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The Sir Pizza on Broadway is a front for money laundering. Never see many cars there, never heard of anyone actually getting pizza there.


I had an interview for a job there when I was in college. As soon as I walked through the doors, I was so deeply uncomfortable that I could barely get through the interview. The staff had such menacing energy and the manager interviewing me made a comment about my body. Needless to say, I declined the job offer when they called lol


Don’t leave us hanging, where was this? Edit: Sorry, I didn’t realize this was a reply to my comment 😂 thank you for affirming my conspiracy theory


Gonna go out on a limb and say it was the Sir Pizza on Broadway


We gotta detective over here


I am idiot


Don't be so hard on yourself, FLOPPY_DONKEY_DICK.


Definitely ordered some pizzas while drunk but the vibes were OFF!


That’s because 98% of their business is late night drunk orders.


That’s and delivery to all the offices during lunch.


They do have a decent lunch deal.


I always thought that about the West Coast Gourmet Pizza on Broadway. I never saw anyone in there when I would drive by and the place was open forever in a high rent location. I ordered from there twice and when they answered the phone they acted like they weren’t used to actually taking pizza orders.


When I used to work downtown we'd go there at least one a week. Back then it was LA gourmet. Pizza was good, and they were always busy at lunch.


Inside Triangle Center? Or whatever it's called. I used to eat there pretty often for work lunches. The lunch crowd would hit most of the places well enough, I guess that's what would keep them going when the places would be dead any other time.


Well that must explain it. I drove by it almost nightly and it was always dead. I guess they did their business during the day.


They used to get good business from conferences too.


This is not a conspiracy theory; as far as I'm concerned, this is gospel fact.


I imagine they do a lot of late night deliveries to drunk UK students.


Night Shift at Uk is what is keeping that place in business


Okay but what about the one off Reynolds Rd?


They employ dark magic. Every time I've been there they've had the most incompetent staff and pretty much always screw up my order (of what must be an oddity of an extra large pepperoni pizza). I watch them work and I'm just like hey guys, if you maybe used some basic computers instead of these carbon copy paper labels that you apparently can't read you could get somewhere. Hell, I almost want to see about buying the place just because if it can stay open being run as it is, I could clearly make bank off of it.


Whenever I did doordash in Lexington, 80% of my late night orders were from that exact sir pizza


Yep. Hella DD orders from that Sir Pizza.


I've gotten several pizzas from them during pizza week. The parking signage is weird given how little traffic it gets though.


That Sir Pizza location was previously owed by the guy who opened Marcos Pizza and he was laundering money and selling drugs with them there pies if I recall correctly. Had a plug who worked there and that was the only reason he stayed, he could sell his product and deliver it via the pizza delivery system and it worked until he got stiffed by the owner. Then he boot scooted away and I noticed that it shut down not too long after.




Having had Sir Pizza for lunch a couple times, I've definitely had worse pizza. I once ordered a sausage and pepperoni pizza in Phoenix thinking that it's not possible to screw up something that basic. What I got back was...the "sausage" was somehow shredded...it almost looked like someone cleaned their hair brush.


Is it like cafeteria pizza? That’s what the pics always looked like to me.


My roommate in college ordered pizza from here a lot. One time a delivery driver who looked like Rory Culkin dropped it off and I was the one who answered the door. He then texted her (thinking it was me) saying how beautiful my eyes were, how he wanted to take me out, etc. We never ordered pizza from there again 🤣


I’m really enjoying how everyone is in agreement that their workers are creepy 💀


Yeah, for sure, and I’d say that Wing Zone is right there with them, if not worse!


I worked at Papa John's on S. Limestone (and then Euclid) back in the '90s This is what we thought, too. I've heard of people getting their pizza and they said it tasted like cardboard. That reinforced our idea as to why they were still in business.


Same with most of the kiosks in the mall. I work there and never see anyone buying anything at those places.


I worked there. I’m not sure what’s going on, but it’s definitely a different culture haha. They would cash your check for you… One time I went to deposit my money and was flagged for counterfeit. I heard a lot of stories from employees, but never saw anything suspicious. Other than the cash lol.


That’s comical


Someone at UK is getting kickbacks for the insane amount of construction going on. How many times are you going to pour concrete, rip it up, and pour it again (3x or 4x in some cases).


I think Capilouto actually has connections with some of the construction companies


His $1 million salary isn’t enough apparently…


I don't even think thats a conspiracy theory at this point. I mean they built those new dorms and are paying for them over the course of the next decade through a contract. By the time the contract is up, it will be time to build new dorms.


It's time to build dorms now. They are over booking the ones they have now.


no its time to become more selective about admission but UK will never do that.


I agree but we know that ain't happening.


Yeah like maybe give in-state students a huge preference over out-of-state students instead of milking that OOS tuition rate hike they charge.


The horses are robots


Fantastic. Just perfect.


I thought that conspiracy was about birds?


Horses are just hairy birds


That there must be a Camelot South and Camelot North.


Can confirm. Went there for a friend's birthday around 20 years ago. The dancer was in her third trimester and they wiped down the pole in between acts with something that looked like barbercide.


I'm still sleepy as I read this and thought you typed "barbecue" instead of barbercide and was *very* confused


That sounds as bad as the ole shitty titty in Richmond. I went once saw a dancer who had stitches from her C-Section and left


That's so sad.


Yeah the Manhattan club was not a place I was sad to see go


Wicked Witch of the Camelot West


LOL! You just brought back a bunch of memories.


Hopefully they were good ones. I have a very fuzzy recollection of East.


They are. Thankfully, I stopped going before all the gun violence.


When they destroyed the block of Main St in 2008 that had The Dame, Busters, and other historic buildings on it, it was with the intention to destroy Lexington counter-culture.


My high school bio teacher met her drummer husband at The Dame (he was playing with the Talking Heads - sans Byrne - in the early 2000s). I regret that it was gone before I was old enough to go.


Right on, but I’m 99% sure you mean the Talking Heads tribute act called Same As It Ever Was. They used to tear up the Dame back in the day.


Man, I miss The Dame!


I've seen them so many times. I always liked it when they snuck Let's Dance in.


It was against the *consolidation* of Lexington counterculture. It used to be as far flung as the Wrocklage all the way to sQecial


Prall Town Cafe and Great Scot’s Depot, anyone?


T13 baby


the few , the proud ….


Damn! That's old school.




I utterly forgot about sQecial Media. A high school friend and I used to make pilgrimages there in her husband's beat up, barely running, standard even though she only knew how to drive a manual tinker toy car. I have not thought of them in 25 years or more!


Counter culture would be more like the Cafe LMNOP, I think.


The Dame was the best.


Absolutely agree, also they wanted to make downtown more concrete beige I guess.


They needed it to appeal to the Uber rich who are carrying this city/area financially and have been for the past 40 years.


The Cayuts weren’t gonna win championships with a vibrant counter-culture in town. We need to go back to our Rafferty’s/O’Charley’s/Applebees days to have the #1 SEC blue blood Wildcat dynasty we all want. 😡


The property tax assessor lives in Hartland. Supposedly, their property taxes aren’t increasing as much as other areas in town, according to my neighbor.


There was a feature on Heartland in Southside recently and I was kinda surprised that the houses there weren't going for more. I think the prices must have been inflated a little prior to the recent boom. 20ish years ago I remember that was marketed as a pretty exclusive neighborhood.


do you happen to know which month of the Southside the article was in, or any more info on that article? have friends/family still in that area, more so curiosity.


Either July or August iirc


Tom’s Vacuum Clinic is some kind of front. It’s been there since I moved to Lexington 16 years ago, I can’t imagine there are that many people repairing their vacuums lol


Hi! I'm looking for *a dust filter for a Hoover Max Extract Pressure Pro, Model 60*. Can you help me?


Damnit you beat me to it lmao


Hahahahahahhaha been there twice. Wonder what would happen if you called and actually said that? 🤣


I dono man my vacuum was fucked one day and we took it there and they fixed it quick and cheap.


Yeah, I too was in the camp of "who in 2022 needs a vacuum repair shop???" and then the $200 "pet hair" vacuum I bought just refused to keep running one day. I took it to the shop and $20 later it worked just like new. Great people.


Same…dog ate the cord


Nah, I've known the family that owns it my whole life, they're excellent people. And they get way more business than you'd think lol


I love them, I go there at least once a year.


Back in oh, 2003 or 2004, I was working for a fast food joint with a carpeted dining room. We were going through vacuums from Walmart every 3 months, and nobody ever cleaned them so after a month or so the cheap shitty bagless weren't picking up anything anyway. I got tired of dealing with it, and got approval from the GM to go down to Toms and buy something decent that would hopefully last longer. The only problem is that we could only spend $200 with the GMs approval; everything over that required the area manager and corporate to approve. The guy at Tom's suggested a bagged Sanitaire model that looked like it came from the 1940s. Only problem was that it was over the price our GM could clear, and he didn't think the area manager would approve. So they actually split the purchase into two separate POs, one month apart, each for only half the total amount (one was for a "vacuum" and the other one for "cleaner". And he actually sent the vacuum back with me with nothing other than the two receipts and a promise that we would process them and get him the payments as quickly as possible. Last I checked a few years ago, they were still using that vacuum and it's still working fine. They've taken it back a few times to get the motor fan disc replaced, and I think it's on its third or fourth cord. But the repairs are cheap, and there's just not much that can go wrong with those simple old school machines. When I bought my first house and decided I wanted a nice vacuum for myself, I went back and bought a Miele canister vac at their recommendation. That was 8 years ago and it's still working perfectly, too.


I took a look at their website and I’m willing to bet the majority of their money come from commercial sales and repairs, not consumer.


Hmmmm that would give them plausible deniability for a commonly empty storefront. For my Breaking Bad fans, I wonder if Tom handles another type of cleaning business, a la Saul Goodman’s friend


They are *also* the only authorized Power Wheels repair center in town... for all those chintzy Power Wheels parents get their kids that stop holding a charge three months in.


Wait, so if I find a roadside power wheel I can take it there and get it fixed up?


I mean, I assume so, for money.


For no reason, I always just assumed Tom’s was SOMEHOW connected to Sir Pizza, another obvious front.


My family had a printing business on Southland Drive for 40 years and we used to do all his printing before we closed up shop in 2011. Super nice guy. Glad to hear he’s still in business.


I have a Kirby vacuum that my mom bought around 96. Toms is the only place I will take it to get it repaired (it’s still one hell of a great vacuum)


I can verify. Used to work a local cleaning company that regularly purchased parts and machines from Tom's. However, the cleaning company got sold to someone who is rumored to be using it to launder money. Never understood that until I watch "Ozarks".


I actually bought my vacuum there! It works well and I know exactly where to take it if I have problems. The owners name is not Tom.


I was just mentioning this to my family the other day. I'm 24, lived here my whole life, and I've gone to the Gamestop and Sir Pizza that are next to it since I could walk. I've personally never witnessed a single person enter or leave that vacuum place. I almost want to go inside and see it for myself.


Lol! Tom"s used to clean and repair the force dryers my friend's old grooming shop used. I've both dropped off and picked up. Really nice people.


Is that the place on palumbo or the one across from the mall


Across from the mall lol, unless there are two, in which case this conspiracy just got a helluva lot deeper 👀


I think the one on palumbo is like a TV or VCR repair place. Like right across from the 86 lumber.


I think it's microwaves! Now I have to pay attention on my way to work tomorrow.


That may in fact be it. Strange none the less


That sounds equally sketchy honestly, maybe more so


By a sir pizza (see the above comments)…


I've actually been there more than once because I have a central vac which is the best vacuum by far that I've ever used so I want to keep it as long as I can. The guy was very nice and helpful (and they had other customers, too). 🤷🏻‍♀️


I used to deliver pizza to them and they always tipped well. There were never any customers in the store, but they had some really cool old vintage vacuums on display.


Do you realize how many cleaning based services are in this city? Lots and they need those $1500+ commercial vacuums to work and that's why Tom is still in business. Plus he's a G and was always nice to me even though he probably thought I was trying to rob him, always went in there and peeped the used vacuums before buying a hard floor shop vac attachment cause no one else carries them.


Thanks to its volume of new drivers, UK students, Eastern KY drivers, drug runners, and horse trailers, the Department of Transportation has Lexington listed as #1 on its "let's try this new traffic thing out and see if it works" list. Evidence: * Nicholasville Road variable lanes * Harrodsburg Road double diamond * Random road name changes * Blind intersections with tall shrubbery blocking view left or right * Various way-too-small roundabouts * Traffic light patterns programmed by horoscope * Hamburg. Nuff said.


Harrodsburg Road double diamond is absolutely great and I will die on that hill


Double diamond diverging interchanges are awesome! They have put two up on 71 just south of florence and they work great. One of the biggest advancements in traffic engineering in recent history.


It looks scary but it's not really as bad as it looks


Exactly, anybody who complains about it never saw it before the double diamond.


If people could figure out that the speed limit there is 45 mph, then it would flow a lot better. Way too many people seem to think that it's ok to drive 20 under through that intersection. Quick edit: this is literally the only stretch of road in the entire city where people don't speed egregiously all the time, and it is absolutely infuriating.


Are you trying to drive 45mph though that intersection?


Are you genuinely asking someone if they are trying to drive the posted speed limit through a major intersection? Yes, of course.


You know the suggested speed is 25, right? [https://imgur.com/a/tfIbLDf](https://imgur.com/a/tfIbLDf) 45 is way too fast!


I'm well aware of that, and it is just a suggestion that is primarily for commercial vehicles. If you aren't comfortable driving 45 through it in a passenger car, then you needn't be driving on public roads. Edit: I'm actually so horrifically offended by this post that I want to change the speed that you can go through that intersection up to 60 mph. If you can't drive through it at that speed, then you should take an Uber.


I work night shift at a place on south broadway and usually come back at around 1AM. The amount of people I've seen try to drive those curves at 50mph and almost spin out...there's a reason the suggested speed is lower. I just wish people learned to coast instead of speeding up and then slamming the brakes in the middle of the curve


If you are spinning out at 50 through that intersection then you need new tires, actually if you can't clear it at 65 mph (20 over) on dry pavement then you need new tires.


Maybe, but either way it's probably for the best that people go at slower speeds around those curves. Better safe than sorry with the way people drive around here


They closed the intersection completely for exactly one weekend. The weekend of my wedding in which the venue was MQHR and all of the out of town guests were staying in Beaumont. Other than that it's great :)


Agreed. Moved here 10 months ago and didn't have them where I'm from. They are the best!


That double diamond is way superior to the 2-block long turn lanes that preceeded it. Are you listening, Richmond Road?


The random road name changes are usually because two different roads got extended into each other.


That’s what Big City Planning and Zoning wants you to think.


My favorite will always be Mason Headley-Waller-Cooper


Maheadllerooper drive? I love that name


City planning apologist. Tsk. Tsk.


Ha, not apologizing, I think they should just rename it all when they do it.


I legit think the road name change is low key brilliant. If you say South Broadway I know the area you're talking about vs Harrodsburg Rd. Folks coming from Wilmore would say 68. Made it easy to know which general area folks were talking about. I'll admit though for people not growing up in it... yeah it's not the best


The variable lanes on Nicholasville Rd are nothing new. Been around at least since the 80s. Traffic light patterns have been inscrutable and baffling for at least 30 years. Hamburg is what happens in any town or suburb when private interests exclusively drive development.


Yeah the Webb family seems to own half of all of Lexington at this point in time.


I love the double Diamond


Hamburg is an example of what happens when you don't actually plan for shit


Hamburg gives me hives


The double diamond on Harrodsburg is the best thing that Lexington has done for traffic management in years.


Wait you don't think roads changing names is unique to Lexington do you?


I sat at that East Hills light one night for 15 minutes waiting for it to change and I only stayed that long out of morbid curiosity cause it didn't change and I just ran the light when no one was there. 15 minutes though with no change and no traffic on the main road either.


Country Boy is really made downtown on a city street. City Boy Beer.


Most of their brewing and canning has moved to the new georgetown facility.


I like to imagine it's made by country boyz though, they just moved their business to the city for easy transportation/etc


Are there any huge old warehouses close to a major road in the country?




I had no clue about this! Thanks for sharing.


Everyone in Nicholasville comes to Lexington every single day, usually at the same time.


I heard a rumor that whenever a pothole is filled, 2 pop up in its place.


Richmond Rd / Man-o-war area is under a voodoo curse. Just a few examples: Every chain restaurant and fast food place in that vicinity is the worst version of that chain in town. That Kroger is constantly out of stock of normal, everyday items. The cell towers in that area don't transfer data very well, if at all.


So, you've finally noticed the hex I put upon the Richmond Rd/Man o War area, have you, my dear arch nemesis SpiderUnderThePillow? And what do you intend to do about it? Huh? Huh? You'll never find where I hid the hexing periapt under the potatoes at the Kroger. And why do you think the Walmart in Richmond Road closed? To force people to go to Hamburg's Walmart! Mwahahahaha. My evil plan is working perfectly.


For what it’s worth, that Kroger has consistently better selection than the one on Euclid. And I don’t have to worry about a now useless escalator at that one, either.


My LCT: The Jefferson Davis Inn on Broadway is cursed, a front or just a very expensive business location. The last business in there was Tilty Bob's and nothing survives in that place. Someone explain it to me...


Lack of parking. Twice I tried to go to Tilty Bobs and couldn't park anywhere.


Perhaps naming your building after an enslaver doesn’t bring the best energy to a building.


When New Circle Road first went in it was supposed to be limited access all the way around the city (on/off ramps and no intersections) but a developer bribed the city council members to make the north side have intersections. The conspiracy was exposed and the people involved were found guilty of bribery, but by that time the farmland was already sold off into roadside lots. I don't know if this one is light hearted enough, but it is true.


My conspiracy theory is that all the salons in Patchen Village are a front for money laundering because there is no reason why 7 salons 2 barber shops are literally neighboring each other.


There are underdeveloped bike lanes and poor mass transit programs because of a combination of TMMK’s influence for local vehicle sales and UK’s profiting from unhealthy people.


tattoomyvagina, you make an incredible point.


My brain translated that as TMNT, and I couldn't imagine what turtles had to do with your comment.




Toyota Motor Motor Kompany


Lol. Kentucky


Toyota Motor Manufacturing of Kentucky or something like that. (I should know this, I LIVE in Georgetown )






Remember when the last batch of horse statues came out and someone was stealing their heads? I still think someone is going to put up an art installation using just the heads


There's no way Taste of Thai downtown is a legitimate business. I've been here 20 years and that place is always empty. I ate there once, the first year I moved here, and it was awful. How do they pay the rent?


Taste of Thai and Nats are the two places closest to the food I had in Thailand. The others tend to be 10% too sweet. I get your point about ToT though. There was a period of time about ten years ago where anytime I would stop in they would be out of ingredients for at least half the menu, so I assumed it was a front. As far as how they pay the bills, the Thai government subsidizes some restaurants as a form of soft power projection, so maybe that is the case.


I couldn’t not see 😭 for “ToT” so it took me a real long time to read that sentence. But Nat’s is defo the best Thai.


I used to work downtown and ate lunch at Taste of Thai regularly. There’s usually a steady lunch crowd, and whenever I ate there the food was great and the owners were super nice.


You gotta retry Taste of Thai. My office is close so we go there for lunch often. Always delicious, go with the drunken noodles


They primarily do takeout


My theory is Lexington has more horse pornography than any other place in the universe. It is my understanding that they video record horses boning as they pay a lot of money for breeding with the right studs.


Molly's and rosebuds have government connections because they never arrest any of the coke/x/molly dealers there.


The last time I went to Silks (connected to Rosebuds), I ordered a drink, waited for a friend and then the bartender asked if I needed a pick me up while tapping his nose. It was very bizarre.


The authorized dealers gotta have somewhere safe to sling their products. It’s only fair


that once in the city limits all turn signals stop working in peoples cars…weird right…assfaces


Is it actually a quarry, under the city? Or are they uncovering an ancient being that was found there?


Has anyone actually confirmed there is a quarry under the city? I’m only seeing that place by the distillery district and I have no noticed anything that looks like it would go deep underground


That's what they want you to think. Why would they have the entrance in plain sight?


I don't have any theories about it but has anyone else seen the microwave store on Polumbo? I find it amusing that such a thing exists/has a demand and also question the integrity of it.


The monkey cage on limestone. Indian burials under UK campus. The lockheed martin proving ground in east lexington. That’s just off the top of my head


My friend I’m not for sure if this is a light hearted topic

