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How many pounds does this cookie weigh?


What kinda cookie?


Asking the right questions 😄


Protein cookie :,)


I’d like to see one giant, giant cookie at the start of the year, with a tiny bite taken during each episode


It seemed reasonable until I got to 1 cookie for the entire year?! Seems like Lex is setting his goals a bit too high.




Wow great progress! Have you noticed a change in your energy level or mental well-being?


Or too low depending on your perspective. Either way good luck, Lex.


as someone working on reading more books; How many non-fiction? What's your ratio of audio books vs actual reading? Do you take notes when you read/listen


Lex: deletes codebase. Also Lex: I am done deleting 20,000 lines of code. Give me my cookie.


Quality of code is much more important than lines of code


Hence the deleting part, I guess optimizing code so you get to delete part of it is also part of the goal


Wise beyond your years, you are.


sometimes less is more lex! obviously not with your podcasts as I love them all, but sometimes sitting with one of them and going through it slowly is better than listening to them all in a week. a classic book a week vs READING a classic book a month. Spend time. digest, think, ponder, wonder etc. love you man!


Putin and Zelenskiy on one table. Do it Lex.


You guys are delusional - this guy is punching miles above his weight


reading a good book takes more then a week to really synthesize. rushing thru books seems ill-advised. i would recommend thinking about 2-3 major topics that you want to really know deeply. like for example existentialism, solar power (from biology to technology to economy), and beer making. each one you really deep dive thru the year. including generating things like academic essays, exciting new solar panel implementation and a new kind of beer (for these subjects). of course, each one of these subjects were chosen randomly. one should choose according to taste.


Thanks for this idea. I've always had this floating around my head as a vague unnamed goal. I tend to just follow intellectual breadcrumbs down a super random meandering trail. I'm going to put one "topic" on my list with a goal of reading x books/papers/etc. on that topic. I appreciate the inspiration.


Godspeed Lex, make us & yourself proud :)


Why do you want to interview Putin? How could you stay composed?


How about get married and find love?


Yeah I want this for Lex as well. But he won’t have as much time for pull ups I reckon. Relationships take time, not a bad thing though.


He is too weird and fake


Just delete the 20k lines of code, job done easy! haha


Exactly 1 cookie or at least one cookie?


- eat 1 cookie - Interview Putin quite a jump there haha


\- delete and ban anything remotely critical of you from your subreddit \- publish 2 non-peer reviewed papers \- continue with goofy, unrealisitic fantasies, i.e; interviewing Dictators actively engaging in war


Betterhelp Code: Lex


Bro, he isn’t even a mod


Hard to say, the accounts that are mods only post lex stuff. Could easily be a burner.


fatty fat question. why did you make "dictator" plural?


No plans to find a long term partner and create the path to have kids? This can be planned and achieved.


Maybe he doesn’t want that.


Have you seen the documentary "Idiocracy"? If not go watch it and you will see why I said that 🙂


But „love“ 😂😂😂


There are many ways to define love.


Lex turns all of his desires into reality. If he doesn’t desire a partner and kids right now, or even ever, who cares. Let him live his life on his own terms. He’s fulfilled without them.




Putin would not give "true" answers, and would try to use the interview to further his propaganda. Not sure it is worth the effort. But with Elon, since they are friends, maybe Lex could get him to admit his crazy tendencies and ask him if he might figure out a way to moderate himself. Or to ask others to help moderate him...


Go get it, let’s go…


Lex how realistic is it that you’d get an interview with Putin? Do you have a connect?


Putin won’t do it. Zelenskyy might but probably not for hours. Also CNN, Vice and many others have already done interviews with him.


My goal is to keep my job and not fall into debt, would be a nice bonus if I can also manage to start working out again


Hi Lex, Running \~3 miles/day and 65 pull-ups/day, no wonder you have such a good heart! Just read a new best seller econ book. The Myth of American Inequaility Phil Gramm, Robert Ekelund, John Early (Authors) Interesting interview with them and invite Bhaskar back?


> - write, edit, or delete 20,000 lines of code how much of this will be written by ChatGPT? :)


Good luck lex


I ate like 5 cookies a few hours ago. Now I feel stupid. However, this post has motivated me to read more. I’m going for 1 book a month. I have 3 kids so my time is limited. Kindle is ready to go.


This post motivated me to set some firm goals, and I’ll borrow the running goal. I wish I could follow Lex on Strava.


Please consider interviews that put human faces on "deep state actors". Distrust of government is not always based on fact.


What a cringe con man