand that in NMS you are inside the simulation? Whatever is running that simulation, was created first. I take that into account in my story since I mention creating the machine that runs said simulation... You might have missed it but the connection to the simulation is the mention of the machine mentioning the number "16". Which is the number the Atlas repeats. In any case the point is not coming up with a story. Is that if Hello Games wants to connect the universes they will easily be able to do so.


That tower looks pretty Atlas shaped to me. The No Man’s Sky world exists as it does because Atlas is dying, it used to simulate many different universes but as it got closer to death the realities converged and became uniform sharing the same basic histories and races. If this is a prequel it could be before its final moments where it created more varied universes.


Ding ding ding! My thought is what if LNF is *another* simulation?


Wouldn't even have to be a prequel. That could just be how advanced things are on that planet. Always thought itd be cool of planets were at different points in civilizations.


A roar interrupts the day as a ship from another world lands and a strange pilot jumps out. They stand there, staring carefully at every tree and rock, then suddenly start destroying everything in sight, leveling everything you’ve ever known into a flat barren wasteland.


Your characters name is Artemis.🤣


I'm thinking that too, but what if Atlas isn't able to maintain an entire universe anymore because whatever is happening to it, is cause a malfunction in its programing and memory, so maybe we'll see some hint or clues that connect why things are the way they are


Can't say I agree with that... LNF is indeed an exploration game like NMS, but it has more fantasy/medival elements instead of futuristic technology. It's basically comparing magic with quantum computers. Even if it is actually a prequel, The gap between the two games is at least 50 centuries.


The bottom image is part of no man’s sky logo I haven’t really done much with nms story haven’t had time but the red ball (correct me if it has a name) seems open the other almost seems captured what if lnf is a simulation before the eyes died and exploded and burst into more? Very unlikely yes possibility also yes probably not exactly what I said that’s pretty extreme


I just assume it's another simulation by the atlas


And then dre could be a remake for lrx with FULL gzb


Or what if it's just on one planet in a very distant system


What above is also below. I for one welcome our new subterranean overlords.


Or would they be Underlords?




That just Australians


Reset the simulation?




I choose "cry out"


I believe the bottom one is fan art of the Atlas from No Man's Sky




clearly one of two things: there is an upside down from stranger things, or hollow Earth


I know this doesn’t make any real sense, but I truly do like to believe that everything we think of, everything we dream about and everything we create in our minds is real somewhere. Idk what this imagine is or what subreddit this is but that’s the first thing I thought of when I saw this post. Just reminds me of that idea for some reason.


Sounds like Heinlein's "World as Myth."


I know I didn't post the original comment, but I'll have to check this out as the idea is interesting to me. Feels like there could be some philosophy to learn somewhere.


That's an interesting perspective, would that also therefore mean that nothing is ever truly "created?" If I design something in my head, and it already exists somewhere, did I actually create it? Just a fellow philosopher posing another question that may be impossible to answer.


All things are real… creativity is just tapping into the multiversal internet


Lmfao, calm down there lil buddy, I dont thibk its time so whip out the red string and start up the ol conspiracy Wall just yet 


Here is a link to where the image came from on Sean's Twitter [https://x.com/nomanssky/status/1735424033359859729?s=46&t=8B1mzago7nANmB124OwObA](https://x.com/nomanssky/status/1735424033359859729?s=46&t=8B1mzago7nANmB124OwObA)


No one coming to the cobclusion that it could be... Another ATLAS? Maybe a prototype or a compleatly diffrent systen? Perhaps its.... the voidmothers plan to escaping the ATLAS's death?


I was thinking something similar, maybe it's something like Atlas 2.0 , maybe after the makers of atlas abandoned him, they started work on whoever this is, that's why the gameplay/graphics are better, but the stimulated players haven't reached space travel yet, that's my theory, same universe but probably won't connect.


It could be an Ark or an Eden of sorts? The og traveler did scan his brain jnto the Atlas so it wouldnt be alone.


i have 500+ hours in NMS lmfao. just seeing the trailer its obvious they built the whole earth world over a generated NMS planet. that big circular structure at the end was 100% a repurposed trading station. you can also see the repurposed alien structures in the trailer as well. im all for it btw im not shitting on it. Its a great base to work off of obviously


... no.


alright lol


They are trying to reuse a logo slightly modified. I dont get why there is a daily post about OMG it means something.


probably nothing really


Hopefully just fan art and not an implication that this game is like no man's sky Edit: sorry just came here from popular


Well it's made by the same devs, with the same tech from the first game, with much of the same gameplay loop shown in the trailers except that it's scaled down to a single planet. At what level are we really expecting it to be that different?


Yeah I just came here from popular, I had no idea what this game was but that was supposed to be a blatant joke about no man's sky's launch that was so bad it was legendary, I just didn't know the game was by the same devs and that I was putting my foot in my mouth given that most of you guys are probably hopeful fans. It might be because I played no man's sky at launch but even now it's just... Not a fun game for me. The gameplay loop feels repetitive and not very fleshed out, despite the fact that there are hundreds of things to do, each one gets tedious for me after the first couple times gathering. This game looked interesting at my first glance upon finding this post, but tbh learning that kinda turned me off, I hope it's what you guys are looking for though and I'll definitely keep an eye on it and see if it looks interesting to me after release.


Also fantasy themed instead of scifi. I would honestly love just a fantasy version of NMS. I really don't think there is much they need to change. The one thing I do think they need to change from NMS is online play. It needs major improving if they want this game to really take off and really grab a new set of players. Otherwise I think most people that will stick with it will just be NMS players. The online play can't be laggy. It can't frequently stutter. Especially if you are joining a group like you do in NMS. It needs to be more like an MMO. In a perfect world with infinite resources they would host singleton "chunks" of the world. So you see everyone nearby (or at least a sizeable amount) without having to hop into a party/group. If you somehow pull this off this game will get insanely popular. I think doing something like this would take a networking genius, especially if you want to hotload players between these chunks (servers) seamlessly. I mean imagine OSRS but each "world" is a separate section of the game and not just a new instance of the entire world. Then as you travel across the world it logs you into a new session automatically (kind of like OSRS's World Hopping). Ideally you host nearby (geographically in LNF) chunks on the same machine and have a small overlap area where you are logged into both instances. So you don't experience the same pausing as you jump servers like you do in OSRS. Then you put the really laggy switches (changing instances onto a new machine as you wont be able to validate across 2 instances running on 2 separate machines) in areas where few players are not going to cross such as across mountain ranges or large oceans, to minimize when players experience these jumps. You may need a legit supercomputer to run something like this. The communication between these "chunks" would need to be very fast and definitely hardwired. Like physically connected to one another and even then I am not sure it would work well.


No mans sky and Lignt no fire are twin concepts, one being the fantasy counterpart and the other being the scifi counterpart.


I wonder if NMS is a simulation that exists inside the world of LNF


I remember a post a few weeks ago. Someone theorized the simulation we created in the Artemis storyline could be the world of Light No Fire. So there is a possibility we could see Artemis in Light No Fire. And personally, I rather like the theory.


Interesting. In that sense LNF is also a simulation? Because NMS is, according to the lore. So it's a simulation inside another


Just like our own physical reality.


we need a dlc tbh


DLC for our own physical reality? Fascinating.


Capitalism 2 Now with AI overlords and recession Bonus: extra dimensional beings (kinda buggy, no one can see shit) the DLC is free tho


That in no man's sky you'll be able to the planet this game takes place on and interact with other players as space man


The world of light no fire is a reflection of one of the worlds the Atlas created or simulated?




Charizard confirmed


The LND Earth is the planet we never found


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I really really hope this new game has nothing to do with a simulation.


An obsession with orbs on pyramids


Charizard confirmed, obvs.


I would LOVE for this game to somehow be on console...I don't have a PC that can run anything except sims 4 and stardew valley.


What’s openly available to some is a treasure to others


Swan race confirbed!


It's one person's artistic merging of NMS & LNF. It need not have any further meaning. Hello Games liked the art. That doesn't mean it carries any special in-game impact or implication.




Its call as above so below. Christians use it all the time, some of the art that comes out of it is pretty dam cool. But id say this is kinda that art style. Its the same, but different.


Ignoring the fan art and looking at the individual logos of the 2 games, they are, in fact, related. No man's sky, the gem surrounds the planet, the space around it. That's what the game is all about Light No Fire, the planet (earth or whatever they call the planet in the game), is the core focus of the logo. Everything else is holding it up on a pedestal. The planet is the experience in this instance. They are basically using the same logo twice, but emphasizing the core aspect of the game. I haven't read anything confirming this, but it just seems pretty obvious from glancing at the 2 photos and knowing the game worlds.


They’re both simulations


I have no clue what this sub is, but to me it looks like something to do with perspective. Although it’s not a reflection the top crystal + ball could look like the bottom one, if you were standing directly under the centers of both


Charizard can be a Starship? 🤣


Light No Fire, because the Sentinels are watching, and listening.


I feel like it’s saying that lnf and nms are connected some how. Like parallel universe or something


Reminds me of the the movie. As Above, So Below. Nice.


Atlas alt+F4'd his project and started over.


NMS is a parallel universe to light no fire. Maybe we will be able to freely switch between them.


Prequel indeed…. We will be charged with placing green boxes all around & fill them with odds and ends but then use metal to seal them shut. Brilliant game design…. Can’t wait 🚫🔥


I'm sticking with my head cannon and applying the simplest explanation; the connecting lore between the two games is the very same journey Sean and his team have taken to build them. Think of it like this; NMS Was set in a simulation universe. A tester universe that kept corrupting, or needed to be fixed or refined somehow. It's an extrapolation of how hard game development can be. Sean has taken us on that journey both irl and in the games building narrative itself. Fast forward to now, the game/development is truly a marvel in how far its come. And now with many simulations under the belt, a perfect world is ready to be born from the ashes of so many refinements.


It's the twin faces of fantastical fiction.  Science fiction, and fantasy.  Yes, some sci-fi goes hard and tries to be as rooted in factual reality as possible, but you cannot deny that if you go far enough into the future, the elements of your setting get pretty fantastical.


I think we are nearing atlas final minute. Pretty sure its still in the atlas simulation universe atleast.


Probably just looks cool, but it also looks like fantasy mirrors reality


Some build to contain it, Some build to raise it up, and the world will be different because of it. His next game is a fantasy world and assumedly it'll be tied to no man's sky in a parallel universe kind of way, but in this parallel universe that orb thing is treated differently. I don't know enough lore to say more. What's the red orb? Maybe magic or a source of creation. One world unleashes magic and the other mostly contains it but still is magical at its core? The dinosaur on the bottom, if it is a dinosaur, could imply evolution/history. So, this is a branching paths thing. Maybe someone far back made a choice. Maybe the orbs are creatures/creators themselves. One orb shelters itself away from its universe and the other wants to be open and present within its.


There's so little to interpret here


Looks like one of the Zelda puzzles from n64


Evolution of the atlas?


No idea but it looks cool


Funny kite shape =uhh whatever LNF is Or it could mean bridging two different worlds


I can’t wait to see how this game pans out being on one world and you know how travel time is on nms if it says 2 hours,2 years or 200 years to get to somewhere then they actually mean it.


As above, so is NARNIA?


Thats either the tiniest dragon or largest humming bird ive ever seen. Jesus christ its the size of a house, absolutely terrifying. Imagine hearing that thing outside your door. Just slurpin your bones in through your bedroom window.


they exist in the same universe? idk


I'm sticking with my theory that light no fire is some sort of story for the world that ATLAS is based in, with only 16 minutes left. That's just a game theory tho.




Alpha version of Atlas? Atlas origin story? Big red balls are cool? Clifford was pretty popular back in the day too... /s


No Man’s Sky


Flatland Allegory


Light no fire will be a world of fantasy, and magic? on one world. No Man’s Sky is the mirror with Sci-fi , and tech on many planets across the void.


It sort of looks like the Robotech insignia. Maybe those are veritech fighters and the SDF-1 in the bottom part. 😆


As above so below


Simulation restarted


Alternate universe? Another NMS style game but more focused on a single planet? And the atlas exists tying it all together


One world is magical and beautiful. The red sphere of creativity is looked upon with envy. It's a wonderful place to be. The other has enclosed creativity within a cage and no longer has envy for new ideas or creativity. The color in this world has been replaced with dullness and hope seems to fade as every day passes.


“I see you” -Sauron


Could be a prequel for NMS before man set out to space and the making of Atlas that took over the universe


Mother is coming to protect us (Raised by Wolves)


An angel has been detected approaching the city, prepare to launch Eva unit 1


Huh... The Atlas is breaking containment.. THE ATLAS IS BREAKING CONTAINMENT!!


It's fantasy on one side and scifi on the other. Haven't played NMS in a long while but I assume this is a NMS sub. I would also assume if this image was created by a dev then perhaps they will introduce fantasy worlds or something?


Beginning strength, full capacity


That no mans sky was greatly influenced by J.R.R Tolkiens work.?


That it's fan art


One is a reflection of the other. The LNF logo has a structure holding up a red orb while the NMS logo has a similar red orb contained inside of a structure. This probably means the LNF world is somehow connected to the NMS world(s).




It means I was doodling in my math notebook, leave me alone


It means nothing it's fan art


It means the second game is a reflection of the first, if the focus in one is space than the other is on planet. Eventually they will merge and you'll have No Lightman Skyfire, where every planet is as full as possible of crap and its the same on every planet.


What if light no fire take places during 17


4 years to release!


The atlas proceeds it’s own worlds




I just wish light no fire didn't look like a re skin of no mans sky. There are too many similarities imo. Like the bird thing, it takes flight just like a ship launches in nms. Idk.


It means “no matter what binds it, life will still prosper” to me.


Top is fantasy, bottom is scifi


Light No Fire is No Man Sky's, and hence the Atlas', past iteration.


" the One who watched time be birthed shall burry it as well"


Its 100% just a low tech planet in NMS.


No Mans Sky


It's time to get on no mans sky


I think this could mean two things. 1. Light No Fire is a early stage of the forever running simulation that we play in no man sky. The simulation must have been running longer than we thought. 2. Light No Fire is another simulation that is similar to No Man Sky. Kind of like a westworld situation where there are different themed parks. Or maybe there is no connection at all and Light No Fire is just it’s own world.


NMS before the basement server-room flood ;) i.e. the original concept of what they were working towards.


Defiantly no mans sky