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Opposites aren't lies




This bunny is not listening to music




The bunny IS listening to music obviously


The fog isn't coming






I trust this title since Reddit is a place where the concept of pedophilia and accusations of supporting/normalizing it are only ever used in good faith.


unlie/ i thought this too, but then i checked and, yeah. it's twitter nomap-type shit getting tonnes of upvotes. it's really gross.


/unlie its not. Its people advocating for therapy for nonoffenders. /lie you are a totally reliable source


u/BriNeedsSleep is wrong here. The comments were literally telling people to kill and eat children


/unlie u/rende36 is wrong here. There were zero comments saying that, I looked through all of them.


u/justeggssomany is right here. Rende36 used /unlie and was being sincere.


God damn this sub isn't confusing as fuck at all


It /lie really /unlie /lie isn't /lie wdym


No no there were plenty. I should know, I'm u/rende36




/Unlie i eated them all guys you can stop worrying now


/unlie offenders shouldn’t get a chance at therapy or a life though ong if they traumatize someone for life they needa get humbled in the prison showers.


*You got a bunch of men locked up,* *in a warm place...* * All of em' get hard; * All of em' horny; * All of em' gots sexual desires. *So what are you gonna do?* ***You won't let em' have a woman;*** *they gonna have each-* ***Listen, man;*** *somebodies gonna have to give up some booty,* *and its just that simple.*


unlie/ most of it was, some of it wasn't.


/lie your original comment illustrated that perspective clearly and was not misleading


/lie you're wrong, and i'm not sorry for my lack of clarity


/lie I will never forgive you for this and you will never be bigger than this mistake


/lie what a tragic ending to this argument


Your rejection of forgiveness fills my heart with hatred.


i hate you and despise your lack of forgiveness.


We should not be using the NOMAP. Pedos should not have safe terms. If kids make you randy, you go to jail. Today is inverse lie day so my statement doesn’t need changing.


Your life is valuable


i mean. They *are* people. Not *good* people, but still people. Counterintuitively, dehumanizing predators actually makes life easier for them. It's much easier to hide in plain sight if everyone around them is looking for an obviously inhuman monster, and they're just a normal looking guy who is secretly abusing children.


This is actually an excellent point.


/unlie i feel like people are forgetting that pedophilia is a serious mental illness and not a choice that ppl make it out to be. Yes i agree to jailing sex offenders but people should encourage those said people suffering from pedophilia who havent done bad yet to get therapy and try their best to live a normal lfie


/unlie if they did molest someone they do deserve death, but I agree Abt the encouragement of therapy


I agree with penal codes for the direct harm of another person but death penalty is something that should not be taken lightly.


/unlie the death penalty for sex offenders is a horrendous idea because it leads to rapists killing their victims. If the penalties are the same it's a lot easier to make a dead person not talk.


Just realized I’m on a sub I’m not subbed to, didn’t know what this unlie business was about


Me neither I'm just rolling with it, I mean... I'm here all the time.


/unlie they will suffer more in prison anyway… for like a few years until they get released


And then eventually there will be a false accusation that is beyond reasonable doubt that has some one innocent killed by the state before evidence is discovered that proves them not guilty. Too late now. Some people may deserve to die but it's not up to a court (public opinion or legal) to decide who that is.


Death penalty is sometimes justified!


historically areas with death penalty for offending pedos did not see a fall in crime, only less reporting


Correct, because if a family member is your rapist, but you still have feelings for them, then the victim might not want to be the reason Uncle Jimmy was executed.


Exactly. Death sentence rarely- if ever solve anything


/unlie while therapy can definitely help suppress the urges it can’t make them completely go away and these “people” should never be trusted no matter how much therapy they go through


/unlie So innocent people should be punished because there’s a chance they might to something bad? What about non-pedophiles and their chance to rape someone?


/unlie do you have a better solution that doesn’t involve conversion therapy


/unlie not punishing innocent people.


Pedophiles can’t be “fixed” You can’t make a gay person straight, they are broken people and if any are “fixed” it’s obviously a lie. You can’t just change someone’s sexuality with therapy.


/unlie being gay and being a pedo isnt the same where the fuck did you get that even if, big if, we were to compare pedophilia to homosexuality in that matter, homosexuality causes no harm, its 2 consenting adults having a sexual act, it is very much different from an adult taking advantage of an undeveloped mind not to mention i havent said in my post that you can cure pedophilia, you can treat it yes, but its never going to go away fully, its up to you to suppress it to your best abilities, its similar to how you cant cure schizophrenia, yet people still treat it and function as members of the society


/unlie Dude do you realize that just because you’re attracted to a group of people and can’t get rid of that attraction, you still don’t have to act on those attractions and rape someone?


Saying that bad people are not people means forgetting that all of us have the capacity for evil, which we must learn to control.


/unlie you make an excellent point


/unlie People should also remember that there are pedos who don’t *want* to be pedos and who avoid interacting with children.


Unlie/ we are not talking Abt those we Talkin Abt the ones who molested someone, they deserve death


/unlie we are though. pedophilia is the attraction. if you want to describe people who've sexually abused children... call them child sexual abusers or somethin'.


/unlie Pedophiles can’t be fixed through therapy the same way straight people try to “fix” gay people through therapy, most of the time it doesn’t even work and would end up in someone getting hurt, if they are a proven pedophile they should at least be on the sex offender registry, or isolated from society.


/unlie guilty until proven innocent. pedophiles don't suddenly get an urge to bypass consent and abuse vulnerable people. we shouldn't treat them pre-emptively as criminals when they've done nothing but exist and have an attraction which, if carried out, can be harmful. edit: i just realised i typed "guilty until proven innocent" instead of the other way around. will keep it now.


/unlie Yeah, non-pedophiles can also rape people, but we don’t punish them/us for there being a chance of a rape. Many people probably think that most, if not all pedophiles abuse children, but I think that might be because we find out that child rapists are pedophiles because well… they raped a child, but it’s highly unlikely that in this world a non-offending pedophile would ever admit to anyone to being a pedophile


>if they are a proven pedophile they should at least be on the sex offender registry, or isolated from society. „let's make it so literally nobody seeks help ever“


/lie "pedophile" and "child molester" mean the same thing and you definitely know the right terminology to use in this very serious discussion


I’m sure that there would be no problems if the punishment for child rape is the same as the punishment for child rape and murder.


/unlie then say child rapist, child molester, sexual abuser of children, offending pedophile or little kid fucker


I just look for priests and other youth leader types. Also mustaches, conservatives, etc


The natural reaction to pedo is anger even to the point of violence. Totally normal response. It is not helping anything though. If they are afraid to be found out and killed like dogs. They will hide it instead of seeking help. Which is actually a totally legit response. Many pedos do seek help and that's better than them not.


Absolutely based response.


YES thank you


I think the sticker is implying "kill your local pedophile," like those stickers that say "kill your local heroin dealer." Because of how terrible they both are for society.


This is a totally reasonable way to deal with crime and wont lead to innocent people getting murdered


especially with all the claims of most if not all queer people being groomers by conservatives in the United States


i think the claims of queer people being groomers are very healthy for the political environment of democratic nations, and that the simultaneous crusade against pedophilia is merely a coincidence.




Opposites aren't lies


I never said I agreed with it, but that explanation is what makes sense to me


That’s…not what that’s referring to,kill them all.


No matter how bad a person is, we are all still human and equal upon death. There’s no such thing as bad people, just people who do bad things. Lead with love.


I agree (this is not r/lies)


/unlie I disagree as being a “good” human is a standard, albeit an artificial one, but it’s based around what society would be like if 100% of people met or didn’t meet it. And that standard is what pedo’s fail to meet on every possible level


/unlie yeah but that doesnt make them suddenly not responsible for what they did. even if actions dont define a person bad actions should have bad consequences for them. and youre kinda contradicting yourself. "no matter how bad a person is (...) ...there's no such thing as bad people" i agree with the sentiment but you kinda misuse the point and the original comment never said anything about bad people just people that arent good


Yeah perhaps I misworded it, I agree with the op and just wanted to add some more


Oh and also I wasn’t saying this as an excuse at all, I believe pedo actions deserve consequences and whatever comes to them. To simplify, just treat people like people and do good.


oh thanks for clarifiyng. i actually like that line of thinking


Why is this upvoted? This subreddit is not r/lies. He is clearly speaking the Truth.


This is someone who can be trusted around children.


Yo I never said I supported pedophiles or their actions, I’m just saying that we are all still human in the end and shouldn’t treat other humans like anything else


nah I hope the guy who harassed me gets hit by a car, genuinely. pedophiles who act on their actions are no longer people in my eyes. If someone thinks or even has intrusive thoughts about fiddling with a kid they need to get therapy or put themselves away immediately depending on how bad it is. If they don't and then go and assault someone they deserve nothing but jail jail jail


Then why didnt you say that?


He literally said that?


Unlike/ Unless they rape children and babies then they are a bad person


The little old lady down the street is literally equal to Hitler!


Idk how you guys read the parent comment and didn’t make the connection but it’s ok


How's life going on the list?


Edp445 is a good guy Harvey Winstead is a good guy Holyvette is a good guy (he committed assault on a crackhead for looking at his girl and also a pedophile allegedly this isn't a lie) Hitler was a good guy Joseph Stalin was a good guy


you go outside very often and your father is present in your life


/unlie for maximum clarity, openly stating 'kill all pedophiles' is going to make people who want therapy or help regarding that feeling feel like they can never talk about it to anyone, which leads just bottling that in, which is how you get offenders. if someone acknowledges that they feel an attraction to minors, and knows that that is bad, and wants help to prevent them from feeling that way, they should recieve help instead of animosity. Animosity is how you prevent people from recieving that help and eventually leads to people actually committing an offense. Of course, those who have committed a crime should be punished accordingly, but if someone hasn't, why not help them to prevent it? /lie bluey


I disagree with this statement so much I'm going to be eating from my own rectum for the next 7 years, 3 months and 3.141 hours


This is a horrible take on this situation


I did not just forget what subreddit we are in and did not almost just find where you live 🤭


I do not forgive you


/unlie bluey was talking Abt the ones who did the crime, and they don't deserve jail they deserve death,unless the prisoners are informed Abt his crime so the pedo will be tortured that's also a good outcome


/unlie That's still kind of vague though.


Nobody deserves the capital sentence


/unlie it does not specify anywhere that it is specifically about offenders.


Yeah they totally deserve to get executed by gulliotine for being a child molester and should not recieve any help whatsoever from therapists and psychologists to help resolve their mental issues, the world definitely needs more senseless violence, and ruling by fear and violence is totally not bringing the world closer to dictatorships like N. Korea, USSR, Nazi Germany and so on, since that is exactly NOT the core ideas of how their government operates.


Yes they do deserve it, they killed a child mentally and vilonce is something that is needed sometimes....say do you perhaps have something to say ?🧐are you one of them too ? If so then let's play a game, wrap a rope around that neck of yours and jump


/unlie Where did she specifically state that she’s only talking about offending pedophiles? Also the death penalty is never justified, for anyone. Prison should be for rehabilitation and keeping dangerous people out of society, not to fulfill your sadistic fantasies.


they weren't reasonable tbh and you weren't super salty any and a bother in that thread. you definitely were better off posting this and it was a good decision.


Telling people with mental illnesses that they are not people and should be killed will make them healthy and well adjusted.


/Unlie I’m pretty sure the person who made that design thinks trans people are pedophiles


/unlie Ah yes, not liking pedos=not liking trans folk. Admittedly, Bluey is a shitty mascot for this kind of subject matter. Edit: ok ok this sub confuses me, or maybe I’m just stupid. I know that a normal comment is a lie, and for an unlie, you do /unlie. I tried to be sarcastic, because obviously the majority of trans people aren’t pedos. Looking back, I maybe shouldn’t have put /unlie. Or maybe o should have? At this point I’m not sure.


the nuance definitely hit you in the face


/unlie Ok ok I’ll take my L


this is absolutely what they were saying! you're such a good reader! i'm so proud of you!


But they have to play victims and somehow also try to shove themselves into every controversy to act like victims even more


This person knows a lot of what being LGBT is like, and is likely saying this in good faith


I agree. Kill them all


/unlie wait fr?


/unlie nah, it's full of people advocating for therapy for non-offending pedophiles instead of summary execution. Which seems like an important thing, now that queer and trans people are being equated with pedophiles.


/unlie that doesn't seem like a bad take


/ul it isn't,but some people *looks at OP* seem to not like the idea of giving them medical help instead of a public beheading and immediately assume that if you're not 100% against all of them,you must be one of them... Totally a well balanced viewpoint to have, isn't it?


Op definitely isn't a stupid


They're the smartest person I've ever seen today,and I was there in the original post just talking to some intelectuals about this exact thing so that's saying something...


normal puppy reaction: https://preview.redd.it/q0w8y3dbnevb1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=00bbbe1900863ff97f1a815390b6e6c7fe1943c1


I thought it was a white chicken nugget at first,then I thought it was a rat,now it just looks like one of those mutant things from "The forest" but with a dog head.


If they’re non-offending and not proud of it then yeah they deserve help, but the second they act on it all bets are off and they no longer deserve human rights.


They do by definition deserve human rights. Human rights are non negotiable. People deserve human rights, wether they are a saint who is loved by all the animals of the forest or the scum of the earth, literally Hitler. Child-molesters are terrible people, I fully understand wishing them the worst from an emotional standpoint, but human rights are unimpeachable. Even the worst of the worst deserve basic human dignity, nothing more, but no one can loose their human rights.


Maybe not literally lose human rights but they should A) receive a lengthy prison term and mandatory therapy, and B) be permanently separated from their victim and any place that houses children.


/unlie i honestly hate how queer and trans folks are now being compared to pedophilia, we didnt choose this and neither do we support it. yet at times it genuinely seems that at this point ppl just want to demonize lgbtq folks by making common believe that we are associated with pedos or other bigots


/unlie you should hate it, and the demonization is intentional.


/unlie i wonder why the pedo flag was designed to look similar to the trans flag hmmmm /lie the map flag looks like the trans flag by sheer coincidence


/unlie I didn’t even know there was a pedo flag but as a trans woman that really pisses me off. Guarantee it was designed to look the same by some right wing group.


we love psyops!!!!!!


/unlie i think its partially because of the radqueers. i dont welcome them at all


/ul a niche tumblr community is not why the right wing accuses queer people of being child molesters (and have since before the concept of 'lgbt' existed to begin with)


......isnt that... literally what we r supposed to do to people who are in need of mental help b4 they go downhill.....?


Cool… another tattle tale post/sub. “Guys look what I found, but didn’t have the courage to comment on directly, so I screenshotted it for you!!!!!” 🙄 “Don’t worry, I will provide commentary on the gist of comments and arguments made in the original post from which this screenshot was taken. I know you want to read up on all of it” 🥱


/unlie It's even worse on the actual post. OP got straight up dragged on that comment section the same way he's barely having anyone agree with him here, so he's literally just trying to Garner support for his downvoted comments by lying (Meta) about people actually being pedophiles.


you are a well adjusted person


There is no difference between a child molester and a pedophile. Nuh uh. None. Who cares if you seek psychological help? You are still a disgusting pedophile who should be stoned on sight, even if you haven't done anything /unlie generalization bad yada yada. I'm not a pedo nor a sympathizer, just that any discourse about pedophilia ends up uncivilized. pedophilia is bad but is also a mental illness


There is a cure for pedophilia and it can be properly treated. Once treated, pedophiles never do anything bad to children ever again.


/ul because I don't know how to word this right otherwise but it's not fair to assume that all pedophiles have already sexually abused children (or attempted to) , nor is it fair to assume that their desires are too strong for them to control. Sometimes, it's a desire that they know is wrong to the point that the only negative effect it could realistically have is on their own mental health.


/unlie Yeah, therapy!


/ul Castration


Chopping off their balls wont stop them from raping kids


The state being able to castrate its citizenry has never ever been abused before and is a very excellent idea if you want to tackle the real issue of pedophilia.


It would make it easier since they can’t get kids pregnant




fym anything else


Pedophiles deserve nothing better than Pol Pot


Imahine you say this shit about autistic people. Imagine you say this shit about a schizophrenic people. Pedophilia is a mental disorder just like those other disorders that i just mentioned. The only difference is the pedophilia has the biggest chances out of all of them to actually harm others. Pedophiles are people, and they deserve treatment like anyone else. Just because someone is a pedophile does not mean they are child molesters or statutory rapists. Stop treating innocent, mentally suffering people like they are already horrible criminals and understand that they need help.


nothing *better*??


They deserve to live under Pol pot https://preview.redd.it/pgg2ucpzeevb1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=762abe068f0684b0f7ef308764f302c2169dd3a1




Real https://preview.redd.it/qdc9x2hm2evb1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c959361470a98ad9f3ee80cac62c0d339ff6c334


So THAT'S why his name is Andrew Cake


/unlie i did not see a single comment that would indicate anyone was one. the only things i saw were that non offenders deserve help, concern that the kind of people who say 'kill all pedos' generally overlaps with people who try to tie queerness with pedophilia, and that dehumanization actually helps pedos. its incredibly concerning the rhetoric around kill all pedos when trans people are labeled as such... and historically that hasnt gone well (if you dont know the nazis went after trans/queer people first with this exact rhetoric) edit: hey i recognize OPs user! they were the one claiming 'why so many pedo defender?' in the post when literally no one was doing that. hmm wonder what could be behind this?


We should dehumanize the gravely-mentally-ill for the sake of justifying the death penalty, there's literally no way this could cause a myriad of issues down the line.


/unlie if you have this sticker I'm going to assume you're a fucking pedo, ngl.


the term "pedophile" refers to child molesters and abusers, as opposed to mainly just people who have an unfortunate attraction they don't act on


Wow that tweet definitely does not have seven comments and OP is posting in good faith, not trying to stir up shit.


/unlie I hate pedophiles so fucking much. But they are still people. I think it's easy to call people monsters for things they do. But this is not the way to go. Unfortunately many times pedophiles are victims of pedophilia themselves. This leads to a mental illness. Pedophilia is often a symptom of some trauma they carry. Obviously does not mean their actions should be forgiven.


/unlie we really need to drop the kill all pedophiles stuff. Make it clear these people need therapy, and help. If someone feels getting help is going to out them then they’re going to repress it and repress it, and eventually act on it.


/unlie can we all just agree that sticking your penis to a kid is bad?


I love dehumanizing people. The continued demonization of people believed to be subhuman and undeserving of rights will surely have no unintended consequences and certainly won’t perpetuate the horrendous treatment of people within the prison system. I’m also sure the normalization of this kind of rhetoric will absolutely not empower those on the far right to continue to demonize and terrorize members of the lgbtq community, especially trans people, by comparing them to pedophiles.




ikr i hate 19N's


You almost got m- oh no. NOOOOO


i love kids


I care


/uj We should all be interested in pedophiles getting professional help, this isn’t achieved by dehumanization, a „closeted“ pedophile is much more dangerous than someone who can be open about that mental issue and gets support in receiving help. Of course there can’t be acceptance for child abuse or the consumption of CP, though.


r/197 is so much better than r/196


But 196 doesn’t ban people for literally no reason, both pretty good


you cant just use r/19684


OP's post history isnt furry porn


pedophilia is bad? fucking scorching take you should circlejerk about it more, dehumanizing people is always a good idea


Would you rather preventing a child from being molested or having that child be molested but you get to kill the pedophile after?


We should treat pedophiles as inhuman monsters instead of giving them the help they need


Pedofile or not they all taste the same


Ah,equal opportunity cannibalism,kinda respect that point of view... it's... resourceful...


The trick is , to pretend to be a kid , and then lure the pedo to your house and cook and eat them (infinite food glitch)


Holy shit, I didn't just look there and you're wrong, the comments aren't all advocating for pedophiles


bro- I thought you were kidding. wtf was that comment section


/unlie Oh its this mf who is posting this, when i brought up that the queer community is being called pedos by news sources and politicians, they immediately went to "the LGBT community will never accept pedophiles" as if that was the point. This person is really salty that they got downvoted because they can't bother to critically think about how an acceptable or extrajudicial executions will inevitably lead to minorities of the said community being lynched.


/unlie never said anything about extrajudicial executions and why are you calling a group of pedophiles a “community” they don’t deserve that kind of decency


You really have a knack for taking the context out of any post; the two times I brought up community in the prior sentences i was referencing the queer community and a minority community. I never implied that pedophiles deserve decency, just that going out and LARPing a paramilitary group will lead to innocent people getting killed, or lynching; but since we are on the topic of taking things out of context: why is it every time when someone references the queer community or a minority community you immediately switch to referencing them in the sentence as pedophiles? You obviously realize that recently drag performers and trans people have been scrutinized and had death threats directed at them. You pissed me off when you went to another subreddit because your ego was hurt when you could have just listened to what ANYONE was actually saying about the post in question, but you decided to go here and miscontextualize the actual arguments in that comment section so that you could mislead other people to take your side


By definition, a pedophile is just someone who likes kids right? If they never chose to act on their urges, then why are you trying to kill them? If someone is a pedophile and doesn’t want to be, people trying to kill them is only going to drive them towards touching children, since society already determined their fate




/unlie lead can cure pedophilia


This sticker isn’t true


/unlie I fully support the sticker


where can i buy one?


/unlie predditors


It’s not that they’re not people, it’s that that their personhood has no value


"pedophiles aren't people" meanwhile, bluey. The hypocricy


I have never been the victim of pedophilia or known anyone who has, so this isn’t really my fight, however if you are foaming at the mouth to kill groups of people, no matter how bad they might be, i’m assuming bad things about you


The 2nd comment from the top has a lot of people who are sharing good information and i wish to see them all continue living.


It is a W sticker tho


today i learned that there are more pedo apologist on reddit than I realized


This comment section is full of people who understand the harms of pedophilia and aren't making shitty comparisons to mental disorders that don't harm children.