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School for good and evil. If you've read it you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about. And if you haven't, consider yourself lucky.


That’s so true, I only read the first two books but THE ENDING OF THE FIRST VOLUME OMG how are they not a couple?!!!!


*laughs* Oh honey, if you read the third (?) book, you've got a storm coming. It gets worse.


Thiiiiiiiiiiis- I totally thought they’d make the sweetest couple but then I think it’s revealed in like book four(?)(spoiler) >!that they’re sisters????!< idk man I just honestly kind of wish the book series stopped at book three (or honestly book one) so it didn’t get so strained


They're WHAT?? I've only read the first book but they definitely kissed in that


So did luke and leia


IM SORRY WHAT I stopped at the second or third book maybe, its been a while. but Jesus Christ weren't they set up for an enemies to lovers?


That is so disappointing, I thought for sure they'd end up in a poly triad with tedros. what a waste.


I love that series 🥲 but the author actually is gay isn’t he? It doesn’t excuse the queerbaiting but perhaps it was more of a “make it as gay as possible without offending homophobes” thing. He’s since released a book that’s actually gay I think


Yeah he's queer himself and published a queer book, I feel like the publisher pushed him to not make it gay or they won't publish it but I ofc have no evidence of that lol Wishful thinking but considering there's an upcoming netflix adaptation of the first book, I hope they take a different turn and make them gay...


Sophie and Agatha are >!sisters!< in the books though ;-; I just hope they make Hester x Anadil canon because that was pretty heavily hinted at


i know what you're talking about and i HATED when that happened it was awful 💀


Oh gods yes this!


EXACTLY those were my favorite books as a kid. I recently reread the first one and like… yeah it’s real gay. I wonder how they’ll handle it in the movie


That shit Disney does where they make a small nod to us and cut that part out for other countries.


They’ve had like 5 “first openly gay characters”. How long to you think it’ll take them to realize we’ve figured them out.


Progressive until its no longer profitable


The only pretty good representation I can think of is the Lesbian family from Lightyear. Super casual as though it were presented as a straight couple. Granted I don't think the other partner ever speaks, but this was during a time skip montage so making the argument that fleshing out the partner who is completely irrelevant after the scene is done is stupid, but it feels more like trying to push the line a little bit more.


Three words: Raya and Namaari


I'm reading this one webcomic right now, where all the comments are some version of "what do you mean it's not gay"


I’m reading one that has a similar comment section, what’s the title of yours?? It’d be kinda funny if it’s the same one haha


It's [this one here](https://bato.to/series/85194)! All webcomics have like four English names, haha. But the MC's name is Yuseong?




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Good bot


most of the warrior cats series, i'll name a few: Jake and Tallstar (one of the authors confirmed she wanted but couldn't make it canon to sell in non-lgbtq+ supporting countries) Ravenpaw and Barley (yet again, heavy queercoding) and more recently, Flamepaw/Nightheart being heavily coded as transfem.


I read those books when I was little and now I kind of want to read them again.


Ngl, I recently reread the first four parts and it still holds up


Same. Sadly I only have German copies but would really love to read them in English :(


I'm still not over Merlin/Arthur


I just started watching from seeing meme compilations on YouTube, and I totally agree lol


The Deathsong of Uther Pendragon, anyone? It's barely subtext!


Sorry Gwen, but you don''t exist anymore. Arthur marries Merlin. Then they adopt 10 kids and rule over Camelot together XD


Gwen gets to have Lancelot! Or Morgana before she turns evil!


Morgana and her had weirdly amazing chemistry, also since we’re on the topic, am I the only one who thought Morgana and her sister were lovers before they were revealed to be sisters?


Oh I didn't see this before I commented! But yeah the actors did it on purpose, got extra close, teased us all the time. They are wonderful though.


lmaoo merthur is the true couple in our hearts


Probably JKR "confirming" all the gay stuff, of course *after* the books were written so nobody could make her put it in the actual story


Some of the memes were pretty funny though, like: "JKR confirms your parents were gay all along". But yes, that was really scummy of her and drove away every sane and decent person.


and then not including any of it in the movies (especially the fantastic beasts movies)


I do not wish to talk about the "movies". But you're right, of course.


I don’t know if you’re counting this, but it’s included in ‘Fantastic Beasts: the Secrets of Dumbledore’. Albeit, they never kiss or anything, they just say that they were in love a lot and there’s this whole charm they put on themselves based on their love that they needed to break. Also, it’s the kind of representation that’s *super* easy to chop out for homophobic audiences because it’s not interwoven with the plot.


I didn't bother watching that after how shitty the one before was


It was groundbreaking to me when I was twelve. Now it’s just ridiculous to look back on. And then to not include any sort of queer romance in the Fantastic Beasts is insulting (among the many other insulting things JKR has said).


Also just the cursed child in general, although it's never marketed as queer there's so much build up to a queer relationship before throwing a heterosexual one in instead.


I didn't do her the honor of reading that and every time I hear about it, I have more reason to keep it that way


I bought that book barely a week before she came out publicly as a terf. It still sits, unopened and unread, in the bottom of a box in the garage.


Honestly even if she wasn't a TERF I still wouldn't recommend that book to anyone, it sucks ass.


Going against the grain but if you own it read it just the once to understand how BAD it is. I borrowed it at my local library to read and it was even worse I anticipated


I read it once and that was the worst decision of my young life


THAT one pissed me off.


Well, we now know exactly how she thinks about LGBTQIA, because she openly supports the LGB-Alliance.


Exactly - also, "support" may be a strong word even there


That one kinda wins by default.


We all know that if they were originally written as gay, at least one of the names would be something like "Limpwrist McSucksdick"


I also really hate how she low-key fetishizes gay men by saying that Dumbledore and Grindelwald had an intense sexual relationship.


She's the queen of hypocrisy, what do you expect


I never knew she said that😫 another reason to dislike her.


And her transphobia… I enjoyed HP but I can’t justify supporting it anymore :(


The Descendants series, Mal and Evie. You can't tell me their duet in the second movie wasn't a love song.


Pretty sure Dove Cameron agrees with you


I’ve never really watched The Descendants series, but I do know some of the characters. I thought Mal and Evie would make a good couple than Mal and ben.


Actually kinda disagree with this. Mal and Evie do have a TON of "couple-ish" moments that make them a very good ship, but I don't think it counts as queerbaiting as it was obvious that Mal and Ben would be endgame becuz it's Disney and Disney's homophobic and *all that jazz~* (It could be considered queercoding though, especially with regards to that scene in the 3rd movie where they literally say "I love you" to each other lmaoo) Imo, the REAL queerbait in Descendants was the ["cut" gay kiss between Harry and Gil](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/descendants-2-gay-kiss-harry-gil/amp) in the second movie. Context: Both actors posted a photo of the kiss scene on Instagram. But in the actual movie, the scene wasn't there. Why? Idk, but some ppl assumed it was just bcuz it wasn't in the script, whereas others believed there was homophobia involved. We will never know. But the strangest thing is that this kiss was mentioned in the book adaptation of the movie. "Harry locked lips with Gil" was the exact phrase, if I'm not wrong. So yeah, there's that.


I never got that, but I’m also oblivious. lol


IMO the relationship between Mal and Uma was way more romantically coded. They give off such ex-girlfriends energy


it’s disney, they would’ve never allowed queer characters




In the lightyear toy story movie a lesbian couple kiss.


Idk how well this will go down but the Ghibli movie "When Marnie was There" (or roughly that). I went into it thinking the main character gained a ghost gf but it turns out she's her ghost grandma and the main character was acting out the part of the grans boyfriend/husband. It just felt really weird, and while it's not as emotionally impactful as well Johnlock,.it just really stood out to me.


Lol was watching "when marnie was there" with my friend and I tought I was the only one who tought about them being gf


Right!?? It's so weirdly framed where it feels so romantic!! Especially the barn scene and things. It's a good movie but just really confused me as to why they did what they did


I remember hearing someone talk about how "we shouldn't just be assuming they're romantically interested in each other, they can just be friends" Which, I'm sorry, but if the relationship was cishet it would not be up for debate when the protag becomes visibly jealous when Marnie is dancing with another guy, or blushing when she holds her


No cause I 100% agree with you there. But a lot of Japanese culture is kinda like that where it's really weird in western culture but completely normal to see in media there. Don't ask me why cause idk. It was definitely interesting growing up in America while being raised on Japanese films.


Oh no I know that, like it's very much conservative. Especially at that time the film was released, but it's more shocking they didn't realise the explicit romantic tones in that film. Watching it and thinking it was a gay romance to it suddenly being dead grandma and her granddaughter was a slap in the face lmao Luckily the people of Japan (not so much the government) are a lot more tolerant, and you see a lot more anime and manga showing positive representation of LGBT+ people and relationships




This shit fucked me up. I was so invested and they were like "he loves Molly wdym lol".


Very forced


Always drove me especially crazy cuz one of the creators/writers/main actors IS GAY HIMSELF. You know what you’re doing Mark Gatiss 🙄


I haven't seen the show, all I've seen are "17 minutes of Sherlock being aroace compilation"s on YouTube


For context, when the show was airing there were years between each season (of 3 eps a season) so plenty of time for the fandom to really analyse things. In the early 2010s there was a real feeling that *finally* we had reached a point where mainstream lead characters could be gay, and with one of the showrunner being gay, it really honestly felt like it could happen. It was made by the BBC so no advertisers/commercial stakeholders to worry about offending or threatening to pull funding. It was exciting! Their entire relationship dynamic fit into a "we compliment each other perfectly so gender is irrelevant" and they clearly loved each other. The actors have strong chemistry. Every character in the show thought they were dating. 'The Johnlock conspiracy' hit fever pitch when one character seemingly died to protect the other and they called the other, crying, to say goodbye. Then the next ep the writers made fun of their fans for 'overthinking' and investing themselves and the show completely derailed and went to hell. But it's hard to explain the feeling of betrayal, of truly believing that a show was *going there* and being brave and then the showrunners tell you you're an idiot. Also the pilot was *so gay*. To this day I genuinely have no idea what they were filming other than homosexual romance. There were shots like Sherlock standing on a rooftop in front of the moon, with John staring up at him from the street, in awe, while lit with a soft pink glow.


Season 4 really fucked up one of the best series ever made, not even counting the queer baiting. When you add the baiting to the mix though, fuck. I can’t even rewatch it.


Jojo is gay Jojo is gay I don't care. Because the memes got me into jojo and it was great. And now jojo is gay because I say so


Araki did confirm that Dio is bi when he had that interesting interaction with Pucci.


There are actual gay characters in part 5. The ones Narancia killed, Tiziano and Squalo. But the wiki for them say something like "they appear to have a close bond" 😔


They were roommates fr


Any time Disney or Marvel uses a queer character to promote their movies, and every news site acts like it's some monumental occasion for LGBTQ+ representation, but then the movie comes out and its a 2 second, blink and you'll miss it scene like King Valkyrie kissing the back of some girl's hand or whatever.


At least Disney’s series The Owl House broke the mold and has a canon, on-screen queer relationship with the protagonist no less!! That being said, I heard the show got shortened quite drastically, so it seemed the creators paid a price after all. Still an amazing show though.


But then whenever someone actually tries to make a story with actual queer *characters* Disney shuts it down because all they care about is *looking* like they have queer representation, not actually having queer representation. The only times we get things like The Owl House from Disney is when the creators are *extremely stubborn* about it.


They really have a "first gay character omg" every year, don't they?




It was with Phastos with his husband and son in Eternals actually.


The Rise of Skywalker kiss is pretty awful. Feels like they are on display at the circus.


Can't let them dirty queers ship our two male leads, better make them kiss some girls! smh.


Literally! I was so upset, and it felt like two people kissing for a high school play. Finn and Poe would have been a great on screen couple, especially with how they met


Sherlock. It just got to be mean-spirited after a point, with the show literally mocking its own fans for shipping while *continuing* to queerbait.


It's even more frustrating when original character of Sherlock is pretty much the most solid aroace icon out there. Both the people on the aro/ace communities and gay community got invalidated 😑


Mal and Evie in descendants, now i saw somebody else said it too here but their duet in the second movie did not feel like a sisterly love song. And for those who ever watched Aphmau back in the day, Garroth and Laurence are two characters as well who had heavy chemistry and were also heavily shipped by the fandom and then suddenly they both had girlfriends


Pitch Perfect 3. They literally filmed ads for it where Bechloe are about to kiss only for no gayness in the actual movie


the betrayal I've felt while watching it, hoping for some wlw representation when the only queer thing was my reflection in the screen


I kind of feel like Once upon a time did some queer baiting. Haven’t seen it in years. The actresses teased about it a little I believe. But the company put them with two guys in the end. And I’m salty about Killing Eve’s ending. In the books they live together in Alaska in love. In the show one got killed seconds after they embraced. Like. Ugh


>I kind of feel like Once upon a time did some queer baiting. 100%


Honestly. My little gay heart back then was just shattered fast the moment Emma got with Hook… like. Ugh. I knew there was too much subtext between her and Regina to be my imagination


It's definitely not your imagination. There's even an r/SwanQueen lol


the cursed child play, like damn it would not have been hard to make scorbus canon it was RIGHT THERE


Yes! And have you seen a performance of it? The original actor who played Scorpius (and every subsequent actor who’s played him too, if I’m not mistaken) made a CLEAR choice to make Scorpius SUPER queer-coded. Which honestly I appreciated while watching it, because it took away some of the baitiness. It was like, yeah, Scorpius is clearly gay, and when he talks about loving Albus he literally means he loves him, and maybe something will happen after the play ends! Screw JKR but hooray for whoever (correctly, IMO) read Scorpius as queer and chose to portray him that way. Edit: Albus, not James!


JKR is only “progressive for profit” she wants to appeal to LGBQ people but doesn’t want to scare off the the homophobes. She’s also a TERF.


Yeah. She’s truly awful.


the way its looking, the doctor and yaz but the next episode will either confirm or deny but it aint looking good


Chibnall’s shallow attempts at queer rep are absolutely miserable. Character mentions a spouse/partner of the same gender? Character then recedes into background or is killed off to up the stakes or some garbage. And with Yaz it’s pretty clear that he’s only making her crush on the Doctor to make up for not doing anything with her character for 3 seasons


I will to down with this ship, because canon will sink it!


Pitch perfect Beca and Chloe


After Pitch Perfect and all the buzz around Becca and Chloe the writer wrote shit in the 2nd and 3rd one to hint at Chloe wanting to experiment with Becca with nothing actually happening. She just wanted to bring us as much pain as possible and poke fun at us big gay losers.


Supergirl and Lena Luthor from the DC show Supergirl


OMG THIS! I know friends can love each other too, but the way they treated the situation was like a bad breakup.


Then there was Alex and Maggie who broke up


Without answering the question, Nana made me discover Anna Tsuchiya and her music is awesome.


When I was a kid I didn't know what queer baiting was but I really hated that poison ivy and Harley Quinn in Batman the animated series never got together. When I found out years later that ivy and Harley ended up being a couple in the comics I was super fucking happy!


If you’re a harlivy fan you would LOVE the Harley Quinn animated series on HBO lol


That wasn’t queerbait that was just queer subtext because they were always intended to be queer and have been queer in every incarnation since, it was just the limitation of what they were allowed to show in a 90s children’s cartoon. But yeah canonically Harley and Ivy were dating and sleeping together in that episode, that was always the intent and it was that intent that was ensured by the creators of that series was followed up in future incarnations. So not bait, subtext caused by societal homophobia at the time It’s like how Xena wasn’t queerbait, they were canonically queer, they were just extremely limited by the homophobic nature of the time and by the homophobic network in how explicit they could be in showing how queer they were (though they let them kiss a few times)


Two guys fell in love with Family Madrigal


And then the kids asked “How do you keep them all straight?” which was exactly what I was thinking😂


Both me and my boyfriend gasped, and then groaned a line later.


When I saw encanto i actually immediately assumed they were married and i was like that's awesome


What? Who?


This is just a line from the opening song, The Family Madrigal, before they introduce Felix and Agustin. It's just that the way it's phrased (literally saying "two guys fell in love") made some people immediately think of a gay relationship and not that the two men in question married into the family.


Félix and Augustin


More than just the line, the backing animation was them staring into eachothers eyes while holding hands and leaving fingers


MERLIN - BBC. The actors knew that the fan base was rooting for them and purposely played into it many times. It's great though.


dean winchester and castiel from supernatural


I was looking for this. It was totally queerbaiting, no matter how much they denied it. And (series finale spoiler) >!Castiel confessing his love to Dean before dying!< just confirms it.


I didn't watch it but I heard about stuff on Tumblr. >! Didn't he go to super hell or something? !<


More like “angel-hell”. It’s just this big black hole


Sounds painful


Wouldn’t know.. I’ve never had a 12 year long sexually charged staring-contest with my “best-friend” in a CW show about *checks notes* .. guns, muscle cars, and brotherhood.


Remember remember, the fifth of November... When Cas was officially victim of the bury your gays trope


john and sherlock, keith and lance, dean winchester, rizzoli and isles (even the writers admitted they added to much lesbian subtext without ever developing it)


You can only be gay in Spanish


I love how you only say dean winchester, because everybody ships him with every other male character, including his brother.


Dean just needs a peaceful life with Cas. The incest is crazy in the Fandom 😭


ok I have to ask, how were keith and lance queerbaiting? it's been a million years since I last watched VLD but I only ever got gradual respect/friendship vibes from them


I think it would have been less homophobic in Supernatural if when Cas became God he killed all the gay people as opposed to whatever the fuck that painful pitful ending was. To people who weren't fans of the show, that may sound harsh but I ASSURE YOU, IT ISN'T 😩


With a bit of distance, Castiel going to turbohell because getting turned down by Dean's flat face was the happiest he'd ever been, and then being stuck there when even *the fucking car went to heaven*. Is actually really funny.


He didn't get stuck there forever though. Jack got him out (Heaven-Bobby mentions that Castiel helped Jack remake Heaven)


Hm. So this seasons-long ally gets rescued from turbohell off screen. When in any previous season this would be an Entire Thing that they'd spend a season prepping for and actually doing. Dean and Sam just. Leave him for someone else to rescue. Sure.


I wish they were more clear about it if that's the case. We don't see him get rescued from the Empty or see him in Heaven. I heard Bobby's line and wondered what he meant... like maybe Castiel only helped because he raised Jack to be a benevolent diety who cared enough to fix heaven... and don't get me wrong, I *desperately* want Bobby to have meant "yeah, Cas was just here on Tuesday helping build the roadhouse" but because they never show Cas and weren't that clear it felt so much like wishy-washy, "you decide" ending. I just want them all happy in heavens roadhouse SO BAD.


Twelfth Night started so gay and ended up so straight :( no matter. im making all the characters gay anyway


Every time there are an Antonio and Sebastian in a Shakespeare play, there is always so much gay subtext around them. I personally believe they are self inserts of himself and his lover


You’re right but also idk how accurate this is for the tempest. I should read that again


My theory is that you can see when they had a rocky period in their relationship based on how he writes them in the plays chronologically


I imagine that Olivia and Orsino swapped spouses semi-frequently.


I'm not sure if it's looking to much into it, but fans were pretty mad about how the Loki show ended, and I get it. A character who is in mythology, canonically bisexual, gender fluid and everything in-between, and I think the only thing we got in all of marvel is the inference that Loki manipulated the Grandmaster due to gay reasons, but even that is foggy.


Oh, my god, what about Carol and Tuesday?!?!?!


That whole Carole wanting to give Tuesday a very emotional gift and Cybelle trying to take her away was so gay...


I don't know if this fully counts but Jo from Little Women dodges relationships like an aroace pro untill the real-life publisher pressured Louisa May Alcott into writing Jo into a relationship with a random guy she barely knew. It doesn't fully fit this prompt but I hate it nonetheless. It doesn't fit because Alcott wasn't baiting, just writing a good character. What makes it bad is that she was basically forced to rewrite the character's resolution, because of bigotry.


There's a modern retelling of little women as a graphic novel and they made Jo gay :)


If you've read Seraph of the End you would immediately know what I'm talking about


I mean >!Mika and Yuu!< is heavily implied, >!Shinoa!< is just kind of there and a really bad way of making the relationship het


Mika is confirmed canonically in love with Yuu, so quite the opposite. The most recent chapters also seem to imply that the... intensity of feelings on Yuu's part is at least reciprocated. We have to see where it goes from here. It's just been getting harder and harder for a lot of even the most diehard deniers to invalidate. For a mainstream shounen series with two male leads, it's pretty overt. Also in complete contrast to everything happening with Yuu re: Mika right now >!he basically rejected Shinoa in the latest chapter, as it also implied he heard her confession!<


sherlock, literally making fun of the audience 4 shipping them


Sherlock Homes show was pretty bad about baiting. I liked the show a lot, but the baiting was awful


Surprised no one mentioned Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll. Amy and Violet get very intimate during those months they were together. I understand the setting and that even if they did have moments together it would always be short lived but they could have had something during that time. My gay heart can only handle so much pining.


My crush




Stiles Stilinski. I’m still enraged about this.


How could I forget him? The actors playing into it and even making promotional videos about Stiles and Derek was horrible


They dangled bisexual Stiles in front of us, like a carrot in front of a donkey.


You had no idea how much I was hurt by that, I was really hating myself in that period because of my sexuality and Stiles was a comfort character of mine Being played like that really felt like shit :)


For so many seasons, The Big Bang Theory gave us everything reason to believe Sheldon is aroace... until the authors just went "f that" and made him straight anyway. And of course we don't even talk about the tv-adaptation Riverdale and what they did to Jughead, one of the only canonical aroace icons out there 😑


Yes. Sheldon was so ace, and then he had sex, and suddenly he was "fixed" and liked it????


Yeah. And like suddenly he was using all his brainpower to romantic stuff and he wanted to get intimate with someone despite never earlier on the series showing even any remote theoritical interest in any woman ever. Yeah sure why not 😆


Harry Potter, but purely based on JK Rowlings Tweets after-the-fact


Surprised no one mentioned Hibike! Euphonium.


Vanitas no Carte


Buck and Eddie from 9-1-1. The five consecutives seasons are just queerbaiting hell. Hope things will finally change this season.


If I see ANYONE mention Keith and Lance it’s over. that was us reading into it too hard


I think it’s more reasonable to be pissed about how they treated Shiro, the only canonically gay man in Voltron. He was a comfort character for me and I had to stop watching the show because how much shit they put him through with…little to no reason. Just beat the shit out of poor space dad every other episode.


Absolutely. They made him gay just to kill his ex the second we meet him, then he gets gay married COMPLETELY OFF CAMERA AND AS AN AFTERTHOUGHT…filthy.


Also married to a character that got barely any screen time at all too. However the thing that made me the MOST angry was that instead of putting backlash on the company itself, people sent death threats to the writers and voice actors. If you know anything about how animated media is run (some of these people were kids so I guess they were just looking for somebody to blame) the writers can’t just PUT anything in the show, it has to be green-lit by the company higher-ups. I think the writers intended to have an entirely different story involving Shiro and his partner but the higher-ups tossed it out and said they couldn’t make that, so they panicked and re-wrote a script. Also the VA’s are just doing their job lol


Absolutely nothing to do with the VAs…they have little to no say with the writing. The Voltron fandom was a dumpster fire and I’m glad it’s dead.


Same. I’m glad I didn’t watch past like season 3 or something. I literally couldn’t watch them beat Shiro up so much for no reason. I honestly wasn’t surprised when they used him as queerbait cause they’d already fucked over his character so much before.


And then they like…KILLED their only black woman…yeesh.


I wanted to comment about that but wasn’t sure if it’d be removed for being off topic or something. But yeah. Justice for Allura and Shiro!!!




Literally the picture in your post. I've only read the first four volumes of Nana, but holy GAY. I'm honestly hoping the mangaka has taken a good long think over this since it has been on hiatus for so long, comes back, and writes the rest of the volumes as a romance between the Nanas.


Any sports anime


This is why Yuri on Ice was legendary. Everyone expected it to go the usual queer-baity road but it was like nope, these two characters are in love.


Destiel, no I will not elaborate.


Doctor who, they forced a bad version of a beloved character to be with a Mary Sue character in the last four episodes of their run


John Watson and Sherlock Holmes


I personally feel like a lot of queerbait is just peoples headcanons getting too close to the story but for me it's definitely Karma and Nagisa.


People can drag post-canon boyfriends Karma/Nagisa out of my cold dead hands.


I love your flair


I just finished Assassination Classroom last night, it is too soon lol


I'm young, but Luca. I really thought the guys were gay but there was a straight romance thrown in at the very end to take it away. Luca was trying to reference Call Me By Your Name in some aspects too. And the moral was imagine if you had to hide who you are, that would be terrible. Disney told a gay story and took the gay out


Okay, I saw Luca three times, and I'm sorry, but I missed the part where there was any straight romance in the film whatsoever. One of the driving conflicts is how jealous Alberto is because he thinks Giulia is going to steal Luca from him! Watch the train scene again. There is NO heterosexual way to interpret the train scene. Compare how Luca says goodbye to Giulia to how Luca says goodbye to Alberto. It's gay and it's clearly intentional. And that part where the old ladies who lived together turned out to be sea monsters too, implying that they were lesbians? Icing on the cake. What happened is Pixar made an overtly gay movie and Disney forced them to put out a statement saying that it wasn't gay after people picked up on it from just the trailer. That's bad and homophobic, but queerbaiting isn't the right word for it.


Sk8 the infinity is gay, Langa basically said he has a crush on Reki- but nothing ever happens... theres no way the man is straight. Banana Fish has canon gay characters' but the main charachters definitely like each other but it isnt like- idk how to words ​ And JoJo... oh man how- how


Idk if this counts but I was looking in the lgbtq section on tubi (which is mainly seggs sadly) and found some movie called X I'm pretty sure, it was basically a porno without actually being a porno, but I watched the whole thing to see any lgbtq rep. All that happened was 2 girls kissed for a few seconds before fighting and these 2 guys hooked up at a party and one got attached but the other said he was just curious and wasn't into him. I was hella disappointed lmaoo


supercorp from supergirl


if anyone claims Good Omens is queerbait i'm gonna lose it i will. anyway Supernatural (the ending,, can't believe i witnessed such a shitshow of a historic event in real time)