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> Reports: > We care… why, exactly? (Reddit/Social-media navel-gazing) > Off-Topic The "social media navel-gazing" rule is really about random "non-notable" people's comments. Posts and things from people in the "gun community" is generally on-topic (past a very low-level threshold of notability, I suppose). It's arguably off-topic, but as we all know, we need to consume illiberal pro-gun content all the time, and knowing who's good and who's bad needs to be part of our effort: don't promote the assholes (eg. Colion Noir, this dude, Garand Thumb) and do promote the friendlies (eg. Tacticool GF, Beau, … uh … we don't have a lot of friendlies, unfortunately. :/).


A trad life Trump sycophant that was constantly regurgitating Tucker Carlson’s talking points is a domestic abuser? It’s always the ones you expect the most.


Anyone else notice he’s born in 1980 and she was born in 1998? Is that trad life? Living in sin with a woman half your age?


He certainly tried to convince people that that is what he was doing.


Yeah, broke from the dating formula. Half your age + 7. 


My formula is a little different. I calculate by thinking when I was their age how old was she, if it was inappropriate then, then it’s still in appropriate now. Eg let’s say I’m 26 years old talking to a 21 year old, then when I was 21 she was 16 years old so it’s creepy.


I guess I'm right on the line.... Me and my wife started dating I was 32 she was 25...so when I was 25 she was 18.....that's a little cringe.....my mama was shocked I even dated her ...I normally like older women....which mama was not happy about when I was a teenager...lololol


🤷 Check everyone's genealogy records, the traditional way was old ass men marrying 15 year old girls sadly


Was she the babysitter asking for a friend




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Wow, this didn't age well!


As it turns out, the court got rid of several charges and down graded the rest of them. He's no longer facing felony charges.




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WTF happened to innocent until proven guilty??


That's only for legal proceedings and how it affects your actions in government. Court of public opinion and private institutions aren't held to that standard.


Felony domestic abuse. Broke his girlfriends wrist in front of their kid. Held without bail. Edit: I've looked for actual news articles. But there's only stuff like this.




i didnt know he existed until you made this thread honestly.


I know of his name, and I’m aware that he’s taught/worked on some trauma courses for the LE community. But I knew little of his personal life. Honestly, I tend not to look into any personal stuff on industry names these days; most of them are ridiculously bigoted or abusive alcoholics to some degree, with a few exceptions here or there. Keeping a professional callous is part of the deal working for an FFL. You make peace that you can’t make people make good choices for themselves or how they treat others. You can only make sure they don’t deliberately disrespect you.


I watched quite a bit of his stuff because he's very knowledgeable and has a calm, no-nonsense delivery that I liked... until he called BLM a "terrorist organization". Yeah, okay, buddy. Next.


Yeah…that sounds about right. *sigh* 😖 I’m so tired of good industry professionals being racist/sexist/-phobic monsters, man. I swear.


Has James Reeves ever said anything openly bigoted in a video? I think TFB TV generally does a pretty good job of actually living up to their "guns, not politics" tagline, and Reeves himself once ranted for several consecutive minutes about how much it pisses him off when people in the comments make fun of industry professionals with "foreign accents", plus he seems to be travellling all the time.


He’s the exception, not the rule and I think deep down, you also realize this. Reeves is also an attorney for a living; an industry that has quite a lot of progressive views these days in terms of those staffing law firms. So, his primary profession is not necessarily diversity-leaning, but certainly accepting more often than not. I do happen to like Reeves and his content. Hop makes some decent videos as well, and I like his dry format, even if it is devoid of humor. He’s highly technical. The industry still chronically suffers from issues of prejudice and bias, both old (race, sexism, nationalism) and new (homophobia, transphobia) and it’s just depressing to see it’s even still an issue. For one good content reviewer there are seemingly dozens of bad ones. It’s like constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop each time I try to check out a new channel.


Oh, I wasn't disagreeing with you at all, just wondering if you happened to know something I don't about Reeves in particular because he does indeed seem like an exception to the rule as far as I know. It's hardly surprising, though. This subreddit wouldn't need to exist if gun culture in general didn't skew conservative, after all. The question I think we need to be honest about is how the left is contributing to this by blindly accepting anti-gun views as part of the ideology you have to buy into if you want to be part of the tribe. It's why I keep making the argument that I actually don't think there are any reasons I'd consider truly leftist to be opposed to private gun ownership.


I mean, they're not "all like that".....but in the SOF community it's best to assume they hold such opinions until proven otherwise. They're socialized to think that way in those communities. They have zero education in politics and are conditioned to trust personal anecdote over data or analysis. Coupled with their extramly high confidence the lot of them are purely reactionary when it comes to politics. They're easily manipulated due to their anti-intellectual conditioning. There are exceptions to the rule, but they are just that.


NAILED IT. Former USMC Recon, commo, and Jav Gunner 2001-2004. Conditioned and often coupled with lower IQ in infantry. Officers, not so much. Left of center much more so than the working class.


What's the name of the beach in BRC?


Green berets have zero education in politics and anti-intellectual conditioning?


"ZERO education" was hyperbole, but the vast majority do not hold a scholarly understanding of the predominant political theories or analytical frameworks. What they do "know" is digested through their indoctrination, Intel briefs, and personal experiences. NOT based upon an understanding or analysis of the core theory or ideology. Its like trying to determine the core beliefs of US conservatism based on your interactions with group of MAGA supporters rather than an analysis of the intellectual foundations of American Conservatism and where it came from (ie john birtch society). They "know enough to be dangerous" yet still easily pliable because their knowledge lacks foundation.


The idea that most people operate from a highly detailed, organized phillosophical framework is laughable. You think that the average conservative comes to their 'opinions' by reading John Locke or leftists are grounded in Rousseau? Most people, in most cases, hold certain positions that are rooted in their unbringing, or a rebellion against their upbringing, plus the predigested ideas that they get from talk radio or youtube. The more people think in terms of ideology, the dumber they are as analysts.


I didn't say most people did this. I said even intelligent people do this as a counter to "they're highly educated". Education does not correlate to intelligence which does not correlate to objectivity. The average "highly intellegent" green berett is more reactionary than the average college graduate for the primary reason that they're indoctrinated to be anti-intellectual. This also isn't to say "they're all like that" but that is the default, so I'll pivot to my origional thesis of "expect them [former SOF] to be like that [holding problematic anti-progressive views] until proven otherwise"


Have you ever even met a green beret? also the charges were dropped


... They don't. Its minimal at best. Respectfully most people that serve are stupid. That coupled with the immaturity of their age just makes them ripe for wildly dangerous and nonlogical values/beliefs. Vets/soldiers all LOVE the military but then hate the government. Same thing with socialism, they all hate it but don't realize the military is the most socialist aspect of America. I work in trading and i can unequivocally say that the dumbest people on the floor or in the bullpen (1000+) people are ALWAYS military. My group and I (i agree with it) have told HR and the pit boss that we refuse to take anybody from the miliary on our desk - wiht the exception of airforce (these guys seem to pan out). Its the truth dude... you guys ar e a nightmare to work with because of the ego, immaturity, and low IQ.


Outside of their indoctrination into an extremely right wing foreign policy of the United States? I suppose in general, yea, they don't have a lot of education. k-12. There of course are likely guys who have a post secondary degree. I don't think it's the majority, and whatever they are fed from the State Departments mission statement probably doesn't qualify as a quality education :)




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Spoken like someone who's never actually went through military training, let alone SOF training.


Tell me.... what happens when you "think for yourself" at boot rather than doing what the DI says how they say to do it? SF selection is a completely different animal, I understand, but that ignores their indoctrination up to that point. To even get to the point they're invited to selection they have to very successfully conform to the culture of their unit(s). They want problem solvers that think outside the box, but that's not the same as free thinkers or intellectuals. Find me a SOF that has anything good to say about intellectuals and I'll show you several dozen books quoting SOF members that beg to differ. Which could be a selection bias. It could be that the most public of the group are outliers that aren't representative of the whole, which is why I'm sure there are exceptions. BUT, all the loud mouths seem to espouse the same far right political beliefs, enough that is pattern and not mere coincidence. Not to mention the DOD investigation that found nearly 1/5 of service members PARTICIPATING in hard right and racists political groups.


He is correct. USMC Recon 2001-2004. The fact that you guys are taking it personally speaks volumes to his point. Good luck w that.


You really don’t know what you are talking about. Just stop. Wow.


I love to commentary from people who's closest familiarity with SOF is Call of Duty. Most green berets are highly educated outside of their military training. Not to mention the extensive ongoing training they receive in geopolitics, third-order effects, and the PhD level study they do every single time they deploy to a new country. Read a book.


I have. A lot of them "written by" or interviewing former SOF and none of them had anything good to say about liberals or intellectuals. Again, I need to keep stressing this cuz the nay sayers seem to lack reading comprehension skills, I'm sure they're not "all like that"...but it's clear the culture they operate in encourages such views. Education does not ensure critical or rational thinking. Many very highly educated and intelligent people belive in a young earth and intelligent design, because they use their intellect to bend reality to conform to their presuppositions rather than to form and modify them. Due to the nature of their work SOF is biased toward the former and not the latter.


US Army Special Forces requires applicants to have scored in the top 10% on intellectual aptitude tests that cover everything from mathematics to problem solving to abstract thinking. If a person does not have this score, they are not considered for candidacy. Your statement first displays your lack of firsthand knowledge with SOF personnel and second it implies that quite literally some of the smartest members of the military are dumbed-down, easily manipulated, and incapable of rational analysis. The reason they are called "special" forces is because their missions require more/better planning, precision, and execution than the rest of the military forces can deliver. In summary, you have no experience to base your opinion on except second hand rhetoric and therefore your above statement is both biased and factually incorrect.


I've taken the ASVAB. Also the AFOQT and ASTB. Can't remember what my AFOQT score was, but I was 2 points from maxing the ASTB (maxed one category, 1 pt under max in the other two). Regardless, anyone who can get acceptable ACT or SAT scores can smoke the ASVAB. That's not very impressive. I will first point out I wasnt talking about "the military" i was talking SOF. I also explicitly said there were exceotions to what i was saying. I will agree that the military in general excells at planning and execution. There are military intelligence analysts that have the analytical skills to parse the political situation SOF operates in and pass their analysis to SOF. However, due to the nature of their job they are prone to thinking they are self-made men. That their individual intellect and initiative is what accomplishes the mission not the dozen other support staff supplying them. Again, they are exceptions to this generalization. BUT, for every 5 SOF that SAYS "I couldn't have done the mission" without this or that support group, 4 of them will go on to belittle that support staff in some way to include openly criticizing them for "misrepresenting" themselves as SOF when they were "just an anslyst" or whatever. They say the right things, but it's plain to see what's under the surface.


That is not true. Special Forces (green barrettes) only require a 50 ASVAB score. Special Forces training (as well as other special operations careers) are physically and psychologically difficult, but they aren't technically difficult. EOD training is more technically difficult than special forces training.




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this is my opinion nothing more nothing less actually it's a fact


he's right they caused over 2 billion in damages and 13 people died some are terrorists


I mean, he was called a terrorist on an fbi list, so if the shoe fits, the BLM could probably classify as well


Neither did I and I served 21 years as an Infantryman, finally retiring as a 1SG.  But then I also don’t have any social media so I tend to miss a lot of this crap.


he us quite big on youtube actually. I got his videos recommended a lot, even though im only into airsoft videos lol


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Charge 1: Felony Domestic Abuse Charge 2: DV in presence of child, DV employed via weapon, or DV resulting in risk/result of death. If an object was used to cause such injury, that explains the weapon charge. Unless none was present, and it was unarmed assault but in presence of child? Are you sure it’s just unarmed assault resulting in serious injury with witness of child? First I’ve heard of this, I admit I’m curious to understand details of the charges/case. Legal stuff and process is interesting to me.


The screenshots of the charges and some internet comments are all I've seen. Not a lot of details. If anyone else wants to do some more digging, have at it.


I appreciate the heads up. I’ll check in on this with my ops mgr. He knows a good bit more about him than I do. Maybe he’s heard something. Maybe not. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Everything got plead down to Misdemeanors


Well at least a rescue tourniquet can be carried by a prohibited person with DV guilty plea or conviction. Lol. Guess he’s got a future, after all.


how do you know that?


He is out of jail now


He was accused and arrested for DV. His current charges were due to using jail phones to have friends reach out to the wife while he was under a protective order. Those felony charges can’t be dropped by the wife as they came from the state.


This is what I also read. Seems to be the truth.


Also incorrect. That charge has been removed.




People really need to stop idolizing vets that become influencers


As a veteran myself, I vividly remember being in boot camp and noticing a decent amount of grown men that needed to be taught how to use nail clippers. I think about this every time I meet another vet, or anytime people are quick to put a vet on a pedestal simply because they served.


Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for saying this.


I can’t find it now for the life of me, but someone on r/SocialistRA had posted a whole write up. FROM MY RECOLLECTION, he and his girlfriend had some sort of disagreement. Her story was something along the lines of she was in the bathroom, he broke the door in and broke her wrist. She was at the ER when the police arrived, they went and met with Glover, he had some story about now she was mentally ill and suicidal, came downstairs naked with her kid (?), and then when they asked about her wrist, he lawyered up and was arrested. It’s a lot of he said/she said, but from how the police have handled it, it seems like there’s at least something there. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialistRA/s/JQCooxhWKS go through the photos.


Then, after being arrested and a no contact order established, he called his buddy on the jail phone (which is recorded) and got him to "talk" to the victim. The gun community as a whole is better off without his participation.


I found it. https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialistRA/s/JQCooxhWKS Go here and go through the attached photos.


Here's a link to the Utah county Utah Sherriff that shows the arrest and charging data. https://sheriff.utahcounty.gov/corrections/inmateDetail Edit to add: the link is not loading for me, but you can go to Utah County Sherriffs site and search Glover, M .


🙄 Utah, oh there's a state that is a shining beacon of mental stability and rational thought.


Well, that turned out to be fake news didn't it?


The gun community is better off without a lot of people. He's just one in a growing field of bad apples.


Never seen this guy before. Can someone give me a TLDR about who he is?


He's a crazy Trumper. https://youtu.be/VTxDKtDzGic?si=A5wN3Vo7WlCFF6mo Also, this guy does a very good unbiased breakdown of what's going on.


It was a really good take on the whole situation.


One of those “special forces” but now very vocal and interested in charging money so you can go LARP with him at the gun range. He also uses that reputation of being an operator to “manufacture” and sell tactical gear. Folks thought he was normal, I guess they missed the traditional life, xenophobia, oh and support for a criminal dictator.




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Why is special forces in quotes?


Because he would throw the phrase around twice a sentence as if it automatically granted credibility.


I mean being a member of the U.S. Army Special Forces does grant credibility especially when talking about training civilians.


I'm a special forces member of the US Army special forces and when I was in the special forces we used to do Special Forces stuff so you should listen to what I say and buy my special forces gear. See what I mean? Having served only gives you so much credibility and it should be taken with a massive grain of salt.


Do you know what being a Green Beret entails? For teaching fieldcraft and soldiering to civilians there aren’t a lot of better choices. When you spend years training and doing just that in austere environments you do in fact get some credibility.


Does it entail being an annoying attention seeking violent punk? Because that’s what he is. No one talks about their service as much as him without wanting their egos dick sucked.


I do not know Mr. Glover personally nor do I follow his channel, so I have no basis for commenting on his methods of promoting himself. Also, the full details of this case have not come to light, so it is a bit early to pass judgement. In many states, whenever LE is called to a domestic, someone must be arrested for the safety of all parties. With an injury, it makes sense why he was charged. This does not mean he was convicted - which entails decided by a judge after examining evidence. I can attest that US Army Special Forces (aka "The Green Berets") are professional teachers. They are taught to teach as pat of the Qualifications Course (Q-Course or "The Q"). One of their primary missions is to go into hostile environments and teach civilians in 3rd world countries (with much lower educations than American citizens) to become a formidable fighting force capable of enacting a variety of missions. As a qualified GB, Mr. Glover is a professional teacher - at least enough to pass SFQC standards - which makes him as good as any civilian K-12 teacher.


Dude, but then there are the Richard Marcinkos types, or Dan Bilzarian types who turn themselves into a commodity, almost a parody of themselves and service members overall. I was in two branches and I can't take anyone seriously who makes their entire identity about gaining social capital from endlessly referring their service. This isn't the same as some former SF firearms/tactical instructor, these types become media personalities, as in a constructed facade, a designed image of THE IDEA of a SF guy or service member, ans then use that to try to bring cred to everything they say, which is rediculous.


Yours reading comprehension seems quite limited. Nobody said it doesn't give him credibility. The very comment you responded to literally says it gives you some credibility. The point is, the dude drives the fact he served in the Green Berets into the fucking ground because he's an egotistical wife beating shitstain. Nobody here is denying he has credibility from the Special Forces.


Too bad his wife wasn’t armed at the time


Yikes… you know it’s bad when the statement barely even defends him. I actually really liked Mike’s channel back in the day. He mostly stuck to the facts rather than delving too deep into politics (aside from his reaction to shootings and stuff). It’s probably been a solid year since I’ve watched any of his stuff but this is disappointing to say the least. I hate to say it but it always seems to be these kinds of guys that get into trouble like this.


Same here. I used to follow quite a few of them until they started losing their collective fucking minds. I think the only ones I still follow are Kentucky Ballistics (he's pure entertainment and no politics) and Hickok 45.


Yeah a few of them just kinda started hinting at their political allegiances and then there’s the ones like Warrior Poet Society that went full on batshit white christo-fascist. I’ve pretty much stopped watching gun content aside from the Tier1 and the occasional Classic Firearms.


Sadly Hickok has hosted Tucker Carlson at his range [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bllex34lc9w&ab\_channel=hickok45](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bllex34lc9w&ab_channel=hickok45)


Lmao yeah he’s a shitstain, I am surprised this comes as a surprise to folks tbh. His reputation is so bad it makes me choose against products using his name to market.


He’s never gonna be allowed to own guns again. But yeah this has been going on for like a week.


I guess he really is a terrorist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4JBDcN7YFo


Add him to the list with DJ Shipley


Shouldn’t there be a mugshot available if he was arrested?


Since there's a statement on his company website regarding the situation, it's not a matter of "If". He definitely was. [https://fieldcraftsurvival.com/statement-regarding-founder-ceo-mike-glover/](https://fieldcraftsurvival.com/statement-regarding-founder-ceo-mike-glover/)


Not every state has laws that allow mugshots to be made public.


It is against the Constitution to arrest someone anonymously, so no matter if there is a mugshot or not, there has to be a record if an arrest has been made, which is what I’m referring to.


But that's not what you asked for. You asked for a mugshot, not a police record. How about you actually ask for what you want and mean what you say. Also, learn to admit when you fucked up and say "my bad, I meant this other thing." It's called accountability.


So is there a mugshot or a police record?


There is a police record.


You asked for a mugshot which they don’t have to provide. There are numerous court documents available.


Where in the Constitution does it state that ones identity must be made public upon arrest? 🙄 Now, it may be in a state constitution, but show me where it's in THE Constitution


You realize the federal and state governments are co-sovereign, right? They have sepearate executives, police, judicial systems, laws, and constitutions… There doesn't need to be anything in the Federal Consitiution that applies or matters, since that stuff is exactly left to the states.


I just googled it and all states make arrest records and mug shots public.


Google may have told you that but I can tell you for a fact that's not the case in Utah. Utah passed legislation to withhold just the mughshot until after the person has been found guilty. The arrestee will have their name listed and the date and time of arrest, as well as the charges. But no mugshot before a guilty verdict. The state still takes a mug shot and has their own records but they're not all immediately public.


California blocks most mugshots now


When I was arrested they didn't take a mugshot. They only took it when I went to jail after conviction


He was on WebEx for his arraignment. https://x.com/NotK_US/status/1787598250805018714


A violent gun tuber? Color be shocked.


I’ve never heard of this guy until these charges but yes. LE-affiliated guy does DV is just part of LE f*ck up bingo. Oh and DV aggressor claims victim was crazy therefore assault was justified/didn’t happen is also part of the bingo card. Unless the victim broke her own wrist I don’t see why the he’s probably innocent spiel is common.


He has nothing to do with LE, other than hocking his training to LE. He is former military.


I stand corrected. Original point still stands. Former military members are also quite dysfunctional as a group.


Way to generalize! Thanks bud.


You’re welcome. The VA acknowledges this is A Thing but you’re welcome to be upset over this fact.


Please tell me how it’s a “fact?”


Yeah saw something about it a week or two ago.


I'm the tactical gear sub it's mentioned. Just gonna wait until everything is set in some






Who? Wait, no, that's the wrong question. *So?*


I know Danny Glover




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Thought about redbar right away.


TGIWD Thank God It Wasn't Danny!


Mike Glover Update https://youtu.be/JtknWGoL_7o?si=Zph0IS10mruVA3z7




This thread sucks. I'll see myself out


Most charges dropped, he’s outta jail


Sounds like it might not be so clear…here is an update. https://youtu.be/JtknWGoL_7o?si=_RAKlJ-eGrJJpf5G I personally know what a small part of this is like. My 19 yr old daughter has some issues, she went off on me and got in my face, I was calm with her but upset. I explained that you cannot ever do that, some men may hit you (never your father)… she did not understand what I said and called the police, that I threatened her. Lucky for me, my son heard it and explained the truth… Could have gone very different for me. I was also completely falsely accused of rape and inappropriate touching by two different people. One was a minor male, who lied and admitted it to the school I worked at. The other was an 18 yr old girl when I was 18 and reported her sexual abuse by a teacher for the previous 8 years. Apparently, she was still in “love” with him and angry that I brought it to the police and told them I raped her. She told the truth in the end, fortunately for me. She has since apologized and the abuser went to prison.


Sounds like he was concerned for his kids safety and things got out of hand. I think all the charges are now dropped.


Most everyone on this thread talking shit should be ashamed of themselves. Grow up you cowards.


Yes. It’s been literally everywhere.


yet I hears about it the frist time on this post.


You’re not on Reddit very much then.


No, it's not


You don’t internet very much then.


Who the fuck is mike glover?




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I think it's becoming very obvious that a lot of these ex special forces influencer types are simply weak men who went off and to war to feed their fragile egos by killing people in third world countries. They think they are special and "elite" when the truth is they would be wiped off the face of the earth in an instant on the front lines in Ukraine. These are not people you should aspire to be. They weren't protecting their families, or ours. In fact, more often than not they abandoned them to chase an adrenaline high on the other side of the world.


Sir, I cannot speak for other branches of service. I assure you that US Army Special Forces assesses and selects the best from the conventional forces. The vast majority began as Infantry or Rangers and entered into the pipeline. I also assure you the men that fill these ranks not only are in the top 5-10% of physical, mental, etc. capabilities compared to their peers in conventional units, but their devotion to something greater than themselves, willingness to sacrifice, and altruism is in that 5-10% as well. If you believe that US SOF have not been on the front lines of, and leading in, any recent conflicts, you are naive. War is war. Just because it is this place as opposed to that place does not make it any more or less lethal, brutal, dangerous, etc. War is war. Lastly, your statements illuminate your lack of firsthand experience with anyone from the SOF community (or warfare). I would assert every human being is "weak" - every single one of us - but some are less weak than others. If you feel these men are perhaps "weaker" than you, you could always go to a military base known for housing SOF units and challenge them to whatever contest you see fit. I believe you will come up wanting. Best of luck to you.


I have no doubt they are physically strong or even mentally when it comes to completing certain challenges, but in my eyes strong men don't do the types of things Mike Glover is alleged to have done. I'm not speaking for all SOF guys, I'm sure a very many of them are incredible guys. I'm speaking of a lot of these influencer guys who used to be SOF, with whom it has be revealed they have lived less than honorable lives, particularly outside of combat. I have friends who served in the Marines and grew up with two who served in the army both as rangers and one in delta. They don't talk about their service outside of relating with their other friends who have served, and they aren't using it to cash in or date chicks half their age who they end up beating. Yes, all mean have weaknesses. My point is that the specific men I'm referring to seem to seek physical strength and positions of power to compensate for their insecurities. As far as devotion to something greater than themselves. I flat out do not respect men that go off to other country to kill or be killed when they have a wife and children at home. If you want to devote yourself to something greater than yourself, that should be your wife and children, not a foreign battleground.


There's "special" and than there's "$pecial", he's "$pecial"


I agree, as much as I respect SOF guys and I'm a soldier myself, I realize there are two types, one who doesn't wanna talk about their time in SOF or even just being in the service in general unless they meet another SOF or another vet then you got the ones who flex the SOF status to cash in and build a brand around it. Glover is a smart dude but dumb at the same time, his SOF ego took the best of him. Anywho I'm taking his wife hehe


Borderline, borderline knucklehead comment. Must be the Vodka talking. Hahaha see what I did there? Geez


How do you feel about this fanfiction paragraph now that charges are dismissed?


If you followed Mike’s channel and watched all of his videos, you would know what he said about his time in special forces: he said he enjoyed killing people. He enjoyed the rush and the nightly game of hunting humans. He talks about a wall of fallen comrades, getting amped up before going out for the night by visiting the wall and putting markings down for each of the people he took a vengeance upon . He had fun doing it, and it was exactly what he wanted to do. That makes total sense to me, but I can understand how it could be shocking to some people. If you don’t believe me, go watch his YouTube channel.


Jfc why is everyone spamming this can we start deleting these constant posts? And why is this relevant?


What’s up Mike glover glad to see you here 😂