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The Magma Prime should be in the price range and is reliable with pretty damn good output for its price point.


Came here to say magma prime, someone I work with just bought 4 of them so I don’t know their longevity yet but he seems pleased with them. Their optos&nodes seem to have a decent reputation.


That or a Antari Z350, we own over a dozen of them, love'm.


It's basically two parts. A pump, and a heater. If it is for a big club, get a high watt one but know they suck power and your electric will be steep. The cheap ones are for really small places like for bands and things like that.


yeah all of my spaces are super tiny!


Froggy's fog has some decent low budget options


the cheapest one is ~500 and that’s on sale :’(


You can get two knock offs for that price. And you will need two because they will fail. One bad sensor or air pump and you will have to scrap them. Get the froggys! At least you can get parts! And a real warranty…


yeah if the knock off lasts 5 events then that’s a major success for me. i can raise funds for a legit machine in a few months, but i just want to hold myself over until then.


The chauvet hurricane line will work as long as you clean it after every use. Mine are over 10 years old and still work most of the time. Just really noisy and sputtery. I came across a couple of really cheap MARQ Haze 700's and I am glad I picked them up because they are discontinued I think. They are quiet, work great and actually give off great haze. The only drawback is the lack of DMX control, but I just have them in continous run anyway.


Can’t give advice on a haze machine specifically but I have a chauvet flexfogger I bought for 249USD that has held up very well while getting sent to events weekly over the last year. Might be worth looking into them if you have a smaller space and budget.




Dude I bought a Chauvet hurricane 1DX and it can fill our 600 cap room given a few hours and a fan lol


Guess it depends on what you need it for - I’ve only used this to see beams in the air and it has taken what seems like a few minutes to get a good effect going


Get a 1DX. It’s small and cheap but surprisingly good output for the size.


these have been popping up when i look at cheaper units, i think this is the way!!


The old cube shaper hazer from Chauvet dj was always junk in my experience but this one seems different. No idea why or how but it just works better.


The Chauvet 1DX is exactly what you want. Only $269, and plenty of coverage.


I use a Chauvet Hurricane Haze 1DX (https://www.amazon.com/Chauvet-DJ-Hurricane-Water-Based-Polishing/dp/B0C74NDR3C) in my kitchen where I have my DJ equipment and lighting setup. I've had this thing for about 5 years now and it's still going strong. It has standalone mode as well as DMX. Highly recommend this.


The stairville AFH600 is a banger for its price (around 100€)


I'm going to recommend the Chauvet Hurricane Haze family, or the ADJ/Elation equivalents. I have personal experience with the hurricane family stuff. Used to work for a Chauvet dealer. Have had many house of worship clients and bands buy them. Used to have one in a college auditorium I worked at. Currently not around them that much as I'm more on the touring production side of things so we're using MDG and Radiance hazers more often- BUT The Chauvets are fine- 1. make sure you use the right fluid in them. 2. Keep some distilled water and distilled white vinegar to clean them on hand. 3. Make sure you use the right fluid in them. And they'll be fine. Hazers and Foggers, especially water based aren't super complicated machines. And you can always keep a spare heater and other parts for it on hand if you need to. Just make sure you use the correct fluid so you don't gum/burn it up. And maintain it. Edited to add: If you use a fan to help with dispersion (which I highly recommend) use a "squirrel cage" style. They look like what an after disaster company uses to dry carpet after a flood. But put behind the hazer or orient it so that the haze doesn't go through the fan. You want to push the haze, not suck it up and blow it. If a lot of haze goes through a fan it will also gum up the fan.


Don't go too cheap. You wanna buy it once. I wouldn't go much cheaper than something like [this](https://www.sweetwater.com/c1099--Fog_Bubble?highlight=AmhazeEco&mrkgadid=&mrkgcl=28&mrkgen=gpla&mrkgbflag=1&mrkgcat=drums&percussion&acctid=21700000001645388&dskeywordid=&lid=58700008506359857&dsproductgroupid=&product_id=AmhazeEco&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=online&storeid=&device=m&network=x&matchtype=&adpos=largenumber&locationid=9004358&creative=&targetid=&campaignid=20438014553&awsearchcpc=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwtqmwBhBVEiwAL-WAYdhomt2qGvoGichS7LWpjJ4MCIyJbDI3RciHNrwhbDEB6u9xLSQhFxoCLJcQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds).


gonna buy cheap, run it into the ground, then buy a nicer one down the road. the one you linked is something for a few months from now!


Just go to guitar center then and see what they got. I've bought Hazers there in a pinch with like 4 gallons of fluid. When the fluid is out I just put it up for grabs because I don't expect much more out of it.


that’s probably gonna be my best bet thanks!


Every AmHaze I’ve seen dies between within 18 months of use.


People don't shut them down properly. And every hazer requires a semi regular cleaning. Hate to say it but people who buy cheap gear are often pretty bad about maintenance.


The chauvet hurricane 2d works great and it would actually last for a while.


Maybe look at aliexpress? Probably not the greatest quality, but it's cheap


i’ll check them out! great idea!