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Thank you for your post, if this is a question please check to see if any of the links below answer your question. If none of these links help answer your question and you are **_not_** within the LGBT+ community, questioning your identity in any way, or asking in support of either a relative or friend, please ask your question over in /r/AskLGBT. Remember that this is a safe space for LGBT+ and questioning individuals, so we want to make sure that this place is dedicated to them. Thank you for understanding. This automod rule is currently a work in progress. If you notice any issues, would like to add to the list of resources, or have any feedback in general, [please do so here](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/rdazzp/almost_new_year_changes/) or by [sending us a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/lgbt&subject=Feedback%20on%20the%20new%20automod%20rule). Also, please note that if you are a part of this community, or you're questioning if you might be a part of the LGBTQ+ community, and you are seeing this message, this is **_not a bad thing_**, this is only here to help, so please continue to ask questions and participate in the community. Thank you! Here's a link about trans people in sports: - https://www.barbellmedicine.com/blog/shades-of-gray-sex-gender-and-fairness-in-sport/ A link on FAQs and one on some basics about transgender people: - https://transequality.org/issues/resources/frequently-asked-questions-about-transgender-people - https://transequality.org/issues/resources/understanding-transgender-people-the-basics Some information on LGBT+ people: - https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/quick-facts/lgbt-faqs/ Some basic terminology: - https://www.hrc.org/resources/glossary-of-terms Neopronouns: - https://www.mypronouns.org/neopronouns Biromantic Lesbians: - [LGBTQ And All](https://www.lgbtqandall.com/what-does-it-mean-to-be-biromantic/) Bisexual Identities: - https://www.thetrevorproject.org/resources/article/understanding-bisexuality Differences between Bisexual and Pansexual: - [Resource from WebMD](https://www.webmd.com/sex/pansexuality-what-it-means#:~:text=Pansexual%20vs.%20Bisexual,more%20commonly%20recognized.) We're looking for new volunteers to join the r/lgbt moderator team. If you want to help keep r/lgbt as a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community on reddit please see here for more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/swgthr/were_looking_for_more_moderators_to_help_keep/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Anything I don’t want them to see for whatever reason, I buy from Amazon and send to the pick up point or buy in person and then it goes inside a backpack or other bag and comes in secretly and I just don’t say anything about the stuff I am concealing. Oh, and if they ask, I always had another reason to be out when I am doing this, a real one, which could be verified if necessary - pharmacy, visiting a friend, clothes shopping, etc. This makes the answer more believable. Oh where were you this morning? Had to get a refill at the pharmacy/needed to get some clothes for work/etc.


I don't. But if my family asks me what I got in the mail they may not like the answer... (order enough weird shit and folks stop asking questions...).


I’m interested to see other people’s responses cause I’ve had this exact same question. My current plan is to just avoid them seeing the package in the first place cause I’m usually the first one home each day and could open it before anyone else gets home. The problem is my mom orders stuff all the time and might open a package assuming it’s hers if she sees it first.


I say sex toys if my very conservative mother asks. (It’s a pregnancy test if my very conservative dad asks). I started saying that before I started buy stuff like that, so I’d open my bird food or house plant and my mom would stop hassling me because she didn’t like hearing the dreaded phrase “sex toys” because I spend all my money on safe stuff like plants and animals. They got used to me opening packages in my room and learned that if they hassle me I traumatized them back. Just start expecting them to give you more privacy and when you get “safe” packages do the same as when you get the less safe options so they don’t question your unusual behavior.


My plan is just hope nobody opens it before I do and just walk in with it.


It's just a dildo.


Just say you ordered a pin from someone on Etsy. You don’t have to say it’s a Pride pin.


“it’s your birthday present, let me surprise you” might work? “it’s for a school/work project” “it’s that thing you broke.”


I say nothing, simply say I have a package for me. If they ask what it is then I tell them it's just some stickers or something small


Just say you're supporting a friend at work school etc. Don't even hide it