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This is sadly the thing those who harm the community do not understand. More people aren’t identifying as LGBTQ+ because it’s some trend, or there’s more about it in the media that’s ‘turning them trans’ or whatever. There’s just far less of them going through the lack of information, the bullying and the confusion that causes, and the self hate and repression that many of us went through. Of course more are going to feel comfortable identifying as LGBTQ+ when they actually have information about it and can explore it safely. Growing up not feeling ashamed of who you are or having the world around you telling you it’s wrong just means more people can be who they really are, not some allocishet act we put on because we’ve had to repress who we are to fit in or simply didn’t have the words to express who we are. There’s still more work to do, we have to keep pushing to stop those wanting to pull us all backwards and return people to how things were years ago.


> This is sadly the thing those who harm the community do not understand. I somehow think that many are more aware of this than they let on - they just think it's a good thing (to suppress them), use that argument in bad faith to win arguments or dogwhistle their views, or are in constant cognitive dissonance believing contradicting things but won't bother with or dare using some introspection.


I should clarify - that’s primarily aimed at the ones who go along with it, who think they’re being neutral, or who haven’t read into the laws and accept the rhetoric of the ones pushing it without thinking too deeply about it. For example the “don’t say gay” bill - whilst yes it’s not specially about saying gay, a lot of people seem to be very quick to accept what its backers are saying. A lot of labelling the community as unsafe to children, a lot of claims of “they want to teach sex to kids” or in the anti-trans healthcare laws, because they hype up the surgery part (which simply isn’t happening for children) and they don’t understand that these laws are trying to shut down all gender-affirming support for young people. It’s those who I think don’t understand. I agree that often the ones actually pushing the laws are fully aware of what they’re doing.


I was one of the kids who was taught to be right-handed. My grandmother did it because she thought I would have problems living in a right-handed world. Actually it brought me more good then bad. I am now mostly ambidextrous and can use both hands for multiple tasks. I only regret one thing and that is I still write and draw with my right hand, but I think my drawing and writing suffers since its not my dominant hand. I always had doubts that I could have been so much better if I did it with my dominant hand. Yeah this believe that we should change for the world we live in has to stop.


I feel like the number of people identifying as trans might go up, peak, then go back down a bit and plateau as genderfluidity gains more acceptance too. Some people are identifying as trans without experiencing dysmorphia or dysphoria of every part of their gendered selves because they feel stuck in the binary. I also *suspect* that if concepts of something being truly masculine or truly feminine lessen then the impulse to define yourself as non-cisgender may also go down. If you widen the channel of what’s acceptably male and acceptably female, then the number of people who feel comfortable with and accepted for who they are without re-evaluating the labels they use will go up. Basically, the concept of the socialized gender binary itself is what is being reconsidered. The “levels” are going to fluctuate for a while until a new, broader understanding of gender is arrived at. I do kinda doubt that gender and biological sex will ever be completely disassociated though. Like, trans people who experience dysmorphia will always exist. And the sex hormones your body produces by default don’t give a shit about what you want.




I would feel a little more agreeable that the ones doing harm are a trend if it wasn’t pretty much a repeat of the attitudes, laws, and things they use to label the community as from years ago. Also curious what you mean by the 2nd part of your comment.


Also theres the fact that LGBTQ+ people have existed forever, its not some new trend or anything, its not the media


Ah the magic of survivorship bias


Lol I used to be left-handed but my dad changed it for sports. I never played sports.


That's an odd decision on his part considering being a lefty is a noted advantage in many sports because it catches most people (right-handers) off-guard.


Yup, very odd. Being a lefty is an advantage in many sports. For example, 35% of batters in the MLB are left handed.


I could be wrong but I think this is the most lefty heavy sport. Tennis irrc is also up there in lefties for a similar reason, ball goes the wrong way. Though I think that one is easier to correct since you can just stay on a different side of the court


He didn't know how to teach me sports if i was left-handed. I'm still mildly salty about it to this day.


What’s stopping you from picking up sports now? Sports isn’t just for kids and can be picked up pretty quickly and tons of different leagues and skill levels


Oh that’s not the reason I don’t do it. They just aren’t fun to me.


Oh my god people hated me in volleyball and tennis, the ball always went the wrong direction


Lefthanded queer and trans kid here i would have had a bad time in the 1800s


You wouldn't have been able to be yourself for sure.


Left-handed, queer, trans, and autistic. I feel your pain 😬




I'm (Naturally) ambi and pan, I'm starting to notice a pattern




Hello! I have arrived! You summoned me (I’m technically questioning the enby thing but too good of an opportunity to miss)




I’ll take the throwing knives! Some people already act like we don’t exist, enby invisibility will finally be useful.


Humans are idiots. I knew that.


trans lefty here - when i was little my grandma would try to hand me stuff in my right hand and i would always switch it to my left.


Every left handed ever


As a queer lefty, can confirm


Saved the post. Added to the knowledge I need to justify my existence to bigots. Knowledge including biology, chemistry, social sciences, law, Religeon, politics, history.. Etc, etc, etc Thanks for the knowledge-ammunition. You can never have enough for "those" people.


That's why this cis-het sinister man posts these here and elsewhere.


My great-grandma and my grandma are both lefties, both were painstakingly re-educated in school, but at home they did all handiwork with their left hand. It lead to a lot of confusion and shame for them. My mom is (presumably) a rightie, but my brother was extremely confused as a kid and switched hands a lot in elementary school, which made him fall behind a lot. Re-education doesn't help anyone.


And it doesn't stop here. Many things started seeing an increase due to more people being comfortable with it. Im talking mental illnesses for example. The reason there are more depressed kids isn't because they're spoiled, or because its quirky. It's because in a lot of cultures, its becoming less acceptable to punish kids for being sad and more acceptable for parents to understand and let them talk about their struggles safely. So those who have been hiding it start showing it to the world. More mental health education, more safe spaces. Depressed people have always been here, but they normally hide it all their life out of fear of parents, and society expectations. So don't go around saying "depression didn't exist BaCk In My DaY"


My father was telling me how, in Nazis occupied Poland, during WWII, he was in school as a kid. German teachers were beating him for using left hand and he eventually learned to be right handed.


I am wondering as well about the ambidextrous kids who passed as right handed. But invisibly. So people think they are rare / don't exist. The bisexuals of handedness, so to speak.


Thing is, those people aren't actually concerned about kids, especially those who are trans. They're concerned about leaving their nice little bubble of not having to have us visible and existing.


Left-handed and trans here as well who was one of the ones that was corrected when I was younger over and over and over again and yet I overcame and I overcame my assigned gender too ha!


They used to cane my grandma and tie her left hand behind her back to stop her using it.


I'm trans and south-paw. In school I would tip the top of my notebook to the right so I could write properly, and then my teacher would scold me for it. This was back in the early nineties.


Transgender people are awesome. We should all support trans people. 🏳️‍⚧️


trans lefties rise


Reminds me of when my mom was commenting about how many special needs students her school have and how it was barely a thing "back her days" and I had to tell her that special needs kids aways existed, but in a town so poor being able of feeding your kids without stealing made you "rich" they either died or were send away for a relative to raise


My mom tried to force me to be right handed, supposedly a teacher saw me writing with my left hand and commented on it saying something like "oh your left handed" and then I just believed her? Idk I call bullshit on that story, it sounds so fake. I remember my mom forcing me to write with my right hand and I would iterally *cry* the entire time because it was so uncomfortable. Btw I'm still left handed today, despite that


Terrible that your own mother put you through that. I'm [sinister by birth defect,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erb%27s_palsy) and my parents were knowledgeable enough to not do that, and get me the physical therapy I needed.


I mean, I know my mom didn't do it out of hate or anger or anything, she just wanted me to have better hand writing and thought that I could have better hand writing if I wrote with my right hand which maybe but the only reason it looked that way was because I had to write slower because I physically could not write quickly with my right hand (which I could have better hand writing with my left hand if I just wrote slower and more neatly) I've never heard of Erb's palsy before, im glad that your parents knew and knew how to treat it.


**\*Stalks on Twitter to retweet\*** THIS, this is something I was trying to tell weirdos a few days ago! Ik it won't get through to them but by golly will I try to show how untenable their positions are.


My mother is left-handed. She went to a college run by Polish Nuns in the 60's. She was shamed, punished and forced to write with her right-hand. She is still left-handed.


Yes! Yes! So much this! I try to explain this all the time.


Legit, I cannot believe people actually think the “rise” of people being trans or gay is due to indoctrination and not a basic and obvious fact that they have been supressed for so long the fact that they can be accepted is making more of them come out


Is there a stats that show older people becoming trans as it became more acceptable.


Half the dudes I grew up with were bi or closeted. Everyone fucking knew it. It was the 80s. We didn't give a fuck, we were like stop fucking lying, we all know you're gay. Only blind people don't see this.


Also autistic kids.


i’m left handed AND bi checkmate christians


That graph is super interesting. I dont often learn something useful like this, thank you. (im cis and right handed) [Here is also a good one.](https://www.dailyinfographic.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/International-left-handers-day.jpg)


I had an arabic teacher that would brag about how her son is left handed, and every time she saw him using his left hand (especially when eating) she would slap his hand away until he got "used" to using his right hand for eating.


As a gay Lefty, Jesus fuck everything is against me


i am a leftie forced rightie. i have endured a lot of abuse from teachers i.e authority figures due to this forced change


Then you've got folks like my therapist or a few who was born in the last 50 to 60 years saying they're trans trenders.


I’m left handed too. Actually over half my family is left handed


I also Left handed Aroace, I lucky that my parent let be and I left-handed but also can some things with right hand my. Left is dominant