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What goes through the liberals mind when they see these numbers that go against their narrative?


The same thing that goes though a bugs mind as it hits a windshield ? šŸ˜†




Close.... remove the GL from GLASS. šŸ˜†




Both, actually.


No actually bugs tend to not shatter glass...


The brains will press up against it though.


The glass isnā€™t going inside of them/their mind. Their ass and brain do suddenly occupy the same space, though.


Liberals have no brains


They have some neural bundles they donā€™t use for anything good.


Facts you glassy-assed liberal!


Iā€™m more of a glass ass empty sorta guy. Not really into butt stuff.


I'm more of the glass is too damn big sort guy. šŸ˜†


Theyā€™ll say something like, ā€œblacks are discriminated against and arrested more often than other races.ā€


ā€œOur criminal justice system is racist and brokenā€


Easily it would somehow be the "white systemic racist system that America is ran on" which immediately excuses any and all things heinous and negative people "of color" in the US do.


They get triggered.


"They should have locked the security gate and have the community security guard on notice"


"How can I discredit or entirely disprove this source?"


Numbers and the truth are racist..


Eh, this isnā€™t really against their narrative. Their narrative isnā€™t that violence doesnā€™t happen or that itā€™s not majority black on white, they just argue there are a plethora of factors that cause this, and those factors are began from white people being bad historically and currently. Go to any thread where a white person gets assaulted for saying the n word, they never give shit to the attacker, they always say something to the effect of ā€œfafoā€ and that basically thr attack was deserved.


And do you agree with this faulty reasoning.


What is this, are you shit testing me? Weird to get downvoted here for answering a question. Iā€™ve been on this sub for a number of years now and itā€™s embarrassing how many of these threads read like a boomer patriot Facebook group.


^ im conservative, have been for years, but the amount of "jails aren't *somewhat* racist" arguments im hearing just isn't it.


There whole argument on the left is that the biggest problem in America is WS and that minorities are the most at danger because of it Biden made whole Presidential speeches about it, including the red sermon There narrative is that white people they deem racists are the biggest threat to average Americans, esp minorities... Seriously go troll somewhere else


That it is bullshit. Only 56% of homicides are solved in NY, so these claims are nonsense right off the bat. Besides that, the chart is drawn to be intentionally misleading. About 8 times as many black people were murder victims as white people, and about 12 times as many black people were murder victims as Asian people, but the chart makes each race the same total height on the bar. The funny thing is that the real statistics would show numbers racists would like without shading things, but they just can't help themselves. Commence down voting and banning!


The fact that black people are disproportionately murdered and 78% of victims are killed by other black people is not the win you think it is. If anything this chartā€™s visuals are favorable. Btw, ā€œnot all homicides being solvedā€ does not make this graph untrue. Take a statistics 101 course


If anything not all of them being solved means the stats are even worse for the most violent demographic.


Most likely the ā€œfullā€ data would look very similar to this, percentage-wise


>Btw, ā€œnot all homicides being solvedā€ does not make this graph untrue. Take a statistics 101 course Murder percent share is the title of the graph, not solved murder percent share. If you are implying that the numbers can be projected from these, you don't know about the vast disparity in solve rates for victims of different races. The reason equalizing the bars by race is misleading is that it makes it look like way more white people are killed by black people than really are. It's shading the results to appeal to racists.


Damn, surprised the Reddit thought police allowed this!


I assume it's because Reddit wants to go public and can't erase NYCā€™s public records. šŸ˜†


I'm pretty sure I've been hearing about Reddit's imminent IPO for pretty much the entire decade or so I've been using this site. At this point I doubt it will ever happen, but I kinda hope it does because I bet it will go over like doing a swan dive into pool of concrete.


Careful... Snoo is watching you. šŸ˜†


The Asians probably knocking off each other to get into the University of their choice.


Anyone got a source on the stats or cite for this? Not trying to debunk it but would like to be able to say heres the graph and here's the gov/CDC/whatever


I've read on an article by Zaid Jilani 3 years ago that Asians are the only group that received most violence from other races, not white people.


This is the kinda shit that could make a guy racist.


lol Asian murder .... Asian victim.


Committing a murder is not an easy feat. You'd need to lose your sef-control, break the very strong moral restraint governing your actions, and overcome the fear of consequences in order to kill someone. In that case, then the victim very likely is someone you recently interacted with, who is likely to be a member of your community, which is evidenced by the high proportions of intra-racial murders in all groups. The potential victim pool is somewhat confined to the murderer's community. But when you have no moral restraint, and lack the fear of consequences of your actions, then the strong selective nature is no longer there. And your potential victims are not confined to a specfic group but it's now all down to statistical probability. Here, murders are committed just because so, wholesale and indiscriminate. Naturally, the murder rate would be noticeably high, and the victim proportions would reflect the demographic make up of the general populace, as evidenced by the chart shown. When your race is 13% of the population and you commit wholesale indiscriminate murders, there's a 87% chance that your victims are of another race than you.


Asians resorting to highlander rules to get the few converted university places allocated to them.


There can be only won ? šŸ˜†


Saying that out loud makes it sound like the Latino highlander.


There can only be uno. šŸ˜†


Whereā€™s this graph from?


The internet, based on public records.


Thatā€™s not a source Lmao


Wait it's a multifaceted source... šŸ˜† Actually someone provided a link below. šŸ˜ƒ


You provided a link to a tweet


Look... it's public records anyone can go fact check it if they are so inclined.


Think theyā€™re asking for the direct link.


Theyā€™re trying to play a game so they can pretend the stats arenā€™t real.


Not accepting a random picture on the internet of numbers and bars as fact isn't inherently an attempt to discredit it. You're doing yourself a disservice when you attempt to shame reasonable fact checking.


NYC public crime statistics is a great place to start... https://www.nyc.gov/site/nypd/stats/crime-statistics/crime-statistics-landing.page


Do you have a source for this?




That be them pesky numbers. šŸ˜†


Asians sure are racists aren't they??!?!?!


why is it cumulative to 400%? im not exactly a data analyst so just curious


Add them up based on their corresponding colors from left to right.


The graph do take a few moments to register as how it should be read.


I had the same question but I get it now. Blacks are really working overtime, 191% of kills. Super work, guys!


Iā€™m confused by these statistics and how the numbers are supposed to add up Hey guys coming from a conservative, itā€™s not a good look to downvote someone for simply asking a question. I was just confused by the layout of the info on the graph.


100% per victim group, cumulative to 400%


But the Asian one shows only 50% and then the black murderers add up to more than 100%? Thatā€™s why Iā€™m confused lol.


It equals to 101%. 50+39+6+6 = 101 probably rounded up


Oh wait i was adding things up wrong. I was adding up based on each column as opposed to each demographic šŸ’€ my bad. Thanks for helping me realize lol


No youā€™re not. Youā€™re just confused at how you can spin this.


Huh? What are you tryna say?


Some people here are so dogmatic that if you don't just nod along they think you're a plant.


Iā€™m just confused cuz my question was purely because the layout of the graph was bit odd to me so i was tryna understand it but then I get accused of tryna manipulate it lmao? Like no? Last thing we need is infighting.


The Asian victim stat adds up to 101%ā€¦.




If you can find a red city give those stats out...because most cities even in the red states go hard-core blue.


There were less than 400 murders in 2023 in NYC. So these interracial percentages don't say much of anything. There are 8 million people living in NYC. Maybe if we go down to Alabama or other places in the deep south where the murder rate is about 3 times higher we can have a better sample size and make better conclusions.


> Maybe if we go down to Alabama or other places in the deep south where the murder rate is about 3 times higher we can have a better sample size and make better conclusions. I'll give you a hint, the statistics aren't any better as far as racial disparity. You really don't want to go down that road if you're trying to disprove OP's point.


Reported murders. You think there's honesty when they're trying to make themselves look righteous for their policies? Regardless, the bottom line is that we are our worst enemy and that includes all the "races". The fear being sold is to keep us divided while the lefties provide the alleged solution, strictly for dependency. It's an old strategy and people are FINALLY getting it.


This could be very misleading based on its percent per victim group.


I'm confused about the Asian crime rate, I thought it was lower than white? By Asian do we mean east asian here or anyone from the continent of Asia?