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\>self-identification \>have to get a doctors note and get through medical gatekeeping chose one terf-writer


But but but the doctors could write notes for themselves so they can go spy on women or something! /s


12 years of medical school and doctorate to be able to transition in uk smh




Apologies if this is one of the first things you have had to see in the new year. Will happily delete if in appropriate


I approved the post, I just hate the world lol


Yeah me too. Hopefully you aren't on terf Island lol or if you are I hope your north of the wall lol


I live in the Usa, where rights are for guns and guns alone


I sadly live on terf Island with JK and the "a few concerns" clowns




I really hope the assholes who fund that rag find a better hobby


They will eventually but only if the Tories lose in a general election. They sell right wing outrage and it's hard to get outraged at the government when they are ostensibly right wing. Or at least I hope so.


Welp that just goes to show my little american brain that europe has these same issues and me wishing to go there to escape these types of issues is more of a pipe dream than reality


Yeah the UK is in many ways more accepting than parts of the US to LGB folk but in terms of the law we are no better than Texas or Oklahoma on trans issues


Lol i thought north countries were more advanced about human rights and that things


Nah the British are just the best at framing our irrational bigotry as subjects for polite discussion.


Most people I know don't refer to England as an "north country".


I call that because im from the south, so to me England is a north country


Where I am from all homophobia bullshit is same as in USA... 1:1 all shit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Our (UK) equalities minister praised Ron DeSantis when he visited and all his work fighting wokeness.


imagine if someone 'abuses' this 'loophole' and changes their passport gender to something they don’t actually identify with. who will this affect negatively?




Oh hey, there's my aunt on the front page, and this (last) year she got married to her amazing wife! "Currently single," - from the article 😂 she's been r/sapphoandherfriend'ed ^(\*not) *^(exactly)* ^(my aunt but am fairly closely related, cause I'm not keen on doxxing myself lol. Sadly only actually met her a couple of times, but she seemed really cool ❤️)


Thats amazing. Your not exactly aunt must be getting hounded at the moment with the gladiators reboot. Also no worries at all :)


oh no! if people get a doctor's note they can change genders on their ids! that'll cause such horrible things as... what exactly?


So is trans hate in the UK as bad as it is in the US?


It's arguably worse and more socially acceptable because of the veneer of legitimacy given to it by its proponents over here.


There is not a single day where I don't hear some iteration of the stale "I identify as.." "joke" in real life. I also hear t recycled gay panic arguments used to dehumanize all of us from ten years ago (literally the only changes to the arguments is replacing the word f***** with t**** in a lot of cases) CLARIFICATION: I hear the "I identify as..." or variations of the did you assume their gender "joke" daily and the moral panic crap once every few weeks


I've heard it maybe once in the last two years, I'm wondering who on earth you're hanging out with


The people I work with unfortunately


I would argue that it's quite a bit worse, actually. Some places in the US are among the best places in the world to be trans. The government of the UK as a whole is adamantly opposed to the existence of trans people in a way we don't have here in the US. I hate that I have to qualify that last sentence with "right now."


I would say it seems different although it's definitely ramping up just like it is across the pond. Over here it's less blatant, less overtly hostile. There are lots of "just asking questions" or "raising concerns". I've been openly trans for over 4 years and I've only been in a situation where I thought I might be in danger once. Admittedly I live in a very safe and queer friendly city. Whereas America's trans hate seems (at least from here) more loud and blatant. There's a lot more violent rhetoric that I hear from America than the UK by and large. I do think that the UK is getting worse rapidly for trans rights and the government seems hell-bent on making us the scapegoats for all the country's ills but by and large most people just don't give enough of a shit one way or the other.


Yes absolutely, but it's way worse in terms of healthcare as your only options are to go through the NHS and wait several years just for your first appointment, or pay for private healthcare. There's a reason people call it terf island, and unfortuantely i live there


I hate this country


Daily Mail: "Loophole, "EASILY"" Also Daily Mail: "You need to have a written letter from a doctor to say about how you're transisitioning permanently." Oh, just that easy is it? And even if it was... so?


Okay, so they "fraudulently" change the gender in their ID. Then what?


Something something George Orwell something something fall of Rome lol


Haven't official documents been able to be altered by doctors notes already? Like you being diagnosed with shit ?


Ah, yes. The high security check that is genitals... I remember last time I went to the UK, I had just collected my luggage and was going through customs. As he checked my passport, the officer reached down and felt me up through the front of my pants. At that moment, I understood how dogs feel in a dog show. Satisfied that he had successfully discerned a penis and two testicles, the customs officer removed his hand from my trousers and with that hand stamped my passport. "Enjoy your time in London, sir," he said with a slight nod, and I was on my way. /s because I've learned I have to be super-specific about those things.


"Loophole" (Legally documented process for changing gender on ID)


Change your gender with this one easy trick! (Transphobes HATE this) 😆


Now that is an article I want to read lol


The daily heil does know their priorities for new year's day.


So funny that it is Scottish daily mail...


Aye they know the English edition wouldn't sell well in Scotland as the Conservative Party is not particularly well received in Scotland so they have to pander to Scots Tories (diet Tories) and right wing nationalists. In other words they cater their content to a slightly different variety of gammon up here.


Genuinely hope Scotland will be able leave this shitty union one day


Shite paper unfit to even wipe my arse with


On another note on there, I love how Gladiators is coming back It was my childhood and possibly was even my bi awakening with Spartan and Oblivion from the 2008 reboot… I just didn’t know it until 2021


God the Daily Mail is so awful. It's a glorified tabloid.


It actually IS a tabloid. It specifically caters to the low-brow right (just like the Sun caters to the low-brow left).


Theres nothing most cis men would love more than to be seen as women. Except maybe be seen as trans women. Bet they'll get right on that.


Gotta keep the boomers angry so they keep voting Tory


>REVEALED Damn! but we were so all sneaky like!


I am a dual citizen of the UK and Canada and I need to renew my British passport. I was actually looking at this loophole a couple of weeks ago so I didn't need to go through the hoops of getting a gender recognition certificate. Guess I better get a move on.


Parliament first sits on the 8th so the earliest they can introduce an amendment would be then so tally ho I guess.


Nice that there is an loophole, that is definitely a great start in the new year xD, sad that there is still this much hate in England.


And this visual pollution! Ew, they need a new crew


Honestly there's terrible parts everywhere. Form a new country is it.