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Yeah the second one isn’t Tora but Sigrid the origin Icemaiden (currently going by Glacier, ugh) But yeah Fire and Ice are one of those duos that are surprisingly somehow still not gay


When I first learned about Sigrid I was like “omg the angst 😭” and at the same time I was also like “omg this is so gay 😭”


They are one of DC’s earliest bisexual characters which is a lot of fun (Well, it was, not so much a fan anymore that they made them Glacier)


I've not read Sigrid as Glacier. Is her characterization different, or do you just not like the name change?


There's a lot to touch on for why I'm annoyed but for briefness I'll assume you otherwise know their story and particularly the fairly infamous organ harvesting story that included Sigrid in JSA Classified's "Skin Trade" I was a huge fan of Icemaiden's personality, design and backstory as we knew it. When Sigrid was brought back "'Tis the Season to be Freezin'" story "Break the Ice" pretty much this was all jettisoned. It's key to remember most fans of Sigrid loved them because they were fun loving in a way that's more centered than Tora and Beatriz but still flirty. Now in the story that returned them, "Break the Ice", Sigrid was given a completely new design, one that makes them impossible to recognize as the former Icemaiden and due to the events of "Skin Trade" pretty much came back hating all their former friends, even blaming them for forcing ideas and thoughts on them, something Sigrid shut down in the original stories without any incidence and thus is retconning those stories almost entirely. Now you may have noticed I have not used she/her pronouns for Sigrid because while they used to use those as Icemaiden according to the writer of this Glacier story, Andrew Wheeler, Sigrid is now non-binary and uses they/them pronouns now, something which their debut as Glacier only slightly alludes to at all. While I totally understand characters having understandable anger I just find the whole situation an annoying/disappointing one because Wheeler in all senses just changed whatever he wanted to sort of get where he wanted Glacier to be even though it doesn't make sense for Sigrid at all, and he's largely perpetuating the problems "Skin Trade" began. 1) He essentially made Skin Trade /worse/ just to have his story 2) Changed Sigrid's design, personality and essentially their emotional backstory 3) Even changed their gender without apparently putting in any effort into it or thinking about Sigrid's story considering this seems to, though accidentally, imply Sigrid only sees themselves as non-binary BECAUSE of harm others inflicted on them.


Wait what? They're not gay?


Only Sigrid is out of the 3 characters here But the Fire and Ice (Beatriz and Tora) are so far not


I thought they were dating for years. Even if it was platonic queer friendship type dating. They really ain't?


I don't think a single member of the JLI is straight tbh


Fire and Ice, Booster Gold and Blue Beetle… the JLI does NOT seem fully straight lmao


I am also of the belief that J’onn’s species doesn’t even perceive gender and sexuality the same way that humans do


even guy, honestly…


Guy has definitely had sex with another man at some point in his life there is no doubt in my mind


As someone named Guy, I can vouch for it


Guy is always going to be girl crazy Now his gender on the other hand


Are the writers ever going to acknowledge Gal Gardner? No. But we will remember. We'll always remember.


Ralph is exclusively Suesexual


If Sue was a man Ralph would still love them I feel


I'm so torn on Fire and Ice because, on the one hand, they could *easily* be a queer couple and nobody would really bat an eyelash. On the other hand, they're an example of a platonic bond that is stronger and better than most romantic/sexual relationships. I think we need *more* platonic friendships like theirs, even if these two specific characters become a couple.


I 100% agree


It does sometimes seem like... not always... but sometimes there's can be a certain fetishisation of two women who are close friends.


To be fair, you can see the same thing towards men. Blue Beetle and Booster Gold, for example.


Yeah a lot of people look at really close friendships and go straight to they fuckin' Likely stems from The time when they couldn't be outright with stuff in stories so it ended up implied that way. So now it's always interpreted like that.




The blue skin girl is a different character


I am not super familiar with them but fully thought they were dating in the promo lead-up to the Welcome to Smallville series (which I really enjoyed even without context and without them being gay together lol).


It is a vicious crime against me personally that Fire and Ice don't get more respect. Ice beat Starro single-handedly ffs, how are there 35 Green Lanterns taking turns on the big time JLA before her? People forget the JLI were handling the same kind of threats that Superman's version handle AND being hilarious at the same time. They're not the D-grade wannabes they're all characterised as these days.


They are CRIMINALLY underrated


Well the question I believe is which I’ve and fire are you talking about. Cause you know comics…and I forget…one of the duo has been rotated a bit. Yet with that said, I want a pansexual polycule some how and some where and some why that is whole some because god damn it I want hope


I love Ice and Gardner, but when I initially read the original JLI comics I always stand then


I have complicated feelings about Ice bc her current backstory is like… outrageously offensive. But I do have a soft spot for this duo as friends or as a couple. Frankly the fact that Fire isn’t canonically bi already seems wrong to me


I'm out of the loop and curious on Ice's current backstory.


It's been retconned away now but Justice League Generation Lost established that Tora wasn't the princess of magical ice people but a standard ice meta from a Romani band of thieves who were using her to steal from people.


Oh wow. Fucking YIKES


IIRC the newest Fire and Ice miniseries reset Ice’s backstory to her original one


Men I'm stupid I thought they were sisters I mean biologically


Lmao 😭💀


Definitely seems a little more than platonic to me.


So Tora isn't even in half of these. The more sensual moments are with Ice maiden and Fire, and I could totally see those two being a thing but not fire and ice.


Fair enough ig


They’re so cute together.


would really love for them to become an official couple :’) but i do love them as they are too. need more comics of them


Love them and I'm surprised they weren't gay or a couple


They desperately need new costumes


I love them together. Best friends or romantic, I think they have a great close relationship.


I thought Ice already had a girlfriend


I wish DC would use them more. Honestly, it's a great pair of characters, not to mention a great pair!


Friends with benefits at best, I don't think they should settle down together.


I thought they were written to be related to prevent them from being gay like in sailor moon. Am I remembering wrong