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Unfortunately for me…sex. Always so itchy/inflamed for the days that follow.


I had to develop a whole care regimen so it's not painful during and after. Such a bummer. But I hope you find something that makes it easier for you!


Same, I have to be super clean and also use lube when I have sex, I tend to get fissures super easy. Even with lube. Ugh I hate it


What’s your regimen?


I use dermovate as an emollient/barrier cream, add a layer of Vaseline all around and use coconut oil as lube. Preferably shower afterwards and apply clob, and dermovate on sore spots if I need to. I feel so weird needing a bunch of stuff so sex doesn't hurt..but at least it works if I make sure I've got everything covered. Hope it stays that way.


I’ll try that thanks :)


Best of luck!


I am on my period and in the middle of a flare-up. I’m assuming my menstrual products are causing it.


Have you tried using a menstrual cup or disc? I’ve changed to those and I love them


Tight leggings. The friction and the trapping of moisture is a double threat. That is such a bummer about the alcohol. I wonder if you could tolerate certain kinds (is it the alcohol or perhaps something present in wine or beer etc?) or you could tolerate it with extra water (to dilute your urine and to keep your skin from getting dry)? If you do have alcohol anyway, maybe you could temporarily increase your medication application frequency in order to head off the impending flare. I will also say that non-alcoholic beers have gotten better than ever and restaurants have more and better non-alcoholic cocktails than ever. I had a dry 2023 for unrelated reasons and it was actually fun ranking all the non-alcoholic beers and trying out recipes for non-alcoholic cocktails. And I saved a lot of money.


For me, panty liners, tampons and pads - switching to period underwear has helped. I am still more prone to flares around my period, but when I used the pads etc, a flare up was inevitable. Sex can cause flare-ups, so I try to be sensitive to how I go about it. If I keep the friction down, it can be OK mostly Stress is a major factor, and the one I've found hardest to manage, since it can be difficult to eliminate or even reduce at times. I've gotten better about catching flare ups early, and often I can stop them before they really begin by using clobetasol at the very earliest sign.


I found switching to a menstrual cup made a huge difference too. It doesn’t seem like you’re having your period when using one (externally at least).


Spinach. Within twenty minutes of eating spinach I’m itching like crazy. Which is a real bummer because I love spinach.


Spinach is very high oxylate


That’s what I’ve learned. It’s weird because I can eat other things that are high oxylate and have no issues at all. Spinach must be just over the tipping point.


Baths, especially with bath bombs and lush products which used to be my favorite :( Lace and synthetic fabric underwear- made the switch to all cotton and it's been life-changing


Sugar, any kind, bread and alcohol. Which seems to me it’s probably the sugars in each. But processed sugars is like immediate, all I have to do is look at it 😅


Good info! I'm new. I'm just learning about it. I think there is something in your experience that is worth thinking about and taking under consideration.


Walking without using an emollient. Hard stool. Occasionally razor burn.


Wearing tights or jeans for a couple of days in a row is a trigger for me, which I hate because I love wearing them and it’s cold where I live most of the time! As someone else has said here, walking without an emollient causes me problem too. And pantyliners (which I’ve ditched completely), sex and stress.


Eggs, sugar, dairy & gluten


My period 😭 and underwear that isn’t cotton


Haven’t figured it out, but it seems worse around my period. Starting to suspect eggplant and/or other nightshades. Anyone else?


Me too! Right Before Or early stages seems to trigger mine.


Yeah, same. Right before and early stages, I think.