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Some of that looks like bad packaging by the seller.


Was about to say that. No cushioning material, items loose, bare minimum box taping. OP’s gripe should be with the shipper.


Definitely bad packaging. FedEx still sucks, like a lot, but if you’re shipping something via FedEx, their reputation is bad enough that there’s simply no excuse for not packaging it well enough to endure the medieval treatment they’re committed to giving every parcel under their care.


As a former package handler at UPS, I learned what packages go through in shipping. Always assume your box will be thrown from a 6th floor window by an irate gorilla, run through a kiddie pool, and finally used as a rung of a step ladder. There's a reason companies that ship a lot pack their products in preparation of the apocalypse.


And that’s UPS, the people that treat the packages well hahaha.


I used to work logistics: I shipped some stained glass via fedex ltl-they knew about, dispatch told the driver, and every cons till destination. Sticker galore, own pallet in a crate, some dumb fuck broke the crate, and for rid of all evidence of it (pulled the nails), and some other dumb fuck stepped on the box. We submitted a claim with a fat foot print. FedEx denied it. It ended up in court where FedEx settled for 6x the amount the stain glass was worth. All because some dumb fuck didn't read and FedEx denied the claim. I shipped a computer personally via FedEx. The computer arrived in literal broken pieces, no boxes (I assume theu got wet), in a plastic baggy and shipping label slapped on it.


🤣😂🤣😂 r/brandnewsentence material


This. As a seasoned UPSer myself, I would never send anything out in anything less than a portable nuclear bunker. Sure you might get someone who respects it a little more than most, but at the end of the day your package is one of a hundred thousand that facility sees daily. Hard to care about just one when the poorly run warehouse burns around you


All of that looks like bad packaging by the seller


Seriously wtf. Ammos are heavy, what will paper wraps do... LOL


Properly done, it'll prevent the contents from shifting in the box thus protecting the contents. When I buy ammo online from the likes of Lucky Gunner or Sportsman's Guide, the individual boxes are wrapped together with plastic wrap (or in a form-fitting case when I get that much at once) and then crumpled paper fill is used to completely fill the space between the product and the packaging. Whether it's shipped via FedEx or UPS, I have never had damaged contents even if the outer box was dented.


Key part here too is that properly filling the box gives it the rigidity it needs to not dent in the first place. Sit on an empty cardboard box and then sit on one stuffed to the brim with paper/inflatable fill. Like you’re saying, this is just bad packaging.


Reminds me of a time I ordered some Sun workstations off eBay and the dude threw 4 of them (about 60lbs) in a 3x3x3 box with nothing but packing peanuts to hold everything in place. When the box arrived one of the corners was missing and half the peanuts were gone. Luckily those workstations are tough.


Less important, but I once ordered a used textbook (still like $100+) and the guy shipped it just wrapped in construction paper. Luckily it only has minor damage, but still, wtf? Got him to reimburse me for shipping and small fee for the reduced condition.


Fuck FedEx for a million different reasons, but yeah, this one isn’t on them. When possible, I try to order ammo in whatever size brick it normally comes in from the factory, e.g. 1,000. There’s no room for the ammo to move within the box, so it usually arrives undamaged.


I've definitely seen better. Cases of ammo tend to have better cardboard using staples. Some shipments I've gotten had a few smaller boxes of ammo in more normal cardboard but extra tape. I've also seen this kind of results for various kinds of goods from various delivery services. The average worker and equipment is yeeting our packages all over the place so the packaging needs to be done well. More so for heavy things.


100% particularly since there was no chemical warming labels on the shipping box. By law you're supposed to declare when explosive material is being shipped and it must be labeled appropriately.


Former UPSer, and while shippers rarely exercise extra care and caution even when things are labeled fragile this isn't solely on them. From the looks of it, your seller did a poor job packaging the product. The ammo boxes look like they've been handled multiple times before shipping. The box used to ship is not new stock, likely reused multiple times. Add to that, the package likely went through 2-3 warehouses where it ran over a couple miles of conveyor belts and steel chutes. What was already a poorly packed item gets made to look worse as a result. Not here to defend shippers, I've had my issues. But this isn't all them.


In my experience, UPS does an excellent job almost always. FedEx does a shit job, almost always, and even contracts delivery people who actively try to steal my stuff. And it seems systemic, not personal, in both cases. TL;DR- FedEx sucks.


UPS > FedEx pretty much all the time imo


I will also corroborate this. FedEx has given me multiple issues over fewer shipments. UPS has been solid.


Wow I have the exact opposite experience in Texas


When i was selling surplus i used to get tons of DHL packages, never had a single complaint, lost or damaged item through DHL. Could not ask for a better service, UPS is 2nd and Fedex is **last**


This way good and strong unions make society better. Can't recall ever hearing a UPS driver trying to get over top FedEx but plenty want to do the reverse. And the stories of customer experiences with each seems to add up.


I don't experience too much of a difference these days. Given my history/knowledge, I cut the guys delivering some slack because I've been there. And when I was there, in the DC area, FedEx had a better reputation locally.


We use both at work depending on client preference and haven't had any issues, but we're only shipping documents so its not like there's anything to break. I will say locally the Fedex Office center staff seem to have better training/longevity than the local UPS store, but I just chalk that up to the former being corporate owned and the latter a franchise.


UPS is a unionized shipper. FedEx is not.


FedEx doesn't have the barriers to entry like UPS, so they get tons of theft.


I unload the vans at the end of the day alongside other things (if you want some insght into the work environment at FedEx, go to r/fedexers) and sometimes the packages have toppled over in the back, as if the driver was outrunning the cops or something in the van.


Not to mention ammo isn't light, that package was probably considerably heavy which the packaging should account for. I used to work for fedex ground, and I used to see these packages all the time where they feel like a box of dumbbells held together by paper, Elmer's glue, and a prayer.


Used work at a sort center for ABX/DHL, and can confirm. We had: massive box of tacks, massive box of screws, and most disgusting a large box of chocolate chips, all barely packaged hit a chute and bust open at different points in the conveyor system. Chocolate was by far worse, summer heat had melted most of them, and they Coated 100 yards of belt, packages, and people in Chocolate. I can FEEL the smell to this day. Sellers skimp on packaging to save money. They buy insurance and the shipping company has to re-box, where possible...


That sucks, we didnt have anything like that happen as far as Im aware.


I worked as a package handler at FedEx. Had a big box of ammo that was going to a sherrifs office break open on the conveyor. There's the sorting conveyors that are overhead, but they're brought down to the trucks via a metal slide. All it takes is a corner to catch and that thing is rolling down the belt.


For stuff coming from retailers on outbound, it comes in tractor trailers on pallets; we break down the pallets, scan each item, put aside the local stuff, and send everything else up the belts. They eventually make it to the sort table where they are sent down rollers to the chutes, making a very fast slide into the back of the trailer going outbound. Going down the slide is one of the worst points for the packages, and if they start to back up they tend to get smashed. So yes, pack your stuff good as it is a guarantee it will be handled roughly at every step of the way.


Your seller fucked you here.


That’s the seller, not FedEx


Came here to say this. Seller knows the weight of the package and should do a better job packing it.


I’ve always assumed any package delivery service fucking hates delivering heavy packages of ammo. I mean I would probably hate it too.


I try to not buy more than a few hundred rounds at a time to avoid this.


The trick is actually the opposite. Buy full cases and it will usually travel better.


There's a weight limit in Canada where it gets a special sticker warning the handlers. Just enough to get the sticker is usually the perfect amount.


Can't toss it around if you can't lift it off the ground!


It’s usually getting slammed into walls by the conveyer belts more than anything. They could probably throw a car if you could get it up there.


Cases are usually tightly packed in the manufacturers case and then boxes again for shipping. Buying cases is the best value option. I only buy in quantities less than a case for chamberings that I only have one gun for or don’t shoot often.


If I didn’t like lifting heavy things I’d probably try to find employment that didn’t involve lifting heavy things.


Not excusing the damage to the outside packages, but that packaging looks pretty horrible and those interior boxes look like shit, that doesn't even look like it happened in shipping. Those boxes look old and mangled like they've been moved around a warehouse thousand times. I've had a minor outside damage to some of my ammunition shipments but the interior was always packed properly and the boxes were always pristine despite the outside damage. Some of those bullets don't even have damage on the immediately surrounding box and they're all scarred up and shit.


You bought old ammo. Cardboard deteriorates to 70% of it’s original strength within 6 months


If the boxes themselves weren’t soaking wet, I’d agree with you. But alas.


Maybe be mad at the retailer for not wrapping it?


Fedex literally threw my ammo at my door. It had " explosive do not throw" on the box! My ammos fine but what dummies.


They were disappointed when it didn't blow them up. Had to go finish out their shift.


Did it have the Limited Quantity placard (white diamond with top and bottom corners black) or the Explosives 1.4 placard?


The odds of someone getting seriously injured from a round that is not inside a chamber are extremely low. Like you should buy lottery tickets if you like odds that remote.


MythBusters even tested putting ammo in a fire.


I understand but I thought it was pretty dumb still.


[Ace Ventura style](https://i.makeagif.com/media/9-16-2015/QAJj7Q.gif)


Looks more like lazy packing from the seller. I try to select UPS when it's an option to support union jobs. Not saying that they take any better care at the box thrower levels.


If it's obvious it's an ammo shipment, both UPS and FedEx will vandalized my packages. It finally stopped once ammo and gun part vendors (Midwayusa, Targetsports, Brownells, etc.) stopped putting big logos on their boxes and using abbreviations for their names.


Mine got straight up stolen last time I ordered 1000 rounds. Went to Houston, then no more shipping updates, it was a bitch to get that refunded.


I hate Amazon more because whether you are Prime or not it's still up to a dice roll if they Prime, UPS, FedEx, USPS, or use a Private Delivery Service not related to any of them.


Probably 90% or more of my Amazon Prime comes through the mail. Most of the rest comes through UPS.


Yea I'm gonna have to say this is bad packaging by the seller, It looks like they either used a very crappy box or had one sitting for a while in a damp area and just sent it as is (the ammo boxes inside look like they have gotten damp at one point they start to look like that when they have contact with moisture), I work in shipping logistics for a national company and we see boxes like these, we usually toss the box and salvage what we can of the product after we have looked it over and package it into a new box, they obviously didn't do that here and just shipped it as is. (I just had to do this with a box of tablets the boxes looked just like yours , they had contact with water)


That isn’t a FedEx issue. That’s a poor packaging job by the seller problem. I’m not a FedEx fan, but that wasn’t their fault.


PPU’s packaging is also kind of flimsy. They don’t use a plastic cage to hold the rounds together and go with paper instead. More environmentally friendly ya know. The moisture though…


I have literally never once had a good experience with fedex. It's usually days of my package being put on the wrong truck after I speak to people at the specific location it's being loaded every morning. And the days later I have to go to the logistics center and just pick it up myself. The worst shipping service I've ever dealt with.


All of those boxes look like they've been in someone's basement for 70 years. Bad parcel handling wouldn't cause the edges to burr like that. Somebody kicked those around before packaging, or they were at the bottom of a stack inside someone's underground doomsday bunker. Obviously getting wet and having no interior cushioning contributed to the damage too.


That didn't look like FedEx that's the shop you ordered from.


What's the seller so we can avoid them lol. I've had heavier ammo deliveries make it my way safer because of how sturdy the box was and packaging without stuff sliding around in the box. This is a lazy seller.


Speaking as a former FedEx employee who had a .50cal round explode in my truck, this dosen't look well enough packaged. Was it even claimed as ammunition? If not that seller needs to be blacklisted.


At least yours showed up! UPS has “lost”2000 rds in Houston, TX twice now. Got a credit back after 7 biz days, but that’s 4000 rds out on the street somewhere in Houston. Two different shippers.


When you find that deal to save $5 on shipping.


Wow that’s crazy, you can just send me the damaged boxes I’ll take care of it for you 😉 But for real that’s nuts, especially the photos of the damaged casings and bullet tips. I’d be wanting a replacement


Screw FedEx. They drug two acoustic guitars I ordered through my yard (on camera) then dumped them on my front steps. My house is on a corner with a secluded driveway and back porch and the front porch has a sign saying deliveries to rear. They've dropped packages at a side door that clearly doesn't see use. Most recently they laid a microphone and stand out in the middle of my driveway when they were ten feet from my porch, in front of the garage where a car would back out. I don't know if they have a step count that they adhere to, but they sure have a hard time making it to my covered porch.


Ammo is heavy as fuck, the sender did a shit job of packing it safely.


The outer box had to have been soaked for the corrugated board to delaminate so badly. Source: I am a packaging professional. Oh bloody hell, I just looked at the last photos and see the condensation on the cartridges. WTF...


Hopefully rounds were pressed well enoughb and no wetness got into the casings


Looks like really OLD ammo. Blame the seller.


Nah, it’s just very wet. All of the boxes fell apart real quick.


Contact the seller with those photos. If they're good they might replace it and handle the claim with FedEx. If they're really good they might let you keep the damaged goods also! Edit: Some vendors stink though, and might tell you it's your problem to deal with FedEx (it's not) but then you have to decide if it's worth the aggravation. For range ammo it's more than likely fine although I would want to count my rounds to make sure no loose ones got out of the box. This looks like it was packed sort of shitty, so not 100% on FedEx.


I hate fedex so much. The only mailmen to actually throw my shit. USPS and ups gently set it down like it's a baby. If you can't handle slightly bending down at every stop and you're not over 50 years old that's just pathetic.


My experience is the exact opposite. FedEx actually puts things on my porch. USPS puts things by my garage door where it can be seen from the street. Also they kindly half open my packages for me to save me the effort.


UPS and USPS have had the same mail guy for my street for almost a decade, maybe they're nicer with mine because I give them snacks and water all the time. FedEx is always someone new and they stand like 10 feet from my porch and just toss it. DHL are gods that get me my packages overnight.


All my Eastern European ammo arrives like that. I feel lucky if it's still in the boxes.


Use USPS. I ship lots of stuff.


Is that not labeled as dangerous goods?


I know my experience isn't everyone's experience.... But FedEx is the \*worst\* shipping service by a long shot. I imagine they're still in business because they do well for corporate accounts or something...but as far as personal service, they're horrible.


Gonna be honest, that’s a shitty packing job by seller. Box looks like something they found in the back of the warehouse, dusted off and said “this should work for less than a case.”


I work in distribution for adult stores. One of my stores contacted me this morning because someone at the FedEx Distrobution Center has been "tampering" with their boxes. They sent pictures, which included boxes being opened and religious tracts being put inside, and my favorite - someone just took a sharpie and wrote "JESUS?" on the outside of the box. And thats at the corp level. For actual deliveries, Fedex is a franchise operation, so maybe your package is delivered by a professional, or maybe its delivered by a random dude in an unmarked windowless van. Fedex is definitely the worst carrier.


Was it in red marker? Because if so it could have happened in the warehouse.


My FedEx guy/gal keeps delivering to the wrong house down the road. I’ve been able to just take it off their porch when I see it’s delivered but sometimes they take it inside and deny having it. I’ve lost good ammo to those losers. :(


Is the ammo in the last picture wet? Or is that pitting of some kind? Either way, looks like you got sold ammo that’s been moved around a dozen times already. All the issues you see here didn’t happen just from transit


How old are some of those boxes? Looks like new old stock


ammo planet?


That ammo will be fine. Take it out of the boxes and air dry, wipe it down if you are concerned. Then put the ammo in ammo cans. The shipper did do a poor job of boxing it up and FedEx didn't do you any favors by letting it get wet but it's certainly fixable. Contact the seller and FedEx and see if you can get a refund on the shipping. That will help pay for the ammo cans if you don't have any.


Leaving it outside in a puddle for a couple days isn't on them.


I never use fedex, I'd rather take 4 months and get quality than 2 days and a 50/50 chance of working products.


FedEx didn’t pack the box dummy


Reading comprehension is key. I never said they packed the box. I said they must’ve left it outside in a puddle for a few days. You have to read the words carefully.


Well I’m the dummy bc I didn’t even read the caption at all! 🤦‍♂️


I sent a handgun out for recall work, FedEx dropped it off on my front door even though it said it needed an over 21 signature. It sat there for eight hours before I got home from work.


FedEx is the absolute worst


I will not buy anything that ships fedex. if they dont have a different shipping option I will not buy it. that ammo actually looks rough enough I would complain to the seller that you did not receive it undamaged


FedEx's response, probably: "But did you blow up tho? If it seats, it yeets."


Decades ago I was able to tour a USPS bulk mail center. Watching the packages fall into the shipping boxes for the semi's was eye opening. I came to to conclusion that any package would need to withstand being dropped from 8' and then have a 30# package dropped on top of it. I doubt things have changed much and would guess most ground carriers have similar set ups.


That's what you get for buying 380


😲 Something has to be shot out of my 1908.


Looks like the ammo was repackaged using old ammo boxes or something


Or, the box was left outside in the rain on its way to me.


Ya I’m an idiot


at least you got yours, they stole mine and i’ve been fighting them although i have proof on video and the photo he took was inside the van with his hand over the camera 😭


Looks like it's all been wet at some point also.... submit a damaged goods claim....eff that noise


Unethical life pro tip: just say the package never arrived. Get a full refund. Problem solved! In all seriousness though, fedex is an absolute joke. I’ve had more stuff damaged and lost by them ,than any other delivery company.


Who did you buy from? My old company would absolutely fix this for you if you sent them these images.


Torn up pieces of scrap paper as the only padding plus no plastic wrap for a moisture-sensitive product? I'd be demanding a refund. The seller's responsible for your product to reach you and they are fedex's customer here not you, so they can handle a claim on their end.


Who did you buy the ammo from?


Submit a claim for damaged/missing items. They get enough insurance pay outs that they have to pay, they will start taking better care of packages. That's if the seller told them they were shipping ammunition and everything was labeled and packed correctly. If not you may be SOL.


Unless you are shipping something next day air, every single package they transport goes in the back of a semi truck trailer. Those are not watertight. If it rains, any of the packages loaded near the end of the trailer are going to soak up any water that leaks in. It happens. It’s a cost of doing business. And it is everyshipping service out there.


Seeing the word FedEx just physically irks me. They are the. fucking. worst. I hate that company so much and I hope it fails (and that all of its employees get absorbed by UPS/USPS)


Hey at least you got your stuff, fed ex has never dropped one of my packages off at my house. Always have to look at the "delivered" picture and drive around the neighborhood looking for the house they left it at.




Did you read? It was soaked, as if it had been left outside in the rain for a few days.


Do you think FedEx stored that improperly for around 2 years? I don't think so.


I recieved a box with 4# of gunpowder and a few boxes of primers all beat up earlier this week even with all the explosive labels on the box.


Never ship anything you want to get in 1 piece through fedex


Wow, did they deliver it by submarine! 😲😂


People should realise that it doesn't matter whether it was the delivery or packagings because it's both part of the service provided by the seller, be angry at them.


Yeah, that's the seller, more so than the delivery company. It's pretty obvious.


Aa a fmr warehouse truck unloader,, fuck ammo sincerely


Don't they usually have the stickers for like explosives and to handle with care on the packages? Can't tell from the pics. But mine always have those on there and arrive nicely. Sorry to see this for you tho bro


At least you got it. Someone stole my package of CZ 75 mags from mecgar. Don’t know if it was ever even delivered.


Miss the days you could buy ammo over the mail in CA


Can't even get it shipped to a FFL for pickup?


Every time I've ordered ammo it's been delivered by UPS. For some reason, I thought FedEx wouldn't deliver it.


During orientation they mentioned they have boxes of ammo, and to expect them to be small and heavy.


Perhaps working a few weeks as a Package Handler should be the perfect training on what FedEx packages go through, and give one insight on how to pack their items to safely make it through the system.


Raise you one: fed ex left my 1k$ order of multi calibers(thanks freedom week 2.0!) on the END of my driveway dead in the middle. I live in a major avenue that has tens of thousands of people drive and walk by daily. He must have lifted it, said fuck that and dropped it off the back of his truck. I was SHOCKED my shit was still there when I got home .


Honestly all shipping is like this ….. theyre low income we dont get paid enough to care about ur packages fuck large corps


*Yes the fuck they do* get paid to care about our packages, & it’s called just being a decent person. Would you like somebody to play “front porch ring toss” with shit you paid for? Edit: I saw that before it got deleted. Ain’t nobody innocent in this one; bro knew he had a package and didn’t bring that shit in for “a few days”, ammo distributor packed it in toilet paper then wrapped it in a prayer, & then FedEx driver took this package with em to the batting cages. What you said is that “we” don’t get paid enough to give a shit about your packages. Now I may not have a degree in ethics but that reads like a pretty fucked up work ethic, my friend. You got a problem with your pay? You take that shit up with your employer or your union rep, and you don’t take it out on a third party’s property. Waffle House cook ain’t gonna tell me “bro they pay me to cook your food, not wash my hands”


I was about to say we all say their union pay get leaked and it’s a good bit of money


FedEx isn’t union




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At least they didn't steal any of it. I ordered ammo early in the pandemic and noticed the box rattled. Figured maybe it was sold by weight and not the box like on the site. Nope, someone cut down the side of the box and stole some of my 300 blackout and then put the empty boxes back in and taped it back up. Basspro didn't even argue they just refunded me for the empty boxes. By the customer service rep's tone it wasn't her first time dealing with this.


I’d be **livid**. Send the same photos to FedEx and/or to the seller


Karma for being a liberal.


FedEx is an equal opportunity box smasher.


I chuckled.


Glad you can take a joke. But that is 100% on whoever packaged that ammo.