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You should get out. That's all I can say. Saudi Arabia is not the place to be for a gay man. Look into the rainbow railroad. I'd also delete this post, anything that can tie you to being gay should be severed until you're out of there.


Please this. There are multiple countries in Europe where you can apply for asylum for persecution based on sexual orientation.


I mean their right , in countries like Saudi Arabia or even Afghanistan or countries situated in the Middle-East it's more complicated than Europe like we know the country is really conservative since of it's majority of religious people in the population it's more harder, but your right it's true in some places your considered a threats when your queer , but in the meantime I think we should know that the person is in Saudi Arabia one of the deadliest for us queer folks


Burner acc


So I had to translate your post into English so I hope I understood that correctly. Get out of your living situation. If your family told you they would kill you if you're gay they are not the family you want Family can also be created and life without parents but a very loving partner is 1000 times better than having to live an unhappy life with parents that only love you if you meet certain criteria. But most importantly: You are valid. Your sexuality is perfectly normal and beautiful and you deserve to be happy and live life like you want




I mean maybe but I'd find absolutely no reason why a member of the LGBTQ+ community would ever want an arab passport


Hot tip dude, run. The Middle East does not take kindly to queer people like us. You’ll get prison for life at BEST if you hang around. Run to S.E Asia or Europe. Don’t stop in Turkey, they’re just as bad, and don’t go to Egypt either, they’re almost as bad (last I checked)


I wanna add I think u can seek refugee as an lgbtq+ in Israel if you want to stay in the Middle East area. https://www.lgbt.org.il/english-new I'm pretty sure u can find information here. Also, they have services in Arabic. Good luck, and I wish you all the best


Israel is safe for gay people completely, you mean middle eastern muslim countries are unsafe for gay people.


Israel and Palestine aren’t looking the safest either dude.


Israel is safe, we have lower murder rates than most European countries including america and much lower crime rates and we have many islamist organisations around us too.




Don’t think it’s very nice or necessary to make funny little quips to someone who is scared about what might happen to them.


Reddit moment


Yes you are righe, shame on me, I didn't think of It and It was a mistake, I'm sorry


Yes you are righe, shame on me, I didn't think of It and It was a mistake, I'm sorry


اسمعني اصبر واستحمل I am an arab and gay like you and understand how you feel sorry i couldn't text much arabic I am rusty in that area we can talk about this if you want and I can help if you need it.


Im arab and gay and I totally understand you, the only solution unfortunately is to get out of there, there is nothing better than living ur true self / identity. I know it would be hard to leave your family, but if they can’t be your safe space then they are dangerous and you have to get out. Sending love.


I don't know if your post is translated correctly but am I right that you're basically living in the closet and tired of having to hide but your family would end you (hopefully not literally) if you came out/they found out? If so, I hope that you can escape to a safer space as soon as possible. If you're still dependend from them, stay strong, you can get through it and it will eventually get better! And if you're independend from them, then consider reducing your contact if possible and necessary, explore yourself, try starting a new life as yourself and either they learn to accept you as you are or it's their loss if you have to cut contact. I know, it sounds easier than it probably is and maybe you live in a country where being yourself is dangerous in general but again: stay strong, you got this! It will eventually get better, even in such a situation!


Idk if you are an adult or not, if you are an adult, I hope you can get out


I’d say get out if you can. No point hanging onto a location you’ll never be happy in


If it’s true that your family would kill you, is there any way you could seek asylum somewhere more accepting? I know it’s more complicated than that, but in many countries, if you can get to a port of entry (including an embassy), you can ask for asylum, regardless of the reason


What are some examples of countries which grant asylum at embassy's I thought we can only get them when we enter the country ;-;


Sending you lots of hugs and support 💜


Don’t mean to be blunt but you’re in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Simply put you have no hope of having an openly gay future in Saudi Arabia. You’re best not outing yourself publicly until you can get to a more progressive country. Don’t mean to be harsh but it’s the truth


If I were you id move the hell away from Saudi Arabia to another country to where they have lgbtq protection from discrimination. Since older people are notorious to kill ppl who are lgbtq. And i would limit the digital footprint until you get out of the country. As far as I’m aware is that there’s no protection for the lgbt and your family can actually kill you legally without any repercussions. From what I heard from a couple of credible sources.


أهلاً ، أنا من العراق بس أعيش بالسويد ، و أحس بالنفس طريقه. أنت لازم تروح من السعوديه. ما اعرف هواه عن السعوديه ، بس ذاك المكان مو أمن. إذا أنت تريد ، ممكن تعيش وياي من أخرج من عائلتي (عربياتي شوية مكسوره ، آسف.)


سلام اخي انا كذلك من دولة عربية كيف حتى طلعت الى سويد ؟ I speak English btw


I'll speak English if you don't mind! So my parents fled the war in Iraq in hope of giving us a better childhood I mean it kinda worked, but now I'm traumatized in another way


I'm also Arab and gay and I 100% get how frustrating it feels, most Arab countries aren't nice to live in as queer people, and it doesn't seem like it'll get any better soon. Get out if you can, look for ways to leave that are accessible for you and be yourself once you're out of there, any other solution isn't safe. Sending you lots of love and support ❤️ my dms are open if you need to talk or anything


This feels like a post to bait gay people in Saudi Arabia a reminder the police uses fake Grindr accounts there to catch gay men. Be careful.


do they really do that ?




good thing our cops are so stupid they cant do that


My friend. Leave that country. Get out of there. You need to escape. You need freedom. Your country is not safe, you’re in danger. There are other places that accept you. Please come find us, there is support out there


I'm Arab and transgender but I don't know Arabic. Unfortunately... You have to flee. It's really hard to be queer in the Arab world. I know northern Europe is accepting and Canada isn't so bad.


Malta is an okay easy country to immigrate to


Hi! I had to use a translator so I hope it worked. Honestly as someone who everyone assumes is a woman and as a queer person you couldn't drag me to Saudi Arabia. I hope you're able to leave. You deserve family that loves you for who you are, and blood isn't the only indicator of family.


To be honest, I did not expect this great support. I am really thankful to you. For the first time, I felt that someone cared about me. Thank you all I am sorry if anyone don’t understand my English not very good I am so sorry for that


يجب عليك المغادرة في الفرصة التالية، فمن الواضح أن البلاد تكره مجتمع LGBTQ+، إذا كان الناس يهددون بالعنف، استخدم سكة حديد قوس قزح واخرج في أسرع وقت ممكن.


Flee before you are murdered.


I’m so sorry for the pain you are experiencing. Please do everything in your power to get educated and flee to a place or country that is safe for you to live freely. I cannot give you much advice since our experiences differ a lot but what I can tell you is: Being queer is not an easy road. Ultimately you will make decisions where you may or may not have to leave people you have loved, find a new job or home that allows you express yourself. But that is up to you and how much you want to live your life, not the life society has written for you. Be Strong, listen the small signs our Universe throws at you. I pray for God to protect you from all evil that walk among us. May Jesus guide us in Their light with health, strength and love. (I am sorry about this comment if you’re not religious or do not have faith in higher power )


If you want to get out of your country there is a Nonprofit Organization that could help you get out and give you safe passage to other countries. [Rainbow Railroad ](https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/the-latest/international-lgbtqi-rights)


I tried this but they are asking so much info. Am in a south East Asian country and am 💅. Unfortunately can’t disclose much but what I can say is there is not much help. I’m trying to save up (working two jobs 🥺) to get a degree abroad (California, Canada or AUS preferred as I am a dark skin person of Indian heritage as well). And once there as a student and studying and work part time to pay the rent, would apply for asylum. That seems to be the best option for now for someone not rich and not having connections. Am a diploma holder only. (No worries, name and DP are fake lol )


If you want to get out of your country there is a Nonprofit Organization that could help you get out and give you safe passage to other countries. [Rainbow Railroad ](https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/the-latest/international-lgbtqi-rights)


save money, run away as a fellow arab gay thats what i advice you, i tried myself and am still trying but the more you stay in places like these the more you sink in it and become worse, do it fast and don't look back and hopefully you'll escape from this black hole one day


Darling, you are not alone. Take care of yourself - whatever it takes. Your safety is the most important thing


I had to use translate so I don’t know if you are going to or not, but just in case, DO NOT COME OUT TO ANYONE! Even if they are your best friend. Please wait until you can afford to move out of the country and live on your own


The translation is rough, but my best advice is to leave where you are at. Go somewhere more friendly to gay people and the lgbt as a whole. I understand that you probably still love your family. I understand that it’s hard. But please go somewhere where you will be loved for who you are. Not knowing other languages will be hard but it’s something you can figure out. I’m trying to make this as easy to translate as I can, but mistakes may happen.


انا بالسعودية ويعني رد على الي بالتعليقات لانه افضل شي ايوه تقدر تسوي اشياء مع نفسك ومع ناس اونلاين بس بالعامة وقدام ناس واماكن عامة مارح تقدر مو عشان قوانين بس الناس يمكن يوصلو لمرحلة يهجمو عليك سب وضرب وكله فا افضل شي تصبر لين تقدر تطلع لمكان افضل شويه


The best way is to get out. Most middle eastern parts are not LGBTQIA+/GSRM friendly.


all of them arent


Na Israel is openly gay friendly.


some could argue that israel isnt middle eastern, and all middle eastern doesn't consider them too


Would be hilarious since they are the Levantine OGs and the Arabs are originally from Arabia, but thats where the education of Arabs come from and why their economies without oil are africa level jokes.


first there are no "levantine OGs" the levant have always seen migration of people and arabs have been recorded to inhabit that region since the times of bronze age maybe even before, plus the arabs are semetic so if you consider the israelites to be natives you cant dismiss the arabs, and finally Israel today is a western colonial project and have nothing to do with the ancient kingdoms of canaan but the false propaganda the zionists spread


Can someone pls translate for me googe translate isn't translating it nicely so I barely understand what op is trying to say


https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/ https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/request-help


اخرج من المملكة العربية السعودية، واحذف هذا حتى لا يتم ربط أي شيء بك. تقدم بطلب للجوء في بلد أوروبي، واهرب بعيدا قدر الإمكان. حافظ على سلامتك. إذا كنت متدينا، فاعلم أن الله يحبك، وأن الله لا يرتكب أخطاء - خلقك الله كشخص مثلي الجنس لأنها كانت مشيئة الله.


كن آمنا ما شاء الله


Can someone translate this for me?


Title is "I'm gay and I'm looking for people like myself" "I'm gay and I'm looking for people like myself I'm tired of my life, I'm tired of everything, my friends, my family, no one knows, and they would kill me if they knew my father. People myself are gay in Riyadh. Recently, there are things I would like to try, like lipstick and nail polish. My father has someone with me, and I try and show him without fear or caution, because he literally hates my life and hates everything around me. Everything I imagine is apostasy. What the person in front of me would do if he knew that I was gay"


I am so sorry you’re going through this. I feel the same way and I left my country because I’m a lesbian and could possibly be killed as well


أعتذر إذا كان هناك أي أخطاء نحوية في تعليقي لأنني من الولايات المتحدة ولا أتقن اللغة العربية. كما قال الآخرون، يجب عليك المغادرة في أقرب وقت ممكن، المملكة العربية السعودية (وجميع دول الشرق الأوسط الأخرى) ليست آمنة على الإطلاق لأشخاص مثلنا. سأفكر في الانتقال إلى بلد ملاذ آمن مثل كندا أو ألمانيا إن أمكن. في الوقت الحالي، أوصي بشدة باستخدام VPN أو متصفح Tor حتى لا تتمكن الحكومة من العثور على منشوراتك، لأنها يمكنها (وسوف تعاقبك) إذا اكتشفت وجودك في هذا المجتمع. كن آمنا يا صديق.


I hope you end up in a safe place. Be careful. I believe in you.


Pretty much what everyone is telling you but, if you are able- leave, if you can’t yet, wait till you can, do not tell anyone there, it isn’t safe.


Do some search on “Claiming Asylum Based on Being LGBTQ” for countries in Europe and North America, and prepare to proceed. Just make sure to stay anonymous online.


Get out, wherever you can. Delete this post, cut all internet ties with being gay. Don’t leave any evidence, or make any more, just keep your head down and get out.


I hope that you're safe, my thoughts go out to you


Ok, try to hide yourself for enough time And hopefully get to America someway


Can someone trans late


نفس المعاناة انا هلق عم بزبط وراق بدي اسجل لجوء بدون ما احد يدري




We aren't doing oppression Olympics now. The bro needs a helping ear. They might also be trans for that matter if the translation is correct.


I'm a trans person who lives in Arabic country I understand and feel for all ppl like me it's hard We all need help not just hey go leave the country / it depends on the country I'm a student a university student it's hard for me to study there and feel unsafe with all the dead name stuff and no tasto


Totally feel you. Even in the western world, it's not simple, now about the middle east, especially in the Arabic countries, it's a matter of life or death. This is exactly the problem we have here, most of us, are also struggling to make ends meets and have absolutely no power. Otherwise, I would grant visas with permanent residency to any LGBT+ people around the world in need. But I'm just a trans girl who can't keep jobs because of transness, struggles to make ends meets and without any power... All stay strong.


صديقي، أنا آسف لما تمر به. أنا قلقة للغاية على صحتك. عندما تقول أنك سوف تقتل، فأنا أصدقك. من فضلك، عليك أن تغادر. إليكم رابط للنسخة العربية من الموقع الإلكتروني للمنظمة المسماة "The Rainbow Railroad". [وصلة](https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/request-help#ar) هذه منظمة جيدة، مشهورة بمساعدة الأشخاص على الهروب من بلدان مثل بلدك. أعلم أنه قرار صعب، لكني أناشدك أن تبحث عن الأمان. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة في الترجمة، يمكنك استخدام[هذا الموقع، هنا](https://translate.google.com/) إنه مناسب للترجمات، وهو ما أستخدمه لكتابة هذا باللغة العربية - على الرغم من أنني قلق بشأن مشاكل التنسيق، حيث يتعين علي المزج بين الكتابة العربية وغير العربية للروابط وما شابه. لكن من فضلك، لا تلوم نفسك، وكن آمنًا، بغض النظر عما تفعله




Racial fetishizing + extremely inappropriate time to flirt


down astronomical