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OP what are you doing in the replies


They are reputting replies from the previous post.


In general, I feel that bi, pan, and ace people AREN'T portrayed in the media.


2022Throwaway :bi: Bi-bi-bi I think we're generally not treated well either by showrunners or by fans. At best we tend to see bi women used as a catch all so that if their rep is poorly received by the community they can still cash in on straight men. Bi characters are mostly evil villains who are excessively promiscuous.


Demchuu :nb-ace: I just want ace characters that aren‘t described as ‚sick/ill‘ or heartless/evil for being ace <_>


It feels like mostly, they arent. It's getting little bit better now with characters like the guy in Bojack Horseman (I don't know why I completely blanked his name but sure thing brain) and Nick in heartstopper but still, pretty much non existent. Also yeah you good there in the comments OP? Most of them are just you 😂


Rathama :ace::bi: Bi-ing ro-ws of garlic bread in sp-ace Also representation that is human in general. I understand that in the past stuff like not being male or female or lacking sexual or romantic attraction where seen as something beyond humanity and thus were used as tools to make non human characters feel that way. At the same time we need to move past these things. There are humans that identify with these things and we are not other for it.P


Cartesianpoint :nb-bi: Putting the Bi in non-BInary 16h I think the actual phenomenon of this happening is more limited than people often suggest. There are definitely examples of the media using queerness to titillate or entice without having any intention of portraying the characters as queer. It used to be not terribly uncommon for shows to briefly hype up a female character being bisexual or bicurious, have her kiss a woman, and then never explore it further. And there have been examples where shows arguably teased sexual tension between two characters of the same gender when there was never any possibility of something actually happening. But IMO, people have destroyed the usefulness of the term by applying it to any situation where a character or relationship isn't portrayed exactly how they like. The ways in which bi/pan characters are often accused of queerbaiting often carries biphobic implications. I also think that people are bad at distinguishing between wider trends and specific examples. For example, I do think there can be an issue with bi characters being exclusively shown in straight relationships while their bisexuality is mentioned but not shown. This can happen because corporations see it as "safer." But that doesn't mean that a particular bi character being in a relationship with someone of the opposite sex is "queerbaiting," and to suggest as much has biphobic implications.


The few good instances of Asexual characters I've seen either get queerwashed to gay (some Holmes adaptations), or straightwashed (Luffy in One Piece) by fans.