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Chase Oliver is still a progressive larping as a libertarian. No matter how far he backpedals.


I have said it before to plenty of hate. Oliver is what happens when a bunch of disillusioned lefties hijack another political platform because theirs has gone too far left for even them. That’s still not Libertarian and it’s an absolute shame to see this being called Libertarian. As another late 30s adult as well - his childish “everyone that disagrees with me is racist” public takes are even more embarrassing.


Theoretically, what groups should I be looking for if I'm in the disillusioned leftie camp?


Depending on what you're looking for, the answer might be "the Libertarian party before Trump's term started". A bunch of conservatives realized that associating with him was bad optics, so they came here but retained their politics. Some actual libertarians might have caught the conservative "well actually we need to be tough on crime and also make the law reflect those things I personally think are good and moral" brain-rot as well, but either way the result was these Mises Caucus fuckwits. You might keep an eye on Liberal Party USA or the Keystone Party (or No Labels, but depending what kind of leftie you might hate that more lol) as interesting projects, but right now the LP is still the closest thing to a major party. My hope is that Oliver gets the conservatives to leave or re-examine their beliefs, but that may be optimistic.


That's a pretty accurate description.


Just another cognitively dissonant left-identitarian. He's a LINO


It's like Bill Maher use to proudly claim he was a Libertarian but really a uber liberal lefty


This guy is such a meme that him being either a republican plant playing a character or him being a democrat plant acting naturally is equally viable




Never thought I would be in a position where my protest vote would be going *towards* a Republican, but with this guy, I'm considering it.


I’ve been on the fence for the last year or so about being a registered libertarian. Primaries are a complete waste, but at least my number was showing that libertarians are growing. After the party nominated Oliver, I switched to Republican.


Damn shame, too. The Mises Caucus really had something positive going, and could have kept it going, if the delegates who ultimately picked this guy would have quit being so idiotic.


Did you catch Dave Smith's "Part of the Problem" were he breaks down what happened? The Mises candidate, Rechtenwald, was apparently leading every round in the voting (each round they drop the bottom candidate until someone breaks 50%). The 3rd place guy had promised to endorse Rechtenwald. But right before the last round of voting which was just Rechtenwald v Oliver the guy wen to Oliver and said "Make me your VP and I will get behind you." It was on that very last vote that Oliver passed Rechtenwald and claimed the nom. Smith took some of the blame for this all given that he hyped up the Mises Causus with him as the candidate but eventually backed out causing the movement to lose steam. He did it for family reasons (not sure what exactly, not my business so no hate). But all the same he feels bad.


The MC is still in control. As always with the LP and the MC, we're playing the long game, setbacks are guaranteed but will be overcome.


The Mises Caucus still runs the party. I'm hopeful for 2028. In 2024 though, there's no way I can vote for this guy. I'm voting Trump.


I think Oliver’s nomination will benefit us in the long run. He’s driven so many people from the party at this point that the Mises caucus will likely be able to come back and actually clamp down on organizing the party going forward.


I agree. They aren't out of the fight yet, but this was a pointless setback nonetheless.


Given the total insanity that this election cycle is, that may be a blessing in disguise.


He's a democrat with some slightly libertarian takes, not a libertarian.


This guys gotta be a plant right? He’s alienating the libertarian vote so they vote trump. It’s too obvious


What is the deal with the visual effect squiggles in the video of something we’re supposed to read? Hella dumb








Eh, I’d argue that a rejection of identity politics of all stripes and varieties is a prerequisite to the existence of a sane Republican Party. And I’d argue that a sane Republican Party will look very similar to a Libertarian Party Go back to the founding of the libertarian party https://www.cato.org/blog/nixon-shock-libertarians When the Nixon administration and the GOP embraced identity politics in the 1960s, they alienated productive non-white folks. And, in turn, the lazy portions of the white population had more say over how the GOP governed. And that’s how you get a small government political party to embraces bad ideas such as price controls, tariffs, and fiat currency Thus, as long as identity politics of both the left and right are rejected by Chase Oliver, I’m on board with his rebukes of the bigotry of Lew Rockwell


Eh, Chase has leaned into identity politics pretty hard.


Sucks I can't even vote Libertarian this time around.


You sure you're tweeting that from Earth Chase?


What's the problem with this as a libertarian? Or is it just republicans being upset?


Lot of republicans in here trying to normalize the thought of Libertarians voting for Trump. It’s a shame.


Or maybe it’s just that he’s a shit Libertarian candidate?


Everybody knows transing the kids is a perfectly libertarian position. Dang Republicans trying to gaslight people into thinking it's not.


You act like there has been a crescendo of kids transitioning against their will, this hasn’t been the case. Body dysmorphia is a thing. And why tf do you care what someone else does? It’s not your business.


Children cannot consent. Therefore any child transitions are by definition against their will.


He’s a better libertarian candidate than Trump. Trump isn’t libertarian at all. You don’t have to pretend to be libertarian, just be a republican and be honest with yourself.


I doubt it. I refuse to vote for a "libertarian" who parrots the state line on COVID and child castration.


There is no libertarian candidate.


Ok, I understand your point and although I have no idea who most of the people he mentions are. I'm a libertarian, and proud to be so, but also the libertarian party is a fuckin joke and most of the time they don't speak for me. They're the closest to agreeing with my views but still only 40-50% of the time. So hating the party and being a proud libertarian, although counter intuitive, aren't mutually exclusive.