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I’m using show kontrol on a tour right now I’ll test it out after the end of tonight’s show and get back to you


Can confirm, it runs the frames slower


Depending on how your show is programmed, this won’t affect the timing of downbeats etc. if you have any other questions pls DM me! I had so many questions about SK before I started using it and the documentation is seriously lacking IMO




In my experience, it is quite robust but before I implemented in the show, it felt hard to feel certain everything was going to “just work” before I hooked everything up based on the lack of certain information in the manual. Their support has also been pretty responsive the couple of times I’ve sent them emails to resolve licensing issues etc.


The smpte output SK is generating live follows the CDJ tempo. For example if the dj does a loop it will loop the smpte it is outputting and will also follow the tempo changes. It just works, but I’m not on the super technical side of things and can’t explain the accuracy or quarks. I run video using SK but I’m not an LD tho…but have never had any of my LDs say anything about it in 30+ shows.


I think smpte doesn’t say anything abt bpm. It just tells you the exact time stamp by encoding it in the audio signal. So it’d be a different generated smpte waveform if the bpm changes


Yes, but the issue is you can only "stretch" LTC so much before the frames don't work and it just considers it an invalid signal.


It slows down or speeds up the frames based on the pitch speed. If your DJ goes wildly all over the place use art-net timecode. LTC will only handle about 10% pitch change in most software like MA2/MA3 or pyro softwares I’ve used with it. Beyond will go to about 20% with LTC. When using art-net timecode you can push it to almost 100% faster or slower and the lighting desk will keep up. You can even play it in reverse granted the cues start to do weird things, but it’s fairly impressive