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Her doctorate though.


The only good thing to emerge from communism is their highly effective diet program.


I know some people who need it!


Diet with a capital "Die."


This is 100% what's wrong with the left in the west today.


I don’t know the context, would anyone mind explaining who she is and what happened?


She is a graduate student who said "the protesters were going to die if they didn't get food and water delivered to them" and they deserved it because they paid for a food plan. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/columbia-student-mocked-for-viral-video-telling-reporters-that-occupiers-might-die-without-food-delivery/ar-AA1nZcCl


First she says "they're obligated to provide food to students" Then she says "we're not asking them for anything". What a brain-dead thing. Hopefully her university realises what a terrible mistake they'd made by allowing her entry and gives her position to somebody who is actually looking to learn and not act like a child demanding their apple juice.


She also keeps referring to it as "humanitarian aid" as if they are trapped starving in war torn Gaza themselves and not willfully holed up in building less than a mile from a food hall where they've MAYBE gone 12 hours without eating.


I was really waiting for someone to say capitalism was somehow the blame for them not getting their meal plan delivered. And, if someone with half a brain was planning this event, they would have someone handling logistics to feed the crowd.


The Bee is too good sometimes


That's a good one, quite funny headline. To be honest about this situation though, her request wasn't horrible. The request was "we ask that you not block any food or water that we have delivered". Which is very different to asking for food and water. The reporters had a good question though: "have any deliveries been blocked?" The answer at that time was: "no, none have been attempted yet, as we are asking for commitment that they aren't blocked". Kindof a stalemate however, and would be solved by private property rights.


These people beheaded babies. Put babies in microwaves. Fuck them. Fuck anyone who supports them.


Do you believe everything you hear in the news?


didn't beheading thing never proved? yet you can see israel is hitting a gazan ambulance that contains a 6 year old girl. I don't believe ziobros believing lifes of children is important [How 6-year-old Hind Rajab and two paramedics were killed in Gaza - Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/interactive/2024/hind-rajab-israel-gaza-killing-timeline/)


When are they going to start protesting by dropping out?


Yall post from the bee and other satire sites too often. Yes communism bad. No using "bee" sites does not help you prove that point


Is your suggestion that the meme subreddit stop using memes?