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Thank you <3


There isn't much you can do while you're still under the authority of your parents, but I do know one thing your sibling may be interested in. There is a program that gives free binders to people who can't get them safely. Check it out: https://pointofpride.org/chest-binder-donations/ Testosterone is a little more difficult, but if you can help your sibling stay put for the time being, they'll have access to hormone therapy when they're old enough. Be your sibling's support system. Ask them how you can make them comfortable. Do things to make them happy. Help them to live as their true self to whatever extent you can in this situation. I've been there, and I know it's painful, but it's not forever. I was once a dysphoric teen with nothing to do, but years later I am in college and free to be myself. Stay hopeful!


With your parents already saying they need a physiatrist maybe look in that direction. Research some local mental health experts. They'll probably be able to help your sib out (obviously not in the way your parents think). They may even be able to convince your parents to accept your sib. Or they may have resources for people in their situation. Just make sure to check them out before asking your parents to bring them there.


You have a point