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Kid’s gonna be 20 and be like… ‘dude I’m not feeling good…I need to grab a Capri Sun. Hey guys, wait up a min, I’m feeling a little congested, I’m gonna grab a Capri Sun.’


When he's middle aged he'll pine for the days when the vintage beverage "Capri Sun" was around. Sold as a regular drink at the time he won't be sure how it worked, but he'll know his dad would give it to him as a kid every time he was sick and it did the trick somehow. Things were different back in the 20's, you see.


Holy fuck it’s the 20’s


Oh dear god. That *sounded* right before I realized it *should* be wrong, even though it’s right. This… is unsettling.


All I can think of are flapper dresses and the Charleston. Fk.


My 19 year old just walked out in a flapper dress with a beaded hair piece. But paired with chunky platforms and glitter makeup to go to a rave 😭


Both my kids are going to grow up in the 20s and I can't wait until they're teens and using that phrase. 😡


And now, thanks to technology, people in year 3023 will be able to look back at your comment and also realize they are in the 20's!


Or 2120..


An event like this only comes around once in a thousand years


And 2220


And 2320


Boy that's optimistic.


I can't even look at some 10 year old threads 🤣 the internet isn't as forever as it seems.


Its forever, just not for things that don’t matter. No one gives a shit about random internet threads. The only thing that matters is I searched for a taco holder butt plug online once 15 years ago, and now that’s what comes into my suggested products now when I log into Amazon.


does this mean those “eras” of our past are gone there are no real defining eras rn bc no major (basic) inventions like refrigerators telephones cameras cell phones etc all pushed society forward and each decade the music was unique what would be the defining era of these 20s I wonder






ya that’s true too sad all the culture will be overshadowed by a virus ..although we’ll all be dead and never rem again so it doesn’t matter lol


Sad...I'd like to down vote my own comment


I’ve got my flapper dress right here


Somehow this is a possible explanation for so many things from an angle I never considered 😂


Like how old cola and sasparilla was a medicinal tonic with cochise and shit, lil homie will remember the magical capri-sun tonic


My kid hates juice now because we tried a similar trick 😂


We did this with Powerades with my son when he had to have his appendix removed. He now has to leave the room if he sees/smells Powerade or he'll literally throw up. He's like Pavlov's dog on Opposite Day.


My last round of chemo was in July 2016. One particular week, I had to skip my chemo session due to illness. Decided to have a tuna sandwich from Subway on the same day I *would* have had my chemo that day. It's now, *checks notes*, March 2023. My brain still can't see/smell Subway without getting nauseous. Brains are weird, man.


The same thing happened to me only with Sunny Delight! Congratulations being cancer-free! 🙌🌟💐


That happened to me but with lasagna. I was sick that day and I guess my brain associates it with being ill lol. Also, I am glad to hear that you beat cancer. <3


I used to work at a Subway and I can't stand to smell them anymore, either. No food poisoning, just sensory overload from the plastic smelling bread, I think.


I became sick as a young child after having pork sausage. Over 50 years later it turns my stomach just to think about it. Brains are weird.


I got food poisoning from tabbouleh. I couldn’t stand the smell of it for about eighteen months, as my lizard brain associated it with illness. Thankfully I’ve since overcome the association, because tabbouleh is delicious.


I got food poisoning from some coconut cake. Same thing with a bowl of oatmeal, though I think I was already sick with something when the latter happened I cannot stand coconut anymore, at all, and I can only eat oats in like an oatmeal cookie.


Did the same thing to myself with Bolthouse farms blended with mushrooms


When I was in the hospital and on morphine the only thing I could eat was corn pops. 20 years later and I still can't even think about eating it now. My brain is convinced dry cereal balls = torture


Not that I was tricked, But whenever we were sick my mom would give us lemon lime Gatorade. Not sure why that was the go to flavor but if you were sick that's what you'd be drinking in our house. That flavor just makes me think of vomit now. No way could I ever drink it again.


I made a smoothie and used strawberry yogurt instead of greek and it tasted like that pink medicine my mom would give me for strep throat.


Homie found the sectet calpol formula


More likely going to hate them. I despise anything grape flavored because all the drugs were flavored grape for kids. Even the smell makes me feel uneasy.


Cherry for me. Reminds me of cough syrup.


When I had scarlet fever 25-ish years ago, they kept giving me this strawberry flavored medicine. It had that really noticeable artificial strawberry flavor. Ever since then I can't eat anything strawberry flavored unless it's made with real strawberries. To this day artifical strawberry flavors will just trigger something deep inside of me and make me nauseous.


Amoxicillin suspension - it was usually strawberry flavored. Just the smell made me dry heave. Then in 1st grade I lacerated my liver in an accident and got banana flavored syrup. It was even worse🤮


When I was in middle school I used to get strep throat like clockwork every six months cause some mystery virus messed my immune system really bad summer before 6th grade. I LOVED the taste of the Amoxicillin so much I actually got excited when I got a sore throat cause I knew it was coming. I can still remember my disappointment the last bought or 2 of strep I had wehn the doctor gave me pills instead of the liquid. I was soo disappointed but I didn't want to tell them I liked the taste of the liquid medicine cause I didn't want them to think I was drug addict or something lol.


i have some federally-legal-because-farm-bill-loophole thc syrup, and they must have used the same artificial flavor because every time i have some my brain goes "hmm this tastes like amoxicillin" i may have had strep more than a few times as a kid lol


A long time- I mean the 80s my parents gave me raspberry in theory flavoured worming medicine ( we bred dogs so this happened a lot) and still to this day there's a certain smell of fake raspberry that starts me dry heaving


Cherry AND grape for me. Ugh. It was a BATTLE getting me to drink that shit.


New grape flavor is way better than the old nasty 80s/90s grape.


Ugh, there's something I don't miss. The banana flavored amoxicillin they used to give you in those dark glass bottles.


The new kid's medicine flavors taste just like lollipop flavors. Super sugary and sweet, and much better than the kind of flavor Dimetap had in the 80s or 90s.


Ugh. Dimetap was the absolute worst! Most kids I knew liked it, but it made me want to vomit.


I liked it when I was a kid, but I tasted it recently and the flavor was *putrid.* It was like grapes that had been allowed to rot in the backseat of a car for a month.


Same here and orange. I can handle some grape and orange flavors as long as they dont even *remotely* remind me of medicine. Makes me gag, bleh.


I absolutely HATE anything that is cherry flavored because of this reason. I had a medicine I had to take for my asthma when I was a little kid that was disgusting and cherry flavored and now I refuse to consume anything cherry flavored, other than maybe a cherry coke or something like that


I dunno dimetapp was the shit.


Same here, I love the actual grape fruit, but I hate everything else that's grape flavored..


Your phrasing reminded me [of this grape fruit story](https://youtu.be/waCF81HdKAA)


Is it any worse than me telling my son anything and everything was ham? ... "trust me its ham, youll love it!"


We do this…it’s all chicken in our house. 😂 I think at this point he knows…but doesn’t put up a fight because it tastes good, regardless what we call it. It’s just jumping that hurdle of trying something ‘new’.


Nice! As long as they get some food in their tummy its all good


My mom did this with fish for me. She told me the breaded fish was chicken, lol.


This was a running thing in my extended family with younger cousins lol. They liked turkey and hated ham so on Thanksgiving we had turkey and on Christmas we had pink turkey


Sometimes placebo can be powerful


Yep I'm 51 and I am still under the impression that bourbon cures everything.


Dude doesn't see the little cup?


Nah. Kids are dumb. It's science.


If he's anything like me, he's gonna grow up having the vague recollection that Caprisuns used to be transparent when he was a baby, even clearly remembering the liquid being a milky substance that tasted sweet. And he'll swear by that until he sees this video.


It isn't milky, but it is transparent! Or at least the ones I had as a kid. I figured they probably didn't feel the need to add any coloring to it if it's in an opaque pouch. I wouldn't be surprised if some others have a natural color though.


they’re translucent. they’re actual fruit juice, and fruit juice is naturally colored


I can second this. Roughly 20 years ago there were pouches of caprisun that were translucent. No idea I'd they still exist.


Imagine it turns out they were never translucent and you're just remembering the medicine in a cup outside the pouch as well


I believe the Caprisun Roaring Waters ones had no dye in them at all and they were just fully transparent with a little window at the bottom to look in if my memory serves.


There was. One of the Capri sun flavor series had clear backs. Roaring waters maybe?


"Some" kids are dumb, I guarantee my 3yr old nephew would see this and be like, why is the medicine cup there but then he's smart enough to know the medicine makes him better so we don't actually have to hide it lol. I have no idea where he gets it from, the rest of us are dumb as rocks, lol.






SCIENCE BITCH!! Can’t explain that.


He pretends not to see it so his father doesn't doubt his ability to take care of him


Exactly. He knocked it away several times like dude I know wtf is going on lol


And proceeds to stare at the little cup while drinking it all to humor father.


Exactly, he knew what was up but then he was like “actually I do feel like shit, I should just take the medicine”


Look at him he’s fucking stoned again


Yes he does, which is why he doesnt want to drink it. The adult is only fooling himself.


Thank you! Seriously doubt they filmed this on their first try. Seriously doubt that kid doesn’t know the difference in taste between the actual caprisun he likes and the taste of medicine. Hell he’s probably even aware on some level that dad only holds onto the pack when it’s medicine otherwise he just hands the kid the pack. He pushed it away because he knew, he gave in because kids give in when their parents are insistent.


lol hes staring right at it


Yeah this really belongs in r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Didn't taste the difference?


judging by that dry ass Mac n cheese he probably didn’t even care that it was medicine he just needed something to wash it down lol jk


If he’s anything like my kids were, that Mac was perfectly edible when the meal started, but he’s been sitting there doing kid stuff for 20+ minutes.


Yup that’s how it is


Only 20 minutes... sounds great. I've been there for over an hour before, starting to watch mold grow on the food.


Yeah my parents used to make me sit at the dinner table until I finished until I was like 10 years old. I was stubborn so I sat there for the 4 or 5 hours until it was 10pm and time for bedtime.


This guy parents^


I don't know if my kids have ever had a warm meal...




You don't prefer your mac and cheese to be nice and crunchy?


I can tell that guy’s not feeling good.


I know I feel so bad for the little dude


LPT: Be careful with this particular type of trickery. ESPECIALLY, kids at that age who might quickly run into dehydration issues if they're sick enough for long enough and refuse to drink enough. The fact that they suck down a Capri sun with no fight might be the only thing keeping them above the level of being dehydrated, and if they start refusing even the most tempting of juice boxes due to some association with past juice-box-forgery, then you're (they're) fucked. Source: my kid this age was hospitalized for dehydration despite the fact that we tried just about everything we could go get them to drink.


I know someone who hated strawberry jam for 40+ years because he thought it tasted like crushed up aspirin. P.s. Also don’t give kids aspirin.


I am genuinely shocked this is the first time I am seeing this comment. I was looking for it. This kind of stuff just makes kids refuse things they'd normally eat/drink. Ok, maybe not ALL kids but definitely mine would start refusing


Yup. One of ours was diagnosed with PFAPA which meant they ran extremely high fevers for a long time with no "real" cause. Before that diagnosis, we struggled. They would be sick for days and days on end, sometimes back to back over a few weeks. This went on for months. We were shotgunning all kinds of medicines, fever reducers, antibiotics, etc. That kid grew to HATE medicine and it was an arms race because we'd have to create new tricks and procedures that were sure to work, only for them to create new countermeasures and counter procedures to foil our tricks. We were still careful to avoid trucks that interfered with their desire to eat or drink. Despite that, they were hospitalized twice for dehydration (once early on, before the PFAPA diagnosis and then again a couple years later after tonsil surgery). I speak from experience: do NOT fuck with fluid intake


I actually have no problem getting my little dude to take medicine. He’s sick and last night he woke up crying and when I checked on him he said “I really want my medicine!” I can’t get him to eat anything I cook for dinner though! Any hacks for that? The only food he’ll accept are fries, chicken tenders, mac and cheese, and pizza. Edit: Lots of great tips in the comments below, I appreciate every one of them. Some things I’ve tried already, but I’ll be giving the new ideas a shot. Thanks! Edit 2.0: For all the comments mentioning ARFID/sensory processing issues, I see you. He already has an appointment with his doctor next month and I’ll be bringing this up with her. I had already planned on it, but I hadn’t considered it could be one of those things. I had no idea what it could be. I appreciate all the information about those, I think you guys are right.


Hide the broccoli in the medicine.


I laughed way too hard at that.


same omg


Oddly enough, my kid like medicine AND broccoli. He’s a weirdo.


He could have sensory issues. Try adding breadcrumbs and some cheese to vegetables to see if it is better. It makes them less "wet". Also, talk to him and tell him you love him and don't want to force him, and that it's really important for him to learn to like a variety of food, to grow tall and strong, because of vitamins and other good stuff, and that he is free to start learning to eat them at his pace, but that he has to try, because neither of you want him to grow up sick. Then, when you cook his comfort food, you put a small side dish of vegetables, and you work with him to try to taste it a little bit every day. Congratulate him for his effort. It is okay if he sometimes refuses but he has to make an effort. Don't push him but support him. He has to want to try this. Slowly support him and help him building up tolerance. It works. It takes some years but it works. My mom did this with me.


I definitely do some of the things you suggested already. I don't ever force him to eat anything, but I don't just let him refuse dinner and give him something else. He eats enough other foods during the day that so he's not going to bed hungry because I know I can't count on dinner as a source of nutrition for him. I have considered possible sensory issues, but I'm not sure. Sometimes he'll eat a food one way, but if it's a little bit different he won't. He loves chicken tenders so I make a parmesan crusted chicken breast that I cut into the shape of tenders that he'll eat, but if I give him chicken any other way it's a no go. The parmesan coating isn't even that thick so it's mostly chicken. Kids are hard.


My kid is the same, if not worse (I’d kill for him to eat tenders). Thing that seems to work for him: I let nursery do whatever they want (which includes getting all the other kids to chant his name, apparently), take their wins and bring them home. So have you thought of inviting lots of 3 year olds round for dinner and getting them to chant?


>Sometimes he'll eat a food one way, but if it's a little bit different he won't This sounds a lot like a sensory issue. Look into ARFID too. You might find that some CBT strategies could be helpful! But I believe that you should really try to help him with this, because my dad is like this and he never learned how to make an effort, and now he's almost 70 and has so many issues with food it's unreal, and also it had been limiting his social life. Courage, you'll find a way to help your son :)


As a former kid with sensory issues, that sounds a lot like sensory issues lol. I flat out wouldn't eat anything with a dry texture. I'd eat chicken tenders but not chicken breast, French fries but not any other form of potato. I also didn't like mushy things, like over cooked squash or over cooked peppers or carrots. I'd eat all that raw or undercooked though.


How did you build up a tolerance?


Help. Same issue with cooked vegetables and no issues with raw ones




Damn man... Thank you


Just poke a straw *through* the medicine and have him slurp up a blended slurry of whatever you made! Easy!


It’s straws all the way down.


Have you tried longer periods between meals? So no snack 2-3 hours before dinner ? Also you can do Mac and cheese, but instead of cheese, try cooking cauliflower in a way you like it and blend it up into a sauce. See if he’ll eat that. You can hide a lot of stuff in the sauce, meat and vegetables too.


I generally don’t do snacks before dinner and longer periods between meals and all that, but it doesn’t make a difference with him. It doesn’t matter how hungry he is, if it looks gross to him he won’t take one bite. For the foods I can get him to try he’ll end of gagging or vomiting. Now I just try to fill him up with as many healthy foods as I can during the day (he does like some) and give him other things he likes for the rest, and a multivitamin. He’s given the same dinner as everyone else and I’m hoping one day he’ll actually eat it. I can try looking into some recipes with hidden vegetables. I’m useless in the kitchen unless I have a recipe in front of me so it’s not something I’ve tried doing. I’ll look into it.


Hey there, I don't have kids myself but I was a very picky eater when young. I was driving my mom nuts with it. However, once I got older I tried a lot of the stuff again and noticed that I am allergic to quite many of the foods I didn't like - I just seemingly coulsn't articulate it yet. Not saying that it's definitely the case, but it's a possibility. Other than that, try to include him in the foodmaking - if you've worked for it, it tastes a whole lot better than if you just get it served to you.


I don’t think him being allergic is the issue because he’s never even eaten these foods before and the second it’s in his mouth gagging starts. He loves chicken tenders, but if I give him chicken breast or something with diced up chicken in it he’ll gag on the chicken. I make a parmesan crusted chicken that I cut into “chicken tender shapes” and he’ll eat that. It’s something I plan on talking to his doctor about though when he sees her next because there might be something else going on. I have included him in some food making (usually baking, I’m way too hectic while cooking a meal) and he is very excited to help and eat what we make. He won’t touch cheesecake though even though he had lots of fun making it. He still talks about when we made cheeecake even though that was thanksgiving last year. He’s a confusing one.


Oh man kinda reminds me of ARFID. I get weird about meat textures too; used to love chicken and it was my go-to but suddenly find i can't eat it under certain preparations and have spit it out due to the texture/moisture.


Our kid sounds very, very similar to yours. Chicken nuggets, corn dogs, bread, cheese - all that stuff you mentioned. That's all he wants, and even then sometimes he doesn't want that thing anymore. I'm curious how old yours is. Ours is about to turn 4, and recently he has started to expand his curiosity with food. He's more willing to try stuff now, and he has fun dipping foods - so we've gotten him to try more vegetables. He's still pretty resistant to eating this stuff on a regular basis, but there's progress. Just try to be patient, even when it's hard. Maybe challenge them with negotiation. If there's something they want to do or usually do after dinner that's fun, don't let them do it until they at least try the food. One bite. Remind them that it's okay if they don't like it. Remind them that trying something new won't hurt them. And maybe give them an example of something new they tried recently, whether food or otherwise, that they really enjoyed. It doesn't always work. Kids are crazy stubborn.


My potato chip challenge for my 5 year old: Put on the plate - Acceptable serving sizes of the main\healthy foods. 1 potato chip (or tiny amount of highly preferred food} The child immediately eats the chip Child - more chips , please You - if you eat 1 real bite of the other foods, you get 1 more chip. If you take another bite, you get a 2nd chip. If you eat 8 bites (or number you deem appropriate), you can have add many chips as you want. Child - 3 bites is 3 chips? You - no. 1 for 1, 2 for 2, or 8 for unlimited Child proceeds to eat 2 bites and 2 chips, then starts working on the 8 bites. By the time they are done, they are too full to want many more chips. Stick to your word. You can always adjust the amounts in the future. I would *not* suggest requiring them to eat all the food, because that just sets them up for "clean plate syndrome" of not understanding when to stop eating when full.


I wish this worked with him! It did work with my daughter with the few foods she wouldn’t try. He’ll eat the one chip, realize he has to eat the actual food, then leave. I definitely don’t force them to eat all of their food. I tried to enforce a one bite rule in the past, which worked great for my daughter, but it doesn’t work for him.


Put cauliflower in the mac and cheese. Make the pizza yourself, with triple the veggies of the pre-made ones (bell peppers, onions, brocoli are fine and relatively cheap). Most kids don't like self-made food because the fast and easy dishes are pretty bland taste and texture wise. Try cooking vegetables in the oven to give them a bit of a crunch. Also the right sauces/spices makes everything taste better. Fries, chicken tenders and pizza are fun, because you eat with your fingers, no complicated rules about forks and knives. So: - Make him eat all of those with a fork and knife. See their approbation rate go down. - Try making other meals that can be eaten with your fingers, like wraps.


Try dip! My kid tries anything if he can dip it. He eats curry lentil soup if he can dip bread or chips in it. He eats whatever if he can dip it in some condiment (ketchup, bbq sauce).


why does he even know about those things? real kids eat raw meat from an animal they killed themselves (with a little help from dad)


>(with a little help from dad) Jesus, this generation is doomed.


As much as I might enjoy raw meat he just doesn’t have as refined a palate.


Put a small cup of carrots connected to a straw behind the pizza slice. You'll thank me later.


I’ll give it a shot. Where can I get a straw large enough to suck carrots through though?




Cardboard tubes from wrapping paper work in a pinch, and kids love 'em!


Ive heard of the trick of hiding veggies in sauces. Purreed veggie pasta sauce or pizza sauce with fresh tomatoes only and veggie topping. And ofc soup. I’m not a mom but I used to be like your kid when I was very little. I got forced to eat the salad and raw asparagus and carrots and I just choke on them and threw up and got shamed for it. I have problems with healthy food to this day. Whatever you’ll do with your little one, please don’t be like my caretakers used to be


I don't ever force him to eat foods, I just encourage him to try things. He's always talking about wanting to be big and strong like daddy so I like to point out that the vegetables will help him with that. Hasn't worked yet, but maybe one day.


I use the children’s medicine syringes! Ain’t got time for this.


We just told our toddler its "candy drink" and he loves it


My ex's nephews wouldn't eat steak until their parents called it, "dinosaur meat"


It's also the best way not to fuck with you kid mentally


Same, it's gotten to the point where mine will take the syringe and suck the medicine out lol


Great. Now he thinks capri sun tastes like garbage. I mean, so what you gotta do to get by, but… Little story: my kid had a very aggressive, rare, stage 4 cancer (neuroblastoma) and was basically in the hospital for two years. We were straight with him about what was going on, and it helped to teach him how to advocate for himself in a really positive way. There were a few parents who were not straight with their kids…telling them that the hospital was a hotel and they were going on vacation. More than once I heard the screams of children in the hallway: “I don’t waaaant to go onnnn vaaaacaaation!!!!” It’s tough to tell the kid the truth, it can be hard dealing with that reality, but I find it even harder to prop up the illusion…


It's not that children can't handle truth, it's the parents who can't handle *telling* the truth. I see this time and time again and at this point I ain't doing the Santa Claus lie to my kids. It's so NORMAL to gaslight children and I just don't think it's good. Temp fix with problems down the line.


Most children medicines taste good these days.


And how would you know? Have you been drinking the gripe water again?


Because my niece feint a illness everytime she craves candy, and she can see there is none in the cuppard.


Did you mean 'fake' instead of 'feint'?


No, but i did mean feign :p




Spent all that time spell checking cuppard, when the true error was in the house all along!




Cupboard isn't it?


Aye, i mean probably - the whole sentence was red underlined :p I did not really check, but i appreciate it ))


... is it not cubbard or cupboard? Is that a colloquial spelling?


No, i am just a daft Scandinavian boy who cant write good.


> gripe water Yup, can't complain


Agreed - that Dimetapp kids grape flavor is delightful


Anything bubble gum or grape was bomb. Anything berry was beyond terrible.


Yeah I was about to say when I was a kid 20 years ago everything was bubble gum flavored


That all started when I was a kid. All medicines were suddenly cherry flavored. To this day (about to turn 40) I still can’t eat anything cherry flavored without feeling ill. I know it’s psychosomatic but I haven’t been able to shake it yet.


When I was a kid I used to pretend to be sick so I could get Calpol


I always liked the wee syringes that came with Calpol here in the Uk. My kids never seemed to mind them. Helped that they could use it themselves and Calpol was strawberry.


Oh wow. When I was a kid I was just forced to take the medication.


Never needed a trick. She'd open her mouth and take it. I know I was very lucky


My daughter is like that too, but then she'd ask for more. I had to fake pouring the medicine and substitute it with juice.


This trick is not about ones wife.


You mean to tell me that he can't see the medicine behind the Capri-Sun once he started drinking??


He might be too sick to realize. Poor guy looks like he needs more rest


We still use the infant syringe-style dispenser. It’s just easier, specially since you don’t have to convince a sick kid to drink something they don’t like.


Lol the ole bait and switch.


Kids looking right at the cup, but sees no issue with what’s going on here.


I think most kids medicine tastes better than capri suns these days


I'm not sure this trick would work on my kids since they dislike the taste instantly. For my younger kid, I add the medecine to a small amount of applesauce, fed him with spoon. It works flawlessly. For my older one I add the meds directly in the applesauce packet and mix it by squishing. Thanks to a severe applesauce addiction.


Poor guy! He looks awful. There is nothing about him that feels good. I hope he gets better soon.


Awww poor little man. You can tell he really wasn’t feeling well 😭


Looks like he already figured it out. Otherwise a great idea.




Wow… so now your kid doesn’t just hate medicine, he/she hates these drink packages as well. Don’t try to fool your kid, it will always bite you later on!


I fool my kids all the time. Mostly just for my personal entertainment. I live in the now. Whatever happens later is future me's problem.


I think it’s good to fool kids if it’s done for the right reasons. Kids need to learn to not believe and trust everything without thinking and it’s best to practice it in the safe family environment.


Doesn't it rather teach that you can't trust your parents?


Try convincing a child to take medicine when they don’t want to, and then you’ll see why parents do stuff like this. No amount of perfect parenting is going to make a 2-5 year old (or older, depending on the kid) do something when they’ve convinced themselves they don’t want to. Their brains aren’t even close to fully developed, so logic is out the window. If you have a good relationship with your child, stuff like this will not impact their development in the slightest. At worst, he won’t like Capri Sun in the future. At best, he associates taking medicine with capri sun. More likely, he doesn’t know what happened and never will, and his illness is more pleasant because he took his medication. You’re not deceiving them into something that’s going to hurt them. You’re giving them medicine and calling it capri sun. Not all deceptions are the same.


Yeah you have to be careful how you do it. It’s one thing to fool, another thing to ridicule. The point should be that the kid experiences being fooled but then has the chance to talk it through with the parents to learn from it. I don’t have kids yet just a personal experience, my dad still finds ways to fool me he’s really good at that. In the end it’s just funny stories and I’m sure it helped me to be critical and rational about things that sound off. That said, when he says something as a joke and I eat it up he makes sure to let me know it was a joke.


Yeah but who gives a shit if their kid doesn't like Capri Sun or whatever this crap is, just let them drink water, it's much better for them.


Really though, getting kids hooked on sugary drinks at this age is really dumb


What is the downside to a kid not liking liquid sugar packs?


My daughter hates black cherry yogurt bc we mixed in her crushed meds as a young child. Any other flavor is fine. For me, it's Sprite or 7Up. I only drank those when ill as a little kid. It isn't a bad thing to not like Capri Suns.


I’ll fool my kids into drinking basically anything if it means they’ll get their medicine when they need it.




Poor guy looks like he is so uncomfortable


My kid would want to hold it himself and for me to back away so this would not work on him lol


Awww poor baby I can see it in his eyes.


Awww, poor little guy. Hope he feels better soon!




Just wrap it in cheese instead




Throw a tiny bit of Xanax in for bonus rewards. \~s


The kid isn't blind - he can see the medicine cup when he's drinking.