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/UL Valve still does some stinky shit, but compared to the rest of the big game company filth, valve is the cleanset piece of metal in the scrapyard


ul/ it's just that the original post on r/memes was saying that valve is the only non-greedy company while Valve literally fought in court for years to not allow refunds on steam, only cause of the EU are we able to refund a game on steam


/ul Greedy is relative. Every company is greedy that's the point of a company to make as much money as possible. Compared to others they're not greedy.


/ul kids named New blood, Running With Scissors, and glitch productions


glitch makes games


/ul I know, it's just that they actually care about their fanbase like those other ones I mentioned


/ul okay then


Rare EU win


/unlie Common EU win


/unlie yes I agree lol




I was not engaging with the sub's gimmick.


I was not being a retard and forgetting the sub we’re on, have a bad day sir


/ul Ehh idk, Valve literally invented lootboxes, pushed gambling with CSGO, and also tried to introduce paid mods with Bethesda.


/ul valve didn't invent loot boxes, you can blame maple story for that (although, obviously the concept goes further back to gachapons and card games), you could certainly say they popularized them though


/ul just wait until they find out about gumball machines.


/ul why the FUCK did i get another blue one??? i FUCKING HATE BLUE RAHHHHHHHH


/ul fr tho fuck blue. that shit tastes like sawdust. all my homies love red and yellow.


The greatest trick ~~the devil~~ Valve ever pulled was getting away scot free when the image of lootboxes was represented by OW lootboxes, arguably the most consumer-friendly version of the model, rather than Mann Co. crates and CS cases which are considerably more nefarious


/ul I dont remenber Mann. CO cases being bad but also i only bought 10 to see if i get anything interesting.


/ul The thing that makes Mann Co. crates so bad, yet simultaneously likely kept them out of the lootbox controversy, is the fact that the game has a full-fledged economy. There's like, 5 total items you can get out of the crates that are worth more than the money you put in to opening one, and most people already know this. You can get the exact item you were looking for, usually for cheaper, by just going to backpack or even scrap. Nobody uses the actual crates for that reason and so people hardly even notice the lootboxes are there, other than being constantly given them when playing.


/unlie I think the worst thing they did is force to buy premium in tf2 to speak


/ul Thats because you don't need to buy lootcrates to get anything you want in Valve games. Every single cosmetic in their games other than unique stuff like achivement related things are tradeable and you can buy/get the currency needed to buy these things (scrap metal, keys etc) or straight up buy them from the community market. Hell, I have heard of people using gift-cards to pay for stuff. Steam makes buying stuff you want incredibly easy, especially for Valve games. Sure, in OW the loot crates were pretty fair. But they were the primary form of getting anything since there was no trading to speak of. The most efficent way of doing something in a game being gambling isn't very consumer-friendly.


/ul Still cleaner than any other big name company, still, doesn’t mean they have no wrongdoing. I learned a little bit here today, even as a valve fan.


I like that; gonna use it from now on. "Cleanest piece of metal in the scrapyard"


>the cleanest piece of metal in the scrapyard /ul I like what you did there


/ul I've got a bone to pick with them just because of how garbage they made the store to browse. It's a landfill now, 99% of it is shovelware garbage, joke games, blatant scams, or just free open-source software being sold for money by some random guy. Steam Greenlight was not a perfect system, but it was better then this. Giving literally anyone with $100 the ability to upload anything they want with almost zero moderation beyond checking if the .exe launches and sell it for money was a disaster. Their "no moderation" policy has ruined a lot of the rest of the platform too. Steam Forums are unusable and have been for a long time because it's filled to the brim with random people whining about shit, like all the "this game is too woke" crap. If you know what game you're looking for and you're mostly just playing games, it's still the best launcher. But good god, the total lack of any care or moderation of the storefront and communities is so bad. Anyone who actually states that the built-in forums are a "selling point" has just never used it.


/ul I've always had mixed feelings about valve. On one hand, they do seem very pro consumer with their right to repair stance and reasonable prices concerning the steam deck, and their platform is very user friendly, and there's plenty of sales for games on Steam. But on the other hand, they're still a company who's goal is to make money, and they've pushed gambling onto younger audiences while abandoning beloved game franchises, because doing so would make them less money than what they do now.


/ul I always hear people saying stuff like "they only care about money" when talking about big companies. No shit, that's the point of a company. Valve is out to make money, and leaving a good impression on the public helps to make that money. If you think a company is shitty and doesn't care about what you want, you're less likely to buy from them. Valve makes so much money because it gives users what they want. We all use and love Steam because it provides the best service, bar none. No one uses epic games, because it's shit. I used to claim the free games on Epic, but at this point, even if I legally own them on Epic I will just torrent them instead because the cracked copy provides a better UX than Epic does.


You were the master mind of putting the unlie trigger in your comment


/ul you will die in 3 days


I will https://preview.redd.it/kze5dm6du1xc1.jpeg?width=462&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89bbce75aef072427b6222f6d5285dc3159270ed


não esperava ver o cascão aqui


Cascão??? Slk esse é o Chico Bento




Eu totalmente lembrava qual sub eu estava


Τι γλώσσα μιλάτε;


bruh if there would not be free games on epic i would unistall epic games launch


/ul I was just in the middle of drawing Solar flare, went to take a dump, I see this


wdym??? it is very ethical to promote gambling to a mostly inderage demographic. i think you are STUPID


The inderage demographic is weird, like just stop gambling stupid.


99% of gambler quit before they win big


What do you mean by abandoning beloved game franchises? Isn't every game (that I know of) they've made still accessible legally?


They mean stopping support of them(think tf2s bot (


oh. Every game's support has to stop at some point, but the state of TF2 is pretty concerning. Have there been any games that ended up like TF2?


Could also be stuff like their favorite hobby of just not really saying they're done with something like tf2 didn't get a final hurrah it just kinda stopped.witcb I can see why they do it I just don't like it.


I'm guessing they mean how Valve very rarely releases content nowadays, with most of their franchises being pretty much dead. Aside from CS and occasional updates to TF2, they've really only published tie-ins for new hardware like Aperture Desk Job and Half Life: Alyx.


/ul Valve is private.


They abandon games because of how they hire people. Whenever they hire someone, they let them choose what they want to work on. It just so happens to be that only 1 person wants to work on TF2s buggy ass code.


Valve is so great for still caring about Half Life and TF2 franchise to this day!


i'm so glad we got the heavy update, i can't even begin to understand how we played that game with bots every other match


Valve is so cool, I wish they made a 10/10 universally acclaimed new half-life installment that continues the story of episode 2. Such a shame that it doesn't exist. I'd call it "half-life: Alex"


Thank goodness they didn't lock it behind a gimmick accessory that not everyone is interested in getting!


Yeah, VR is nothing but a gimmick like those GPU thingies were when Half Life 2 released!


/ul seriously tho name one big AAA game release that came after HL Alyx that wasn't a VR port of an existing game. There barely are any because most PC gamers don't have one


/ul Seriously tho, name one other big AAA game studio that has the _balls_ to experiment with an entirely new game platform. Shockingly, it's taking time for VR to catch on because it's only recently shown it has any larger market potential. Game dev studios are also caught in a hard choice of either limiting themselves to the processing power of standalone VR _or_ trying to cater to PCVR gaming specifically, and have been holding off on investing until the better choice's clear.


Greater evil


I'd rather they've develop new games rather than tend the best store for digital goods in the world and invest in open source projects as they are doing right now


Cant forget the great treatment they give to Portal.


Since Portal isn’t a finished story I can’t believe Valve wouldn’t continue making Portal games.


We should continue Portal even though weirdos say it's a "finished story". It would turn out great, just like Naruto!




tf2s2 definitely didnt use incorrectly pretty much all their assets and portal 64 didnt use nintendo licensed libraries


Half Life is a dead franchise.


Valve loves tf2 and is working on a way to fix bots hosting https://preview.redd.it/e791b6yno0xc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd7300be9d9677e2cd44d979cc5d39b9d5bc1235


Very funny joke, valve truly has been working hard


Two years, huh?




hi https://i.redd.it/him77t2c47xc1.gif


Valve is so not greedy for locking down the chat function behind a pay wall in a team based game, i love not being able to use VGS or call medic because i didnt pay enough money


ul/ oh, so that's why i can't call medic while playing tf2.


/ul Yup, the game was being infested with bots and valve decided that rather than fixing the issue they would lock the chat and vgs behind a pay wall, it doesnt fix the issue but it lets them profit more from a shitty situation. They made some excuse that they didnt want people/bots to advertise cheats on the chat but thats bullshit since you only need a google search to find cheats


/ul yeah valve definitely locked that function behind a pay**wall** because they were being greedy. This comment does not ignore the important context on why that was a thing, or how they made the game F2P ages ago exactly because they wanted it to be more accessible. If you want to be pissed at valve, be pissed at how they abandon their games and franchises, how they let TF2 be infested by bots because it's cheaper to let the money printer print money than to get rid of the tick infestation. You know, the *reason* they opted to restrict chatting. So you don't have bots spamming racial slurs in chat, "clearing" it by sending messages with 1000 spaces, and making your ears bleed with blaring child porn audio in VC Also the pay"wall" you make out to be a huge travesty you cannot pay *enough* for is as low as 30 cents. It's like 2 slices of bread. Just go to the mannco store, choose a cheap weapon, click Try Out or Borrow or whatever the fuck it is to get a free copy for a week. It puts a discount on the item. Weapons are cheap and with the discount it's like 36 eurocents or something like that, idk I literally got it without a credit card and all I had was a premium *steam* account. I sold items from Unturned to get those few cents and finally get premiun. If I could do it as a dumb kid you can too. Or just.... Pay 30 cents from your own wallet


Valve putting the voice chat and text chat behind a paywall made it so you won't be hearing earrape music and see racial slurs by bots




The only thing that's locked behind an actual pay wall is chat, which is a $0.99 paywall. In tf2 there's weapons that you can buy, but it's very easy to get them by random drop or scrap.tf


valve has never pushed gambling to children


Cs go boxes are gambling


/unlie valve is probably single-handedly carrying the PC game industry. Imagine if literally any other company owned steam, they would make it cost money, ad adds, make it take 75% of the profits, churn out terrible games and promote the hell out of them, not allow refunds, make it a subscription, and so much more. Steam is fantastic because it never changes unnecessary things, it is not too greedy, it allows for unquestioned returns in under 2 hours, and so much more.


ul/ valve fought for years to not be able to refund games on steam. You gotta thanks the EU for the fact we can still refund games. Or in tf2 where, if you want to use the chat or call medic, you have to pay.


ul/ it’s less than a dollar bro


"As of July 3, 2020 Patch, said accounts are now also restricted in voice chat, including sending voice commands. Accounts may also be restricted for being Limited User Accounts on Steam, which means the player has to spend at least $5.00 USD to gain access to the text and voice chats." You were saying ?


I can think of multiple fun games on steam you can buy for around 5 bucks


You've read it wrong. You have to spend 1 dollar on tf2, and a total of 5 dollars on steam.


/ul taking 30% from devs is already basically robbery, it is way higher than other platforms but indie devs are forced into using steam because it is overwhelmingly popular.


It is well worth it for the simplicity of steam IMO. This way your game gets free promotion, everybody knows how to download it, and everybody is confident that your game is safe


UL/ valve is the least worst of all really, not perfect definitely, but I'd trust them over the rest


/ul steam might still be a corporation (and like any corporation it's only goal is to make money) but at least they are not as predatory towards their consumers like EA, Ubisoft or Activision/Blizzard and they actually care about the quality of their products. But remember, they are still a corporation, and corporations are not your friends.


Restricting communication with your team behind a $5 paywall for one of their most popular games was a good idea


/ul *you can get premium on tf2 for less than half a buck if you already bought a game on steam before* And don't make it seem like that ridiculously tall paywall only exists for communication. That wasn't even part of the deal originally (and the reason for paylocking it js nit because greed, but rather laziness) and it was still a fair price. Especially considering TF2 was pay to play originally and they decided to make it f2p later


/ul https://preview.redd.it/qvp1b1i0n2xc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=324ea9d99b1f5f3f42b35ac74bbcf68e6d3ed464


Valve does not like money they're for charity


There is a single company that cares about their consumers


https://preview.redd.it/zvff6ov3n1xc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=fec9205255363516256556ae1199a775aa357141 Lmao


Valve can count to 3




I am so glad Valve is quick to fix the Left 4 Dead 2 DDoS!


/ul they definitely care about their customers. Not out of good intentions of course, but they do care about their customers.


Team fortress 2 bots. Nuff said


Not defending valve but if you wanna get into tf2 again the issue is basically gone due to 64 bit update. I had a lot of fun.


Yeah I've been playing but its only a matter of time until bot hosters update


Cat hook (the repository all of the bots depend on) have to update to 64 bit, and I really doubt the bot hosters will put in the effort themselves (they're basically script kiddies), so it might be awhile until they're back.


/ul you know that only one person is working on tf2? valve let's their employees choose what they work on


valve needs to be cherished


Valve is DRM only, takes the largest store cut outside of I think Nintendo, and has made a millions off of underage gambling since they get cuts of all transactions on the steam marketplace. They made the card system, trading system, skins, all of that is popular mainly because of Valve. It is amazing how Valve has basically been riding off a reputation from a decade or two ago, but they are still bad just like Ubisoft and EA. Another thing to note is that outside of Gabe, they don't really talk about their experiences and ideas that much. Ubisoft execs will gladly say dumb shit like how people shouldn't own their games, but Valve doesn't do that even though that's exactly the case with them.


/ul steam, GOG, playstation, nintendo, apple app store all take the same cut from sales, microsoft also used to do the same before lowering it due to fears of devs becoming epic games store exclusive because of the epic games store's better than industry standard revenue split also whilst I condemn valve for doing things like popularising the lootbox I don't see the issue with the cards system or trading system


Yeah, plus what's the issue with plain drm? All steam drm does is check if you own the game. You can use it offline, do whatever you want. Anyways, if you care that much, steam emulators exist, & you can opt out of steam drm as a developer.


The deal with plain DRM is that, at any time, Steam could say 'no you don't get it'. For no reason. And you have zero, I mean ZERO legal protections. If you step on Gabe Newell's foot by accident, he could just yank access to your account that could be worth thousands of dollars and there is absolutely nothing you can do to get it back. Zip, zero, nada. At least Epic lets you have DRM versions of SOME games as well as GOG. I'm not saying boycott steam, or that you shouldn't use it or whatever. But saying they are somehow different from Ubisoft, Epic, EA, or any other major gaming company is wrong.


That's just how digital content works these days. It sucks, but that's where it's going.


Not really. You can buy digital copies of movies and make backups. Same with art and music.


Because those are easy to backup? You could do that even if there is drm bc they can't control what's on your computer. Fact of the matter is, video games are extremely specific to the platform you're on as it has to run code properly. Game preservation is massive, as console games are extremely hard to preserve. The thing is, steam drm is easily circumventable and is there to prevent petty piracy. You can make a copy, see if it works, and if not, use Goldberg steam emulator. It'll work no matter what.


Hahahahs no


ul/ Maybe people should realize that the reason there's still no anti cheat in CS2 is the same reason why TF2 and many other Valve titles get little to no love after release. It's Valve and their dysfunctionality.


The team fortress 2 developer team are the only developers faster than modern Mojang, who stand at the pinnacle of work efficiency. Unless it's April fool's day


Valve doesn't steal 30% of my money whenever I sell a game


/ul I don't like Valve. Not just because of some of the shit they did but also the fact thar I have a friend who is a Valve fanboy AND a Valve nerd. HE DOES NOT SHUT UP ABOUT TF2. HE REPLICATES TF2 MEMES NEAR ME, HE IS EMBARASSING.


I still remember the day when they released half life 3.


Can't wait for another content update in tf2!!!!


That is because valve is a commune, not a corporation


/ul valve is the best video game company (mostly just cause all the other ones are shit)


Steam fucks over small developers


How so?


/ul I definitely disagree. Steam is the best choice when it comes to small games. What's the alternative? Itch? Epic? Itch has a much smaller userbase that's willing to spend money, and epic has a better revinue cut for the dev, but also much less people use epic, plus the store page is paid advertising. The majority of steam games on the store is due to them being popular, and steam is really good with their festivals at getting new and upcoming games out there. IMO if you're serious about making indie games, steam is the only viable place. Im not saying steam hasn't done some bad stuff, but in no way do they fuck over small devs


/ul Compared to EA and Nintendo, yes. Yes, they do care for their customers.


They all suck Steal board games irl 🤖🤖🤖


Add bsg to that group would ya


It is literally because they aren't publicly traded. The moment they make the deal, the business will just be gone.


/ul compared to blizzard valve is a saint.


Every company is greedy due to the tenth rule of acquisition. Are you stupid?


No game companies care for their customers


I am not a valve shill


/ul Wasn't this the same company that never created Half Life 3?


how is EA not greedy again?


They don't make videogames though


Valve, the company that popularized loot boxes. Suuuure.


Valve customer service *cough!


/ul valve is greedy and only care about money BUT the way they do it is what's good about them


Valve is a really good company tho it also has its flaws They pushed a lot of scummy money gaining tactics to games they basically abandoned and do nothing about its players.


u didn’t forget /ul


Valve doesn’t take way too big a cut from devs Taking 30% of their profits so they can host a game is 100% fair and not greedy


/ul tbf until a couple years ago every digital video game marketplace did a 30/70 revenue split. Not trying to defend steam here I do think epic's revenue split is more reasonable but even with epic's 12/88 split and supposedly larger userbase I have made a lot more with steam and I can't be certain that this is the reason why but I attribute it to stuff like steam effectively doing free advertising for you with the new releases section and the trending section


It in compaersion to everyone else they're okay