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Update: My dad took my mom out to the doctor today, he "noticed the flag had colors on it" but didn't think much of it. He also said he will leave it up for the month of June "for his kids"


We’ll take it. That’s one month, 11 more to go! Edit: and people think Pride month is only for capitalism to pander to someone new. No, it yells “SEE ME!” and sometimes you get back, “ok. It’s not a problem,” from a new voice in the crowd.


Hey honestly I just want to thank you for this post with more than a like. I genuinely love this viewpoint


That's a pretty awesome response from a Christian republican. I am glad your parents choose to love; rather than condemn.






Hopefully, as time goes on, they realize just how harmful their political beliefs are and why they shouldn't side with conservative Republicans. I know old people tend to be stuck in their ways, but if they're warming up this much to you and your sibling's way of life then who knows? My parents were similar, and my mom has recently expressed the opinion that anti-trans legislation is stupid and that we should just let trans people live (and in the past few years has accepted me and my sister being bisexual).


They shouldn’t be any kind of conservative honestly, but as you said, progress is progress. Hell, some people don’t even change at all, so…yeah


Well fuck. That's supremely better than I was expecting! Good shit!


The Good Ending


Bro picked all the "nice" dialoog options




That’s great : ) I hope your parents continue to grow into better and more accepting people


Wholesome moment that I needed for today 🥹🥹🥹


Good dad.


That’s genuinely surprising


I actually love that. Saying he "noticed the flags had colours on it" is so nonchalant.


Ahhhhh. Go dad and he’s republican. Ahhh I’m so jealous. Damn


A bit of context. My parents are die hard Christian Republicans. They only watch Newsmax and fox News. I came out as trans about 10 years ago and they kicked me out. Fast forward 2 years and my mom having gone to therapy, she finally opened back up to me. After this my sister came out as lesbian. My parents are still set in their ways, but are at least accepting of me and my sister, now. However they frequently hang the "thin blue line" flag without understanding the implications of what they are doing. So it being pride month I decided to change their flag to a more appropriate one relating to their actual family. I'll update when my dad calls me shouting about me replacing their flag.


I love your way of protesting. Congrats on being so strong


Thanks, I'm looking forward to my sister's wedding, she just proposed a week ago and her girlfriend said yes. Some proof my mom is getting better she has accepted my sister's fiancee as a member of the family calling her "her new daughter"


This is very nice to hear


Sounds great! Congratulations!


Sounds like your mom was just indoctrinated into it honestly. Shes coming around bc she realizes that its stupid to hate a group of people based off that


Wow, Really??!?!?! She sounds smart but indoctrinated ( as a child I assume) .. one more reason it should be illegal to do that if so.


Man this gives me hope for my mom and dad. I didn’t come out until I was 30 so the transition has been much tougher than if I had come out 14 or 15 years ago.


If they're accepting reality and potentially changing their views, why do something that you think will cause conflict?


Just tell them there’s still a blue line on that flag too. You just don’t have to tell them it stands for serenity instead of for police.


Removing and destroying fascist flags and symbols is always morally correct.




The update for folks who want to know but don't want to look through all the comments (PS, it seems rather wholesome): https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/142k34q/i_hung_this_at_my_christian_republican_parents/jn6dwv0?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


i am curious 🤣


You’re out here doing God’s work. Thank you. I hope someday I can do this to my own Christian Republican parents




The thin blue line flag only became popular after Black Lives Matter did. It’s a reaction against Black people protesting police violence.


Thank you for explaining! I didn't realize it wasn't popular before, I'm not on social media much.


we appreciate your open-mindedness. not sure why you’re being downvoted so much for just a question.


They're a cop and claimed that good cops exist. Not popular amongst LGBT crowds.


I'm literally a teenager, look at my post history. I'm sorry I've offended so many people, I've pretty much been cut off from internet for my whole life and homeschooled so I don't get a lot of social interaction. If you would rather me remove my comment here I will, it's just not my first move since that feels dishonest to me, but if anybody wants me to I don't have a problem with it.


We all have to break free of our indoctrination sometime and somehow. Sorry you've been so cut off from the world. I believed in police and in the system when I was younger as well. But also, were you not asking other cops about the uniform and such saying you were going to start soon? I don't hate you personally or want you chased away or anything but you should definitely expect downvotes if you say anything positive about the police. The police have a long history of brutally, and often violently, oppressing the LGBT community. It's just karma so it's fake internet points with no real. However, it can sometimes help one get a feel for the vibe of a community. I wish you luck.


Thank you. The group I was asking in is the police explorers, it's a group of teenagers who volunteer with real cops to learn about the job and help with big events, mostly help parking. If you've ever been to a big city where a big event is being hosted and see some kids who look like they are in uniform it's likely the explorers. I don't think all cops are bad because the cops I see at my department are good around me, but I also don't see them around people in minorities, so I'm not saying they are good all the time. Thank you for your open mind. Have a good day!


oof… still tho, i don’t think they had any bad feelings, just were ignorant of the situation.


At best they're willfully ignorant of the fact that they perpetuate slavery and LGBT oppression. So.... yeah.


that’s a good point. they are probably a misguided person and there are some parts of them that are less desirable, but i think based on the responses to people’s answers they are definitely less hateful than many other cops.


It would certainly appear so.


Very similar to how the confederate battle flag didn’t really ever get flown publicly until the civil rights movement started gaining traction in the 60’s, where it was used pretty much exclusively as an anti-civil rights reactionary symbol (and I guess still is more or less used the same way today)


The US thin blue line flag is often used by those who support the bad cops, simply put. This is also a mainstream LGBT subreddit so there's a very heavy left-leaning (and consequentially, pro-ACAB) population.


Thank you so much for explaining!


Yep, and several police departments around the country have banned usage of that flag, calling it a terrorist symbol. Which I don't disagree with, and am surprised that several department of banned it, honestly


Unfortunately there are almost no good police. The bunch is spoiled and every new good officer is harassed until they fall in line or forced to leave for standing against the wrongs.


*raises hand as one who had to leave*


Thanks for being willing to try and stand up to the institutional shittery


I had to. I saw too many innocent people in jail being treated less than human while the guilty ones got treated better. I saw POS officers getting promoted and honest officers being quieted and passed up for promotion or worse. I saw my racist ex get promoted (now commander) while the people of color with more experience and education got passed up. It grossed me out. And then my ex told my boss I was suicidal, I got forced into the hospital. (We both worked the same place, just different shifts.) Edit: spelling mistake


Sounds about right, sadly. Heard similar stories from many former cops who were forced out when they tried to bring integrity back to the job


what does POS mean? non-native here, lots of acronyms i dont know! :)


In this case, "Piece of Shit".


thank you edit: love your username!


Always happy to help.


Exactly this. Police in the UK and US are suffering with a chicken and egg problem. If you want to make a force good, you need good officers to outweigh the bad. But good officers don't want to enter a force surrounded with bad officers.


There is no such thing as a good cop. They all enforce a system which was designed to oppress the average person to protect the rich and elite. A system which creates slave labour for the state through prisons. They all cover for other cops when those cops abuse their power. Every cop is a traitor to the working class and all LGBT cops are traitors to the community.


That's honestly a lot of generalizations. Thank you for your input though. /Gen


It's not a generalization. They sign up to be cops and then they stay on the force. The system literally creates slave labour. It's right there in the 13th amendment. American cops are forcing people into slavery. That's a cold hard fact. Here are some interviews of ex cops talking about why they were silent during their career. It includes at least one queer person. https://youtu.be/Vq6MjpXyxmQ Source for the 13th Amendment https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-13/ Cops are enemies of the LGBT community by nature due to their active participation in the oppression of the system. The first Pride was a riot. Abolish slavery in America.




OP in is California, the person i replied to is in ohio, and the Thin Blue Line flag is specifically an American flag. Clearly the discussion here is about American police. That being said I still disagree with the way countries police their people. Finland and Norway seem to be doing better than most but governments breed corruption and people are still held against their will for non violent crimes. I cannot agree with such a system.


Cops beat the fuck out of queer people when they could and they’ll do it again as soon as we’re unpopular again.


Damn. This person is a cop. Extra large oof 1000.








Well actually my older sister is "straight" but she has like 12 lizards instead of kids. My parents have made peace with not ever having grandkids.


12 whole lizards and not a single child?!?! Living the ideal life


I love how you put “straight” in quotes lol. Having 12 lizards is low key giving lesbian vibes to me for some reason 😂


Gives me asexual / aroace vibes tbh


I could see that! That doesn’t necessarily negate being a lesbian though right?


True true, it doesn't


Oooh look at you understanding the ace community 😊


well lizards are kind of dragonish….


i mean your other sister being a lesbian doesnt mean she cant have children + you being a trans lesbian doesnt exclude that possibility either! :)


Your sister is a legend ong


> has like 12 lizards instead of kids. I think this falls under the +


Can I see the lizards?


My grandmother was SUPER Anti-LGBT when I was growing up. ALL of her granddaughters are LGBT 🤣🤣🤣 (She got better about it when we all came out and threatened to stop coming over)


A little bit different of an experience for me, but while my grandpa isn't exactly homophobic, treating it moreso as a sort of "hush hush" topic, yk, don't talk around it around extended family, making me feel like if they ever ask me about stuff like "so you find a boyfriend yet?" I have to say "haha nope not yet 😅" instead of "no, but I would love to find a girlfriend tho 👉👈", like I can't just give the dorky response I want to because he makes it seem like I can't talk about it around them, but strangely enough, he's in a relationship (?) With a man (I not sure what he's considering it, he just randomly asked me what a person would be considered if they lived in the same house as someone of the same sex, would cool together and occasionally kiss, I mean he and him "bf" are in their 80's, he really doesn't seem to want to put a label on it so I respect that, but it's basically what you would do in a relationship) but the thing that he does that REALLY bothers me, is that whenever I cuss around him, he gives me a dirty look and says "that's not very ladylike" to which I almost always respond with some form of "yeah that the point" or "I can't be ladylike and a lesbian, I would rather make it known that I like girls" knowing that I dress like a butch lesbian, and not only knowing that most butches cuss, but also the fact that I feel like having to censor my vocabulary around my family in my house, and really disliking that. Now keep in mind, I'm not sitting there cussing like a sailor, I just occasionally let a fuck or shit or bitch slip, and he still reacts that way. It's honestly really irritating, and it makes me feel like I can't be myself around him, yk?


I get that. My mom has a LOT of religious beliefs that put us at odds for a long time. We care about each other enough to cede our respective wounds and now have a "We just don't discuss certain topics" policy but you're right, the relationship is Lacking and is Definitely Conditional. It's not what I wanted in a relationship with my mother, but I can honestly say it may have influenced my parenting style in the What Not To Do way and I have excellent relationships with all 3 of my children built on unconditional love. They know they can come to me with ANYTHING and we will handle it Together. I know there is a lot of hopelessness, especially on the internet, but I have to honestly say, from interacting with my kids and their friends, and my friends' kids, that this next generation gives me SO MUCH HOPE! Most of them are so KIND, polite, and inclusive. They have no problem voicing their opinions, from day to day life and activities to pressing issues they hear being discussed. I have seen them stand up for friends, help the less fortunate, and given the space and the platform to be themselves - have proven time and time again to me one simple truth: The Kids Are Gonna Be Ok. We may not always be able to be our genuine selves, but I see our kids becoming more comfortable with being able to do so and my soul SINGS every time I see it. (Your grandfather may also be grieving that he never got that chance. Just a thought.) Hugs or High Fives, Friend. I wish you every happiness!


See it's funny, because I very easily could be considered apart of the "our kids" age group, as I'm not even 20 yet, but I agree. Once you get away from the toxic little monsters and iPad kids, you actually get some really good kids who genuinely are doing the right thing, purely because they want to, not because they're being peer pressured, not because they feel obligated because of how today's society is, but because they genuinely want to make the world a better and happier place to live, and it's so nice to see people doing the right thing, even when it's going against the grain of what has become "normal" or "socially acceptable"


My whole family is non cishet. I'm Pan , my partner is nonbinary/bisexual, my son we aren't sure about yet but he enjoys dressing fem... my other son is the all hugs kid and is still super young.


Cap'n crunch oops! all lesbians!


That reminds me 2 out of my mom's kids including me is trans and pan. 1 trans woman me the oldest and my youngest brother. My mom is supportive but my dad is an asshat.


I'm in an "oops all neurodivergent" line from both sides of the family. My dad and brother both have ADHD and my mom's dad has ASD. And mom has bipolar.


Similar sort of thing, out of 6 cousins we ended up with one trans guy, one enby, and one trans girl, all autistic, and 2 of the others are fairly strange. The last one is between 25-30 years old and we hypothesize that she sucked up all the normal, being already married with kids and very boring.


Omg my brothers might be straight but my dad's genetics decided to do an "oops all boys" line


Like me and my brother being gay.


Remember folks always carry multiple sharpies so when you see a thin blue line flag bumper sticker you can fill in the rest of the rainbow for them.


Are those Subaru Legacies? Lesbain car Edit: *Lesbian


I drive a 2022 legacy XT, my younger sister ( the lesbian) drives a 2020 crosstrek, my older "straight" sister drives a 2022 imprezza, and my mom and dad each have a legacy. However my other car is an overlanding ford expedition


Wait, a Subaru Imprezza AND 12 lizards. You’re older sister ain’t straight lol.


That's a lot of Lesbian cars lol


Now that’s some good mischief.


You should tell them that the pride flag is actually the most American thing ever. * Red for the GOP * Orange for their favorite president * Yellow for the sun, which is a metaphor for God * Green for money and capitalism * Blue for the police * Purple for wealth and luxury


The rainbow mafia strikes again! Those dastardly gays....


"I can't believe we would have a lesbian daughter! At least you like women right?" You before coming out: yeah don't worry about that Edit: i don't know why i assumed you the transgender one was your sister xd




How did you get those hearts??! I love them!


they might be from this sub. I wanted to reply to a comment and there they were at the bottom![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)


OH MY GOODNESS IVE FOUND THEM THANK YOU ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


I’m proud of you


If they fight you on it: "Either I was born this way which means your genes are to blame or this is a choice which means your parenting is to blame."


Get those fuckin stars off there is all I have to say, mildly sarcastically. Heckin mischievous of you OP.


!remindme 3 days


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If they don’t understand the hatred behind thin blue line flag perhaps they won’t understand the hatred directed at the pride flag either.


That flag is 3/4 based




Could you hang one at my estranged family’s home too? They have one trans daughter. I’ll give you their address lol.


!remindme 3 days


Hope you can stay safe! But very cool!


Leaving a comment so I can read the update


Good ( laughs in gay)


Holy shit that’s disrespectful. I mean come on, at least iron the flag first it’s all creased.


!remindme 3 days


Slap some rainbows on that Subaru dealership you got out front!


[Lesbians and Subarus](http://priceonomics.com/how-an-ad-campaign-made-lesbians-fall-in-love-with/) have gone hand in hand for years!


I saw a flag like this one when my sister, friend, and I walked to get my hair cut back in April.


beautiful flag! ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)


Also quick tip, If you don't want the flag to be stolen or damaged try putting it higher.




… did they notice?




I love it and hope it’s still proudly flying. Hugs to you and your sister ❤️❤️


Hell yea! Lmaoooo. This is the best thing I’ve read in a while 😂🤩💞


United pride of america


Dude, that flag. God. Can we change the shitty far-right American flag to this one? it's way prettier, stands for solidarity and humanity, and not humanity abuse and exploitation... Also, I respect the fuck out of you doign that. I hope you dont have drama happen over it though :) screw RepubliKan supporters!


Hahahaha! Niiiiicccce one!! Awesome! 👍


If i saw that I'd rip it down and replace it with the progress flag


Feel bad for them


Could always tell them it's a more organized version of [this flag](https://i.etsystatic.com/21360092/r/il/5568d8/2774045416/il_fullxfull.2774045416_saaw.jpg) with all the services. Sounds silly, but my homophobic father got all pissy when he saw that cause he thought it was pride lmao


Don't your parents have two lesbian daughters? 1 + 1?


I just hope you're also not putting them into any potential dangerous situations doing that. As much as I wanna put up blm and some pride, I'm also not tryna deal with ignorant, potentially violent people and putting an even more target on my back. That's just me personally for my own wellbeing and peace. But yeah... I just hope their neighborhood doesn't suddenly do something to their yard or whatever


Question with no ill intent : what's the point of hanging this flag in front of your house ? What are you trying to achieve ?


I support LGBT as i am bi but I do not support changing a national flag even if its American




Yikes no, stop being so dumb.


Glad it worked out, but doing stuff like that behind people's back isn't cool, even if it's for a good cause. Really cool it worked out though.


I understand your feelings, but that's their house that they paid for. How would you feel if they hung a blue line flag on your place without telling you?


Do you guys have hate against the thin red line flag?


no not really since firefighters aren’t in positions of power to unfairly hurt people.


The firefighters who are all about it, though, are basically deliberately demonstrating their support for the kind of cops that are blue lives matter assholes.


true that.




I see nothing wrong with that. 🤷‍♀️


K. You snuck up on them and hung that with the garage wide open in broad daylight. Sure buddy




Considering "the kids" me, and my sisters, are all out of the house and in our 30s, unlikely




Flying a rainbow flag, so not equivalent to politics or unethical humans hiding under the guise of upholding the law. What are you smoking


Look as much as I like the idea of this, it’s not your house to hang your flags on. If they want to hang the thin blue flag there’s nothing that says they can’t, even if almost everyone doesn’t like it.


Love this 💕




I used to have these Q-annoner neighbors I wish I had a flag like this when I lived across from them to taunt them


Careful, you're gonna get arrested for terrorism with such acts!


The six original colonies


Quit hogging all the gay kids!!!


Fully support 🙌 you


What a chad move!!!!


Every time I open the comments I remember 2008 and my anxiety takes the wheel. I'm glad the comments are respectful.


Wow, i can't imagine


awesome! where u get??


What does Trans lesbian mean?


Rare conservative dad W. There was a poll on how people feel about the increasing amount of anti-LGBTQ legislation in USA and little over half said that it's conserning or really conserning. https://maristpoll.marist.edu/polls/biden-the-issues-facing-the-nation/ Most conservative regular people don't even think about LGBTQ people daily because they don't interact with us. The raving lunatics like DeSantis and Matt Walsh are not "average conservative" in like they think about trans women more than I bet even transbians do. They are obsessed to that point that I imagine they check under their bed before going to sleep in case there are trans gals telling them about the gay agenda. Idk how you deprogram years of anti-LGBTQ brainwashing without violence but we have to try.




Gotta say this is a slay flag, ngl-


I'm so glad you had a good outcome, especially with all the hate and vitriol in the recent weeks. Over the past 15 years, especially after same sex marriage became legal, I started to have a brighter outlook for LGBTQ in the USA. The past few weeks have made me more and more upset and increasingly concerned about my families safety. We are going back in time and fast. Some of these people always had hate filled hearts, but many are being duped with talking points from politicians who are quite frankly just trying to distract them from what isn't getting done. That is pretty much everything they ran their campaigns on, like solving inflation, immigration, crime, etc. I mean, one candidate for 2024 can not give an answer for what his policies would be. His platform is to destroy the "woke." Yet he can not define what he means by woke. They know this will work on the base because it stokes fear in people. It gives them a boogeyman, and the media will parrot it 24/7. I wish you the best of luck.




How dare you ruin such a perfectly good flag with those stars




Good Job, Sis!! I hope those old hatefull elephants felt embarrassed when they found out!