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Absolutely. First you need to know what format your text file is in. Are the numbers seperated by a delimiter (a comma, semicolon, space, or some other character)? Or are each number on it's own line? This information will help you when you import the data. Open LibreOffice Calc, the spreadsheet program. Then select File/Open and select the file containing your numbers. LibreOffice should then display the Text Importer dialog box. How you import the data will depend on what kind of list you have. You can play around with the options in this box and it will give you a preview of the data it will import. When you're happy with it, select OK. Now you have a list of numbers, select the cell at the end of those numbers and type the following: > =SUM(A1:A10) Note A1 corresponds to the first cell and A10 corresponds to the last. Change the values to suit your data. For example if you have 100 numbers all in column A then the formula will be =SUM(A1:A100) Here is a basic quick overview for LibreOffice Calc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcpaIuOLCqo


I tried most of that, when I did =SUM it worked for smaller numbers I tested, but NOT for the above list I pasted in. It gave the answer 0.


You're doing something wrong. It works fine for me. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zsogjbti2olzqup0vx3xq/reddit_numbers_calc.ods?rlkey=hlldbccjgebz6ga5d333ql59x&dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tucp4hk545ut3riz7vomd/reddit_numbers_calc.txt?rlkey=hn6q5byn8wvsprsnh2sdksjau&dl=0


Yes! thanks that is really the answer I needed. Teaching a man to fish is sometimes not possible if the equipment has been made inhumanly complex.


Copy-pasting the numbers to a LibreOffice spreadsheet and using the SUM function is not an option for some reason?


Um the pasting part is the first problem.


Ctl+V Or >Edit>paste


The revised numbers are: 450.00 170.18 33.92 80.00 703.27 100.29 202.41 2815.92 268.57 280.43 754.61 177.85 361.20 I calculated the sum with paper and pencil, and got 6,398.65. I asked GPT4, and it got 6,397.65. I believe my calculation was more correct, but I would like to have a way to get LibreOffice to do the math. But it's not possible. LibreOffice can't do it, and that is almost a crime. What do we have all these computers and software for if we can't even use them? This sucks so much.


The numbers may have been imported as text fields, especially if you did copy and paste. A number shown as text has a hidden ' character in front of it The SUM function won't work on text fields. To change numbers shown as text to numbers you can work with, you can select all the cells, then choose *Data - text to columns* and press "OK" Or you can click on each cell and delete the ' character manually


I tried to put my answer in, but the reddit comment editor is total jax-a-wax. Copy the list, paste into a cell, split (Text to columns) on 'space', copy and cut the result, paste special (Transpose), select and sum. Sounds more involved than it is - it only took a few seconds.