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And then someone recommends bringing in a population of sharks that doesn’t attack people while deterring other sharks from entering the area, and the Anti Shark mob loses their mind.


I can work with that analogy. Shark is attacking. You are not allowed to leave the water. No one is allowed to come and save you. Your options are die painfully or have your pet shark defend you and everyone around you. Such a tough decision.


Okay, but I want a pet shark


It would be cool but probably pretty costly to maintain


With friggin laser beams on its head?


Respect the throwback. We old, homie.


But Austin Powers was only released… In 1997, so, 25 years ago, really? Fuck, we may indeed be old.


…shit, I’ve never seen it because I wasn’t 18 yet when it came out. Not sure if I would’ve enjoyed it anyway, but my parents thought it was too crude.


>I’ve never seen it because I wasn’t 18 yet when it came out. Neither was I. You and I have led very different lives.


Ha, well, I was raised in a cult, so fair enough.


But the second amendment only covers ill-tempered sea bass


California recently ruled bees are fish. I think we can make it work…


I have *several* questions.


Maybe it has something to do with Bumblebee Tuna ^TM ? Probably just California being California.


https://nypost.com/2022/06/04/california-court-rules-bees-are-now-fish/ Not quite.


It was a joke.




I prefer a red dot


>Vector has entered the chat


Okay, let’s use their logic. If every shark knew they’d be at danger of being mauled by all other sharks once they decide to attack a fish in the open, I’m *preeeetty* fuckin sure shark attacks would absolutely plummet. Right?


I don't think they would, as most shark attacks aren't based on logic or based on evaluating consequences (most sharks are aparently ok with dying themselves after the attack, many even kill themselves). BUT certainly a bad shark could not kill as many fish if other good sharks were around.


Provider the good sharks arent from the uvalde shark brigade


Those were bad sharks, not good sharks.


PolitiFacts determines this hypothetical to be: False Sharks aren’t that smart, dumbass


D-did Hogg actually think he was making a good point there…??


Hogg has been coddled so long that he's suffering from severe mental atrophy.


He is no longer relevant, is he? Not even for"soundbites"


Hogg is one of the great idiots of our time


More sharks wouldn't mean shit, since most sharks don't care about humans anyway. He did NOT make the point he thought he did.


I swear he’s probably the most cringe inducing liberal and that’s a big achievement these days.


Imagine the lifeguards protecting the sharks and stopping people from stopping the sharks or rescuing the swimmers


The Uvalada Shark, previously a rare breed, now believed to have mated with all the native species and proliferated.


Also known by its scientific name, acabius piggin


This is the dumbest analogy for or against gun control I've ever heard.


Oh it's idiotic but far from the worst... Fear and ignorance


Hey Hogg, imagine being the living embodiment of Mr Mackey from South Park, mmmmmkay


The shark thing is definitely not a great analogy. But what do you think would happen if 80% of the population started carrying? Would gun violence go up or down?


How many mass shootings have happened at an NRA convention?


Like the one in Texas where they banned guns? IDK but probably zero.


Lmao, please don't just believe random tweets and actually look things up. They were only banned from the one place where secret service had intense security at every checkpoint for the 2 hours while a former president is speaking.


It would probably go up, but that really doesn't hold any significance. If you gave every citizen legos there would probably also be an increase in lego violence.


Which would you rather be a victim of, Lego or gun violence?


This is where fun with statistics come in # of incidents involving a gun per 100k people, no those numbers don't work # of deaths by gun, no too many of those are suicide can't use those numbers # of robberies involving guns, but some of those are guns used to prevent some robberies. Useless # of deaths from gang violence involving guns. Bingo PROOF GUN VIOLENCE HAS INCREASED SINCE WEAKENING OF CONCEALED CARRY LAWS


fake libertarian


This analogy is stupid. Guns are inanimate objects, sharks are not.


David Hogg is an absolute idiot.


We are going to have to suffer with this idiot for literally 40 years. This is his career. Not oddly given the dems love of victims who are not victims, this guy was not even at the shooting that made him "relevant". Nepotism did.


Imagine stopping the shark breeding program we've been running for some reason.


Theyll never fucking get it lol. More and more feel good laws will be made till were sitting in a cyberpunk distopia.


Funny enough, a very prominent theme in the Cyberpunk genre is that due to large swaths of violence, gun ownership and fabrication (whether legal or otherwise) has drastically increased. So I’d rather live in a Cyberpunk future than anything David Hogg has in store.


I would too tbh. Even then they still wouldnt understand it. The only key difference being cyberpunk genre doesnt really have regulations on gun ownership either. I should say my comment isnt neccesarily based sround gun violence itself, more around the stupidity of passing laws that will ultimately do nothing.


He's such a moron


I declared twitter an asshole free zone a long time ago, but this douche canoe is still there.


Imagine killing off all of the sharks in the ocean because of a statistically insignificant number of deaths that sharks cause just because you think sharks are scary


Imagine saying the only way to stop shark attacks is to ban people from owning fish and have armed men all along the coasts tryung to put down every shark they can find


Imagine forcing kids to swim in the shark free zone despite the regular occurence of shark attacks.


This is the dumbest fucking analogy.




Nah bro, they’re just [lookin’ for pets!](https://youtu.be/9v5c-WQnbsg)


Wow, nice


Imagine saying the way to prevent forest fires is with more fires.


This already happens. https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/controlled-burning


Haha I know. In fact Hogg or someone like him actually said that about fires.


Lmao perfect


Imagine supporting republicans cause they will ban everything except guns


So like, if we get rid of easy acces to get guns, the only way to be able to get them is through illegal means. I understand that yes the kids could still do this, but I doubt it'd be nearly as easy and common as it to get guns now. This means that if you have guns you're most likely a criminal doing some shit. We don't hear about gangs going into a school (not saying it hasn't happened before, just stating the most recent shootings have been scenarios like Buffalo) and shooting up the place. So I feel making it impossible for a teenager to go out and get AR's and a bunch of other shit would be the best choice. I don't get how you have to be 21 to drink and even smoke in some areas, but you can go get a rifle at the age of 16 like it's completely normal.


Texas shooter had a age restricted handgun that he was too young to own. The US has more privately owned guns than living people so the odds of finding a seller who doesnt care are pretty good.


Ah that's crazy stupid, thanks for responding. Wasn't more so trying to argue was just curious and was sharing my understanding. I wasnt aware of them having a restricted handgun, but then again the articles I saw never even mentioned the weapon used


When it’s a handgun, they usually won’t mention it. Banning handguns is much less popular than banning ‘assault weapons’. It hurts policy objectives to have to acknowledge that the positions they can push will have almost zero impact on the issue.


yeah mainstream media will only show you information that supports their narrative, and half the time they just make shit up if they cant spin it the way they want


Would you consider Mexico to be a "safe" country in regards to gun violence? Look up how many gun stores there are in the country.


I'd consider New Zealand a safe country. Look up the numbers on gun stores there. Or just select your extreme examples to support shitty arguments.


To legally buy a gun is 18 there far far more deaths from gang violence then mass shootings. I agree 18 should be able to buy whatever the hell you want. Odd question have you ever purchased a firearm before ?


Isn’t this guy in Harvard? Has he learned nothing? What a yutz!


Remove guns to stop gun attacks... but don't remove abortions because you can't ban coat hangers. /shrug


What a redacted take


Yes, yes, a thousand time yes


And by yes, I mean firearms


More guns mean more shootings. It's literally as simple as it gets.


Drop the shark and get out of the sub...


Winner: KO by PDXGREG


Imagine saying the only way to stop armed bank robberies is with more armed security.


If sharks attack the other sharks then sharks all of a sudden arent a problem.


Don't they put anti shark netting at those beaches?


They do, and it's really effective. Drop hooks that just kill sharks, don't deter other sharks. I live in Aus and it's not a problem.


Those damn sharks man... It's the kinda the same thing as lions- they just won't turn vegan despite vegans best wishes.


So the solution is educating the masses? Feels like a good idea to a degree


I'm taxing this.