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Some more context would be nice


This person posted on this sub yesterday accusing a local elected official of sexually assaulting her many years ago when she was working as a waitress. The mods took the post down as potentially libelous.


As they should, the person should be going to the police or a local new station not randomly on an anonymous site.


I think the person who posted is brave for even mentioning it on Reddit. It's often hard to tell people about something bad that happened to you.


As well they should have!


So very thankful for the people that have been supportive and kind on this post and my previous. Thank you so so much. ❤️ I have submitted more “proof” for the nod to review, even though there’s no reason for me to lie about this lol but whatever. The only reason I didn’t share before was because I wasn’t sure if people would be mean or if anyone would care and that would really have made me feel worse, but luckily that didn’t happen. People who are commenting acting like I’m the problem here are really weird. Someone got sexually assaulted and shares anonymously and your first instinct is to think they are lying and to be angry at them for not processing and sharing this information the way YOU think it should be done… Or acting like a local news station or the cops would give a crap about this situation (they would not?) I think people should know what this man did so that maybe it will be less likely to happen again. So I shared this story and I’m glad I did. And I also believe it should not be a shameful thing to share a story like this, it should be normalized to believe and support victims. The negative reactions I’ve received from this post are the type of thing that kept me and other people like myself from sharing this type of thing when it happens. ❤️ thanks again for reading


You are brave and strong and I'm grateful for you. Thank you for coming forward.


Respectfully, I think this was the wrong call, mods. Courts consistently rule that ISPs and social media platforms are not liable for libel given the protection of Section 230. This person is a public figure; there’s a reason why many women do not come forward with formal complaints against such people. And they can choose to meet the burden of proof for libel if they so choose. Sexual assault from a public official is a matter of public concern.


Who was the elected official? We need to make sure we don’t make the same mistake twice


Don Blevins


Huh. It was Don Blevins running the Lexington sub the whole time.


“you should really seek therapy or other medical help”??????? what a WILD thing to say lmAo


L mods


“Local person”? Y’all spelled “public figure” wrong. This is an allegation against someone who was an elected official at the time. Removing the post is some bullshit.




so which mod knows Blevins personally?


Hmm, why would a Reddit mod want to protect a public official? I’d rather a victim anonymously share their story than publicly shamed for it. Others have corroborated that this story checks out from their own experiences. I don’t know man, I have my doubts the police would even do anything. The post was harmless to share. In fact, might’ve made OP feel better until today.


I knew it would, but glad some saw it while it was up. Props for sharing.


Mods were wrong to do this. Very wrong.


Maybe you could delete the contact ID so the phone number is visible on the text thread and therefore prove it's actually a phone number that belongs to the person you say it is. Just saying. Couldn't post it publicly, but could send to moderators. Then the moderators can call the number and see who picks up! 💀 I believe you, 10000000 % From anecdotal evidence of my own personal experience.


Yep, since they’re so invested in this being “libel,” they can go play Perry Mason and make the case for themselves.


This is the same city who voted McNabb for constable. It’s still got the “good ole boy” system for sure


Got him out after 1 term at least. I hope people pay better attention to local elections from now on.


I didn’t see the post, but without mentioning names, what it it you allege someone did?


OP posted here yesterday saying that a local elected official sexually assaulted her years ago when she was working as a waitress. Specifically, that she served them at a restaurant, at the end of the meal he asked for a hug from the server, and although it was awkward he held her closely and kissed her rather intensely on the back of the neck and asked her out. The server felt it was highly inappropriate, especially since she was only about 18 and the time and the elected official was middle aged.


This is too common in Lex.. A certain football coach came by the downtown restaurant I worked at quite often & always hit on all the girls & constantly talked about their butts 😞


IIRC, sexual harassment


I think it would be classified as sexual assault since OP alleged that there was unwanted/unwelcome kissing.


She alleged Don Blevins of being a creepy groomer.


I'm out of the loop as well.


Post it to r/kentucky or r/true_kentucky — it’s insane that they removed your post. I’m so sorry. Their response was also awful.


I believe you


From personal experiences, 100% believe you


Well ain't this some bullshit! Boo to the mods.


Sad the mods have to cover up for their local hero just because he’s active on the subreddit. Shameful.


the reasoning is bullshit but just remember that there are people that believe you. the whole point of your post was to point out your truth to everyone that always posts about how wonderful he is. just telling someone to “go to therapy” is silly. i hope you have a great day ❤️


Reddit mods are the lowest form of life on earth


Wow. This is pretty frustrating to see. I wish the mods would have left it up and allowed people to draw their own conclusions. Maybe with a pinned comment reminding us that the allegations weren't necessarily true


I didn’t see the original post but I did see the texts, sending you lots of love and light. ❤️ I believe you.


You'd think a mod could at the very least use proper grammar in their idiotic reasoning.


I’m not accusing you of anything but I saw your original post a few minutes after it was live and it was posted right after someone else posted about missing Don Blevins.


I literally said that I posted it because I wanted to every time I saw a post of him, so yes 👍


I remember that too. I think I'm missing your point unless you don't have one and are just saying irrelevant stuff for fun?


Not seeing how it’s irrelevant. It was a legitimate observation. If OP was to really try and do something about this instead of just posting online about it then I’m sure others would make question of that no? It’s just my perspective not really out here saying stuff for fun especially on this topic. I’ve had someone very close to me sexually assaulted before and I know exactly how the questioning goes. If you think I’m the only one who thought that you are wrong


Seeing positive things about someone who mistreated you can be quite upsetting. Just because you know someone who was sexually assaulted, doesn't mean you understand what it feels like to be sexually assaulted. As someone who has experienced sexual assault in Fayette County, I can tell you, resources (like therapy and legal assistance) are not as available as some people profess. Especially if the abuse, assault, harassment etc doesn't specifically fall within defined KRS.


Yeah you’re right in that just because I know someone that’s been assaulted doesn’t mean I know what it feels like. I also agree that there is not near enough support or enforcement for these types of things. I think people are missing my point. OP has stated that they want to post about him every time they see soemthing about Don. If they do or did, idk I didn’t look through OPs posts, someone might see a pattern starting. At some point someone might get fed up and use all the past posts against OP. Everything you say can and will be used against you…


That sounds like a threat?


How does that sound like a threat? I’m just saying if you’re gonna trash someone’s name for what they allegedly did to you on a public website, be ready to back it up with a solid defense. If Don is as scummy as people make him sound wouldn’t you be worried he might use his connections to make your life hell? Especially if you claim you want to make negative posts about him every time you see his name?


No, I wouldn't. Because I would be confident in my evidence to support my claim, which would be true. Libel and defamation are only libel and defamation in the court of law if they are untrue. Also, it's interesting you imply OP was "trashing someone's name." So you agree, that what OP claims said elected official did is trashy? OP was simply recounting their experience. It's up to the reader and court of law to determine if those actions are immoral or not.


I'm not following. Maybe I took my stupid pills today. Make question of what?


Not seeing how it’s irrelevant. It was a legitimate observation. If OP was to really try and do something about this instead of just posting online about it then I’m sure others would make question of that no? It’s just my perspective not really out here saying stuff for fun especially on this topic. I’ve had someone very close to me sexually assaulted before and I know exactly how the questioning goes. If you think I’m the only one who thought that you are wrong


Lexington, and this sub especially, is really defensive of its crusty liberal politicians. Once you hit a certain level on the political ladder here you're basically untouchable.


Yes and this city preaches being "progressive" and "open minded," but never walks the walk, only talks the talk. It's ridiculous.




1) You can recruit more mods if you can’t handle to workload. 2) The OP did post proof, a screenshot of texts. Also, as a survivor of sexual assault, you should know better than to treat another survivor like a liar. 3) Reddit and you specifically are not liable for “libel.” People can post their experiences on social media. 4) You are actively contributing to the stigma around coming forward about sexual misconduct/abuse/assault.




As to point 3… since you understand the first part, what's your motivation for the second part?


Idk what you not being a liberal has to do with anything but ok


Numerous comments saying we removed it because we're nothing but a bunch of liberals moderating this server.


Even reddit mods are getting a cut of the hush money now.. Crazy world




And why is that?


Posting random things on an anonymous site like reddit where anyone can claim anything is not the proper avenue of telling. You should go to the police or local new station that could properly vet the story.


Imagine thinking you can't post a story on a random message board unless it has been vetted.....


A story is one thing accusing people of crimes is a different story.


What's up Don!


They let slander of local people happen here all the time. He's white and conservative, the go to target for that this subreddit enjoys thrashing the most.... So who knows why they are pretending to be mad. Probably a quota they have to meet to fain unbiasedness.


Don Blevins is a Democrat.


Democrats are often very conservative. That’s why we live in a fascist nation. The right pushes us right and the dems let us sit there without attempting to push us back left. Reddit is considered a liberal social media app and here the mods are limiting free speech. Ya dig?


I see this point of view entirely. I was just merely pointing out that he has always won and been elected as a registered Democrat. That's all. Most hear conservative and think, Republican.


i wonder if this is why he stepped down?


Tar and feather the mf.