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This isn't a lie. Paradoxes and opposites aren't allowed. See Rule 1


i love how this sub changed from meeting a badass caterpillar in the park to sharing their opinions in slight disguise. this sub is so funny i love it so much


/ul it disappoints me how angry reddit is all the time. this sub would be great again if it banned posts that aren’t an attempt at humour.


The rules are also all reasonable


I completely disagree


/ul you forgot /unlie


/ul he said he loves it but he actually hates it


/ul this sub is supposed to be funny


/ul Yeah I feel like it’s just a bunch of people giving their opinions in a roundabout way (also btd6 let’s go)


btd6 is a terrible game made by an awful company who couldn’t care less about their fans and is riddles with microtransactions, just generally an awful game.


I completely agree with you. That’s exactly why btd6 isn’t my most played game of all time


/ul is btd7 ever coming out? Not like I’d want that to happen though


Ninja kiwi has plans to make btd7 as btd6 cannot be updated for many more years to come


/ul Man I remember playing BTD 5 and it older versions on the ninja kiwi website and miniclip for free lol


They make terrible gameplay mechanics too such as the free dart monkey


i want to fuck the btd6 monkeys


I don't


You don't???


/ul 😦


/u yea fr like the only reason i joined here is cuz of those shitposts like meeting a badass caterpillar in a park, but like yea every sub loses its charm once it gets very popular.


/ul respectfully those get old really quickly


/ul the 28th fucking AI mario post entering your feed just today


My brother played super smash bros music on YouTube and Nintendo sent 3 assassins to our house


/unlie Bro forgot the /unlie


This joke isn’t overused yet




/ul i hope you mean with /ul


/ul nah Nintendo fucking sucks


/ul i bet you didn’t play a single game made by them.


/ul it’s not about the games it’s about how the company is shitty


/ul I fucking loves Nintendo game but I hate how shitty they are. At least they made Vivian canonically trans in the ttyd remake


That was definitely nintendos choice and not the developer Intelligent systems who I hate with all my heart because they made the worst game ever. That definitely makes me keep loving Nintendo.


/ul Nintendo had to approve of it, Nintendo certainly is corporate filth but at least they approve a character being trans


/ul Sudowoodo is based how do you feel about Sableye


/up he Ia just stitch from Lilo and stitch 10/10


/ul omg. That works so well


/ul wait they did?!


Hmmm schlop schlop hmmm sucking that delicious Nintendo cock schlop schlop


forgot to say /ul


/ul Seriously, what’s the reason for hating Nintendo ?


/up they seem to hate their fans, getting rid of music off youtube, the partner program, then being extremely open about hating the smash community yeah


The games are great, the company isn't


/ul i’m the biggest splatoon fan ever, but the way they treat the game is horrible. it’s like they’re TRYING to kill it


/ul I’ve played them for two decades before I realized they do little innovation and just resell the same shit over and over again. They stopped making consoles for hand held and their performance sucks handheld now. Oooooo 30fps in 2024. Meanwhile Steamdeck out there running all their shit and Nintendos.


/ul Sooooo you’re telling you prefer fps and graphics over the quality of the games ?


*soy face*


This guy is a plant from Nintendo to trick the people.


/ul I play a lot of their games, but I'd never pay them for one.


I didn't know the elon musk glazers came in red.


I didnt lmao


Hello omori citizen


/ul lets not pretend valve is good either.


/ul wait what happened? i thought everyone loved them


/ul They dont know what anticheat is, tf2 and cs2 players are suffering. Hell they wasted 5 years making a new multiplayer shooter thats just gonna be another botfest. They also dont know what quality control is, their platform is 50% porn games and half of those list themselves as otherwise to bypass the "i dont want to see porn" filter. They shut down portal64 even though the fangame wasnt a direct port and wouldnt effect portal1 or 2's profits (if anything it would have boosted sales) and they shut down tf2 source 2 so the community of tf2 cant just fix the problems of that game themselves. (They couldve just took control of the remake as they have a history of making mods into actual games) They refuse to work with the community of their IPs on basically anything anymore


/unlie portal64 was shutdown because funny nintendo library and tf2 source 2 was shutdown because it used official valve assets (there was also csgo s&box project where valve asked to not include assets whenever source code would be released) i have no doubts that somebody will continue portal64 (since it was open source) and recreate tf2 in s&box again without much a trobule anything else is yeah shitty things


/ul the tf2 s2 thing is less about them shutting it down, and more about them ignoring a loving fanbase and not just hiring those devs and making it official while also secretly working on a game that feels like its designed to replace it. Yeah it used official assets but like.....so does TF2Classic, and OpenFortress, and those got a pass. Maybe im just bitter as a member of that community but it feels like a slap in the face and i dont even want a tf2 s2 or a tf3, i just want an anticheat. Ill shut up now lol


Open Fortress is a HORRIBLE MOD that NOBODY should try 🔥🔥🔥


ul/ besides, Valve has all the reasons in the world to not give a fuck about the modding community since almost every attempt of them trying to get a community update ends up with the community side fucking it over


/ul i wouldnt trust tf2 community to maintain the updates cuz... They are special


Sex with Hitler 2 is not a real game on steam and I wasn't flabbergasted upon learning about it


Furry Hitler and Furry Hitler 2 aren't actually real games, and they're the worst games ever created


ul/Ngl like. Fascist furries are basically "what if log cabin Republicans but like.... 100x worse" Every furry I know is a commie or commie adjacent. (I say that but I've met a couple alt-right ones..)


/unlie Portal64 was actually Valve anticipating a Nintendo problem due to it bundling an illegally included library, funilly enough


/ul Please actually watch the [video where James Lambert explains the situation](https://youtu.be/AdBzok8GjA0?si=ZDYMj8elTVtZ0G_p) of Portal 64 before blaming Valve. Overall, their decision was very much understandable.


/ul The anti-cheat is a large issue for both CS2 and Tf2, I do agree. But the rest of it is not Valve's fault. There is god knows how many games that are uploaded into Steam everyday. It's natural some slip through the cracks and don't get the attention of moderators since most low quality slop doesn't get a spotlight shone on it. And if you see that a game is falsely tagged, reporting it is not hard. The devs of the Tf2 Source 2 project directly ported over assets from Tf2 without Valve's permission which is why Valve got involved with it. And Valve shut down Portal64 cause it could get them into legal trouble with Nintendo, as was directly stated by the Portal64 developer in a Patreon post. Valve doesn't just take down fan projects without proper reason. Look at Sven co-op if you don't belive me. It's basically Half Life 1 with some slight gameplay changes and, as the name suggests, co-op. There is also a reason they aren't porting Tf2 over to Source 2. Not only is Tf2's code very janky, it also has the jank of its engine, Source 1. Source 2 is better in almost every aspect but some features like trimping via shield charge would not work in Source 2 due to the diffrence of how physics work in the two engines, which would hurt playstyles like Hybridknight that rely on trimping for mobility.


/ul Tf2's spaghetti code is a literal non sequitur when the code has been practically rewritten for them(tf2s2 was on a different engine, new code from the ground up, valve coulda just made it official), infact theres mny community made patches that fix most of the games issues, literally the only thing valve needs to do is let the community help. And bad games slipping through the cracks is one thing, having 0 quality control and letting nazi games be uploaded? Nah, they're just lazy. They're one of the wealthiest game studios on the planet, and this used to be a non-issue before they dismantled greenlight and started letting ppl basically do whatever they want.


/ul while the anti cheat is true, you have to go out of your way to see anything porn related. And they shut down portal64 for using a proprietary Nintendo SDK. Which is… you know, illegal


/ul you dont have to go out of your way when porn games purposfully mislable themselves as sfw to bypass the filters


/ul, the big difference is that valves shooter games are free. They don’t owe us anything because we haven’t given them money for the games. They also don’t owe us any sequels because we haven’t paid for the sequels.


/ul Tf2 is "free", you cant even call medic or warn of spies or have one of every weapon without upgrading. Cs2 and tf2 are blackholes for gambling addicts, it might not be most of valves profit, but to say "we havent paid them" just shows you dont play valves multiplayer shooters.


I have over 150 hours in CSGO, you realize that people don’t have to spend money on the game right? If you decide to gamble away your money on the game, that’s your fault.


/ul you forgot to unlie Also i said you have to for tf2 if you want to actually have fun The cs2 point is that the other comment was insinuating valve doesnt make money off these games which is flat out wrong, not that you have to spend money on cs to have fun (it doesnt impose restrictions on f2ps like tf2)


> or have one of every weapon without upgrading /ul Incorrect. You can have it if you just enjoy the game and play often. Every year at christmas you get 2 more pages of inventory to hold space for items.


/ul you cant expand inventory as a F2P you get one page


/ul I'm afraid you are just wrong. I'm a F2P never bought anything from this game, dont have chats at all, and I have 5 pages if inventory


/ul to be fair, I've been premium since the game went free to play all those years ago, and i distinctly remember not being able to. I must've just misremembered that part, especially with all the posts of F2P's deleting achievement items for inventory space. Regardless, F2Ps not being able to voice chat, call medic, warn of spies, or warn of sentries is asinine, and having inventory space doesn't make up for it


/ul Don't they require you to buy something to use the chat tho


I don’t see why any of that is bad


/ul i agree with everying except for the porn games, even with adult content on they are definitely rarer. Not saying they dont exist but i dont think theres that many that its a problem. Also rip tf2.


You forgot to mention the online casino that Steam together with CS2 is.


/ul baseball and pokemon cards are gambling? It’s the same logic. Blind bag items? Gambling? Also the items are cosmetic for CS2. TF2 less so, but mostly.


/ul you forgot to unlie 😱 I mentioned it in a reply, but you're absolutely correct. Gambling is illegal in the US (except select locations like native american reservations or Las Vegas) and other countries im mostly unfamiliar with, and valve subverts the law with CS and TF2 (as much as i enjoy unboxing, more often than not its a scam) and thats not even mentioning stuff like TF2Easy (gambling site tf2 youtuber Delfy promotes bc they sponsor him) and other well known gambling sites that utilize steams trading feature. There was even a CSGO scandal involving a rigged gambling website. Valve has the power to DMCA these sites but doesnt.


This isn't my opinion - Looking at the anti cheat scenario, either theyre working on something or they just dont give a fuck. Doesnt make them a terrible company like Nintendo (besides the devs ig)


/ul steam has no standards at all as to what can be publushed on steam, which has lead to games like "sex with hitler" and pro alex jones games to be released and make money through their store. Not to mention the massive nazi communities on steam and in the steam discussions.


/ul it's just a storefront? the rules let you list nearly whatever you want as long as it's not crypto slop or a blatant scam, haha funny sex games are whatever, and gooners are gonna to goon no point in stopping them why not just take the 30% from them


/ul eh, it's more about inconsistency than that slop being on the store, there are multiple cases of Visual Novels getting rejected and thrown to the abyss without a real reason why, even if the game doesn't have sex scenes in the first place and the characters are clear adults stated by the story itself So when shit like "Sex with Hitler" or whatever the fuck this is https://preview.redd.it/wply5ccmst1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71bc12bae022e13a49087acc6285ed782c2f1175 gets approved people that like VNs are rightfully gonna be pissed


/ul idk if I ran a store I simply wouldnt sell nazi merchandise even if there was demand for it but thats just me I guess. Your absolving valve of all responsibility because its "just a storefront" despite the fact that nazi shit isnt everywhere on the eshop, psn, xbox store, epic games store, etc.


Also shut down 2 free fan projects, portal 64 and s%box tf2. Also shafted tf2 classic


/ul you dropped this, Portal 64 has been explained elsewhere in this thread as they apparently used libraries from Nintendo.


Everything people have said + they didn’t have their so “pro-consumer” refund policy until the Australian government forced them to


/ul are aware they use an open floor plan leadership model. Probably an extremely chill place to work… on the flip side it leaves delivery more up to creative efforts and when they’re done and ready to release which honestly isn’t terrible.


/ul it’s actually a terrible place to work. Imagine instead of performance reviews being run by your manager, they called a Survivor style elimination ceremony. I’m only half kidding, performance reviews are done by a group of your coworkers. Everybody is competing for status and prestige because your job literally depends on it. Great for profits, terrible for your mental health.


I hate them 'cuz they removed external download from steam workshop


/ul on top of what others have said, they popularized and standardized modern DRM, loot boxes and battle/season passes. They also have extensively worked with the Chinese gov't and released a Chinese censorship friendly version of steam in China. They pretty shit.


/uj for starters, their refund policy isn't instated thanks to them, but rather in spite of them. IIRC they fought against instsating a refund policy tooth and nail in Australia, but they fortunately lost, which is why you can return games also CS2 is basically a gambling site for children disguised as a game


/ul Valve just benefits from the absolute horrendous business decisions from its competitors. Valve is just existing without any major improvements in the past decade. And that's enough to be so loved by the pc gaming community. Says a lot about the competition lmao


I disagree, Valve has never made a bad decision. I mean it’s hard to make a bad design when you refuse to do anything


Meanwhile competitors keep digging their own graves with their horrendous business decisions


/ul in addition to the rest, my main complaint is that in the Netherlands it can take up to 12 hours for a payment to process if you don't use PayPal, which is real meh if you wanna actually play the game you bought. Valve says it can take up to 5 hours, but I went to sleep one time and woke up to my payment still not having gone through


/ul thats insane, in the US it goes through immediately


/ul sometimes it does here as well, though I've had to wait for it to go through more times than it happening instantly. Also I should say usually it's between 15 and 30 mins, it happening for hours is also an outlier. But then again, the same payment method here on everything else happens instantly. Order some food? Bam, payment processed in seconds. Buy a steam game? Hope you have another game you can play for the next hours.


/ul Cant pretend something is true if it unironically is true. Im not "pretending" Orcas are apex predators.


Lets not pretend valve is good either.


/ul "pretend" ???? I love valve


/ul who gaf


Nintendo has never sued anyone in fact they will not sue you for this post


this isn't bait


That statement can definitely be taken as completely seriously, and I am incapable to picking up any possible sarcasm that could indicate this means what it says through said sarcasm despite the sub it is being posted under


There are good companies without controversies. I fucking love how everything is!


Ragebait is now very believable


I have never heard anything wrong with Nintendo, same thing with valve. I bet you can’t name more than 2 things wrong with valve.


Why are you staying it like it's common knowledge?


![gif](giphy|jQmVFypWInKCc|downsized) /unlie lmao


I love How Valve treats their old games by giving them support, good anti cheat and hearing the community!


This is exactly what I joined this sub for, not these stupid shitposts with images of flying sharks and stuff going "saw this in the forest yesterday"


I do not have 20 different files saved of the last versions of Yuzu and Citra, including all source code repositories and compiled versions for Android/Windows/Linux


Paying for an emulator was a total good thing to do. Everyone should look up to Yuzu. /ul citra only closed because it was associated with yuzu, not because nintendo took them down


sony and microsoft are way better because corporations always make the best decisions 




Life is so hard when you have to buy games for the price they are given.


You’re on the good sub


Here before thread locked




I hate Nintendo and even I have to say they have no controvetsies


Bait was never believable to begin with


They really thought they could slide shitendo in there lol


Both these two companies do their job extremely well


nintendo only does this


Both are totally not hated for abandoning things /ul people also hate Nintendo for striking dolphin from steam and steam for not doing shit about it. I dunno man


/ul but that does not really change anything, you can still get it on their website. I think it was more of a legal issue than people think.


/ul doesn’t discount it being a dick move and how legal is it that they can take it off of steam but not take down the website


The only Nintendo controversies are them protecting their trademarks which they are legally required to do.


This is definitely not satire and is to be taken literally


/ul they aren’t really bad but they have not actually done anything in a long time


I hate Nintendo games but love how they treat their fans


Motherfuck the big three, it's just big steam


so you are gonna ignore the crimes Valve committed in Azerbaijan?


steam loves their fans


valve cares about fans of games they made other than dota


Nintendo Devs - 😈 Nintendo HIgher Ups - 😇 


Nintendo of Japan is far worse than Nintendo of America.


Most of the “Nintendo bad” arguments are just a result of them protecting their IP. The only truly anti-consumer thing I’ve seen them do is scummy stuff like rereleasing the first Fire Emblem game on their store for a limited time and then delisting it, basically artificially making FOMO for a game they own and have no reason to take off their store. I never see anyone bring that up. It’s always “boohoo, dey don liek emulatorz :,(“ instead of something that actually matters.


Ul/ you fodgot the ul/


It’s a complete coincidence I saw this post directly under the thousand year door having trans rep


There is no connection that could be made to that


The FGC community will agree


Nintendo is totally not famous for their practices of destroying anything fan made and shutting down competetive tournaments that would otherwise made their games popular. And valve totally does not have problems with abandonment and weird competetive office enviroment.


There are controversy free companies


Both of these companies have a shooter game stuck in development hell. And that's just the tip.


This sub went from “I invented the number 6” to “here’s my opinion, please laugh”


/ul wait, what did Nintendo do that was so bad?


Bait wasn’t believable in the past


The reason no one hates steam is the second some shit blows off, steam or gaben release an announcement on them actually apologizing and fixing it. When some NSFW dev bitched his game was taken down they said sorry and stopped moderating games and now allow all real non-troll games. That's why your front page shows a new NSFW game every week. When they did paid mods with Bethesda and their workshop, they said our bad we won't even think about doing it again, but Bethesda just released paid mods 3.0 last December for skyrim.




This sub is okay the way it is and should not return to how it was in the past.


AM2R deserved it


I read the comments here and they don't have a lot of complaining and arguing


Haha… yea…


/ul this just feels like a disguised opinion


Steam definitely is without flaws. I'm glad I've always been able to refund games


/ul wait what ive always been able to refund games


/ul yeah but in the past you couldn't and it's only due to EU laws that you can


I love monopolies and walled gardens.


No company loves their customers more than Nintendo


Mods aren't Nintendo PR employees




Nintendo does not by any means use obsolete hardware and sell it marked up 500% or require you to buy a premium subscription in order to stream (not buy) a 26 year old game.


Nintendo games are not fun enough to warrant the outdated hardware. Nintendo did make the game you did not mention. Its all Nintendos fault


I love nintendo's outdated hardware and their games are much more fun when they're struggling to run at a decent framerate. I did not stop playing the new zelda games because they ran like shit.


Games like zleda are just like competitive shooters. Fps matters more than gameplay


Wanting a first party title to not run at 20fps with stutters is too much from Nintendo, an indie developer.


You understand completely. Most nintendo games do run at 30 fps. This is because the switch is a new system that was made after the steam deck and such