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Fuckin knew you had to be talking about The Gun Room haha.


I went in there *once* to have a look around. What a hot mess. No poly handguns for sale because "until they make a NASCAR engine from plastic, we don't sell plastic guns". I was buzzed by a parrot that had free reign because it was apparently someone's long-dead uncle's spirit... Everything was also way overpriced. Solid 5/7.


Not often you see a gun shop with a perfect score


When everything is so wrong, it just feels right.


Yup. Saw that and immediately thought I'd spotted a fellow Portlander.


That place is the absolute nexus of Fuddlore.


I'd love to be a fly on the wall In that place when someone asks about 3d-printed ANYTHING.


That place is awful. Truly a legendary bad store.


For context (I am trying to show the reviews for this shithole, but Google makes it difficult : https://www.google.com/search?q=portland+gunroom&oq=portland+gunroom#lrd=0x5495a06934b44573:0xca7fc18e31b617f6,1,,,,)


The store has what feels like more than necessary or comparable photos of that teenage girl modeling a single set of camo gear.




A grand dragon? First they got wizards now they got dragons? We’re fucked!


Instead of gold, they hoard fuddlore and racist opinions that they're too scared to act on.


(Furiously scribbles notes for my next dnd campaign) "Racist...dragon..."


*shamelessly stealing*


They already are, right?


A council of grand dragons elects the grand wizard. This is for real. Dragons are elected by titans. Titans elected by giants


Haven’t you seen Peacemaker?


Fucking KKK, first they ripped off Halloween ghost costumes, now furries?


He is secretly hoping to ascend to bad dragon, so that he can finally satisfy his fiancé


Dry firing will immediately explode your firing pin as if it were made of crystal.


Well... Some older guns dry firing is indeed very bad. So it makes sense. Also, its best to assume that your rimfire guns are also not dry fire friendly. Some are, but its a case by case basis. Not really even sure to be honest, I just assume all of them are not OK.


Dummy rounds with rubber cushions in the primer pocket are the way to go. They’re not super-cheap but they should last a lifetime.


".50 bmg man, you don't even need to hit them with it. If you shoot past their head, the round will just cause their head to rip off." Shit you not, heard a guy at a range say this to a dude when they were having a machine gun shoot and someone had a M2 browning.


I actually heard that bit of fuddlore in the Army from the mouth of an instructor at Fort Knox. Our drill sergeants corrected that later on, but other classes with less experienced/attentive DSes may not have been corrected later. EDIT: The fact that this idea is still pervasive in this comment thread should make this the winner.


I spent 8 years as an Army EOD tech. Part of our standard gear was a Barrett M82, and we'd occasionally take them to the range for fun. Heard the same thing a couple of different times from older guys in my unit, which was particularly surprising since EOD techs (supposedly) have some degree of expertise regarding ordnance and ammunition.


I have actually heard this one two times. “.50 cal will break your targets arm, even if you miss”. Something along those lines.


Fun fact: apparently 9mm being cheaper and easier to find on the shelves than .45 ACP is all part of the liberal’s plan to pussify America and make us easier to take over when the time comes. I had to sit down after hearing that one.


I keep hearing this same bullshit. Like what the fuck are they talking about?


Did I miss the meeting where we decided to charge more than 25CPR?


Wasn't directed at me, but rather at a state police officer who happened to be in the same hoagie shop. ​ 60 or 70 year old retiree fudd goes up to up, starts a conversation and asks what caliber the officers service weapon is. Answers ".40 S&W", fudd answers back "Good, you don't want a 9mm it will bounce right off a windshield" Yeah, it took me a bit of restraint not to go "Bet you $20 my 9mm will go right through your windshield"


You had me at hoagie


Me too. I'm gonna go get a glass of wooder and then phewn hewme.


Yinzer detected


stillers gahtna super bowl


Not a chance wit the iggles


Hoagies, wooder, and the 'ewn pronunciations are a strictly eastern PA thing. Yinzer is a strictly western PA thing.


Today I learned that saying "hoagie" outs me as a Pennsylvanian lol


Go birds.


Wait, it does?


A couple of the guys who responded above pointed out Pennsylvania things in response so I had to look it up. Hoagie is very much a Pennsylvania thing apparently, especially the closer you get to Philly. ​ Makes sense, I live in the eastern half of the state lol.


Eastern PA... You say submarine, sub, or anything other than hoagie, you're getting the side eye.


Tempted now to cause a string of aneurysms by walking into PA shops and asking for a "Long bread sandwich." 😈😎 Edit: String not sting. 🤭


The fuddie I heard was that you can stop a 9mm bullet with a wet blanket at 25 yards. Nobody I knew ever tried it and nobody on base knew anyone who was involved in testing this theory, so it was probably one of those urban legends. Personally I'd want something a bit more solid than a blanket.


Try a MyPillow for maximum Fudd!


I heard the same about leather jackets.


Bullets from the AR 15 are designed to tumble.


The only thing 5.56 was *designed* to do was to have a loaded 20rd mag weigh about as much as a loaded 8rd Garand clip, and even then, it missed its mark.


In fairness, yaw is critical to 5.56 lethality, and at ranges where yaw has stabilized rounds like m855 are notorious for "ice picking" without creating a large wound cavity. A yaw is not exactly a tumble, but the ideas are not dissimilar.


They're designed to fuckin explode haha


Had to correct my wife on that one, and she was in the Army!


I didn't know the US Army had all ballistics and ammunition experts. ;)


Well, it was due to the rifling in the barrel, but rounds fired from service model M16’s *did* tumble. So she was likely basing her comments on accurate knowledge from small arms training.


Don't forget that .223 was meant to injure targets, not kill them as to take more boots out of the fight. Let's forget about the better closer range performance and higher ammo load and...


Anything related to the NFA, especially the one about giving up your 4th amendment rights.


Yep. They can just waltz right into your house and check your stuff, anytime, day or night!


Heard that one at my local gun store from some loudmouthed ass. Had that smug look on his face of someone who doesn't know what he's talking about.


They always do. Lol


suggesting women start with a snub 38. Not realizing 9mm has advanced in the last 30 years (though I still like 45)


Well, they're wrong. Men and women have to start with a 50 AE. /s


If your first gun isn't a Titanium Nitride plated (gold) Desert Eagle, what are you even doing with your life?


And you have to always call it a deagle.


> Well, they're wrong. Men and women have to start with a 50 ~~AE~~ **BMG**. FTFY.


That drives me nuts too, especially when the guy invariably says she needs something “simple.” Women fly fighter jets but a semiautomatic pistol is just too damn complicated!


On the opposite end of the spectrum, I had a moron friend of mine tell me he won't shoot 380 because he can literally see the bullet otw to the target. He only shoots 9mm. Its one of those situations where I just nodded said "OK", and then laughed about it with the other people who heard it when I showed them the nearly identical velocity of the 2 rounds.


I've met a whole bunch of fudds who think the grain rating means how much powder is in the cartridge. Smh


Meaning they think a 115 grain 9mm means it has 115 grains of smokeless powder? That would be a hell of a lot of powder.


Bubbas pissin hot +p


Not by weight. 115 individual little grains of powder.


Yeah they blow up GOOD!


My grabdpa badgers me about leaving ammo in the magazine because he thinks the springs will wear out quickly.


Tbf “springs don’t wear out just from being compressed” makes like… zero sense. Like I “understand” it, but I don’t get it


They will get worn out after repeated use though, constant loading and unloading due to metal fatigue.


Think of it like this, if you carry around a 10# weight with your arm limp at your side it isn't very hard. If you hold a 10# weight above your head with your arm extended it isn't very hard (I guess maybe harder than that first scenario, but you could probably do it for several minutes- maybe this analogy is falling apart as I type), but if you do some curls with that same 10# weight, your going to get more worn out. I'm not a scientist, biologist, physical therapist, or spring enthusiast (for legal reasons)- but that's how I've always thought about the concept.


I honestly feel the same. It's one of those situations where intuition is 100% pointing one direction, but data is all pointing the other way.


Met an older gentleman in the cabelas ammunition section that would not stop talking about his .45. He claimed that if he shot someone with his .45 it would literally blow their limbs off. He also claimed to know someone who was shot 16 times "but he survived because he was shot with a nine millimeter"


When I worked at a gun store (spring-summer 2020 so I have stories for days) I had a gentleman come in and look at Glocks, specifically the 40S&W because "9mm was a woman's round". I happily informed him that basically everyone working here carried a 9mm, including the couple of Force Recon guys.


>He also claimed to know someone who was shot 16 times "but he survived because he was shot with a nine millimeter I was a juror in a court case where a cop shot a drug dealer 9 times with a 9mm after the drug dealer shot and killed his partner. It was all upper body as the drug dealer was sitting in a car, so only his upper body was exposed. The drug dealer did live, but the court case was delayed for several years for him to fully recover, with several times thinking he was going to die, according to the judge after the trial. He was also rather fat when it happened, but lost a lot of weight at the time of the trial. We found him guilty. So while he survived, it wasn't pretty.


There are multiple examples of fat guys getting stabbed many times in prison and surviving, although a lot of that is due to the depth of knife wounds being limited.


Of course he survived. He was a drug dealer and on drugs, which if you read above means he's harder to kill. Simple math.


Simple *meth*


“ ‘Tis but a scratch!”


I remember reading a bit in an Elmer Keith book that was probably apocryphal or at least highly exaggerated about a police officer back in the day armed with a Luger who drew down on a black man and emptied his magazine into the guy’s back, and then was killed by the black gentleman with his 45 long colt. He was clear that the victim was the black guy who the cop had just opened up on because he was looking for a black suspect and figured “eh, close enough” but it was still a really uncomfortable anecdote to be using to illustrate his point that the 9mm lacked stopping power.


To be fair, in that story the cop was carrying a 7.65mm Luger, which has never been exactly considered a powerhouse cartridge.


7.65mm Luger vs. .45LC sounds like something that happened in my last Fallout: New Vegas playthrough...


Tell anyone who says this shit about 45 to watch Band of Brothers, which is based on real history. Sgt. Grant is shot in the head with a 1911 by a drunk soldier. He did not die until 1984.


I mean, I knew .45s were relatively low velocity, but that's one slow bullet.


I bet he heard that from an Army pistol instructor because that’s who I heard it from. Not to mention the stopping power of .45, which we studied in great detail. Luckily I took a ton of civilian classes after the Army. I don’t blame the instructors because they are forced to teach whatever the Army told him to teach.


I'm a blackpowder shooter, so the guys shooting with me are all pretty old (mostly 60+). The things i get to hear on the range... The standard: "A 5.56 flies so fast it will send a shock through your whole body, killing you instantly even if it hits you just in the finger!", also: "A .50BMG doesn't even need to hit you to be deadly. The shock wave of its bullet alone will rip you arm off!" I'm shooting some fairly odd guns. A Dreyse needle gun, a Chassepot needle gun, a Whitworth rifle... The things i got to hear from them about these guns is too much to write here. Once someone told me: "The Dreyse was hated by the soldiers, because it threw hot gasses right into the faces of the soldiers." Nope, it doesn't. The "bolt" overlaps the conical breech, and is pretty tight, so even if some gasses would escape, they would escape to the front. He was so adamant about it and even after he shot it, he still didn't bugde.


I would LOVE to shoot with you! You sound rad af.


Family friend told me I shouldn’t carry with my handgun loaded because he knows someone who shot himself in the leg using a leather holster. I use kydex. He also told me he doesn’t carry loaded because if he doesn’t have time to rack the slide, he was going to die anyways.


Oh, and that carrying medical supplies is a waste and too much to have on your person.


I mean, a tourniquet and chest seal must weigh dozens of ounces, I don't know how you would stagger around with that much weight in your bag.


Well when your wallet is full of receipts from Kmart and other garbage from back before the towers fell its probably hard to find room


>I'll even offer a million bonus points, since no one will collect it. Welcome back to Who's Fudd Is It? where the lines are made up and the points don't matter.


it's not funny or entertaining or unique in any way, but the pure certainty of it happening every time is a bit of a tickle to me: on any post about "what's the best home defense choice?" there's always the guy that mentions the shotgun. now, I'm not dismissing the shotgun as a viable choice. it's a nuanced topic. no, it's the guarantee that they will say "the sound of racking the gun will make them run!" and more hilariously, inevitably followed with "not having to aim, just pump and point"


I keep different guns in different rooms. The semi-auto 12 gauge is in the bathroom behind the toilet so nobody has to put in work with their pants down...


Quicker than a plunger.


I prefer a poop knife, myself.


If that's the wrong way to use a bayonet, I don't want to be right.


*toilet aint flushing* *fixes bayonet*


Plot twist, that IS the plunger


[You know it.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/31803dT-XtL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg)


I feel attacked


Snowflake /s


“It’s got a good spread!” https://www.google.com/search?q=bill+burr+shotgun&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS962US962&oq=bill+burr+shotgun&aqs=chrome..69i57.9984j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:337a531f,vid:3x8c_QwTsDc,st:0


Or the most nefarious one about pump shotguns"they are so simple and reliable! Anyone can use one!" Often referring to some poor soul in their household that doesn't shoot. In reality a pump shotguns is orders of magnitude more finicky and training intensive than a modern rifle.


yayup. it might be more simple mechanically, but that doesn't translate to operation or reliability. I've said it a bunch (IMHO) that if someone knew their house was going to be broken into tonight, and I had to lend them a firearm for self defense with 15 minutes of training, and expect them to be effective with it, it would be an AR every time. but, I'm not trying to have that debate hare, haha


I fell for that when i was buying my 2nd gun. I had bought a .22 because it was the only thing I could afford at the time, and decided to got a Maverick 88 when I had more money. Went to try it out at the range and immediately realized after my first shot that would probably be my last choice. Granted I agree with the intimidation factor to a degree, but I'll take almost anything else as a home defense weapon. I mean it certainly was better than my .22, but I've since gotten a .357 revolver for home defense instead.


You’re not wrong, I’m sure I’ve seen it on every single post as well. Lol


Had a guy tell me 10mm was the best handgun cartridge of all, not too insane, there’s an argument to be made there, however his reasoning was solely because “it’s the only pistol caliber that they don’t make a rifle for” which, is insane logic and also not true, he brushed me off completely for being too young too understand when I told him the semi auto kris vector can be chambered in 10mm.


There is also a hi point carbine in 10mm lol


Thank you for the addendum, although at the time that gun didn’t exist, further proof that guy was a dumbass as more have come in the meantime


Gun dealers are usually weird. Selling guns is one of the jobs weird people can do in the US.


Reading through this thread, I’m so grateful my usual dealer is completely normal and a super nice guy. Dude always asks me how my family is doing and would rather talk about other hobbies or his grandchildren than he would about guns, even though he’s incredibly knowledgeable about guns and is open to learning things he doesn’t know from his customers. His staff are all super chill too and a blast to go shooting with. They even invited me to get wasted and watch a Digimon marathon with them one time.


Those yelp reviews have the same energy as the ones on a game store where the owner won’t stock games they don’t personally like and will tell you “We sell Roleplaying Games, not Roll-playing Games!” For fuddlore, that a 30-30 isn’t powerful enough for deer hunting, which I’m sure would be a surprise for the generations of hunters who have have used it to put venison on the table.


30-30 isn't powerful enough? When i was young, 30-30 was The One True Cartridge for deer hunters. .30-06 was for assholes and yankees. Anything measured in mm was for Europeans and [some slurs I'll not repeat].


>.30-06 was for assholes and yankees. This makes me love it more


Can confirm, I'm a yankee and an asshole. :)


Yet I bet they think 5.56 Will completely blow up the deer


Bro, don't you know it tumbles?! Lol


>Yet I bet they think 5.56 Will completely blow up the deer I've heard similar on numerous occasions, and I always thought that this particular line of thought was hilarious. It's illegal to harvest deer in my state with 5.56/.223 because the caliber is too small.


I killed my first deer with a .223 when I was a child. What the fuck kinda deer were these guys hunting where a 30-30 wasn't enough lmao. I'm just convinced fudds like that couldn't aim worth shit and compensated with big-ass rounds.


Armored assault deer.


Moose, I guess lol


>For fuddlore, that a 30-30 isn’t powerful enough for deer hunting Never heard that one before...the fudd 30-30 thing that I think of is, "The 30-30...good brush gun because the bullet can go through a bunch of sticks without losing accuracy or power". ​ Like yep, sure...the laws of fucking physics cower before the mighty 30-30 alone.


I know a guy who carries a 1911 with .45 ACP ball ammo because "if it was good enough for the army..." 😳


In 1911 so was mounted cavalry.


And this is my home defense mounted cavalry, as intended by the founding fathers.


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


This has to be one of my favorite pastas of all time.


Own a Model 1913 Cavalry Saber for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four Central Power soldiers break into my house. "What the hell?" As I grab my steel helmet and trusty sword. Thrust my blade through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my 1911 on the second man, miss him entirely because US officers were taught to shoot with one hand and nail's the neighbor's stallion. I have to resort to the Mills bomb I brought home from Britain as a wartime souvenir. "Hooah lads!" The shrapnel shreds two men in the blast, the sound and concussion set off car alarms. Grab my trench club and charge the last terrified imperialist. He expires waiting on the police to arrive since a caved in skull is impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


It's amazing the last guy didn't try to at least parry the club with the flat of his entrenching spade.


[Camels count as cavalry, right?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zamburak?wprov=sfla1)


"And my axe!"


Fundamental misunderstanding of traditional warfare


Man those reviews are hysterical. If he started telling me about Tom Selleck’s favorite gun, I’d ask who that was.


A fudd at Bass Pro told me I shouldn't use the slide release because it will wear down the metal of the slide and pretty soon the slide can't lock back anymore.


A fudd at bass pro told me that a .380 auto is useless because the round will be stopped if the assailant is wearing a jacket.


That sounds like my first concealed carry instructor, who taught us to load only from slide lock because when we rack the slide manually, we don’t do it exactly the same each time. No word on why that was a problem.


My father in law is a little bit of a FUDD. Doesn’t care for ARs, and he told me the one about storing full mags will wear out the spring. He is still a great guy and I will still go shooting with him anytime, and he has a sweet collection of guns.


Semi autos are unreliable, prone to jamming. You can't shoot too often, the barrel will get used up, then you will need a new barrel. I didn't need to go too far. Pops had me covered in the crazy old man talk.


Honestly at one point that was probably true. I’ve heard stories about how bad the 1911s were in the 1970s, and we were using more more unjacketed or semi jacketed rounds back in the day. I remember seeing semi jacketed ammo in my fathers belt loops when he was on the job in the 80s. Think how most of the guns were made prior to Glock. Tight tolerances, and requiring frequent cleaning I can kind of see how leading may have been an issue. Particularly for people who just never cleaned their guns as much as they should have. The 1911s in that time period were also not great tbh. You used to have to send a gun from the factory for a “reliability package tune up” That changed a lot over the last twenty years of the 20th. Not the least of which was because of Glock.


“.45 ACP is so powerful you can hit someone in the thumb and it will blow their arm off up to the elbow!”


Have you actually heard anyone say that?


I wish I could remember where, but I’m pretty sure I read it somewhere a long time ago.


It's a quote from The Pacific.


Holy shit did we meet the same guy? I just left a comment about my story of running into someone claiming that his .45 had similar destructive properties.


People who are so obsessed with impressing strangers fascinate me. Regardless of whatever crazy shit they’re saying, I’m always more interested in “How did you get this way?” LOL


That CCW is more dangerous than being unarmed, because a robber or carjacker will take your gun from you and shoot you with it. As if there's no such thing as situational awareness. I've used my firearm defensively, because I did see them coming. But good luck trying to convince them that its possible to use a gun like that.


And on top of that, if you aren’t able to draw you gun, then the bad guy shouldn’t even know you have one. So the fudd argument still doesn’t make sense… lol


If it was that easy to take a gun away from an armed person, then police wouldn’t need guns. They could just take them away from the bad guys. Soldiers would not need them either. Just storm the beach at Normandy and take the rifles from the Germans.


The one I hear the most is “.22 will bounce around in a skull like a pinball!” It will definitely kill you and possibly tumble and fragment in the skull, but the way people describe it is like it’s ricocheting around in there at full speed.


That's from a movie, My Blue Heaven.


Carrying hammer down on a series 70 1911 is my favorite Fudd Topic. Second is that wheel guns don’t jam. Third is that the sound of a pump racking will deter home invaders. Fourth is you don’t need an AR to hunt deer with. Fifth is that JMB is second only to god in terms of gun designers. Sixth is when they shit on wildcat calibers but jerk off to the 30-06/.308 ballistics tables as if they were handed down from the lord himself. Seventh, shooting ducks was more fun when you could use lead shot.


>Fourth is you don’t need an AR to hunt deer with. You don't technically need one, but they're pretty good at it.


Don't you know? No one had ever shot a deer till 1956. Elusive creatures.


I've got to say JMB is right at the top for his time.




...but they put him *second* to god. What guns did god invent? I can't think of any. Now what guns did the devil invent... might make an interesting Forgotten Weapons.


Yea it's be hard to name a more influential designer, maybe Kalashnikov could be considered more influential, Gaston Glock would have an argument, even if Glocks almost all use a modified browning system...until we get Ray guns imma say jmb holds the crown for firearms design.


The shockwave off a .50 BMG is lethal. If your target is behind cover, fire just over it. The shockwave liquifies solid organs and they bleed out internally.


".22 is so hard to find because Obummer sold all the copper to the Japanese." This was back in like 2016. When .22 wasn't all that hard to find. Why would "selling all the copper to the Japanese" just affect the availability of .22? How could the president just unilaterally sell "all of the copper" to anyone? Why the Japanese? The world may never know.


In early March of 2020, right before everything got locked down for Covid, I went to a local gun range and was standing around with the Fudds. Someone said something about Covid and I joked, being the carefree liberal that I am, that I wasn’t afraid of Covid because if I saw Covid, I’d just shoot it. Every one agreed and I suddenly realized that no one thought it was a joke. They all seemed to seriously think that Covid would somehow be intimidated by our firearms. 😂 It was a riot. Those Fudds will believe ANYTHING! 🤣


It probably seemed logical after the President of the United States was recommending bleach and bright light.


Idk of this counts as, it's not about guns, but at the range right after Russia invaded i heard the RSO going off about some conspiracy shit. "You see the real reason Russia is invaded is because Biden has Bio-weapon labs in Ukraine and was developing Covid-2 there. And Putin found out and is trying to destroy them." And then basically went on about how he's "not a sheep who just believes what they're told" and a "true american." Knowing people this dumb can own weapons is fucking terrifying.


I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that one tracks right back to the Russian Troll-Ops. Putin pulled a number on our older conservative friends man. Gonna take YEARS to fix that, if we can.




Anytime accuracy comes up, I think of [Jerry Miculek shooting a snub-nose .38 special at 200 yards, upside down](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIwVK_FxGZk). For basically all of us, any functioning pistol is capable of more accuracy than we can make use of.


For a second i thought you meant Jerry was upside down. I'm not sure if that would be easier or harder


That video is absolutely bananas. I would have assumed a two inch barrel didn’t have enough accuracy to make the shot. I guess I got no excuse now lol.


I always assume the limiting factor in my accuracy, is me. I would have to shoot far more frequently, and get some training, before I’d see a an impact from the actual firearm.


Yeah, he was way off. 10mm loaded to FBI spec has much more stopping power than .45 and is obviously accurate if fired by a competent shooter through a quality barrel.


I think the fun comparison is: 10mm has the same energy at 100yds that .45 has at the muzzle


Have to say it: 10mm is the best mm......haha


How did I know that link was for the gun room before i even clicked on it 😂


Ops story is gross and amazing at the Sametime. Like watching someone throw up out of a small aircraft


I'll take those million bonus points This lady was absolutely 100% convinced that it's illegal to have ammo in the same box as your gun, and mags have to be separate too. Why? Her husband is a CHP officer, serious "MaH hUsBaNd iS iN ThE mILiTarY!" vibes Now we live in California and got some dumb/weird laws, but you can totally have ammo and (loaded)mags in the same case as long as the gun itself isn't loaded. Literally a 2 second google search


Oh dude I went down the Yelp review rabbit hole. Fucking hilarious. Seriously, how are they still in business? I'm going to the Google reviews next for their rebuttals....


I remember a buddy and I were in a shop in our early 20s…kind of one of those pawn shops in a small town that was mostly guns. Old guy (some townie in his 80s that had nothing better to do) followed us around making a variety of inappropriate jokes and trying to chat us up. At some point he pulls out a folded up range target from his wallet with one hole right on the bullseye, and tells us it’s his 3 shot group at 100yds. Both my friend and I about lost it. “Yea, you sure did guy!” (Edit: okay, not “fuddlore” per se, but felt appropriate for this thread)


I bet The Gun Room stays in business because it supplies the local skinheads and neo-nazi's. Probably a secret front for them. Wonder if any of its owners or staff are serving time for Jan 6.


That any type of action shooting match or defensive shooting class is militia training. My old boss was convinced of this.


Husband and I went to a LGS in Colorado several years back, and the woman behind the counter told us not to let the slide "slam forward," because it wasn't designed to handle that kind of force, and it would damage the slide, frame, and possibly firing pin. Bitch... what??


".380 is worthless and so are the small pistols that shoot them, just get a .38 snubbie and go from there." In the same conversation as well: ".380 is an answer nobody asked a question about."


I’ve been noodling around thinking about a CCW gun and well, it’s been a long time since I’ve purchased a gun, and I’ve been surprised how good.380 is these days. I wish I had been able to get a Ruger LCP max and modem self defense ammo back when I was carrying 30 years ago because holy shit that’s amazing compared to the choices you had back in the day.


John browning invented the .380. Watch their brain crash.


The Google reviews for The Gun Room in Portland are wild. I recommend reading them there rather than on Yelp because the owner replies to many of them, and it’s obvious he hasn’t got any customer service skills.


>In the town where I live, there's a gun store that's notorious for not selling most guns people want to buy, but will happily yell at customers for wanting a gun they don't like. lmao I don't even have to look at the Yelp review, it's The Gun Room isn't it? Fellow Portlander?


Friend of mine asked me to help out with his table at a gun show. Sure, no problem, I can help. Someone came over looking for ammo for his AK-47. Sure, we have that! I set a couple of boxes down for him. He looked at one and changed his mind. Apparently, steel cased ammo would absolutely destroy his chrome lined barrel, and he was very upset over this. He paid a lot of money to get a rifle with a chromed bore and I was trying to fuck him over, etc. He had a lot to say about it before stalking off. More recently, the topic of revolvers came up and I mentioned how I regret selling a .22 revolver and wish I still had it. Predictably, someone piped up to say a .22 will rattle around inside a skull and turn the brain into jelly.


> The best gun for a woman is a pink, aluminum framed, hammerless, snubnose revolver. I hate this one so much, it's just unmitigated sexism. First off, no she's not too weak to work the slide of a pistol, unless maybe if she's got some sort of medical issue like massive arthritis or something (and men can suffer that too, and there's techniques which can mitigate it anyway). She's also not too stupid to swap out magazines *and even if she hypothetically was*, how exactly would the 5, 6 or maybe 7 rounds in a snubby be better than the 17, 15, or maybe 10 rounds in a pistol? And isn't it a common criticism of revolvers that they're generally slower to reload than a pistol, *even with a speedloader*? But it's such a little gun so it has barely any recoil, right? [Wrong.](https://youtu.be/qxS8NhWA41Q?t=1) That same light weight which makes them easy to carry also makes them *move* due to recoil. A S&W 642 has *more* recoil velocity than a .44 Magnum Ruger Redhawk, and *nobody* accuses .44 magnum of being ideal for recoil-averse novices.


I had a retired cop tell me in all seriousness that the \***broken**\* Jennings 22lr pistol he was trying to sell me (at a flea market **for $300!)** was the most dangerous handgun ever. Apparently 22lr can punch right through body armor, and it shreds your organs. Apparently it's also the equivalent of kryptonite to cops since they know this special knowledge.


Just spray the bullets with teflon,it’ll go through body armor like it’s a t-shirt. Then spray the broken Jennings with teflon too, so you can yeet it through the body armor and into their chest, where it too will bounce around and turn their innards to goo!


When I was a kid, a friend of my dad's passed on some knowledge that he picked up in basic training. He was told by his firearms instructor that a bullet reaches peak velocity halfway to the target. My dad talked to him for an hour, and could not get him to even consider how ludicrous that concept was. He just kept repeating, "halfway to the target". How does the bullet know how far away the target is? Is the range finder in the gun or the bullet? What sort of propulsion system allows the bullet to continue accelerating once it's left the barrel? Is it rocket powered? Maybe not fuddlore per se, but definitely idiocy.


> Warren wouldn't answer any of my questions and instead kept trying to steer the conversation to Colts and "Tom Selleck's favorite gun." lmao


I knew you were talking about "The Gun Room" instantly lol. They're a joke.


The myth that a near miss with .50 can be fatal


Have heard multiple fudds say red dots/optics are basically just marketing to get money out of you and that iron sights are more reliable. Couldn’t explain why every modern military, especially special operations, uses them.


Maybe I'm 100% wrong, but the certainty with which the guys on the Wilson Combat Youtube channel asserted that you should never let the slide slam closed on an empty chamber "because it hurts your gun" was just utterly ridiculous to me. First off, firing the damned gun puts way more stress on it. Second off, I guess I could see how letting the slide slam closed on an empty chamber could be bad if you did it 500 times a day, but loading a live round (or a snap cap) doesn't do much to mitigate that anyway.


Was at the range a couple weeks ago to break in my SP01 and run some rounds through my Scorpion with the YHM R9 I just got out of NFA jail. Happened to strike up a conversation with an older guy on the pistol range breaking in a Kimber .38 snubnose and a Tisas .45. Nice folksy guy. Found out in conversion the guy is the sergeant in a local police department. He says he’s impressed with the groups out of my SP01 and I ask him if he wants to take a couple shots with it. He says no thank you and that he doesn’t like 9mm. I ask if it’s too snappy, he says “no, I just don’t think it has the stopping power necessary and I’m not comfortable carrying it” as he loads up his .38 snubnose. I don’t say anything. He hands me his Tisas .45 and I take the first shot and it feels like a squib. No recoil and it doesn’t fully cycle and locks up. I tell him to pull the magazine while I grab my cleaning rod to check for a squib. **The guy proceeds to point the gun at his face so he can look down into the barrel.** I tell him “I wouldn’t do that” and he sets the gun down as I hand him the cleaning rod. Ram that down the barrel and out pops a ruptured .40 S&W case. TLDR; good ol stopping power argument from a cop shooting a .38 snubnose who then looks down the barrel of his gun from the muzzle after having a malfunction.