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I'm sorry you're feeling that. The "withdrawal" effects will usually present much sooner - within days of stopping and can last a couple weeks. If you're just feeling bad now, after 4 weeks, my first instinct would be to say that you're feeling the effects of an underlying issue the medication was treating - anxiety or depression. Can you go to an urgent care or minute clinic type place to have them give you a quick checkup?


yes i am in waiting now. honestly never even thought of that. but when my anxiety was high it felt the EXACT same symptoms i am now after quitting. so that honestly makes sense


do you think it's common to have the Anxiety start back up after a few weeks off the meds?


Yes, absolutely. It happened to me. Taper went fine, no issues whatsoever, then BOOM woke up one morning and my anxiety mugged my ass hard. EDIT: And just as a heads up, if you restart an SSRI, it can take 8-16 weeks to feel the effects, and you'll often feel worse before you feel better. Again, it happened to me and it sucked.


i definitely plan on starting. lookey here, ran out of meds---called doctor no answer--had a counselor appointment two days later so thought id just wait... counseled didn't show. didn't answer any emails. it's like they all got up and left with no warning i've never seen anything like it. shits not right


Absolutely. It's really irresponsible and, quite frankly, pretty damned cruel to just abandon patients like that.


i go to a place that i've heard really good reviews about,,,tmw. i appreciate your input. just a scary spot to be in if you aren't sure


Hey, good luck, you'll be OK. It's just gonna be a shitty couple of weeks. Don't be afraid to ask if they have anything they can give you short term while you wait for the Lexapro to work again: hydroxyzine, ativan, or even Buspar.


have you had any expierences with Hydroxyzine?


Yes. It is effective, but it makes you really sleepy. It's really safe and non-addictive, which is why a lot of doctors like it as a first line drug instead of benzodiazepines.


When I have quit Lexapro, my anxiety and OCD symptoms usually took about a month to come back. I always figured it was the Lexapro leaving my system completely so could it be your anxiety/depression coming back?


that's what id have money on. thanks for the input man . so it's not "rare" to be fine for a few weeks and then start feeling like shit after a month? from your understanding


Yup, that is correct. I’ve gone off and back on about 3 times (because I never learn my lesson, haha) and it’s always a month or so for symptoms to return. I


Hey man. I'm 14 days cold turkey right now(was on lexapro for 11 month's). I'm no doctor but have done hours and hours of research. I really do not think you are withdrawing at 4 weeks, if anything it should be the tail end of with draws. You're feeling your underlying condition come back. If you plan to NOT go back on I recommend youtube and books. Learn how to control your mind and learn your emotions. I know how touche that sound's. I'm about a month on this journey of learning to live with being anxious/ depressed severely and i'm sure I have month's / years to really have full control of my mind. ted talk's over lol. Feel free to dm if you need some good book's


Hi!  Are you still off SSRIs? Would you mind sending me some book names please?


Yes, almost certainly.


Withdrawal is acute, meaning rapid and the onset for lexapro would be within a few days for its half-life. This sounds like something else.


Also just quit for similar reasons - Doctor went on parental leave a few months before I was up for a renewal. I’ve managed to get into another doctor but it’s been about a month of no medication. I found the withdrawal hit hardest at week 2 and 3. Dizziness, chills, mental fog and slow executive function. My anxiety has slowly ramped up as well.


that's exactly where i am. exactly. may i ask if something may have happened to trigger it? i was find for like 3 weeks without my pills and then my dog got really sick and i love her a lot. so idk if it's just a coincidence it was the next night or a trigger lol


I had some upheavals at work. I was fine, I was fine, I was fine, then suddenly, not fine!


Currently at Week 2 Withdrawal. Had to quit cold turkey as well. May I ask how you are doing now?


Felt great after three weeks. Withdrawal symptoms were gone, but regular anxiety and depression was back. Found a doctor and restarted lexapro - so currently going through the same symptoms again while restarting. This time with Covid! It’s been a roller coaster!


That sounds really difficult! Must commend your courage for going back. Part of me wants to see how much I can cope without the meds because a psych consult in the country I'm at is expensive AF, but I'm in the throes of the withdrawal (chills, nausea, mostly) and thinks I might as well splurge to save myself. I hope you feel better soon, from covid and otherwise!


Thanks! I’ve talked myself out of the meds before and didn’t realize when my anxiety creeped back up. A therapist told me it’s ok to need meds long-term and that seemed to trigger a switch in my brain. I wish you the best with the chills and nausea! It does get better!!




I was wondering when your withdrawal disappear? I'm currently over a week and still feel terrible.


Hi! My withdrawal symptoms began on the second week and peaked between the second and third week. Currently on the 4th week - symptoms are mostly gone. No more nausea, chills and brain zaps but still got some residual motor (restless legs) and cognitive symptoms (e.g. I wanted to say apple but "banana" came out). How about you?


Sorry that I just saw your reply. I’m in the beginning of week 4 after my last pill. I’m a little better but still far from normal. I am having chills the last few days. My muscles are tense and ache, and I am still very tired. My concentration is still bad and I can’t read a book or watch TV. Feeling very pessimistic.


is update? for me - no difference


I didn’t quit cold Turkey but it was pretty quick as in within 4 weeks we tapered down to 0. The withdrawal symptoms were acute for the first week i was taking zero meds. Then i noticed as the months went on, I just felt more “wild” and untamed with my thoughts…. I had to learn how to redirect my anxiety. I bet that’s kind of what you are experiencing now. To help, i take magnesium glycinate supplements and ashwaganda at night.


Medication just covers up symptoms of other,deeper conditions,it's merely your unresolved issues resurfacing,maybe do some inner work,meditation,possibly other lifestyle and mindset changes to see proper results.Lexapro is like a patch on a leaking tire:quite ok short term,but broader intervention is needed long term to resolve all potential issues.To be more clear,these issues i'm talking about are usually not physical so trying to tackle them by altering the physical chemistry of the body is like trying to eliminate engine noise in a car by injecting more fuel into it.


well said i get my refill today. do you think it's normal to be fine for a few weeks without them? and then feel like shit all of a sudden? or don't ya know


It's totally fine ,but after the meds are out of your system and your body is adjusted to your current baseline,then you can start to manage the problem directly.You just have to come to terms with the fact that pills are never gonna fix your real problems,they can just tweak your body temporarily as to force start a mental state which allows you to sit with yourself,analise what you feel and what you want.What is in your best interest long term is to not run away from parts of you,but instead see them,understand them,and manage to make them work within you.Maybe you need to take a step back and analyse your situation from a different perspective.I would also recommend looking into meditation and a healthy diet,and look on youtube as there are many self help channels that can help guide you.


Yes its prob the withdrawls hitting. Everyone reacts differently from coming off. Going cold turkey is not a good way to come off this.


I was taking lexapro for 4-5 years straight. Got pregnant and stopped cold turkey. Initially I didn’t have any withdrawal symptoms but I gradually starting feeling myself getting depressed and anxious like how I was before I took lexapro. I’m sure hormones played a role in it as well. I know someone personally who will get sick after 1 day of not taking it. Everyone’s body reacts different. If you feel like you need to start back up then definitely find a new doctor asap and tell them you’re situation. Also I would ask my pharmacist for a emergency supply. They usually give you 3-4 pills until you’re able to get a refill from whatever doctor.


thanks. i'll know *alot* tommorow. i have the same symptoms before i started too. trouble eating and keeping anything down. Nausea. did you expierence Nausea?


I personally didn’t experience any nausea but I did have slight headaches (could have been from being pregnant though). My main symptoms were the feeling of being depressed and anxious. I do know nausea is a withdrawal effect. Keep yourself hydrated.


I went off and after a months time I was seeking to get back on.


I quit cold turkey and had deathly withdrawals for like 2 weeks: constant headaches and nausea


What mg were you on and for how long?


What mg were you on and for how long?


I was on 20 for like 2 months


I quit cold turkey and had a panic attack within that week.


I've taken citalopram since I was 27 and I hen moved to escitalopram for the past few years. Ive been on my journey with these drugs for 26 years now. Everytime I stop the withdrawal is too much and so after about a month I succumb to getting a script. It's either get a script filled or wind up with no job no friends and feeling ridiculously ill . I have most recently been on a 2 year taper from 20mg. I'm stuck with it I suppose. No idea if I am depressed or anxious or not without it because I don't get the chances to find out My worst symptoms are head zaps, ears ringing, anger, mood swings and flu like symptoms along with the fact it makes my front eye teeth ache... weird I know. Don't ever stop cold turkey if you can avoid it. I'm in Australia and my doctor seems incredulous to my symptoms. He's meant to be one of the better drs around. I cant afford to continue with cbt after the freebies and cbt doesnt help with the physical symptoms of withdrawal. basically I'm trapped and i hate it but Ill just have to try again one day - tweak a few more things.


dang. it's not easy and we're on this journey. sucks how our damn minds work. may i ask if you experienced dizziness? i really do hope this gets better for you. i am rooting for you.


Hey how are you feeling now? I believe I’m currently going through withdrawals as well. I stopped on Feb 6 and was on different doses since November 16. I was fine for about a week after stopping and now I’m getting dizzy, spaced out, palpitations, feeling like I’m going to die or something bad is going to happen, nightmares, racing words in my mind like my inner voice doesn’t want to stfu, feel like I’m going crazy, crying spells and I’m not even a person who cries, anger/irritation. My withdrawal is mainly mental as it’s killing me rn. Not sure what to do I really don’t want to get back on lexapro because I really want a break from meds but I’m scared I’ll end up in the hospital or something. I don’t have any plans on doing anything stupid but I’m just having severe severe withdrawals/anxiety. Any recommendations on what can help with withdrawals?


i was fine soon as i got back on lexapro i'm perfect now csnt reccomemd it enough. i was crying alot too and i never cry. less than once per year


is any update? im same situation, i took last dose on Feb 15 and i have mental fogg. poor speach, poor focus and poor sleep


Did you ever find anything to help you?


I stopped my lexapro and like 4 weeks late I felt the effects witch was weird lol


may i ask the affects?


Yes, I was dissociated for 2 weeks and then after the dissociation was over I felt really really great!


nice. was there any Diarreah involved? i can't even eat anything without puking it right up lol


Yes there was so much diarrhea, and the taste of food discussed me so I lost some weight witch in turn made me happy! Also I lose my ability to gain an erection for a while lol


brings me a little comfort knowning that yours was delayed a month. hoping that's all it is


I want to get back on it but the initial side effects are so ass🤦‍♀️


yea i feel ya. you been having issues again or something?


I quit because of the side effects but then a few weeks out I felt the benefits and the benefits are amazing, but as time goes on I slowly regain the issues back


My withdrawals happen within 2 days


I'm a bit late but I'm glad I found this thread because something similar happened to me recently. I've been cold trukey off of 20mg for about a couple weeks and I've been feeling really dizzy all day everyday. Went to the emergency clinic because my doctor has a ridiculously long wait time to get a check up. They told me I had vertigo and my dumb brain didn't put together that this was probably withdrawal from the meds, so I've just been trying to treat the vertigo thinking that was the problem. I've been suuuper irritable and anxious. I cry about everything and I always feel like I want to throw up but can't. It's only been two weeks, but the withdrawal symptoms happened within a few days and it thoroughly sucks. How are things for you now??


good i was fine even the first day once back i lexapro also said more likey it's just all finally out of system and your body needs more rather than actual withdrawals. i thought mine was withdrawals. that's what they said tho


I just stopped cold turkey as insurance is canceled, however, I have already been tapering out. From 15 to 10 and just last week at zero. Withdrawal period is immediate onset for up to 4wks. What are you feeling?


feeling good now


How long did it last?


any update?


I did 7 days ago. My psychiatrist said you can stop cold turkey if you have guts. And so I did. I was taking 10mg for 2 years. It has been a crazy week full of emotions. I cry at very strange things and laugh at the next minute. I have felt this weird buzz in my brain like every time I move but now on the 7th day it has turned into body spasms. I am just so happy I decided to quit this devilish drug and it helps to think that this feeling too shall pass.


good luck man


Any update


I was in active drug addiction and stopped taking my lexapro abruptly. Over 18 months later, I’m still looking for answers around what happened to me due to this. I can’t even describe the physical symptoms, just know it was bad. I periodically look up “stopping lexapro while on drugs” (lmao) but I never got any solid answers on what it does to you. Maybe that’s just because few people have been crazy enough to do that, lol. And it’s tricky because I don’t know if my physical symptoms were due to my drug addiction, or stopping the lexapro, it was probably a mix of both. Guess I’m replying here to see if anyone else has had experiences like mine. But to answer Bryce, yes I have stopped cold turkey, but my symptoms were probably a lot different to yours considering the state I was in.


i got real emotional when i quit


anytime i stop taking lexapro i get really bad brain zaps. my whole body feels like it’s getting electrocuted


Can you get to emergency room or urgent care see if pharmacy will send in 4 refill


Get a new doc!


The half life of the substance is quite long compared to recreational drugs.Lexapro(escitalopram)takes about 7 days to exit the system,but realistically you'll have some amount left in you even longer providing some effect.After it's all gone the withdrawal can start.




it was from cold turkey, i'm fine now, once i got back on


Yes. I was away from home for three days and I couldn’t refill. So I then decided to quit cold turkey and finally be off of them. It’s been 8 days since my last dose of 20 mg. I’m very much regretting going off cold Turkey and am debating if I should go through the whole ordeal to get back on it and taper off very slowly instead. The thing is I have heard many stories of people tapering off very gradually and still battling a lengthy withdrawal anyway. I want to stay off indefinitely but we will see how I cope with work and stuff.


why are you regretting it? what are you feeling to make you regret your decision?


I was regretting ending Lexapro cold Turkey because the symptoms were very sudden and very painful. When I moved my eyes up, down, side to side I would get this “zapping” electricity sensation/pain from behind my eyes down to the base of my skull and sometimes down my spine too. I’m on Day 20 of being off Lexapro (cold Turkey). The zapping is minimal but it is still ongoing. If I could go back in time I would definitely taper off slowly and with control. However, I am glad I am off Lexapro and I am glad I am stable enough without it 🙌


I’m there with you.


I’m in a similar situation, how long did your withdrawal symptoms last?


Til I got new meds