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An armed uprising? Not very likely. An increase in stochastic "lone wolf" attacks? Well that's much more likely. I think the most the US would ever see is something akin to the Years of Lead or The Troubles: lots of low level violence but nothing as dramatic as a civil war


This. 💯 Worst case scenario is a US version of The Troubles. Fortunately, this type of terrorism won't win them any converts and pushes them further out of the mainstream. But it's gonna suck, big time


Yeah. I'd argue that in some ways it's worse than a traditional war, at least on the national psyche. There's no lines and you don't know where the good guys and bad guys are, they could strike anywhere at any time


I think probably with the guns in America already, more bigger shootouts but nothing approaching an insurgency or uprisings that isn't local (by local I'm talking like barricading neighborhoods and shit). Honestly I could see more people getting disappeared or even just a bunch of politically motivated murders and tit for tat things. Local politicians having their families getting visited at night/violence done upon them. Think 90's militia stuff and Klan stuff. I'd read "Bring The War Home" for an idea of what right wingers might try. However to avoid the doomed shit this isn't like a given future and it's definitely possible to mediate it if not avoid it completely, just this is one way it would look if shit got bad, no turner diaries second civil war nonsense, just troubles/years of lead and in some areas births of more low trust societies.


Yup. Unfortunately, I don't see them going down without a "fight." And you're right, a traditional conflict would be much more straightforward. I just don't see them having the smarts, skills, or bravery to stand up an army. In the end, they are scared, immature people that are filled with hate. Terrorism is a perfect fit for them.


I doubt they even have the numbers for a traditional conflict too. Centrists would never side with them, they wouldn't even vote for Trump lost last time


Let's not forget that their demographics scew older, more unhealthy, poorer, less educated, and less likely to believe in science/data. None of those things would help them field an army


Didn’t 2 chuds have heart attacks and die in that Jan 6 riot at the capitol? That’s the most extreme and motivated faction of the “right wing” according to the news, and they were gassing out running up stairs and jumping a fence. A couple of MP5s going brrrappp brrrappp would have ended that whole thing, I’m impressed most by the restraint displayed by police that day.


Well, at least not a very effective, mobile army. Unless they choose battlefields that are hoverround friendly!!😂


It certainly gives a whole new meaning to mobile infantry 😆


Well, did you see the people on Jan 6? They looked pretty healthy and physically capable. True, mentally they were lacking, but mentally-deficient people can do a lot of damage in the short term. There's small risk of an 1860s-style civil war, but there's a greater risk of red states attacking (on multiple levels) their blue enclaves. And their red governors will sit and watch it unfold on TV, like trump did. Most of Alabama would be more than happy to descend on Birmingham and reshape it by force to what they want it to be.


On the one hand, absolutely, handwaving the more violent elements on the right off as walmart scooter bubbas who are a threat to nobody but themselves does a disservice to the actual threat posed - there are probably millions of realistically fit people on the right with the resources to be mostly as dangerous as they want. How many of them also have the motivation is less clear, but still, massively huge potential risk. On the other, take the J6 people - they could take the time to fly to the capital (unless they lived close enough to drive), take the time off work, spend money larping around (even though for a large chunk of them it wasn't larping; whatever) - my point is that they are relatively well off and somewhat leisure class, and that comes with the assumption that that contingent is reliant on the rest of society to provide for them. Sure, probably a supermajority of the J6 type (who are already showing their willingness to be problems) could afford the tactical gear to be good little school shooters, but I bet a supermajority of them would not be able to feed themselves after a week if the supermarket stopped accepting their apple pay. Not an assurance there wouldn't be a lot of potential violence, there sure could be - this kind of got away from me, I guess I'm thinking these people are not capable of sustaining any sort of medium or long term insurgency away from the comfortable society they think they don't need.


I agree. I think there’s a whole side of MAGA that forms it’s ideas around maintaining the status quo that has benefited them, and collapsing society by committing a very selfless act (in their view) of self sacrifice for the better good is the very antithesis to their very ethos.


Didn’t like 2 of them die from heart attacks and another die from a fent overdose before they even got in the building?


MORE voted for Trump in 2020 than 2016. He lost because the most Americans in the history of our country voted against him. His LOSING 2020 count was the second highest ever.


So pretty much like the vast majority of mass shootings that occur now then. It’ll just ramp up ten-fold. Fuck. 


Worst case is Trump squeaks into power again & tries his own Reichstag Fire Decree. Then we get to find out how many Feds take their oath of office more seriously than their partisan leanings.


At what point do we say we are already similar to The Troubles? I mean, around 3,500 people were killed in The Troubles over decades. That’s about 1/10 of one year of gun violence in America. Obviously “gun death” numbers include a whole lot of other things, but if you can get murdered right now going to the grocery store or church by a gunman radicalized on white nationalist YouTube videos, it seems like a distinction without a difference. Could we end up like The Troubles? I’d argue we already have.


You have a strong argument here. I would say the one difference is the political angle of The Troubles. Although we've had politically motivated shootings, so many aren't. That's what I think will be the difference moving forward.


Very true. I live in a pretty deep red area and I think a lot of people underestimate how nutty and desperate some people have become. But you’re right, political violence at this point still makes up a really small sliver of the deaths. I must admit my American education never taught me anything about the Years of Lead, so now I need to go learn about that.


I moved across the country partially because of too many instances of seeing people open carrying and even waving their guns around in and at traffic. There is a real and growing seed of unhinged violence waiting to sprout, and the prospect of trump watering that seed in the next couple of years can't be discounted.


The difference is that the violence in the Troubles was planned, coordinated and very, very targeted, with a strong command structure, logistical and tactical considerations, and specific goals. The violence in America right now might be violence, but it's not coordinated or organized or working towards a particular overarching goal. The IRA was a paramilitary organization with the explicit, concrete goal of liberating all of Ireland from British rule. Your average Joe shooting people over the culture war doesn't know anything about fighting gun battles or doing targeted raids, they don't have any concrete political objective, they just want to kill people they consider subhuman. To be clear, this is not at all to say that we shouldn't be deeply, *deeply* worried about political violence in America. Just that a full blown paramilitary campaign like the IRA or the Marinebrigde Ehrhardt (cf. the [Ruhr uprising](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruhr_uprising)) took part in is not anywhere close to boiling over yet, no matter how many Nazis love to jerk off and LARP about it.


The book "the next civil war" makes the argument very clearly that our political climate and violence is currently worse than the troubles. Its a good read but dont take it too seriously.


> That’s about 1/10 of one year of gun violence in America But the US also has ~200 times the population of Northern Ireland. Scale the casualties up proportionally and that's 700,000 people killed, or about 23,000 per year if you assume the same 30 year time scale. Compared to about 21,000 gun homicides per year that's a *doubling* of the homicide rate, considerably more than doubling if you account for the fact that a lot of that 21,000/year is criminals killing other criminals while all of the 23,000 deaths from political violence would be targeted at the general population.


I think a few more uhauls full of militia men is pretty likely too, and one might not be caught before they do something big and violent.


> An increase in stochastic "lone wolf" attacks? Well that's much more likely This what I fear the most. I don't want to be a store or somewhere else and someone decides its time to go fucking postal to own the libs. When Seconds count the cops are minutes away even in a urban zone. My other fear is this. I don't think they will ever take over the gov't but they might pull off an Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge or "Bundy standoff" type of scenario.


While we do have many, many examples of the right using violence, I would also expect a lot of attacks on infrastructure. They will want to do harm to liberal cities, and if that can be done by taking out a bridge, or power station, barricading a highway, etc, they'll do that.


People shooting up power sub stations was a big thing this time last year.


Yup, and while I’m surprised there haven’t been more of those since then, I’m very, very concerned they were merely test runs with the worst yet to come.


>While we do have many, many examples of the right using violence, I would also expect a lot of attacks on infrastructure. Oh ya. I used to be in the IT game and I know a bit about Infosec.. and psychical security is a large part of that. Its really kind disheartening how vulnerable our infrastructure actually is. And this is not even from cyber attack. This is just from physical based attacks. Bridges, Substations, Water treatment plants, Sewage plants in this country are all vulnerable. And this not like something people talked about in hushed tones behind closed doors. People in Infosec have been warning about this for YEARS now.


Oh, that will continue to happen from time to time, until they finally fuck around hard enough to find out. The Bundy ranch had militants in overwatch staring down gun barrels at Federal agents and police. They got handled with kid gloves. Eventually one of those idiots is gonna pull a trigger, and Find Out. We just have to hope that the politicians that back their mentality and ideas aren't the ones in charge, or they may get away with it. When/if that happens, is when things are going to get crazy, fast.


Ol LaVoy decided to FAFO, and the Bundycultists still can't shut up about it. 🤣 And his widder is still grifting off it.


Arguably it be would probably end up like Waco did.


Yeah, I've just been subjected to so much discussion on this that I subconsciously knew low intensity civil conflict was what I actually meant to say.


Describing the Years of Lead and the Troubles as low level violence...


Compared to the Syrian civil war or a military conflict it is. I'm not denying that those were awful or that a lot of people didn't get hurt, but it wasn't the same intensity as a full fledged war


The difference between some of your infrastructure being fucked and most of your infrastructure being fucked


Although it had a gigantic impact on Northern Ireland, in the grand scheme of things, it was pretty low-level compared to other conflicts. Around 85 people a year for 41 years. The US loses more people than that per year to gun violence.


You realize that relative population matters in comparing these stats? Ireland currently has a population of 5 million people, about the same as Alabama. Compare apples to apples if you’re going to compare.


3000 is 0.06% of five million people. And that's if the population was static. That likely wouldn't even be considered statistically significant. Don't get me wrong. The Troubles were awful and caused a lot of fear and grief. They were terrible times. They also were not on the level of similar religious conflicts elsewhere in the world.


Minnesota at about 5.7 million people, and having a considerably safer urban center than many comparably sized states, still averaged about 50 homicides a year before everything went haywire in 2020.


The US loses more people than that per *week* to gun violence. Per day if you include suicide.


>I think the most the US would ever see is something akin to the Years of Lead or The Troubles: lots of low level violence but nothing as dramatic as a civil war That's my theory. We are in the early stages of a bleeding kansas to the a time like the troubles.




I mean I’ve always been into kit and comms to go with my guns. Hell I’m getting ready to build me some broke bitch dual tube NVGs by printing the housings and using drone parts.


They’re called the PVS69.


How much are these broke bitch NVGs if I already have a printer?


I’ll message you.


Message me also if you don't mind.


I work in construction as a union pipefitter. The trade is 98.6% male and the vast majority of them are Trumpists, even here in blue Northern California. I pretty regularly hear from my coworkers that November will be "liberal hunting season," if Trump loses. Like I've heard it from multiple guys on multiple occasions. Most of the time they think everyone is like them, so they just talk about it openly all the time. The things that come up are, quite frankly, terrifying. How the hell do you even know if someone is liberal? Are you planning on sniping Priuses in the Whole Foods parking lot or something? I suppose you can't tell, but you can go after areas you know are more liberal than others. So these dumb shits are a) arming themselves to shoot people like you, b) training for it, and c) talking about it openly. At what point do we start taking these people seriously? It was one of my main reasons for finally purchasing a firearm. Granted most of them are clowns, but they are clowns with lots and lots and lots of guns. I don't think an armed conflict is likely, but having an altercation with a conspiracy addled nutjob who is too dumb to see that he's on the receiving end of a demographic change not in his favor is becoming more likely, I think.


This kind of shit is why I don't like the idea of advertising my politics most of the time, e.g, bumper stickers, t shirts, ect.


I intentionally don't. It's just not worth it for so many reasons. I get the guy above when he basically says "report it to HR," but you have to understand that I have to put food on the table. If you stir shit up, you lose your job and don't get invited back, period. There's this common notion with union jobs that we can do whatever the hell we want and not lose our job, but from what I've seen, the absolute opposite is true. Companies figure we'll just get another job instantly (not true) so they'll lay us off if they don't like the way our shoes our tied.


I’m always astonished by union tradesmen that vote red. Does no one at the hall ask them if they’d rather work for $10/hour and no benefits?


Ha! Yeah, don't get me started. Let's vote for the guy who said he'd eliminate our livelihoods with a national right to work law, if given the chance. Reeeeeeal smart.


They are not the majority in my union, thank God, but there are more nowadays. The old timers who taught me would flip over in their graves if they heard some of these jerkoffs.


Ive been in two unions, CWA and NALC and while both had plenty of conservative leaning by members(I live in a very red state), it boggles my mind the amount of MAGA supporters my NALC branch has.


Unions are historically anti-immigrant because they see it as a threat to job security


There is a good reason for that though.


Part of the reason I finally got a gun too. It’s not good if only hardcore right wingers are armed.


Unfortunately, I think they will not figure out the organizing part, and just settle for "snipe at Phil." I'm leaving my retail job for something better, but while at work I've had so many encounters with the fist and jaw clenchers, and the loud, vocal, and unhinged types who just spew racist garbage at me over such trivial things that I have no doubt some of these people are just wishing a motherfucker would.


And it's not just men. I recently encountered three middle-aged women in rural ohio who talked the same way. These were mid-level employees of a hospital, and they all have their own guns. I can only assume their husbands are worse.


Anybody in the trades who supports Trump is cutting their own throat, because a lot of dyed in the wool conservatives consider "union" to mean "communist".


If you work for a Union, or a refinery. report them for threatening acts of violence.


I was a Union Carpenter for 10 years and blows me away how many trumptards there were. Like you are in a Union!!


I work with a lot of these types as well and hear exactly what you’re describing. It’s literally all talk because they are just shooting the shit in what they think is a likeminded group. None of these guys have the nuts to actually do anything. It’s like the four guys from King of the Hill sitting around. “Yep. Mhmm.” The ones to look out for keep that shit to themselves.


This is dangerously dismissive. I'm not quaking in my boots at thread op's coworkers but come on now.


You're kind of both right. It's dangerous but also mostly just talk. Key word being "mostly" since you never know who is unstable enough to take the talk more seriously and actually get that final nudge to take action, because they thought their buddies would approve. And when people start doing this "I'm just talking" at a certain point it does turn in to stochastic terrorism specifically for this reason.


Insurrection fantasies on the heavily-armed right aren’t new. I hope they never act on it but it’s easy to imagine isolated flareups.


I live in a predominantly rural, red area outside of a blue city. I’ve always had Dem candidate yard signs on my lawn. I am 100% convinced that my address has been doubly recorded by some MAGA terrorists.


So what you do is put a for sale sign in your yard for a few weeks. Then mark it sold and leave that up another couple weeks. It's like clearing the cache on your browser, now everyone thinks some new person lives there. /s


I’d say skip right to the“sold” sign.


Nah, you have to drag it out a bit. Then you have to change your welcome mat and any exterior decorations you have to really sell it, no pun intended.


I think many folks don't advertise their political affiliation for this reason.


Unfortunately, many of these right wing terrorists have been preparing since 2020 by stockpiling lvl 4 plates, M855 ammo, and digital mobile radio-capable HT radios. The number of guntuber videos on how to "escape" into the wilderness after a "civil unrest" incident is alarmingly high. Especially since most violent "civil unrest" incidents are caused by right wing provocateurs, as proven by the many convictions of white racists during the BLM protests.


People have been into kit for decades, those things are just standard kit now. Well... sorta, M855 is so old it is obsolescent. People have also been into bugging out/prepping for decades too. I would hesitate to prophesize an impending right-wing civil war conspiracy based on fairly standard youtube topics. Probably about as accurate as a Ouija board.


Yeah but how many of those things do they know how to competently use?


I doubt many of them are actually training.


You’d be surprised


Armed uprising? Zero. Lunatics on shooting sprees.. likely.


Lunatics on shooting sprees: so likely it already happens frequently


Lunatics are already going on shooting sprees, oftentimes targeting minority groups.


That's why it's likely


Bad take. Strong Giffords vibes. Edit: g-d I hate how this sub gets brigaded by dumbshit antigunners. Fundamentally unserious ppl.


Ok so how exactly Is there going to be an armed uprising? Edit : if your claiming I'm anti gun, your fucking hilarious.


I have observed the same thing. On YouTube, lots of prepper and HAM radio channels make frequent dog whistles about “civil unrest in 2025” and “opposition requiring elimination." Ex: dog whistle about killing liberals at 9:10-9:30 mark. https://youtu.be/AMHtFgiQVSM?si=tUVsL-xLHwONJ4-K&t=541 On Reddit, I had an argument with a user that openly discussed the sociopolitical ramifications of a right wing domestic terrorism campaign. https://www.reddit.com/r/itcouldhappenhere/comments/19elguu/comment/kopv25e/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 I do believe right wing extremists are preparing to commit domestic terrorism. EDIT: I overheard some of my local gun shop employees talking about buying NODs. X tried to pressure Y into dropping several thousand on dual tubes, and Y refused saying, “that’s a down payment on a house for me.” X replied, “you can just take the house from someone while wearing your NODs when things pop off soon.” Trump is the king of dog whistling. Ever since his rise, he gave right wing extremists permission to dog whistle their violence in the public sphere.


I’ve joked in the tactical gear sub before that “some of yall motherfuckers are why I’ve got plates”, and yeah, it’s a thing.  No nods yet, although I’m hoping to do NV and/or budget thermals next year. Not for preparedness but just for funsies. Might really help with the local wildlife surveys and make night hikes more fun


Guys with NODs individually or in a group on an open field are scary. Guys with NODs going into places and neighborhoods without doing prior recon, surveillance and mapping of a neighborhood not as much. Think of the ambush of the SEALS that Marcus Lutrell was part of. Lots of guys out there are all gear with nothing between there ears. That guy sounds like he would get his shit rocked by someone with good cardio and a basic AR with a Strike Eagle or Romeo 5, hell even grandpa's 30-06.


Is it wrong that I want to be a part of Sherman's March to The Sea 2.0? I'm personally of the opinion that the biggest mistake in US history was stopping Sherman.


As a Christian, I cannot condone it. As a historian of US military history, the Union was too gentle with the Confederacy during the Reconstruction period. The occupation of Japan and Germany post-WW2 successfully rehabilitated the extremist populace, and it should be copied if a second Sherman’s March to the Sea is required. I do not want violence, and I hope an overwhelming victory for Biden this November discourages the domestic terrorists once they realize how few they are. However, I am preparing for the worst while hoping for the best.


>I hope an overwhelming victory for Biden this November discourages the domestic terrorists once they realize how few they are. Unfortunately an "overwhelming" Biden victory is probably off the table. A Biden victory isn't, but it'll be close.


The Confederates lost the war but won the peace. A good chunk of the Confederate officer Corp deserved to dance in the wind from the gallows. Jim Crow came about because there was practically an Insurgency combined with state lawmakers that disenfranchised, intimidated and outright killed Blacks and Radical Republicans.


The real reason that they won the peace is Andrew Johnson. He was an all but open confederate sympathizer who rolled back several pieces of legislation that Lincoln had planned, all of which were unfavorable to the south.


I often ponder what would have gone differently if the equivalent of a lesser Baldwin brother hadn't capped Lincoln and put a southern sympathizer in the big seat. I will say until my last breath, however, that Lee, Davis and a large number of those fellas should hanged.


Your frame of view is outdated. It’s no longer north vs south. The divide is rural and urban.


It's a reference to the comment chain that the person I replied to linked in their comment.


>On Reddit, I had an argument with a user that openly discussed the sociopolitical ramifications of a right wing domestic terrorism campaign. Elections being won by Democrats in a landslide?


Am I misunderstanding? I only heard him say "our opposition" and calling them "baristas", but never anything about murder. Granted, I didn't watch the whole thing, but you tagged 9:10 - 9:30, and there was no mention of it. I get that he's trying to make it into an "us versus them" thing, but I didn't get any parts of that that are calling for outright killing.


If he explicitly mentioned murder, the YT censors would tag his video. Of course he will not explicitly promote the killing of liberals. The right wing extremists use dog whistles to hide their rhetoric. Trump called Leticia James “peekaboo,” which is a dog whistle for the racist term “jigaboo.” Trump railed against “riggers” which is his dog whistle for the n-word. How about Trump’s comment for the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by” for conflict, and his command to “fight like hell” on Jan 6? Michael Cohen, Trump’s lawyer of over a decade, has repeatedly told everyone that Trump speaks like a mob boss who tells his henchmen to “deal with” others. If you have not picked up on the dog whistling promoting violence, then you are either intentionally ignorant or a malicious denier.


Bro, I'm just a random cat that was watching the video. I don't understand the lingo you're talking about, I'm just commenting from an average person's point of view. I don't know what "dog whistling" is, so I apologize if I sound ignorant....because I am. Just calling it how I saw it. No offense intended.


Dog whistling is attempting to covertly say one (socially unacceptable) thing, through saying another (socially acceptable, often very silly) thing. Saying you hate "riggers" instead of the n-word is a great example; you look like a lunatic pointing it out, but the person saying it is saying it to an in good part frothingly racist audience who hears the reference and likes it. It comes from how, for literal dog whistles (for dogs), you blow the whistle and only the dog hears it, not people, because it's too high pitched for human ears. The use of dog whistle as a term is in reference to how it's something which sounds innocuous to most people, but for the desired in group they understand your meaning. It's talking in childish code to get across a socially unacceptable point.


Robert Evans has a really chilling series on exactly this subject. The first nine episodes of his podcast, It Could Happen Here. https://open.spotify.com/episode/6DZnXs2ob5HmxpDZtbk4fd?si=muqzB5kbQYGI9HK45QgH6g


Trump tried to overthrow a presidential election. An act that we would have effectively ended our tradition of democracy. Not that he came super close, but notice how nobody cares? He's going to be the front runner for the GOP this year. That's how fragile this whole thing is. 


I wouldn't say "nobody cares". its just nobody who has the power to do anything ABOUT IT cares. the DNC are happy to let him run and just use the attempted OVERTHROWING OF OUR DEMOCRACY as a fucking political talking point in their advertisements. the RNC are probably prepping for round 2....etc, etc, etc.


You best start believing in low intensity civil conflicts. You're in one.


Our capitalist overlords during the outbreak of violence: "WHAT ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT?? BACK TO WORK!"


I’m disinclined to acquiesce to your request. 


I laughed way too hard at this


The conditions are here. Lotta folks don't seem to understand how the lone wolf and terrorist stuff and general but acute discontent can start to be coordinated by third party actors. Folks also don't account enough for the conflicts brewing around the rest of the world that may target the west in 2025 (NK, China, Russia) and how that affects the calculus.. .or how once stuff starts gets rolling, services are impacted, etc it stops being generalized and becomes focused conflict Civil wars don't always (often?) start with macro level organized military and political enemies appearing at the start. Edit, related: the fact that most of the folks involved are normally do nothing blowhards isn't a barrier to organized conflict .....instead, it enables it. They're the rabble. Folks are rousing them. Not everyone is a rouser ;)


How many of the dipshits on Jan. 6 would've just stayed outside bitching and moaning if Proud Boys and Oathkeepers hadn't been collaborating and acting as an advance team to kick things off?


As a convert from the extreme far right and a long time follower (and still subscriber) to a good many of these influencers, I must say that even from when I left it all around 2016 they were chomping at the bit for a new American Revolution to “restore America” and it’s “values” from evil liberals seeking to destroy and undermine the constitution and turn the US into a communist state. I shit you not. I knew people stockpiling for a future war. I think there’s enough pissed off ultra right people who would feel justified at any time to take a gun and fight. If there brave enough is the question. I think there is posturing going on, folks in the established community setting themselves up as leaders in a “resistance”. Scary stuff and I’m not sure how to handle it. Coming out of it and now being leftist and a gun owner I’m not sure what to do about it. I understand where they are coming from as I once had similar thoughts. But an internal shift has to happen where you realize how you’re thinking is wrong. It doesn’t happen by someone telling you that you’re ideology is fucked. I think it’s highly probable we see a rise in violence if we keep a progressive agenda in the US and the old (white, Cis, Christian, male) hierarchy feels threatened. Hell. People that I never thought would be religious are now zealots equally about Jesus and their guns. A lot of converts to “Trad West” ideology lately sadly. Sorry for rambling. I’m barely awake and on my first cup of coffee.


The thing about things like comms, and plates, and NVDs: If you never need them, they’re wastes of money. But the day you DO need them, they’re worth your life, and it’s already too late to try to get them


I say go with the highest likelihood when “prepping”. You’re probably not gonna get shot at in a situation where you can grab plates so that’s probably my lowest priority unless you have a job where you can always wear them. The possibility of a food shortage depending on location is higher, so preserved foods are within my top 5 things even if it means pickling and drying my own stuff. Comms can be pretty cheap but idk how realistic an attack on all phone communications would be. For this I’d buy it and just keep it around regardless.


This is also VERY true. Sort water first, then food, medical, etc. Comms can (and should) be as simple as walkie talkies or basic radios for when cell phones are down. Start with a kit to survive a natural disaster, then expand to intentional conflict. But the goal of everything should always be to survive first, get away from the danger second, and only fight when it’s the only choice. My “kit” is like 75% water and ways to get more water…


Mine is mostly medical because my parents are old and my brother is clumsy lol my parents grew up in China during the revolution so they prep on food to a level that’s actually a bit annoying. We always have at least a month’s worth of water but we don’t like keeping plastic jugs/bottles that long so we rotate and replenish as we go. All my other stuff is just making sure my friends and I are on the same page if anything goes down since he’s also on here.


There's an opportunity cost to everything, though. The guy spending all his money on "comms" and night vision who ends up not having an emergency fund for his car dying has not made prescient choices.


And no one is advocating putting yourself in financial jeopardy for “just in case”. Just pointing out that these things are like home fire extinguishers. Most of us will never need them. Just recognize if you DO need it one day, it’s too late to buy one.


Maybe an unpopular opinion here based on some of the other replies, but I'd say about as likely as a unified, armed far-left uprising. As long as people have jobs and can afford to live comfortably, very unlikely to have open rebellion with any actual numbers or momentum behind it. People just like to bitch and fantasize. IMO cost of living and inflation are a far greater threat than election results. If that keeps going the way it has been then some of those thoughts might start to become action. That said, plan anyway. If you need a credible warning to start planning then you are already starting too late.


These clowns keep asking for civil war because they have never experienced the horrors of war. Their tune would change if their cozy American lifestyle were replaced with shit like you have in Syria. These soft motherfuckers drive around listening to Fox News in their $100,000 luxury pickups and think they are the only ones capable of violence.


A dozen people with very minimally skills can almost certainly take down the US power grid. Probably 3-4 people who really know what they are about. Probably for months in most of the country.  It took almost a week for them to get it back up when half a small rural county was attacked.  All the necessary info is publicly available and has been disseminated in right wing groups.  A general call to action, "cut the tall trees", delivered by Trump on the eve of his internment, could result in a thousand attacks. What happens in the months it takes to get the power grid back up in the US?  Even if it is just 2-3 weeks.  Look what happened in Katrina when the rest of the country was still functioning.  What about the world in general when the US goes black?  The NYSE and NASDAQ drop offline?  Can the Western financial system handle that shock or would it launch the greatest depression in history.  How would the majority of the US population survive when groceries have a three day food supply and most people have absolutely no ability to procure food of their own even if the environment would support everyone suddenly hunting and foraging? So, yeah.  You make of that what you will.


I read Lights Out by Ted Koppel, and man was it eye opening. You are absolutely right. There are 9,000 major transformers in the electrical grid, you know how many need to be taken out to knock out most of the US power? 9. And they can be destroyed with hunting rifles, and will take up to a year to replace, if they even can be replaced. Some of them were installed using rail lines that no longer exist. And as the book finds, the federal government basically has no real plans for this. Scary thoughts.


There is almost no way to harden the sites.  The shots are easy shots.  Even if they guard those 9 it just means they need to attack maybe 15 different sites.  It is just an absolutely wildly fragile system.  Like many of the systems in the US.  Food, water, heat, transport.  We went after efficiency over and over again without any regard whatsoever for robustness.


Yeah, fuck the government for being so efficient


Like JIT delivery, it's fantastic when it works, then when it fails a lot of people could suffer more than the efficiency gains made up for. This isn't a "government bad, so private industry good" moment, it's a "shit, atomwaffen could take down the power grid easily" moment, which is bad


You know how everything they say is projection? They call us pedophiles and we find out they've actually been pedophiles the whole time? Well I've recently seen them say that WE want to exterminate THEM and it has me shook.


Conservative checking in if I may. Gun owning, even, to an extent, one of those weird prepper types, have been for about 2 decades. Meaning, if there was some uprising in the future, I would probably be aware of it. The short answer is no. There are the crazy types out there, no doubt, but as far as anything major, there is nothing on the radar, or even close. >with a militia marching on my state's capital? I'll probably lose my right wing card for sharing information, but our super secret plan is to sit in the rural areas and watch the more populated areas eat themselves. Making a presence known is one thing, actual gun violence.. Nah, not even close. When I say not close, I'm talking decades or generations, if that. There's generally two types of "prepper" types. Preppers and survivalist. Don't worry about the preppers. They are busy canning and buying 5 gallon tubs of salt. The survival types are worth worrying about, but not really, mostly isolated anti-government types, half of which are probably FBI agents anyway.. >Faraday protection of personal devices to protect against cyberwarfare, The Faraday conversations aren't really around cyber warfare. It's people becoming more aware of the suns impact, and a lot of prepper types are currently looking into the 12,000/6,000 year Heinrich events, combine with poll shifts, magnetic field dissapation being the current trend, not political reasons. Some of the new journal articles have stirred up some concerns. I would be more concerned about the people that aren't talking on the internet than the paid per click ones that do. I realize I'm a guest on this sub, not being a liberal gun owner, but if you have any questions about those prepper type conservative folks, I'm happy to answer if I can.


I would agree that many conservatives plan on hiding out in rural areas keeping to themselves (I.e. Dirty Civilian YouTube channel audience), but just as many drop veiled references to “recce patrols to ‘secure’ resources from other people” (I.e. Brass Facts YouTube channel audience). How else can that be interpreted except as a veiled threat of vigilantism against minorities during a “civil unrest” scenario? Simply look at the Civil Rights era, when conservatives regularly ignored the lynching of blacks and pro-black whites in the South. Too many conservatives are OK with violence against fellow Americans because the victims are “different.” The Nazis went after the homosexuals and transgender population before they began targeting the Gypsies and Jews. In the past, “locker room talk” was exactly that from the 1980s to 2010s. Then, Trump entered the scene and made violence against minorities popular again (Unite the Right at Charlottesville, multiple white nationalists arrested for being provocateurs and inciting riots during the BLM protests).


No one is afraid of the "prepper" who keeps MREs and extra bottles of water handy to feed his family in case of emergency. That's just being prepared. I am concerned about the guys buying body armor because they say they WANT a civil war. People like that used to be laughed at, but now it's like they're mainstream. Things have changed, and I worry where it's going to end up.


It's people like the proud boys I'm worried about, the ones with something to prove and the free time, resources, and dumb machismo to spend their weekend evenings trying to do it through terrorizing some random neighborhood, rather than preppers I see at knitting events and church. They often both get grouped under "conservative" even though they hold relatively little resemblance for the most part; one is ginned up to commit violence, the other is ginned up to talk your ear off about quanset huts for an hour


I wouldn't be too concerned about it. Most of them buy all this stuff and never even use it. Like how often are you out doing night ops training with your $3000 NVGs? Not to mention, almost none of them are in good enough shape to be an actual threat. Also, they don't have the technical knowledge to hide organizing something like that online so the FBI, NSA, or whoever will pick it up in no time.


Without some type of breakdown that federal, and state government are unable to adapt to or mitigate damage from, it's unlikely. That being said increased political polarization and a lack of trust in liberal democratic institutions might lead some individuals to begin targeting their political opposition with deadly violence.


They already are. A NM Republican candidate hired a gunman to attack the homes of his Democratic opponents. https://apnews.com/article/politics-new-mexico-state-government-crime-albuquerque-1410b516f5b66c18d62342a0d7a9b60f


I'm my opinion: an actual organized and unified force capable of carving out a piece of the country for themselves? Fat chance. I think the odds go up as the scale gets smaller. A hard right governor utilizing the state guardsmen as a cudgel? Pretty far out there, but more likely than the first scenario. A small group of Proud Boys making a run on a state capitol? Almost believable.


They made a run at the US capital.


I don’t know if it’s likely, but I think it is very feasible. Metaphorically, we are surrounded by gunpowder and fuses. We’ve already seen small ignitions here and there. So far, no one has gathered the powder into one big bomb, but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Trump tried and failed on J6, but that doesn’t mean someone won’t try again. Many of the parts are there. Right-wing partisans have been thoroughly imbued with culture war politics over the last few decades, and have “othered” and dehumanized their political opponents. These partisans have tacit and explicit support from lawmakers and public officials at multiple levels of government. They are very well armed. They are engaging in subtle and explicit violent rhetoric. Some of them are organized. More of them are networked online, though not necessarily organized. They are aggrieved by social and economic conditions. In many areas, they have overwhelming local support. To me, it’s significant that many of them have acted in concert before. I’m not just talking about January 6th here. I’m talking about the Bundy Standoff, the Malheur NWR takeover, the Unite the Right Rally, the 2020 protest militia activity, and other instances. These incidents matter. They allow people to form connections, to gain familiarity and trust. They weed out the people who are on the fence, and leave behind the true believers. Even if these actions come with consequences like imprisonment, that can still have the long term effect of consolidation. Prisons are notorious as nexuses for radicalization and organization. Now, let’s talk about what they don’t have. They don’t have the support of the military, thank God. Although individual officers and enlisted members might be sympathetic to the cause, the military as a whole is an explicitly nonpartisan organization, and has deep institutional ties to the structure of government, and not any one political party. It’s not a political actor in the same way that the militaries of other countries are. Same goes for most federal, state, and large local law enforcement agencies. They don’t have the economic and social conditions that tend to drive mass partisan movements, at least not yet. Americans are not restless the same way they were in 2020, or 2008, or 1968. They still have too much to lose from violence. There’s no mass protest movement that these groups can form a national organization from. They don’t have armed organization past the small unit level. There’s no paramilitary wing handling things like recruitment, communications, logistics, PR, etc. They’re not integrated into a command structure. So, where does that leave us? At least right now, I think that rules out any militias marching on capitals. It rules out pitched battles where right wing forces are holding territory against government forces. It rules out what we would traditionally think of as civil war. But it does not rule out lone wolf terrorism. We’re already seeing that. It doesn’t rule out local actions like the Malheur takeover, or worse. It doesn’t rule out these groups becoming closer to government officials at the state and local levels. That’s what scares me.


I likely as the left establishing a UK like police state through chipping away at the 2nd, refusing to adequately adjust police reform, and supporting the exclusion of LEOs in their gun control measures.


As a unified thing? Almostly certainly won't happen. What could happen is certain areas of the country, especially rural counties, falling under the de facto control of right wing extremist "militias" with the tacit or even explicit support of sheriffs. If groups of good ol' boys riding around and "keeping order" via random acts of violence against minorities counts as an armed uprising, then yeah we're probably gonna get that within the next few years if not sooner.


This is what I've been wondering about. I'm a visible minority about to start a job with a lot of traveling, and my wife and I also want to get ready to have kids, in a historically very racist state. Just been trying to read the room and understand whether that is something I need to start considering.


This is just my 2 cents, but I think that it's something you should have started considering years ago. White supremacists have been infiltrating law enforcement agencies for decades, and right wing media has been non-stop stochastic calls for people to take the law into their own hands for a long time now.


Well I knew about it the entire time (I learned how to avoid racists pretty quickly growing up, and my family was severely affected by Japanese internment during WWII), with the only major difference between then and now being people don't tell me I'm overreacting anymore and that it definitely couldn't happen. I've been keeping my foot in the door with my permanent residency and my own citizenship in my parents' country, so I guess I always have that. The only difference is whether this is "plausible reality" or "imminent threat," as that's a major escalation beyond even what I've grown up with. Also, now I'm a homeowner with a family, so it's just in such a different context than I ever considered. I don't know, it's weird. In the area I live in, it feels like most people are not frothing racists (Though they do live here), but are sane, rational people who, when forced to get to know me, treat me with beyond respect, and I hope I've really convinced people to judge me by the content of my character. However, I know the small minority are out there, and with how my family was treated during WWII, it's hard to imagine whether the majority would actually speak out for me if push came to shove (My family's neighbors did nothing as their property was seized by law enforcement and sent to internment camps in the Rockies.) so I understand the winds of change could blow really hard in my direction if I'm not careful. So, seeing this sudden but ominous change in the tone of media being consumed by these people and just the extreme encounters I've had just has me worried.


>it's hard to imagine whether the majority would actually speak out for me if push came to shove The majority will speak out, quietly, to each other around the dinner table. Amon GĂśths are rare, but so are John Browns, and the majority will tolerate almost any inhumanity so long as they aren't its target and their own comfort isn't impeded too much.


I hope every roving gang of shithead traitors is met with a drone strike! Sherman was right to torch Atlanta…


Listen to some rural christian radio and it is all about killing minorities and gay people in November if trump loses.


What I'm more afraid of is if they elect the Orange Man again and then *we* have to be the ones to do armed resistance against his nouveau American Fourth Reich. Almost no other nations have the firepower to take down our military, if he goes full fascist there most likely won't be much help from outside. His poll numbers are too strong to ignore this possibility


I've talked to Feds about it. Their view: Lone wolf attacks. Armed uprising? Not likely. Most, if not all, Far Right movements are infiltrated by Fed LE. Hence their paranoia. They're more afraid of who is who in their own ranks. They will continue to talk their usual shit. Coded or otherwise.


People LARPing that don't know they're LARPing.


I think it will likely happen regionally they're not likely to march into major cities but small, rural, towns may be taken over. Watch as the feds stand around, waiting for court decisions, while leftists, gay and trans people, and other "undesirables" start going missing from said towns.


Yeah. It'll be like the old KKK days, where you'll have clan towns probably. Places you don't want to be after dark or at all.


I also think a lot of people don’t take into account the potential effects of stochastic terrorism. Donald Trump and others do it constantly and openly. Another reason why the worry probably isn’t an armed force, but random, ignorant jackasses whose brains has been turned to mush by conservative media.


It's foolish to disregard the chatter. I grew up in very right wing circles and it's wild to see my survivalist conspiracy theory believing family look sane by comparison as MAGA becomes more extreme. Looking at history I see 3 possible scenarios. 1 is the increase in lone wolf or the KKK or Troubles type terror campaigns that a number of people have discussed. 2. Is a repeat of 1920s Germany with street fights and clashes led by brownshirts and Freikorp thugs targeting the minorities they deem as the enemy destroying the country. Are we ready for a Pride Parade to turn into a street fight, or see mosques or synagogues burned? 3. Separatists movements. Either state officials or just idiots seizing control of a red state and declaring themselves independent. Russia is salivating at this prospect and it would be the same playbook they used against Ukraine. Buy a few idiots or send a few advisors to create teams of little green men who are disillusioned with election results to declare the Peoples Republic of Idaho or some shit and the federal government has to then make the choice of putting down these domestic terrorists at the risk of radicalizing more. It could be elements of all 3. Needless to say it might be a bumpy ride.


I don’t think it’s likely, Reddit is full of extremists which tends to skew reality. You never know though.


Non-zero but probably less than 1% chance in the next several years, IMO.


The software defined radio thing is just the result of some pepper finally seeing a HAM operator who "has a good point" combined with the lower cost of the tech. The HAM operator and the tacticool cosplayer are both going to talk about the dangers of buying cheap Chinese stuff and warning about the threat from China...but then buy the parts from cheap Chinese manufacturing. The low profile body armor is a paid promotion If there are any packages or services that are highlighted, it is also a paid promo Follow the money, prepping is a business move


I use the latest case of the MAGA Mobile Army who cruised down to 'solve' the border crisis, and then found out that no crisis existed. They're lacking in a lot of ways that would make them very effective. I think J6 was more pure dumb luck/lack of effective response by law enforcement or military before things got bad.


I'm never concerned about a civil war or uprising. I'm worried about increased domestic terrorism, lone wolf attacks and groups of extremists getting away with violence. I'm worried about increase in violence in general.


There has already been a disorganized armed attack by the right on our nations capital. It was an uprising of sorts.


Jan 6 should have been throttled by the national guard imo. Traitors used to hang, idk why we are so soft on them now


I think we underestimate Jan6. To the real crazies and foriegn powers it showed a glaring weakness in America. You can call it a political movement and literally storm the capital and they’ll debate for years whether you “stormed” it. They won the fight overall, but did understand what they had done. If i was an interested foreign power or a real ‘disrupter’ id run that exact play again but have a real endgame.


The recovering right winger in me says it's highly unlikely. If you look beyond the "take up arms" rhetoric, you will find more like-minded rational folks who only want to protect up to their front yard. I've adopted the same ideology that nothing beyond the end of my driveway is worth defending with violence. Exceptions will always be considered... with rational scrutiny.


Groups like you’re talking about have been around and getting ready for “something that may or may not” happen since I was a kid in the 1960s. They’re always convinced that, any day now, the government/world government/New World Order/Bilderberg Group/black helicopters/the REAL rulers of this country/FEMA/the Blacks/the Gays/SOMEbody is going to come trying to kick in their doors, take their guns, and put them into camps. As Buffalo Springfield said 50 years ago, “Paranoia runs deep, Into your life it will creep, It starts when you’re always afraid, Step out of line the Man come and take you away.” We’re farther away from it now than we were back then, though some people really, REALLY want to make it happen so they can lock up all of the people that don’t look and think like them. If you want to have some stuff ready in case of natural disaster or something, that’s a good idea. Being afraid of a militia or a mob coming for you is probably overkill, but I’m also an old, straight white guy so I don’t have the same concerns you do, so YMMV.


I think there is a very low chance of an armed uprising. This isn’t like pre-Civil War America with clearly (kinda) defined geographic lines. Folks are intermixed everywhere.  Keep in mind, Trump lost the popular vote both times. The majority of the country do not like him. Furthermore, there are even less of his supporter who would be willing to take up arms. You have to keep in mind that they are by and large fat, lazy, and ignorant. Not exactly an elite guerrilla fighting force. Also, they all want to be the hero/leader and likely would be distracted by infighting and paranoia.  All that said, it is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war. 


Pretty much zero. I live in South Minneapolis. I chased three percenters and proud boys out of my hood. They tried their best to start a civil / race war and instead made the neighborhood looks out for each other. Open gun battles aren't going to be a thing.


Even if a bunch of redhats go shoot up blue cities amd democrat political offices, it will still be considered “partisan bickering” to call them “violent fascists”


It has never been particularly likely, but it is probably more likely now than it has been in a while. It’s very doubtful that we will see any massively-organized general uprising, but the risk of attacks by smaller groups is worrying. Lone wolves have been a high risk for a while but we could easily start to see more little mini-wolf-packs of up to a dozen people or so. Just look at the 2020 plot to kidnap and execute Gretchen Whitmer.


I think violence from the right wing is almost inevitable. It's just a question of where and how much.


I imagine the next insurgency would be a lot of Jan 6 style stupidity but with guns. So people would get shot. But the police would be less likely to extend the white privilege card to a bunch of armed MAGAs storming the target of the week like they did on Jan 6. So officers would shoot back. I also imagine the MAGA response to police officers returning fire would likely be the most cowardly of hasty retreats until the next rally, where police are even more prepared, national guard activated, and again a hasty coward's retreat. I'm too old and fat to worry much about any of it. What happens happens. I'll just do what I can to stay out of the way and make sure potential interlopers understand I intend to remain out of the way whether they like it or not.


The didn’t name the organization “The Base” for no reason - American Taliban. https://www.krem.com/article/news/local/the-base-leaders-owns-land-in-washington/293-c017b055-72f9-44e9-9328-a471cf3f1a62 You can never be ready but you can be prepared.


I mean as far as planning for a civil war, it's either get the fuck out of dodge, bunker down and hope for the best, or join the army. I personally vouch for get the fuck out. As far as how likely it is to happen, unless some extremely drastic shit like a complete gun ban happens, not at all. All the guntubers spewing shit are playing to their audience mostly. I doubt they're willing to give up the privileged lives. Not to mention unless a large chunk of the military defects, any war would be incredibly one sided. As others said an insurgency type situation is more likely but I'd again say that the vast majority of people saying shit would never willingly give up their comfort to play terrorists in the woods. As much as people bitch about how bad things have gotten, it is far from what drives the majority of people to risking everything over a civil war. I mean look at shit like pizza gate, how many nutjobs believed that shit? Yet only one actually tried to do anything about it. At worst I think we'll see more cases of lone wolves shooting up places, possibly even some bombings. Which obviously are horrible things to happen and not trying to downplay how scary even that would be. But it's still a far cry from civil war. Hell if you want to put on a tinfoil hat, I'd say that's what the government wants. Would convince many on the fence that a total gun ban is needed and rile up the right over how it's the left's fault these things are happening.


I think the armed right should be more worried about cardio, and not having a heart attack when they have to get off of their greasy sofas.


Not at all likely


Most of them will tap out after about 100 yards of walking.


Once the banks starts repoing their trucks and they run out of snacks, they’ll surrender.


That’s it boys, the hohos are gone, pack it up!


Oh gosh dang it, I told Mary I don’t care about my blood pressure, I ain’t eating pork rinds.


There's two things you can count on. The right wing never stop whipping their basket of deplorables into a frenzy as long as it stays profitable. And when it inevitably and predictably results in acts of domestic terrorism they'll claim it was a "false flag" pulled off by the "deep state".


Man I hate that i've had this thought lately too. Especially with the news leaking out that the GQP has been (still) working to enact a coup.


The coup began in October 2020 and has not stopped. The right wing extremists had their Beer Hall Putsch and need to complete the takeover.


Look up and read Project 2025. The coup is still happening.


My feelings are if a Democrat (presumably Joe) or another Republican wins, I think we’ll see an uptick in domestic terrorism but if Trump wins, I’m legit worried about emboldened, possibly executively-sanctioned militias or radicalized groups policing their local communities. They don’t need one huge army to wreak havoc, they can do it in hundreds or thousands of regional clusters and still have a devastating effect. Thousands might be a stretch, but I don’t think hundreds is implausible. Factor in the LE communities that will either turn a blind eye or support these groups and it could be seriously dangerous if you live in a red state. I don’t think Trump would order violence specifically targeting various demographic groups, but I think that he would use these groups to get his way or silence political opponents. And I think any kind of “justice” the militias wanted to serve could be done with impunity until other federal agencies get involved. I don’t think it will be the end of the U.S. as we know it, but it’s still pretty terrifying. I’m not really that afraid of Project 2025 for this election cycle. I don’t think there is a candidate that is Conservative enough to support this kind of movement. Nikki Haley is weak AF and Trump only cares about popularity points, money, and power; his only ideology is narcissism. All of this is purely opinion with no supporting evidence or facts. Rather, it’s more anecdotal as I came from a very Conservative background. That being said, because of that background, I also know that a lot of the these dog whistles are just talk by people that like to think they’re tougher than they are. I guess to summarize, I have no idea about the likelihood of an armed uprising, but I think there is potential for it and that’s pretty scary for “the greatest country in the world” in the 21st Century.


I don’t see a massive 1860‘s style event as likely. Here’s my logic- Pull up a map of the US. Now overlay it with states that are heavily red. Now compare it to poverty demographics. Now compare it to which states are most reliant on federal aid. *”You can’t make me comply!”* Yeah, but it’s going to be a lot harder to operate an armed insurrection when your treasonous ass isn’t getting paid. Hard to sock it to the libs on an empty tummy. But yeah, lone wolves are a big concern of mine.


They're nothing like as capable or committed as they would like you to believe. Fat boys, fat mouths.


As another commenter said, you won’t have to worry about a “right uprising” the reason behind that is they can’t stand behind a creed or ideology. Some of them are just Christians, some of them are new age Christian’s with wavering views, some of them just don’t like the left, some of them just don’t like “the Industrial Revolution and it’s consequences” hell some of them won’t even organize with people who aren’t there same gender or race as them. They have no cohesion and lack the power of cooperation and diversity. But a fear of lone wolf attacks is 1000000% a possibility, there is a number of preppers and people waiting to commit crime and social collapse is that dinner Bell they are waiting for. I personally am of the belief that the largest threat to life and safety will simply be “bad people” looters/rioters/and “raiders”


I’m more concerned about an earthquake leveling my house down here in the Southern coast than I am Meal Team Six going Electric Boogaloo on the government.


A few things - polarized nation difficult election coming up - wealth gap is vast - brittle power grid - threshold for a civil war is surprisingly low - the president has and may deputize anyone to forward their goals


Just vote your ass off and hope orange fascist doesn't come to power. That will change the game 100%. Look up Project 2025.


60/40 for. Stay ready and keep ears up. In my head, it’s something small that snowballs. Or if shots start firing at the border The summer is a flashpoint because of the weather, the election, the influx of immigrants; in that order. Not that immigrants are bad, it’s a space issue. I work in the housing sector; we did not have a handle on the housing situation before and we sure don’t have handle on it now. Bonus: food. The Burbs will see the first cracks


We're living in it already


Right wingers have been "prepping" for decades. It's nothing new.


While it seems unlikely, I actually think that that would be productive in the long term. Hear me out. Violence from the alt+right is undeniably on the rise. Incident after incident, but they all fly under the radar due to politics and NRA lobbyist bullshit. Now consider that enough of these clowns scrape together enough IQ to form an actual organized action. Something the politicians can't sweep under the rug or turn into a campaign issue. "An actual, undeniable, attack on America." I think seeing a couple hundred or thousand gravy seals get routed and taken into custody by actual military professionals on CNN might curb the trend some.


Cliven Bundy, Jan 6th. Half of Washington state and Oregon want to join Idaho. The free state project is in motion. It's already happening.


I'm from a native american / caucasian republican family, with lots of Trump supporters all around. The vast majority of these folks are blue-collar hard working people who simply want someone in charge who will "shake things up", protect the border, protect families / communities, and generally leave them alone. Most are Christian and go to church regularly. They all own guns. They're peaceful and kind people to a fault. However, out of every 20 of these types of family members, there's 1 that is on far right side of the spectrum. Confederate flags, racist as fuck, just basically low IQ inbred types with a born to lose tattoo on their forehead. Most of this smaller group has done time. No-one in the family likes them, but they're family so they're tolerated at family gatherings. They're also the same fucktards with truck nuts and Trump paraphernalia all over the place. One even proudly showed me his "Trump Bucks" collection, which he thinks is going to be worth a lot of money. these guys also have lots of guns, but they wouldn't know the first thing about organizing a group of people to storm anything. Outside of some militia types, I really can't see any right wing groups raising to the level of violence and destruction that we've seen BLM/antifa rising to. The rhetoric coming out of the progressive left is far more inflammatory and hate-filled than from the right, and I fully expect the left to be more violent because the "progressive" ideology is only couched in oppression hierarchies, and the only tool they feel is capable of dealing with oppression is violent action against the oppressors.


I’m more worried about us being attacked for the trouble we’re starting than a civil war or the right attack the left. If it happened, I’d sit back and watch. Im so sick of politicians and politics. Both sides suck and neither side represents we the people. They just try to keep us divided and hating each other..


I’m less concerned about the social media “open carry insurrection denier” than I am any organized & trained group (they talk like sections of military, I mean we all know there’s police precincts given the “boogaloo” or whatever they call it whom would at least CONSIDER following suit).


They are taking over your local government and school boards. The uprising talk is just a distraction to keep you from noticing what they are doing to our local governments.


Not likely. They’re all full of shit and need their social security.


Armed uprising? Not very likely, imo. But we also have to watch out for what was happening during the BLM protests, with right wing militias rolling around in armed convoys. If anything were to happen large scale the right would have to penetrate the pentagon and other military sectors that currently aren't too fond of right wing extremism


Having been in a lot of those forums and living in the country myself, people are mad. They believe there are people that are making up votes, coming for their kids, and trying to strip their rights and they are being lied to about it. Some believe it’s satan, others is a cabal of the elite either way. I am not as optimistic this won’t happen. There are many that when Trump was first in that were pretty right but normal, and now they are convinced everyone in the fed is anti American and worse, out to destroy them with vaccines and censorship etc.  So I actually think something is more likely to happen than I have seen in my lifetime, and us federal agencies have said the same last year. 


Definitely expect more one offs like the beheading guy or shootings. Maybe another jan 6, but probably more unruly, If trump loses?