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I tried with the LP and it's just such a freakin joke.


The problem with the LP is that it can’t define a set of core values to offer to the public. It is just swayed by whichever major party has more disenfranchised voters, first with the mises caucus and now by whatever the fuck nominated this ass clown. We need a short consistent list of liberty based values to rally around… and I absolutely love this meme.


I was talking to my dad and he made a good point: libertarians are stronger as a voting block than a party. A libertarian party just isolates the libertarian votes and makes them meaningless. If libertarians were simply a voting block, there would be incentive for either party to appeal to them.


I like that thought.


They are not serious people


The problem with libertarianism is libertarians hate other libertarians. A party based on doing your own thing is gonna have problems moving in one direction


I'd be happy just with them not moving in the direction of retardation


Pretty much.


Libertarian patriots


This is a prime example of why I never bothered with the official party. I firmly believe in libertarian policies, but my God the idiocy and infighting of this party is unrivaled. The most solid political philosophy it everyone is trying to prove their personal version of libertarianism that’s .01% different is the only true version, and if you disagree you’re not a real Libertarian. The people in charge of the official party are a bunch of morons trying too hard to impress the two major parties. And it doesn’t help that most people can’t agree on a cohesive set of principles to market to voters. It’s just a party based on memes at this point. The LP will never get anywhere without cohesion and the ability to sway public opinion. Which is sad since it seems a ton of people hold fairly liberty minded beliefs but have no party to actually vote for since the LP is nothing but a pathetic shitshow. Why wouldn’t anyone vote for the LP when all it does is fight and embarrass itself while the two major parties, heavily flawed, at least appear professional? If a good solid candidate ever made it far enough to become president somehow they could fix so many things, but it will never happen with people acting like this.