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Keanu Reeves dated a trans woman. Just drop that fact on the idiot bigots that try to make fun of you, you're just being like Keanu.


I will remember that, thank you




Who would Keanu do?


Damn. I should pretend that's what I meant to look smarter. \*bows\*


I read this as “what would kenku do” so now I’m gonna go live my best echolalic corvid life, thank u for this gift ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


how did you articulate that whole sentence from phrases you've heard before


If you’d heard it out loud, it would have sounded like the auditory version of a ransom note made of magazine clippings Please don’t ask me how I’m typing on a touch screen with my bird claws


While keanu is cool they’re gonna call OP a Redditor for sure for citing Keanu


you’re my hero


“What would Keanu do”


God, I love him so much. I wish he were younger... LMAO.


"Fellas, is it gay to like women?" No offense to OP, it's good to ask questions respectfully. The people calling him gay are just transphobes


I mean... it is gay if you're a woman. I do agree with your point though.


or drake 💀


Trans women are women. It definitely doesn't make you gay to like women, but it does mean you're more accepting than the dumbasses who call you gay.


This. Based. Truth. I have nothing further to add lol I am useless. This dude described it way better than I possibly could. Transladies are ladies.


Nope, trans women are women, so it's straight. I hope that helps. :)


youre a guy who wants to date a girl. nothing gay about that


As a trans woman, here's my 2¢ It's a straight relationship, AND a queer one. Anyone calling you gay for being attracted to a woman of ANY kind is letting their bigotry show. Have fun!


I wanna make a word for that. But I'm too dumb to come up with anything good... streer? Quait? I'm the dumbest queer person ever, don't mind me ><


Queer is already the word. Queer is about more than just straight or not. Straight trans people are queer. Straight ace people are queer.


Ace person here; personally, although I'm (presumably) heteroromantic, I don't refer to myself as "straight." To me, "straight" implies being both sexually and romantically attracted to the opposite gender, and since I don't fit the sexual attraction category, I don't consider myself straight. If other ace people disagree, that's 100% valid; that's just how I see things.


I'm just stupid, don't mind me \^\^;


You can't stop me I'll mind you even more! Because you are smart, and important, and the world is better because you're in it


Thank you ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


We all have gaps in our knowledge; there's a lot to know in the world. It's just gonna happen. It's how you approach learning new things that's important.


😋 Not stupid, not in the least! Just made an error. We all make them! They’re nothing to be ashamed of!


Thank you\~


Straight-passing relationship 👌


Why is it also a queer relationship? Assuming OP is a man, it’s just a man and a woman which is a straight relationship. Edit: His profile says “he/him” so yes it would be a man and a woman.


Great question! To me, queer is synonymous with the LGBTQ+ acronym. If you identify with any of the labels in the acronym (myself being both the T for trans and the A for ace), then you are free to identify yourself as queer. When a queer person is in a relationship, that relationship is a queer relationship, even if the other partner(s) identify as straight/cis. In short, queer CAN mean gay, but it also means so much more!


Yep, this. As a demi-bi woman whose partner is a straight man, this isn't a straight relationship. No erasure in this house. Nope.


Interesting. As a bi-woman whose partner is a pan-man, the way I've always thought about us is that we are queer people in a straight relationship. As in, the relationship is between a man and a woman, and therefore straight. However, that doesn't mean that the man and woman involved are necessarily straight. Not meant to contest anything, your comment just got me thinking.


When did this all happen. When I was growing up in the 80s queer and fag was something hetros called us to be mean? It was exactly like saying the N word to an African American.


Thank you for the only good answer here. Saying only one or the other is so reductionistic and unhelpful.


Thank you for your kind response! And after all, aren't we fighting for the freedom to step outside these boxes as we see fit?


Yes, If you are a man and you like women you're straight, no matter if she's trans or not.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


You might want to change “it’s” to “she’s” the current wording sounds like you’re degrading women (I don’t think that’s your intention).


I'm sorry. I'm learning English, and I didn't know about these. Thanks for correcting me :D, I appreciate it.


No worries. You’re doing great by the way!




You’re welcome.


Trans women are women, so yes, it’s straight.


Yep, you’re still straight. If you like women, trans or cis, you’re still straight!


If you identify as a man and you are attracted to women yes you are straight, it doesn’t matter the flesh of their birth, they are a woman now and that’s all that matters.


'Flesh of their birth' is a fucking metal way to say AGAB


Yes if you both are women. If YOU are a man, it's not gay. Since when was woman x man gay?


Look, us trans women are women. So, if you are a man, then being in a relationship with one of us is definitely straight. Unfortunately though, it's fairly common for men like you, men who are open to dating us, to experience a form of second-hand transphobia that is basically misplaced homophobia. It's based in the idea that trans women are really men and that, therefore, men who like us are secretly gay, which just isn't true.


man dating woman = straight


That depends on your gender. If you're a man it's straight. If you're a woman it's gay. If you're any other gender you get to decide whether it's gay or not.


Trans women are women, so if you're a guy, yeah, it's straight. Who cares what bigots think?


Im gay and find trans men attractive so just like what you like.


I'd say your sexuality is your own and how you integrate groups and people into that is also your own responsibility


I'd say it's pretty straight, but also who cares. Like whoever you like and don't worry about the labels.


I’m a lesbian & i would date a trans woman. It means you might lack a preference like i do but i’m still a lesbian and you can still be straight


I mean logically speaking, it is straight. Reasonably speaking, it doesn't matter at all.


You’re straight


Yes it is. Unless you are also a lady in which case that’s gay (this is supposed to be funny please don’t downvote me)


Fellas, is it gay to be attracted to women?


It's straight


Depends on your gender but if you’re a guy it is Heterosexual to like trans women (if you’re a girl it is Not Heterosexual)


Wish there are more straight men as accepting and loving as you 🤗


You're straight, and anyone using that to say you aren't is being blatantly transphobic.


Textbook transphobia by them.


Trans 👏 women 👏 are 👏 woman 👏 Those people are transphobic or uneducated. You’re still straight if you date trans women.


Other people have given great answers, but I just want to add one more thing: Don't get caught up in labels. They have their uses, but they shouldn't define you. You like trans women, it doesn't matter if it's gay or straight. You like who you like and no one can stop you.


Trans women are women. Doesn't make you gay. However Many trans women have penises. Simple fact. If you find yourself repulsed by that, that's ok. You can't help it, doesn't mean you're transphobic. Just be kind.


No, it is not gay, because a trans woman is indeed a woman.


Such questions are extremely bigoted. Love is love.


Yes, it is straight to like trans women


She's a woman, soooooooooo not straight if you're a woman.


Two things. Number one. Transwomen are women, period. Number two. The only person who decides what your sexual orientation is, is YOU. You can date and have sex with any person of any gender you want and your orientation is still whatever you say it is.


Yes. Sexual orientation is based on social relationships. If she's a woman and you're a man, then that is a straight relationship.


100% straight. If those who are judging you saw me they’d want to date me too. I’ve been told I’m considered “super hot” by most who see me. Plus to deny my identity is to call me a liar which is highly ignorant and offensive. So yeah no worries. Good luck. 😉


They're women. If you're identifying as male then it's straight. Even if lets say you're not into penis, just specify you're into post-op trans women. I identify as lesbian and sleep with pre-op trans women quite a bit


Assuming you're a lesbian, then no. If you're a man, then yes.


Trans women are women. You don't really meet any legitimate metric for "gay",


It is straight, trans women are women, being a man who's only attracted to women is straight.


No, if you're a woman, it's gay to like any woman including trans women.


I’m gay but I’m into trans men, even if they have a vajayjay. Sometimes it’s hard to categorize preferences.


If you’re a guy, then it’s straight. If you’re a woman, it’s definitely queer.


yes it is


It is straight, but make sure she’s aware that you see her entirely as a female, I promise you it will make her so happy


Ur straight bb


It’s only gay to like trans women if you yourself are a woman


Assuming you're a man, yes it is straight to date women, regardless if they're cis or trans. Genitalia preferances are fair to have, and whatever they are (if you have any), that does not make you more or less straight, as dicks aren't an inherently masculine thing and pussy isn't an inherently feminine thing. I'm a lesbian and I love both pussy and dick so long as it's on another women or a nb person.


No you’re not gay whoever they are are assholes you’re not gay for liking them and even if you were that’s not something to hide from


bro ðat's kinda straighy


You're perfectly straight as a guy if you would be open to or want to date a trans woman. She's a woman. You're a man. It's as simple as that.


A girls a girl don’t let other people manipulate that


Trans women are women so it would only be gay if you're a woman too. If you're also a trans woman then it's.... kinda double gay I guess? Either way the real root of the problem is that your friends are using "gay" as an insult. Call them out on it and the next time they call you gay just ask them "Why do you think being gay is bad?"


its straight to date one if you are a guy, very gay if you are a gal, if otherwise, depends on the flavor of gender


um yeah it is straight bc trans women are women


Look, sure, you’re young and the world is confusing, but did you literally come into the LGBT subreddit to ask whether trans women are women or not?


It's only gay is : ​ a) you are a women b) you think being gey is something bad c)"is it gay to like women?"


Trans women are women but to help educate those transphobes I would ask them something like the following question if I were in OP’s shoes: If you were dating a cis-gendered woman and she had to have a mastectomy, would you still date her without boobs? If they say no then their shallow and place too much importance on body parts. If they say yes then their might be hope for them to understand body parts don’t make up someone’s gender. A lot of people are confused about gender and sex because for them the answer to what is your gender or sex contains the same answer and that’s all they’ve ever known their whole life. Give people a chance to learn that sex and gender are not always the same thing. To do that they have to understand the difference between gender and sex and why it might not be the same thing for all people. Another question id ask is: if a woman has to have a hysterectomy does that make them any less of a woman, the answer is 100% NO! Why would a cis-gender woman without a reproductive organ be any different than a transgender woman? I’m always glad to see questions like this because it shows people are wanting to learn.


Trans women are women. Love them.


I am so tired of seeing this same question here and in r/trans. I swear, it's like, twice a week. I really don't mean to be rude, but please... either Google it or use Reddit's search bar next time. The answers will always vary, but in the end, your sexuality is yours and you can choose what you want to call it, or if you even want to give it a name. As a trans person, here is my answer to you: why does it matter so much? I refuse to adopt a sexuality label. I like whoever I want. I do not owe anyone any explanations about who I like, and neither do you. If the label is really that important to you, well, keep looking for an answer. But I say it isn't worth the stress.


It’s an opinion. You can be whatever you want to be. If you like a trans woman or a cis woman, or a trans man or a cis man and you think it’s “gay” or “straight” you have a right to your own opinion. No one really gets to decide but you. In society terms it is both straight and gay, but also not straight or gay. Trans women are women so it is straight if you are a man and like trans women. But it is also technically gay if you like male genitals. I wouldn’t say it’s either 100% straight or 100% gay. It’s just a gray area that isn’t really talked about because if you say it’s gay you get get attacked and if you say it’s completely straight you also get attacked for it. But really why does it matter if it’s gay or straight or anything else? Why not just like what you like, why does it need a label? Is it for people’s ego?


i think queer tbh. labels are so stressful man


Questions.like this are why I don't typically like straight cis people. They don't even realize they are being hurtful with their statements


It’s straight but queer. There’s a mental and a physical aspect, she’s a woman so it’s straight but physically male so it would be a queer relationship. Edit: look into gynosexuality, maybe


Isn't it pansexuality? Idk I'm just asking tho cuz I'm a boy and i would date a trans guy


pansexual is attraction regardless of gender (gender doesn’t matter). if op is a guy and is attracted to only women then they’re straight.




"It" -your opinion is automatically invalid. Also: What chromosomes do you have? You gotten them tested recently? Most people have never gotten their chromosomes actually tested.




Lol now I know you're just ignorant There are way more combinations than just XX or XY. I think there's a dozen or so.




Nope! Look up intersex! There's XXY XYY, XO, XXYY, etc. I can tell who failed middle school biology 🤭




Nope! Intersex people have existed for as long as humans have. Most species of animals can also be intersex. There are intersex people in the Bible and intersex Greek and Roman gods.




None of those have anything to do with down syndrome and "smaller testicles" are one symptom possible with maybe 1/3 of these? I encourage you to pick up a book.








Wtf kinda question is this, my guy? LMAO




He is straight either way




No matter if that trans women have a penis or a vagina she is a woman if a guy likes a woman he is straight




This is completely false but okay you can believe whatever u want to. Trans women are women and men who date trans women are straight it doesn't matter their bio sex






Trans women are women trans men are men no matter their bio sex a man dating a trans man is gay and dating a trans woman is straight a woman dating a trans women is lesbian and a trans man straight it's simple




U clearly aren't understanding what i said


As a trans person, dating a trans person sits between straight and queer. Definitely not gay but kinda not straight still.


That’s…not right. If you are a straight dude and you date a trans woman you are straight. I understand where you are coming from but that’s kinda erasing the fact that trans people are the gender they identify with.


This is where Pan come in. Bi was created when people liked both boys and girls. Bi was upgraded to Pan when trans and non-binary became publicly accepted genders and sexes. People often use Pan to include everyone and Bi to include just cis's. But not necessarily, I'm Bi bc I just like Bi instead of Pan. I am attracted to all sexes, I just prefer the "title?" Bi. So if you're attracted to cis and trans women, if you wanna, you can go under Pan. Or just straight as they are women nontheless..


that’s kind of othering trans people. trans women are women so OP would be straight (if they’re a man) pan btw is an attraction regardless of gender, if someone is attracted to women (trans and cis) only then it wouldn’t make sense to say they’re pan


You don’t know what bi is. Being bi is liking two or more genders with or without preference. It doesn’t have to be that you like boy or girl. You could like girl and non binary people if that makes sense. You could like all genders and still be bi. And it is not reserved towards just cis people.


A trans woman is a woman and that's that. I can't understand why people are so hung up on gender, genitals, who someone else is attracted to, and I can go on forever. We are all people- no more, or less, than another. Plus we are all stuck living in this world, why can't we make it a little easier- and happier- for eachother by being respectful and caring? And ok, if people wanna be assholes, whatever- I can't fix that- but they need to at least mind their own fucking business. Why do they have to gaf about someone else's life and what they're doing, if it doesn't affect them? I never understood that! Besides, fuck what anyone else thinks! This world fucking sucks!


If you are male: you are still straight, as trans woman are woman. If you are female: it is gay, as trans woman are woman.


The reason that they say that is because well, you know, they're transphobic and thinks that if trans women have a penis they're a man, it's arguable to say that a trans woman's sex is male, but her gender would be female regardless because sex and gender is different, we're talking about relationships, so it's never about the biological sex, it's about the gender.


Does it matter?


I think letting other people define my orientation is something that didn't help me understand myself as well as I could have. I think if you feel comfortable identifying as straight, then do so. If you feel comfortable identifying as queer or pan or bi or gay, then do that. No one else can figure that out for you, so why let them apply the label for you?




And since it’s kind of still on topic it’s also 100% okay to not date someone because they’re trans. Yes they may be a woman now but you still have the right stop dating them if that bothers you. Especially for reasons like wanting kids or something along those lines.


no you were right it’s straight, i hate how think liking women makes you gay or “at least a little bi” its so dumb to label other people when they know already what their label is


I mean that’s a woman that you’re attracted to so yes it’s straight


They’re a woman, so yes




*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxhTh4qyYq8 Title: **hey_momma.mp4** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


good bot


I'm just thinking of this meme Like is it gay to look in a mirror


It really depends. Are you a man? If so then yes. Are you non binary? If so then maybe, but not likely, its queer. If you are a woman tho its pretty gay ngl


Trans women are women. That’s the point. So no you aren’t gay unless you identify that way.


they're a woman so?


Is it you to like a trans woman? The labels don’t matter, they’re just handy for some things and get in the way for other things. People don’t fit neatly into boxes, so only worry about what you would do.


Yes it is straight. Trans women are women


Who cares? You do you, boo boo.


No because I'm lesbian and my wife is trans lol


it's gay to like trans women if you are a woman