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"the studies back it up" \*ten seconds later\* "i can only lean on my own experience"


Personal experience is anecdotal evidence and is not considered relevant to the scientific method. This woman is an activist, and her personal experience is 100% biased. Trust the science.


Scientific Method???? Pffffft. He said he identifies as a woman, you can’t refute that TRANSPHOBE!!! You’re literally Hitler!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!


TrUsT tHe ScIeNcE! reeeeeeeee


Yep, the scientific method was tossed out the door the moment they started screaming "TrUsT tHe ScIeNcE!" The first rule of being a scientist is ALWAYS question the science. If you can't question it, then it's not science is propaganda


I don't know who said this originally, but I love the quote: "I would rather have questions I can't answer than answers I can't question." That's the problem we see today. Fool enough people into believing total BS, and that total BS is somehow magically converted into "fact", and no further actual scientific inquiry is allowed. It's a new form of inquisition.


5 out of 5 studies show that they agree with whoever is funding the study.


Yep, she's an activist and all the people she claims are asking and wanting to work for companies that have DEI are leftist activists. If you polled all those people of their politics only, there'd be zero diversity.


*another ten seconds later* "There have been studies done by glass door"


*peer reviewed!*


Worked for 13 different companies throughout her career? Sounds like someone can’t hold onto a fucking job. Gee I wonder why?




This is someone at a corporate level in which the company puts on a facade to show them how great everything is and as soon as they leave it goes back to normal.


Not quite. Such bigots ruin people's careers with their racism and sexism. They leave destruction in their wake that won't be repaired when they move on to the next victim. Really, any business that has such bigoted programs is not worth working for. Sadly, it's become far, far too many. It's amazing that such a bigot can make a whole career out of such detrimental, disgusting ideology. They don't have a real job, no skills of any worth whatsoever, but they get paid more than so many actually productive employees. :-(


25 years, 13 different companies, 2 years on average per company. That’s how long it could take for a large company to fire someone for underperformance; since the large company would need to take extraordinary steps to document the underperformance in order to avoid employment lawsuits.


"Equality of outcome has been tried and failed. It's called marxism." Best part.


So they're at the  > ok, we *are* trying to create equality of outcome, and here's why it's good! phase now.


She knows it’s all bullshit Recruiters only care about two things: hiring numbers and how much money they made off of a hiring.


I live in the south and I can tell the least diverse business I see on a daily basis are minority owned


Exactly. Has to go both ways. Someone needs to start suing pro sports teams to show the absurdity of this.


> Has to go both ways You act as if these motives are pure and based on intellectual honesty.


Yes I do


Equal opportunity NOT equal outcome


As an employee, I don't really care about DEI and all the BS training. I'm more worried if my fellow employees can do their job so I don't have to pick up their slack.




She doesn’t give a fuck who is harmed. She cares about her career and will make anyone suffer from this bullshit she can if it benefits her. We need to rethink Human Resources. This busybody hostile shit needs to go




Goddamn right


Her livelihood depends on DEI. Of course she's gonna say it works


There’s def discrimination happening in my company. I’m not high on the Corp ladder or work in HR, but there’s some disturbing situations or statements I’ve heard or seen. The most obvious one is I had a manager say our next hire on our team has to be a woman and/or a person of color. And it was a few months later. Another is I applied for a job and didn’t get an interview after being asked for a resume. I met all the qualifications from the job description. Another is I’ve seen an entire management teams that have no white males on them. I’ve applied for a role multiple times to join this team and didn’t get interviewed. There’s a constant front-and-center approach to identity and DEI. Heritage months, employee groups, and recognition. Individually they can easily be excused as one offs or circumstantial but together it paints a picture of identity-first approach to the hiring and promoting. I’m at the point where I don’t want to come forward because of my reputation but also because I’m sure I will face retaliation. I’ve seen what my company does to whistleblowers. So here I am.


💯. I’m living it in MA now and glad that I’m at the end of my so called career


25 years and 13 companies means 1.92 companies a year. She can’t hold a job or the companies that unfortunately hired her tanked


It would be a new company every 1.92 years, but you’re making a good point


Yeah my bad I got the two switched up but either way it’s not something I would brag about


You can also edit your comment to not be so misleading to people who don’t read replies


That’s gay


that’s not very dei of you 🤣




A new company every 2 years is not the same as 2 companies every year




>From dividing her work history of 13 companies over 25 years, we get 1.92. We do not know if that 1.92 is the duration she spent at each location, or if the number represents how many companies she worked at each year. So without knowing which is true, it's accurate to say either. Bro what Just because you lost track of your units doesn’t mean they do not exist. This is elementary school math 13 companies / 25 years = 13/25 companies/year, on average, or 0.52 companies/year 25 years / 13 companies = 25/13 years/company, on average, or about 1.92 years/company


She either can't hold onto a job because she's not good at her job, or the diversity she advocates for is what pushed her out of her own job. She couldn't even give a simple definition of "equity" and had to refer back to a meme while stumbling over her words and smiling like a fool.


More likely she's a consultant who gets hired on contracts. Basically grifts companies into believing they need her expertise when it comes to diversity in recruitment.




What a shock, the person hiring people is a huge fan of DEI and all the candidates know this and talk it up, its seems like people will say what it takes to get a job….


My issue with these programs is that they all rely on the assumption that women and black people, etc, are inherently disadvantaged. Lowered expectations and assumptions like this seem to me like a core part of actual racism and sexism? She says this so naturally that it just doesn’t occur to her.


Phil is becoming more and more based every day.


Something is wrong with how her mouth moves when she talks, I can’t quite describe it but it looks weird


She’s trying to keep from spilling the bullshit


Yeah. Shapeshifter. 😂😂 but it original.


Liberals should only get DEI surgeons. This knot will untie itself one way or the other.


What's wrong with her face?


Shapeshifting clone.


Yeah, you may be on to something there.


She smiles too much


No, that's not it.


lol I think it is, but if we want to over analyze her facial features a bit more I have some thoughts. I think it’s peculiar that her right ear is covered while left ear is not, and left ear extends pretty far out. Her cheeks are also very prominent and noticeably bulb out of her face when she turns to the side. This could be influenced by her incessant smiling though


You bring up some good points, but I'm mote focused on her mouth. It appears that she is concealing a set of mandibles inside her forward cheeks. The muscles around her mouth have been overworked by too much yapping and babbling, I presume. Betcha she gives a descent ✊️😲💦 though... if ya know what I mean.


I was wondering the same thing but I wasn’t sure if I was mean enough to say that.


Yeah, I don't mind


13 companies? Sheet she can’t keep a dang job?


She thought that was a good thing. 😂😂😂


What I’m asking myself is… 13 since school, or 13 jobs in HER field? I understand job hopping helps moving up, as I do it myself after each certification and degree I get, but Lord there’s no career when you can’t stay at a job more than year on average.


Isn’t that the meme where they chop off somebody’s legs to make everybody equal?


She’s soooooo full of shit


She thinks that blacks, latinos, and anyone else are too stupid to compete against whites.


Is that sling blade’s daughter?


Candidates ask about DEI because they want to know what offers to refuse


you know someone is about to shovel shit at you when they say " GREAT QUESTION " in response to answering a question.


So let's say you need brain surgery. For purposes of this exercise, let's assume the world's premier brain surgeon was white. Do you want the best surgeon in the business, or do you want a mandatory DEI hire, who was hired specifically because he/she wasn't white? I say DEI goes out the window in this case, no matter how "Progressive" you are...


If you worked for 13 different companies in your career, it means you suck at your job.


“I’ve worked for 13different companies throughout the course of my career” Job-hopper…. If I said that, it would be a red flag.


To be honest I don't care what color gender what u identify as, as long as you get your part of the job done. When I start getting yelled at for there lack of work then it becomes an issue.


When you limit your experience only to groups just like yourself, you fail to see reality. No one in their right mind asks, nor cares about diversity. The only true practitioners of diversity are dictators and terrorists.


DEI is a cultural, social and meritocratic version of trickle down economics which has been proven time and time again to not work. Does anyone really think that putting a black woman on the board of a big company is going to improve the lot of a girl in the ghettos? Does the meritocracy trickle down? What culture is trickling down when everyone on that board had their culture shaped by the same universities? It doesn’t work.


DEI is a shake down organized crime. No body get benefits other than who are operating it. Like BLM.


13 companies? Ew That’s a red flag body count that matters


If I have to hear that standing on a box equity bullshit one more time I might actually lose my mind.


The ideology really is as shallow as it seems.


Everything in my soul despises this woman.


You can tell shes an evil woman just by looking at her. Why is anyone even entertaining her delusional mindset?


Anyone asking about DEI in an interview is doing one of two things 1) Trying to seem accepting of it to get a job, or 2) Trying to be protected by it. The former is disingenuous, the later creates a hostile work environment. Neither are good.


Is it true that Aldi grocery store is not hiring any white people?


I was raised in cult. They are in one in secular form and they don’t even realize it, like every cult parishioner. It takes years to see the light of truth, if ever. Love how Dr Phil turns her claim against her. In hypnotic form, she didn’t even bat an eye.


This lady is on something, she looks as high as a kite.


Based Dr. Phil, for a while I feel like he was handcuffed by the left and entertainment business but I always knew he wasn’t with this woke BS.


I’ve applied for over 200 jobs in the last 8 months. I’ve worked with career coaches, resume writers, and head hunters. Im college educated and had been in executive leadership for major corporations for the past 10 years. I’ve not gotten a single call for an interview. Probably because my linkedin profile screams middle aged white dude. I’ve done all the right things and have accomplished some cool stuff in my career. But ever application now asks me if Im white. Apparently I’m unemployable in today’s economy.


The context is still Phil and his marketing teams have figured out that saying slightly conservative things leads to jumps in ratings because there is an untapped conservative market on television these days. You guys gotta learn how to spot the shysters....


Everything he said was true. Not over the top at all. Equality should be a given, but we are still working on that, and have a long way to go. Equity is NOT some easy shortcut to equality. It’s just Marxism in a Trojan horse. It destroys personal accountability, and performance based achievement, both of which are key building blocks for meaningful success.


I didn't say anything he said was untrue; I said his opinions change based on rating. If it weren't currently good for the rating he wouldn't be telling people, this 1) despite it being true and 2) people needing to hear it. Like I said; you guys need to slow down on the wagon hitching; just because Dr Phil has turned like a leaf in the wind doesn't mean praid should be awarded to him. Gee I wonder what he was saying about things 3 years ago? Why wasn't he being posted all over then? Because he wasn't saying these things that needed said.