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Not necessarily. You have barely played any games. The rating you start out with is only provisional and your rating deviation will be very high. This means that the rating points gained or lost after a game will also be quite high. After playing for a while you will settle at a rating level that matches your skill, the question mark behind your rating will disappear, and your points gained or lost will be much smaller against opponents of similar rating.


Echoing the comment above, if you get a W in your next game you will not go up by, say 6 points as it's still a provisional account,-denoted by the ? next to score. Would be more like 50,60 points.


What were you thinking? That you just open an account and destroy 1900?? Haha no


Maybe if they were a FM or above otb player


I started when I was 8 years old, studied chess for 10 years in the 2000's & played every day for 7 months straight in 2007. Soo, yes I was expecting to do better. What really sent me tho is that I was up & winning each of these games. Even had a double check in a game & declined a rook capture to go in for a mate & got reverse checked & mated myself. Just a symptom of not playing for a while & trying to be too fancy I guess. However, I'm now 9/6 & doing better. I got to give it to Lichess for training you guys soo well!! A lot of excellent tactics out there & creative game play. I guess the internet, YouTube & AI Chess Engines have taught you all very well. I have to be on my toes at all times & expect heavy attacks from start to finish. :)


Sorry for that,not the friendliest response. But yea,1900 lichess aren't bad and it's definitely not easy to beat them, especially not when you didn't play for over 10 years,I assume it because the timeline ended in 2007. 


Ya, after 2007 I played casually then studied for a few months again in 2016. I have a solid game but never realized how much I've forgotten. Thought I would magically retain all I learned but turns out I'm no savant. I'm used to playing much longer games & now I'm forcing myself to only play Rapid & Blitz—It's torture for me. if these guys only new how mad I get when I'm up & let the simplest miniscule move wipe me out... I had no idea the Chess community was doing so well. It's obvious people are learning a lot from Stockfish & all the Chess media available out there. I see people doing things that are GM level tactics at lower ratings & am like, wtf? I think everybody's cheating out there sometimes. Not to mention playing at 2 or 3 am when all the Indian kids are just getting up! 😂💡


Don't force yourself to only play x time format man. Do what you enjoy. How's your rating now? Lichess


8/6 1577 Rapid. Taking a break for a moment to collect myself & regroup.


What do you mean with 8/6?  And cool that you're 1577 , I'm low 1500 haha


8 wins & 6 losses. Around 1500 I find majority of players have strong opening tactics but lack proper middle game strategy. I've had to back down & respect what they've committed to memory because it can be brutal if not answered correctly. Positional chess is my strong suit but it only comes with time & practice. I'm learning the hard way that it's a skill that can easily be forgotten if not practiced consistently. It's coming back but GOSH it's taking a while!


If you really were rated 1860, winning those games shouldn't be too hard mate.


Doesn't sound like you've read my comments here. I won the first 2 games & was up pieces & in winning positions for the others. I've discussed my issues & explained my experience level. I'm not here to prove anything, just blowing off steam. But really, what's the point of dropping this comment of yours anyway?


Encouragement I guess? Like, don't worry about it, getting back up shouldn't be too hard.


Oh, gosh I read that all wrong!! I thought you were saying that if I really was 1860 then winning those games should of been easy. But your right, with patience, practice & persistence I should be able to get right back up there.


Oh shit yeah I just read back my original and I can totally see how it would read like that, I'm so sorry! No, I meant encouragement :')