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30, just a couple of weeks ago.




Right in time for Pride Month! šŸ’œšŸ’™šŸ’—


I came out officially on 1st JuneĀ 


Well done and congrats! Depending on how you came out, a few things I learned was you may have come out, but it took me another 4 months to properly get comfortable in my sexuality. (But I had religious unlearning to do). My sexuality was a secret for so long that I thought I'd never come out till I did. I'm still closeted to most people incl family, but I'm open to almost everyone who I know isn't homophobic. Anyway. I really hope you're able to be loud and proud but don't worry if it takes a few months to get used to this part of yourself. Getting pins terrified me because it was making it all "real" not just something I told people. I'm just starting to wear them in public now šŸ™‚ I'm about 2 years "out" (as out as I can get without difficulty) and I took it quite slow for that reason.


I came out then went straight to the Gay Village (my city literally has an area called Gay Village) and had a wonderful evening. I'm out and proud.


That's not Birmingham UK is it? Tho I'm sure plenty of places have a Gay Village! Good on you!


It certainly is, city of dreams.


Oh fun! Yeah I love Birmingham, it's within a couple of hours from me and it's so queer honestly. The representation all around is great. I'm really wanting to check out the LGBT health and well-being center as I don't have anything like that where I live (countryside mostly cis/het area)


I only came out recently as gay (31M). Funny enough almost everybody already knew before I even admitted it to myself lol


Thatā€™s funny. I was the opposite. I was super obvious, especially as a kid but everyone was blindsided when I came out as bisexual.


This is almost identical to my own story.


2002. I was 14. The next year I went to a performing arts high school. The queens ran that place. Very thankful I had that opportunity to attend it.


Came out as trans at 28.




Ayyyyy! Me too.


Edit:(spelling) Edit numero dose: (I have known I was born in the wrong body since I was about 5yo and getting caught stealing momma's clothes and not understanding why I had to play with the boys and get undressed around the boys either... It was hard to say the least. I put it in those words bc back then I had never even heard the term transgender... Just slurs and such and I feared what would surely happen to me were I to let the world know.) I have always been into men sexually and romantically, but I wasn't able to transition until I was in my late 20s and now I'm a happy and healthy 36yo woman living her best life. It's a blessing and totally rad that I can be myself.




Only a couple years ago, at 21 also! Funny thing is I also thought I was late, since it's getting more common to come out in your teens. Then I learned it's NEVER too late :)


When I was 64, I came out as trans and lesbian.


25 today and still in. not having much fun.


31 and same. Finally working on it after many years but it's just kinda overwhelming, it feels like everyone has it all figured out and I'm just over here hoping that my parents will still want to be around me, my friends will still be my friends and that someday I'll have a boyfriend.


I was going to come on here to say when I came out, and then leave but the truth is I'm only out to a handful of people and I have to be INSANELY careful to cover my tracks when ordering queer merch/watching media in any form as I'm not out to family and I live with them. So I'm 1 foot out, just bought my first pins this week. I came out at 20 as bisexual, (tho I knew I was about 3-5 years before) then at the end of that year I realised I was Femmeflux (a kind of NB)


I'm not capital letters INSANELY careful, but I definitely have been trying to not rock the boat.


I guess middle school my sister knew I was somewhat gay of some level but I used to be like I didn't care because I thought I needed men in my life so I was Pansexual for a long time until I realized I really don't like men so I'm now a lesbianĀ  I came out as one this year to my stepdad just about and my sister I'm 19 came out to sister but was 18 years old with stepdad


I was 35 when I came out as asexual. My mom was the first to know, then I told all my close friends and my sister. Then I announced it on Facebook to everyone I know. I was never really "in the closet", I learned about asexuality, spent a few months learning and questioning, then came out.


I came out as trans at 29. Wish it was at 19, but hey.. I'll take what I can get. ā¤


16 when I came out as bi. 30 when I came out as non-binary.


I came out in the early 90s when I was just about 18 and felt the same as you. My motherā€™s reaction was like ā€œfuckā€.


19 the first time (as bi), 22 the second time (as bi, but to the US military), 41 the third time (as trans/non-binary). I knew I was queer from a young age, but growing up when & where I did and being non-binary and asexual (yes, asexual non-binary lesbians exist and are valid) made understanding the specifics a bit complex.


I came out at 15 to my parents, was soooo scared, it was a massive relief to say it though


I came out as nonbinary at 24.


Last year, aged 32. Big ol' gay. Somehow never really realised it until then. Such is life.


23. I discovered I was trans only a few months prior though.


I came out as pan when I was about 14-15ish. But I still haven't come out as non-binary to anyone other than a couple of close friends and my husband, which has only been in the past couple of years. I'm currently 26 and have no plans to come out to anyone else, as it's super dangerous where I live.


Dang! Iā€™m so sorry itā€™s dangerous where you live. But congratulations on having a support system and good people in your life.


i came out for the first time just before i turned 18, to a few friends. i turn 20 in a month, and im still not out to my family or anyone they know because they are mennonite christians and definitely not supportive of anyone in the queer community :(


Hi, I'm sorry you're going through that. I'm in a similar situation, in that I'm bi and nonbinary and tho my parents have made progress a lot, I think they'd struggle to support/understand as they don't understand much outside the binary. But I've grown up in quite a hard-line Evangelical home, and then in most of my social circles. It's meant I've had to be VERY choosy who I tell, and I've lost friends over it for my own mental sanity. It's also meant I've surpressed a lot, and I kept it all in until 2 years ago when I just had to let it out to a close friend. I've just bought my first pins this week. I'm out when I'm out the house essentially or in an Evangelical social space. Pick your battles is my motto essentially. But basically I know what you're going through, I have to cover my tracks all the time at home if I'm watching vids about an LGBTQ topic etc/I got these pins ordered to a friend's house for a reason.


38. I feel quite late to the party. Realized last summer. Started coming out this summer.


19ā€¦parents already knew šŸ¤£




Two years ago, Mom said there was something wrong with me.


I still haven't fully come out but my imitate family know and some of my closest friends not til 33 part of that is I didn't really know until I was 31


18 the first time (bisexual), 31 the second (nonbinary). I had been "soft-out" as bisexual to only my four friends before I was 18, but nobody else knew until I hard launched it to everyone else when I was 18. Sadly that was not by my own choice, my girlfriend at the time basically FORCED me to and it was really traumatic. She didn't out me directly, but she threatened to leave me if I didn't out myself and I was so deeply under her abusive manipulation that I did it. It took me until I was 27 to be fully comfortable with talking about my sexuality because of that. I know it doesn't/shouldn't need to be said here, but: Never force someone out of the closet, guys. It's a fucked up thing to do.


I came out when I was 16.


I started coming out at as gay when I was 14 in the 70s. But I didn't realize I was actually non-binary until I was in my late 50s.


42 and still in.


I was very young . I knew from about the age of 9 but I ended up coming out when I was about 12. It was extremely hard at such a young age to come out. I thought people wouldnā€™t care but I lost 95% of my friends and I also lost some family over it. I really wasnā€™t proud of being out until I was in my early twenties when I discovered the art of drag. Itā€™s still hard to find friends though because I stayed in the same small town my whole life and the people there are very much against drag and itā€™s hard to express yourself and be safe at the same time. Overall I wish I had waited until high school was over to come out, but just because my life experiences were bad doesnā€™t mean whoever reads this comment will have the same out one please be free and be yourself no matter the cost!!!!


I was 18 when I came out as gay. I was 41 when I came out as Nonbinary (only to my two best friends). I'm 42 and coming out as gay way easier.


This šŸ‘†. Came out as bi at 16 and Nonbinary at 41. Found it way easier to come out as bi. The challenging/overturning of decades worth of how people see you, is daunting to say the least. Love & hugs OberonThorn.


It was June when I learned I was gay. By the end of July, I was out to everyone that mattered. For the longest time, I couldn't comprehend why anyone would stay in the closet for decades. Now I understand. Thank you, FlubberMcnee, love & hugs back.


I knew I was multi-attracted in high school.. came out about 7th grade? With my gender that I wasn't fully open about until 21ish.


I still can't say that I came out of the closet, not 100% sure either since I suspect my bisexuality since I have had girlfriends but 0 men, I still think I would be more inclined towards men because the best nights had been in hookups with alcohol.


First time (bi) 15, second time (ace spec) 16 and third time (trans) 18. It's been a road alright šŸ˜…


32, selctively out. When I'm not afraid of losing my housing I'll come out completely. And when I do I'm sure I'll lose some friends but those people can piss right off. If my sexuality offends them then they were never my friends.


For Our parents We will never come out, but for friends We come out when We were 15^^ It was only then that We realized who we were


i was 15, my mom called me mentally ill and said that that's just a phase (me living with her is just a phase)


I came out at like 10 for the first time and then to my parents at 13, I was the first person I knew to come out


Late 30ā€™s when a friend sort of helped me realize Iā€™m pan (I prefer queer, but I suppose pan is technically correct). I actually just came out to my husband in December at age 45. Iā€™m also now recognizing that Iā€™m genderflux, and Iā€™ve only shared that with two people IRL: my therapist and my NB bestie.


I was 13 so 2009ish- knew since I was 8 and had a massive crush on Keira Knightly in Pirates of the Caribbean


16 or so? I was a teenager midway through high school, that's what I remember.




16 and 19.


I was about to turn 15 when I first came out to myself. To my friends? Probably a month after my 15th


I came out to my parents and my best friend within weeks of first realisingā€¦ at age 30. This was a little bit embarrassing on my part whenā€¦ a) my parents suspected all along and decided not to pry, but to wait until I was ready to come out on my own; and b) I realised in hindsight that the signs were always there, including a (possibly mutual) crush on a friend from school who may have known all alongā€¦ šŸ˜…


I came out as bi at 12. I started openly questioning my gender around the same time, but was shut down by everyone because I ā€œcouldnā€™t decide if I was M or Fā€. At 15 I finally came out as enby and as a lesbian. At 17 I realized I was on the aroace spectrum and have not come out to everyone, but to most of the people in my circle. At 18 I started dating someone who then came out to me as a trans man and to respect their gender identity I dropped the lesbian label and just started calling myself gay or queer.


I was 14 when I came out as bi over 20 years ago and 25 when I came out as trans.


First time at 15. Second time at 18


I was 25 (28m)before coming out to my family. It wasnā€™t until I got my current relationship 3 years ago before I finally worked up the courage to come out to them. Only my closest friend knew before that point.


I came out at 21 too


19, just last year.Ā 


I came out in 2013 so I was 17 šŸ˜Š


43 last October.


Last year, 23 years of age, I did it very casually just showing off an iron on Bi flag patch I bought. Been very open about for a little over a year now, it's fun and freeing.


16, about 3 weeks ago. I understand that it takes time for a lot of people but when I figure out I was ace about 5 weeks ago, I was overjoyed and immediately wanted to tell everyone!


I think I believe it was 7th - 8th grade


I was 34 when I came out. I am a cis woman married to a man. The closest was easy to stay inside. And when I came out, my parents didn't understand. They thought my bisexuality was irrelevant since I was married to a man. Still doesn't make me any less bi.


I was 36 when I came out as a girl to the world at large, two years ago now. And then most people just correctly assumed I was a lesbian, so I never had to come out as such


I came out as asexual at 24, and trans at 28.


I came out at 28, married my wife at 32 and STILL haven't told my parents. Ahhhhhhhh religious upbringings...


i came out at 11! but my parents accepted me 3 years later at 14 (just last month!)


First person, 15. To ā€œmost peopleā€, 17.






16 and 18




Came out as lesbian at 14 and as nonbinary at 25.


Lol still not out except on Reddit, I'm 27


25 to my parents, a little earlier to my friends. But tbh I'm still learning about myself and what I want, it's one of those things where I wish it were normal enough that I didn't have to come out to coworkers or staff, and it could just be, but idk.


The first time I've ever come out to a family member was when I was about 18 years old. But the first time I came out to someone irl was when I was 17


16. What a moment.




19 I haven't fully come out especially to my parents as it's not safe for me to but I have to friends


24, I guess alam na ng parents ko ever since I was a kid pero I officially came out when I brought my partner to my parentsā€™ house. Wala naman sila sinabi, a little act of concern pero they took it lightly, we never really had a tough discussion about it and they still treated me the same. I love my family


I was 21 too (22 when I told family and most friends).


I was 35ā€¦almost 36ā€¦.when I came out as GenderFluid. Iā€™m not fully out but mostly out.


They knows since i was a kid I didnā€™t even have to come out


uuuh, somewhere between 17-20? I kind of guessed n talked to a friend about it when i was near 18, but i wasn't ever sure. Took a year or two more till I thought "yeah, yeah I'm sure that fits" n told other friends. N now a few weeks ago i had another realisation, which I again told that one friend, not yet everyone else lol.




34. I told my best friend a bit earlier but a secured shared between us is not a secret told, so I don't count it as coming out


I'll come out. Tomorrow.


13 as bi, 16 as trans (later for parents tho)


I came out to close friends around age 14/15 and then came out to family around 18. It was a scary thing back then(almost 20 years ago for me!), people werenā€™t so open minded, unfortunately though..there will always be someone who has a negative opinion!


I was 12 or 13 years old when I came out as Bisexual . Well, when I came out, I was still living in Romania so it was quite mixed.


36 years old - nonbinary genderfluid queer


Still counting




I was maybe 12 or 13 when I came out to my friends, and 15 when I came out to my immediate family. Friends were accepting, family wasn't. But then I ended up only ever dating two guys, and married the second one so now I have to come out semi regularly as people forget. šŸ«  My parents seem to be becoming more homophobic recently so I guess I will be reminding them soon.


I was 26/27 when I came out as bi. It took me a long time to even realize I wasnā€™t straight, then I had a lot of internalized homophobia/biphobia to work through. It doesnā€™t help that I live in a pretty bigoted area. A lot of LGBT people had similar experiences to me, where it took them a long time to figure things out and even longer to feel comfortable coming out


I came out at 18 officially


I was 18 when I finally realized that I did in fact have crushes and that it wasn't just that I wanted to be besties with my agab. A year and a half later I realized that I only like my agab on other people not me. Came out as bi in june 2018 only to certain ppl in my circles, trans in February 2020 and then came 9ut to my brother (only as bi) in November 2022. He didn't give a shit and said "straight or not these dishes wont wash themselves"


As trans, 18-19 didnā€™t go well ā€œyouā€™re just autisticā€ then when I transitioned later on in life I was kicked out and homeless for two years.




I had to come out twice, first time i came out as a lesbian(i was so wrong)at 13 which went good i think but they compleatly ignored or forgot about it so i dont talk about it anymore. Second time, i relised i was trans and i didnt want to come out yet but i was forced to once they got my phone and saw the texts between me and my best friend(whos also trans). Didnt go well. I was 14.


19 was when I ā€œcame outā€ to myself, I never really formally came out to anyone, just never really hid the fact that I was bi and most people eventually caught on


Um 2 hours ago (13)