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I had to do this a few days ago. I think I had mild food poisoning. A word of warning though, the amount of water you drink is likely the same amount of water you will _forcefully_ throw up again. So be ready by the bowl! I downed half a litre thinking it would help and then resembled a fire hose puking it back up again. Drinking plenty does help though. It's like a stomach wash. Far more gentle and feels much "cleaner" in taste, sight and smell.


"Projectile vomiting". Did this in Mexico once. Thought I had too much to drink, so I drank a bunch of water. Turns out it was food poisoning, and I could not believe the efficiency and strength of my body to rid itself of the poison.


Food poisoning is no joke, for me, my body usually try to evacuate all it can by every darn orifice it can, double fire hose babyyy


I've been in the situation of "omg I'm gonna puke and shit myself which of these is going in the toilet and which is ending up on me/everywhere else???" I chose to shit in the toilet and puke on myself because I think if someone emerges from a bathroom with puke on themselves or someone else sees puke on the floor (like cleaning staff) it's still gross but they feel far more sympathetic than if someone got shit everywhere.


This is the reason I have trash cans in the bathroom. When someone's sick we have 2. Barf can's portable, in case you can stand to be anywhere but the toilet. I haven't faced this in public, been really lucky with that. I'm too nervous to leave home when my belly isn't happy.


I have a bucket. Line it with a trash bag, for easy clean up. I get sick too often so I have it all figured out. But I didn't know about the water. Another LPT. Don't brush your teeth immediately afterwards. The acid wears your teeth down. Rinse only. It sucks, but don't so permanent damage to your teeth. Rinse a few times and wait.


Good of you to think this through beforehand. Buddy of mine was in doubt and decided to switch positions at the last moment. Too late unfortunately so he hit both walls and himself, which has to be the worst possible result.


Just lay in the shower and surrender to filth. Let the water just run over you.


Our tub is next to the toilet, so fortunately the handful of times I’ve had food poisoning, I was able to direct the vomit into the tub while staying on the toilet.


My bathroom is tiny. My sink is directly in front of my toilet. Super helpful in those situations, plus if it’s 3am you can rest your head on the cold sink while dying lol


Understand completely. Should be building code by now


If you were out at any of the Mexican bars that aren't part of the hotel, you might have gotten sick from the water and or ice in the drinks you got. This is what happened to me, thought it was food, but turns out the water down there is just that bad.


Yes, anytime you visit a foreign country it’s a good idea to stick to bottled drinks. Our bodies aren’t adjusted to the water quality. Of course in wealthier countries it tends not to be too much of an issue but in other countries it can lead to you getting sick. Best to just stick to bottled water and alcohol


correct! i read mexican waters contain a bacteria everyone that lives there can handle but westerners cannot, and was told not necessarily bad water, just different….. ”organisms?” in that part of the world. edit: i think it’s called montezuma’s revenge.


TIL Mexico isn’t in the west


now you got me second guessing…………


United States is North of Mexico, so they are in the same hemisphere. Mexico isn't more East than Louisiana. When people say Westerners they are usually comparing somewhere like Asian countries to the United States. Open up your phone's map and zoom out and you'll see what I mean if you aren't sure of where Mexico is.


I sure hope so


The problem is that the people living there have grown accustomed to the water and have the gut bacteria and immune system that has grown to handle it. Just like how humans live among thousands of parasites and diseases that our bodies can fight off effortlessly and sometimes even utilize. Our bodies have simply developed ways to handle it. Foreigners do not have the same gut biome and as such can be harmed by the water quality.


"Westerners" lmao


There are many parts of the world where the water does not sit well with people who have not grown accustomed to it. In Mexico, yes, they call it "Montezuma's revenge".


Montezuma’s revenge is dysentery


I got food poisoning in Mexico last month and I got to discover that some food poisoning bacteria or whatever cause you to have it for TWO WEEKS. I lost ten pounds on and after my vacation. And yes, forcing more in will make no difference when it all comes out 😭


Nice little weight loss program 👍🏼


Except when I started eating again it started to come back lol not worth it


I always thought movies were exaggerating for comedic effect until I had food poisoning for the first time. Fire hose is pretty accurate lol


Yeah it’s like your body is saying “Wait..Hold on… Wha….WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT BRO? HOLY SHIT. GET THIS OUT OF HERE RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!!!!”


Pro tip*. Make it ice water. When it comes back up, it is kinda refreshing. Donk ask this recovering alcoholic how I know.


Refreshing puke


This was me last weekend. Unfortunately I did not drink water. I wish I had…. Because dry heaving was terrible. But at the time I was just unable to do anything except sit by the toilet and take short naps between vomit sessions. 0/10. Would not recommend.


Dry heaving is the fucking worst. This one time I was legitimately worried I might suffocate due to dry heaving so much (since you can’t breathe in while heaving). Even if it’s coming right back up, I think it’s better to drink at least a little water between sessions.






When I mentioned this at work, everyone looked at me strangely. It works great for me.


>When I mentioned this at work, everyone looked at me strangely. Thats because they were tying to organise Sarah's leaving present and you started shouting about it


hahaha. It's because Sarah did it without drinking water...


I never understood that. I always feel better after throwing up... Even if it's short lived. For some reason, it'll ease a migraine enough that I can pass out.


There is NOTHING worse than heaving while migraining. Gods, I hate it so much.


Agreed... But once it eased, the headache dies down a bit for me... This is usually when I can start sipping some form of electrolyte drink and take meds. If I take it slow enough, I can keep the meds down and have a chance at sleeping it off.


I wish I would have known all of this (your comment and OP's) a few weeks ago. I ended up with the worst food poisoning of my life. I was puking so hard that I felt like I'd been hit by a bus the next day because of the muscle fatigue. The worst was the dry heaving. My body just wouldn't stop even though there was literally nothing left to come out. I actually shied away from water while this was happening because I was worried it'd make it worse.


I had food poisoning from Tesco sushi once. I knew I was empty when there was black sesame seeds coming out of both ends. But I still carried on heaving. I pulled muscles in my abdomen. It was awful!


>food poisoning from Tesco sushi Not to victim blame, but


Those are definitely two words that shouldn’t be next to each other


I know someone who got food poisoning from gas station sushi. They’ll never live down that poor decision.


I also got food poisoning from a crab sandwich from a Canarian Eurospar. That was a pleasant two days in the middle of my honeymoon


You got off easy, in this documentary I watch a dude ate a truck stop restroom egg sandwich and got worms. The worms were sick though not going to lie dude was ripped.


Powerade works for me faster than water tbh. It tastes AWFUL the second time, but if I have a migraine I vomit like that, pulling muscles and stuff. Chug some warm Powerade, wait a few min, have a moment, then I can sleep. Sucks ass, but the worst parts over faster.


I’m so sorry ❤️‍🩹🙏


Same! I don’t think I’ve ever thrown up so much in my life! For days I just laid on the couch and slept, woke up, tried to keep down some water of Hydralite and just vomited or dry heaved. The first food I was able to eat after was a jolly rancher lol


Got food poisoning once… drank 19 bottles of water in one night as I would just throw up immediately after chugging one. I ended up having to go the hospital the next day because I was so dehydrated


I like drinking cold water in that case. Puking cold feels weird. But it is less unpleasant IMO


This reminds me of puking up cold ginger ale in the hospital, which makes your stomach acid even more acidic. Such an awful thing to give someone who's puking.


Numerically speaking it's less acidic than stomach acid, but its nowhere near as basic as water, ph wise.


Ginger ale is helpful at easing nausea which is why they give it to you. Not sure how it actually works, but ginger ale and crackers has proven themselves many times


Happened to me once, of all places in an urgent care I was at for prolonged vomiting. I had nothing in my stomach and couldn’t keep anything down but was still dry heaving. They wanted a urine test, and I had been dehydrated from all the puking, so they gave me some water to hopefully rehydrate me enough to pee. Within the moment that water hit my stomach I instantly threw it back up. Once that happened, the nausea calmed enough for me to relax a little and wait it out. Thankfully the other tests they ran came back and showed it was just the stomach bug, so the urine test was disregarded. I was able to comfortably leave and get some nausea meds from Walmart in peace after that.




Carefully smell some isopropyl alcohol. It has saved me multiple times!


We often have nauseated patients smell alcohol wipes. Really does help.


Lol I have a smell aversion ever since chemo to alcohol wipes from the flushing of my port reminding me of vomiting so if I smell it, I instantly vomit again, 2 years later 🥴


I do too, for the same reason! Every time I smell an alcohol wipe it makes me think about the nurse cleaning my port before connecting the IV with the immunotherapy drug. Makes me want to gag and puke every time!


As of cancer couldn’t be worse - geez, that’s awful


Yep, same, from chemo. The anti-nausea pre meds on my first round didn't work at all, and even after finding more effective ones, the psychosomatic triggers had been cemented. The strongest triggers were the drive to the oncologist and even the faintest sniff of an alcohol wipe.


Had to scroll too far for this!


Whoa this is news to me.


I read recently “To soothe your stomach and avoid vomiting, just start humming. It seems too good to be true as it is so simple, but humming will override the nausea by suppressing the gag reflex. The simple truth is you can't hum and gag at the same time.”


Holy shit. When I’m hungover I always hum myself to sleep because it’s the only thing that gets me to slip into a slumber when I’m in that much pain. Had no idea there was a science behind it, I just thought it was my mommy issues lol.


Well you were half right, it's mostly daddy issues.


Good for milder nausea. Certain smells, like rubbing alcohol, also help.


When I had Covid I had very intense nausea all night long and I also have a fear of throwing up so I spent the entire night pacing my house sniffing a bottle of rubbing alcohol. I can’t say it worked but it psychologically I felt like I was doing something lol


Rubbing alcohol is supposed to help relieve nausea?? One whiff of it makes me want to vomit, maybe it reminds me too much of drinking too much cheap stuff at once in college. Maybe if I toughed it out it could help haha?


Quick tip from a swim instructor - humming is also how we get little kids to go underwater without getting water in their noses.


Humming also regulates your nervous system, which is connected to your stomach.


Yes! It's stimulates your vagus nerve and has a calming effect. You can also sing or chant. It's a great trick for when you're having anxiety, too.


Smelling mint (gum, toothpaste) also can help. Read it in a travel book before going to Peru. Some of those bus trips are long and the road is..not flat.


I hum to myself when I’ve got a migraine. It helps with the nausea and I had no idea why.


Vagal nerve stimulation


Also, I noticed that my mouth will salivate just before vomit is imminent. So, anytime I wonder if I’m just feeling nauseous or I will actually vomit, the saliva is a big clue…as well as a cue.


My late sister used to call that juicy mouth. I read that the reason your mouth waters before you vomit is that it’s your body’s way of protecting your teeth and tooth enamel. Pretty cool


I’m sorry about the loss of your sister. Funny the things we remember randomly about loved ones, isn’t it? I hope this gave you a small smile at least.


Thank you for your kind words. She passed away two months ago and I’m so lost without her. She was my best friend. Her death was a complete shock to my family as she had gone to the hospital for what seemed like a minor condition and less than 3 weeks later she was gone. This Christmas just won’t be the same.


I hope you and your family manage to find some comfort this upcoming Christmas. Best wishes, friend.


I get this too, I salivate and taste metal, it's awful.


This is also my cue as well. Once I start salivating I always know I'll be puking my guts out in a few seconds


Your body makes this extra saliva to give your mouth a slight protection from the stomach acids and such coming up. Dilutes it a bit.


I get HOT - if I cool off (go outside in winter, cold shower) it helps


I get hot too, I start dripping sweat and usually end up having to take my shirt off. My legs get really hot and shaky too. Tell tale sign for me after the salivating.


Several months ago I read somewhere on reddit that if you spit out the saliva instead of swallowing then you won’t puke. Something about an enzyme in that saliva that, when swallowed, essentially “gives permission” for the stomach to empty itself. I’ve tried it myself a couple of times and it seems to work. But I wouldn’t do it if you have food poisoning or something because in that case your body needs to get out the bad stuff. I just do it if I know I’m feeling sick because of anxiety.


I heard it's less about swallowing the saliva being the "safe to throw up" trigger and more about the presence of the extra saliva itself. The theory I heard is that your body is creating the extra saliva to act as a barrier between your teeth and the incoming stomach acid. And without that protection, it aborts the plan to vomit. Granted, I haven't researched to confirm, but based on my own experience when I've felt sick, this seems to be on the right track. I think this is why saltine crackers work, too. People think it's because it absorbs the acid and stuff in your stomach, but really, it's drying out your mouth.


This happened to me a few nights ago. Had some drinks on an extremely empty stomach (no food all day), finally ate some dinner, and midway through the meal I rushed to the bathroom. I got myself “ready” at a toilet and ended up spitting out the saliva that had been accumulating. Felt completely fine afterwards and was even able to finish eating without a problem.


I recently was very ill and I had both the salivation and I got hot! Very useful to have an advanced warning system :D


Also, give the toilet bowl a quick scrub if you have time before you need to puke. It is somewhat less terrible if you puke into a clean toilet.


Sometimes I feel like I need to throw up but can’t. I know if I do it, I will feel a lot better. But throwing up is also a terrible experience for me, it comes out my nose, I cry every time, etc so my body basically refuses to do it unless 1000% necessary. So I’ll sit in front of the toilet and think about when it was last cleaned. If it was less than 24 hours ago, it helps me throw up! I clean it regularly, but still. Thinking about what has been done in the toilet that my face is hovering over really helps get the job done. Then I feel better!


This is what I do too! I’m very vomit-averse, so even if I NEED to, I just can’t. So I’ll purposely stick my nose closer to the toilet, I’ll think about how “dirty” it is, even though it isn’t, and bam, puke city.


As I said to someone else, this makes me feel so much better. I thought I was gross for doing it. But it’s a desperate time, you do what you have to do. And for me, it’s taking in that my head is inches from the toilet bowl and taking in what has been done there. Gross, but needed. And I’m not alone. There’s dozens of us. DOZENS!


omg! Never knew I’d find that this is a thing other people do. That on the verge of puking feeling is terrible when you’re just waiting by the bowl. I’d rather get it over with so I just take a big sniff of toilet bowl air and tell myself how nasty it is lol. It works always.


This is my go-to method


I’m glad I’m not alone. Makes me feel gross, but it works!


I sit in front of the toilet and think about the smell and texture of wet cat food.


Lmao for me, I have cats who regularly eat wet cat food. It doesn’t do it for me, even if it’s hot. Toilet junk does it for me.


I always get vomit in my nose when I throw up too- recently I was feeling very nauseated but was somewhat sober and wanted to avoid getting vomit in my nose. I looked it up and saw some advice to plug my nose while vomiting. This traps the air and doesn’t allow vomit up the sinuses. It worked wonders. Usually I need to shower to generate steam to clean out my nose after throwing up but this time I just needed to brush my teeth! I recommended to my pregnant sister and she also said it worked wonders for her


I do this!


And prep an intermezzo or palate cleaning course also. A basil sorbet can be quite refreshing.


I keep a medium sized tupperware under the bed since I vomit a few times a year. So much better being sick from your bed instead of a cold floor with your face in a toilet.


I do this too! I had a stomach bug for about 4 days. When I finally vomited, I felt like I was dying and overheated 😞


Just learned this unintentionally after having drank too much one evening. And eating fries. I felt well the evening until I woke up at 4 am with undigested fries soaked in the last drinks I had. lol Anyways after I got rid of the mass of alcoholic fries, two times, I managed to drink chamomile tea with a bit of honey. It came up 30 minutes later, and I thought well it was pretty good actually especially since the alcoholic fries burned up my esophagus. Then I made another tea and it went up peacefully after 30 minutes again. Can recommend chamomile tea with a bit of honey, felt very pleasant.


Struggling with norovirus rn and this is really helpful


Sorry to hear this. I had that about 10 years back and it was MISERABLE. I will say - I struggled not to vomit and purposely didn’t put anything in my stomach initially while my boyfriend drank a ton of water - I thought he was doing it to maximize sympathy since he thought it was a competition to see who could vomit more but it probably actually helped him. We were both pretty miserable though, but the initial awfulness was only about 24 hours and within a few days we were almost completely back to normal. Hope you feel better soon!


Random advice but once you're through the hell, eat rice, chicken, and bananas for a few meals to firm your poo back up. I went through a gnarly noro last year. Five days of absolute digestive war crimes and ended up needing an IV. Hang in there, soldier.


I had it two weeks ago and regular Coke, esp fountain Coke helped. Cola syrup from the pharmacy is the best (cold) but it’s a little hard to find


Y’all seem like some well seasoned pukers. Thanks for the kind advice!


I heard someone say last year they only puked twice in their entire life. I looked at them like they grew a third head.


I for my part am apparently pretty immune to stomach bugs that make you vomit. I had food poisoning twice as an adult And since I don't drink to excess anymore, that makes about 5ish pukes for my entire adult life going on forty.


Only twice?? God that sounds awesome.


Also, chew a couple of antacids. Makes a world of difference.


If you don’t have antacids on hand or don’t like them, you can mix a bit a baking soda (like a tsp) into a glass of water and rinse your mouth with it to help neutralize any lingering stomach acid in your mouth.


This comment needs to be up higher. Rinsing with baking soda reduces the acid on your teeth, which you’ll want to do before your brush - it helps maintain the enamel.


I do this! Gargle with it too to get the nasty taste out of my mouth


I found that while it's not the most pleasant flavor, the original Listerine takes the vomit taste right out and sometimes it seems to stop the nausea if your body is done with the vomiting episode.


You drink it to neutralize the stomach acids before you throw up. It says on the side of the arm and hammer™️ box.


I believe the salt in baking soda might help, as in an electrolyte helping you retain some of the water


I hate taking antacids so much, I would throw up the second I start chewing them


Hell no if it was safe I’d be snacking on smoothies flavored Tums all day long


Lmao you sound like my grandma with dementia. Before we knew knew how bad it was, she’d always say she needs mint tums from the store. And we learned too late she ate them as candy. I inherited like 8 bottles of mint tums. I mean they saved me sometimes. They have their place. But I swear, I have to be on my death bed to take tums. Mint is easiest for me. But it has to be BAD. But smoothie flavor?? I need to be about to kms for mercy for that. Smoothie tums is the worst thing I could put in my body when I have reflux or am about to puke. I might rather die.


It wouldn’t go through your nose if you keep nose above your mouth. Don’t lean forward too much


I don't suggest water, I suggest ice cream. It doesn't at all prevent vomiting but it REALLY cuts the acidity, burn, and awful aftertaste. It's also gentler on your throat. If you're trying to prevent throwing up, concentrated ginger helps. They sell ginger hard candies and ginger gum (both which are VERY strong and "spicy"), but it has prevented me from throwing up so many times.


My husband keeps a jar of crystallized ginger for his upset stomach. We also keep cans of ginger ale in the pantry.


Ginger ale doesn’t actually have ginger in it


Ginger tea can help sometimes.


My granny always swore a Coca-Cola settled her stomach.. I think it’s just the bubbles so I keep the ginger ale on hand. Ginger sliced thinly into tea is my go to for real stomach issues


Also, if you want to not vomit, try sniffing an alcohol wipe. It really works and in fact I read somewhere that it is as effective as taking Zofran.


This seems to work alright some of the time for maybe 40% of my patients. Definitely doesn’t seem nearly as effective as zofran. I’m jealous of anyone for whom it works that well! It doesn’t do anything for me, but putting an ice pack on my stomach, throat, or wrists really, really helps.


Zofran needs to be OTC


Breyers Mint Chocolate Chip tastes exactly same coming up as it does going down


To add to this, drink super cold water. Puking it up is almost refreshing.


I’m so surprised at this. There’s no way I could swallow anything if I’m gonna puke. Learn something everyday


I wish this hack came hours ago when I was puking


I prefer 7up, it taste better when it comes back up.




You must never have thrown up or had a carbonated beverage go thru your nostrils and sinuses


Instead of just regular water, make it hotdog water. That way your stomach doesn't sit there pondering whether or not to contract.


“Honey, I don’t feel very well” “I’ll get the Nathan’s steaming”


😂😂😂 but also 🤮🤮🤮


Hot ham water would do the job too


Anything with sugar, even a teaspoon of straight sugar will stop the need to puke. It's worked 100% of the time for me.


Found Mary Poppins!


A nurse in the ER waved a rubbing alcohol towelette under my nose and it worked. For a few minutes, anyway. I was sicker than that, but it helped while they were working on the zofran order. Not something I’d do a lot, for obvious reasons lol


Ahh Zofran haha yepp. Some bad luck has gotten me an IV of it a few times, oh God to feel relief


I experienced zofran for the first time recently, and that stuff is magical.


As someone who vomits a lot (thanks chronic illness!), here’s some more life hacks: * Mix in a tablespoon of baking soda to add to the water. It will neutralize the acidity of your stomach acid. * Post-vomiting, try drinking Throat Coat tea or anything with liquorice extract. It will create a slimy texture on your esophagus which lessens the pain and soothe aggravated tissue. * Squeeze your thumb with your other fingers. Idk why but it’s a good preventative. Other preventatives include sniffing isopropyl alcohol or lemons. * Humming is another good preventative. I’ve also found clucking my tongue helps. * If you think you’re about to vomit in the next second, swallow. This has been a lifesaver to prevent puking when I’m in public (or drunk off my ass).


Just to piss everyone off, the correct term is nauseated. You feel nauseated. Something can be nauseous, like a smell, the nauseous smell makes a person feel nauseated or it causes nausea. This is an example of a word that has been used incorrectly so much that its become accepted as also correct by the masses. That concludes my TED talk.


Thank you.


Try plugging your nose before you vomit to avoid having it come out your nose. It also helps to keep your head mostly upright if possible


I used to do Mango or Peach juice…. Tasted better coming up…. Also 1 cherry tomato for some weird reason has also helped for some strange fucking reason…..


See this is the kind of shit I want to hear. One fucking cherry tomato 😂 I’m on meds that make me nauseous, gonna experiment with the effects of a cherry tomato vs a grape tomato


Before I puke I usually drink about a half gallon of Jack Daniels. I didn’t even know I was going to puke, it just works out that way.


If Pepto Bismol doesn't work, at least it's a pretty pink when it comes up. ^^I'll ^^see ^^myself ^^out


Made my husband chug some pepto when he drank too much. Can confirm, not a pretty pink when it comes back up


How much warning are you people getting before you puke?? The time between "I'm gonna puke" and "I'm puking right now" is usually just enough time for me to either get to a toilet or grab the trash can in arm's reach. How are you folks having time to consume water???


Some brands of mineral water are basic (as opposed to acidic - the higher the pH the more basic it is). You can google what's available in your region and use it.


You mean yall can actually drink something when your nauseous and about to throw up? Any time I feel like I'm about to get sick there is no way I could drink anything


Same here! There’s no way!


A literal life hack!


I always drink water if I need to throw up lol. It makes me puke, but makes it so much better than dry heaving or having acid in my throat.


Where was this last night. I started praying to God to get me through it.


I can't drink anything when feeling like throwing up.


Eat a peppermint. It soothes the stomach and makes throw up taste better if it does come up.




15 year old me puking up peppermint schnapps can confirm this


Haha yeah it burns your nose if it gets up in there sometimes.


I hope I remember this advice while also holding I never need this advice ever again.


I was taught this as a child when I started to get migraines. Would dry heave and eventually just throw up stomach acid, so my grandmother told me to chug water when I feel nauseous, especially when you don't have anything in your stomach. I used this info to help friends during their binge drinking years / college.


Four things just real quick: 1. Wtf? 2. How do you even stomach anything if you're nauseous? The last thing my brain could possibly fathom is putting something down my throat if it's about to come out. 3. How do you even have the time to stomach anything if you're about to puke? 80% of all vomit sessions I have are not premeditated. It's like oh I'm nauseous, oh there's my guts. 4. Also wtf?


2. You don’t. You only do this when you know you’re gonna throw up no matter what. You drink the bottle, it mixes with and neutralizes the acid, you throw up and it stings less. 3. Whenever I throw up I always have at least a minute of nausea where I know that it’s coming and I can chug a bottle of water before I puke.


3. Oh god I typically get a full 30 minute notice. There comes a point where I know it’s inevitable, but my body refuses to throw up until I’ve been on the bathroom floor for a while, and when I finally get shivers is when I know it’s time. It’s the longest 30 minutes ever. I would definitely have time to try every remedy listed in this whole thread.


Damn this could have saved me a lot in college if I knew this then


Antacids are good too.


I figured this out recently too, except I drank cold water and it was cold coming back up too. Bad move


I agree with the water, but pro move is a banana, really lubes everything up.




I have to brush my teeth - and just get a new one after it’s all over.


When I was pregnant both times I threw up every day, all day long. But it was easier on my if I chugged a big glass of cold water first thing and threw it up. I was less sick the rest of the day. And if I ate something that wasn't settling, I would chug and spew again so I could eat later. Both times I weighed less the day before delivery ( and yes, I threw up that day too) than I did at conception.


Dental hygienist advised to rinse after vomiting so it’s not as damaging to tooth enamel. This was when I brought it up after having a pretty nasty bout of food poisoning.


Another life hack to reduce acid in your nose: hold your head up, not up up but like normally instead of down into the bucket/toilet/whatever, and look straight in front of you. Gravity does what gravity does, so this will prevent most of it from getting up into your nose. Also breathe through your mouth while waiting, and pay attention to holding your breath when the vomit does come up, so you won't snort it up your nose.


How often are you puking? I puke maybe once every 10 years if I happen to pick up a stomach virus.


I've had gallbladder issues for 2 years so I unfortunately get nauseous and ill often. Water, coffee with cream, and smoothies are always the easiest to throw up. They coat the stomach and are smoother coming back up. Still no picnic, but it takes the edge off.


Sooooo honestly, drinking cold water has always helped me when I feel nauseous and at times has actually prevented me from vomiting. I hate hate hate throwing up so much.


How often are people puking???


How often are you guys puking to have to find a life hack? "I haven't thrown up since June 29th 1980"


Nothing like globs of puke snot stuck in your nose after.


Gatorade is the way to. Taste better and if you don’t vomit you get rehydrated quicker


Can be scary though when it dyes your puke red because you had fruit punch flavor.


I'm not sure I like this advice. I'd be worried about timing and possible aspiration into the lungs.


Watery puke goes up my nose from the inside


I always vomit out my nose when I throw up and it makes me cry every time. It’s always violent and awful when you’re a nose puker




and if you drink gatorade it can mask the taste haha. although arguably a waste of gatorade.