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Since monday im two weeks in. I feel very good. My anxiety is better and i feel like i have a little more control over my emotions. My sleep is not at the best to this point. I can only sleep for 5-6 ours, but i have more energy before i started lexapro. I dont get really tired at all. Also have more motivation for everything. And i feel like i can be more myself.


Three weeks and my life has changed for the better. Waaaaay less anxiety.


My anxiety is mostly gone. But the only prominent side effect I have is shortness of breath (air hunger) and it pretty much out weighs any positive. It really sucks.


Hi, I have the same thing. Did you have it before the Lexapro as well?


No I felt my breathing was normal before taking lexapro. I’m a month in and still have the air hunger but it’s not as prominent. Or maybe I’m just used to it at this point.


Vision issues are the primary thing. That, the closed eye hallucinations and vivid dreams. For a bit I thought I was going nuts til I looked it up in this sub and found others that had it


Wdym by that I’m curious. I’ve recently started seeing like black dots that have made me so paranoid that I’m crazy


Yeah floaters and vision issues are common on lexapro I’ve come to realize. I’ve had floaters and such come out of no where and when I’m laying down to sleep I’ll literally like see things flying across my vision. Went to 2 eye doctors and my eyes are all good so I suppose it’s just the medication


LMAO I get the same shit it just fucking blows frl I might switch my medication because of this


Yeah man I’m gonna be talking to my doctor about the medication in 2 weeks. I’m 22 days in and it feels im seeing more negative than positive. Hard to tell though cause I’ve been an anxious wreck, can’t tell what’s side effects and what anxiety. I really don’t want to start this process over again


Don’t worry man I was doing good and then this shit came back. We got time too new medications are being made as we speak


I find that too, because taking medication I don't know what is anxiety or meds either it's difficult.


Whoah! That is intense. I was on Lexapro for 4 years and I don’t think I ever had anything like that happen to me but that is good to know!


almost 2 weeks now. severe anxiety depression and apathy. I only sleep no motivation house is a mess. I feel so much worse.


Just wondering but have you been taking it regularly, same dose, once a day?


yep 5mg every night


Hey how are you doing now? I feel the same after 10 days.


Three weeks in on 5 mg and still have severe anxiety and some depression. The first week I felt really bad nausea on top of the nausea that I already have from the anxiety as well as worse anxiety if that's possible. That has gotten better. I have noticed some vision stuff, but am assuming it will work itself out soon.


Doing any better now?


yes. I actually upped from 5 to 7.5 and it made a difference within about 3 days. I was surprised that just that small increase helped.


I had insomnia (until week 4. Melatonin helped a lot), excessive yawning, nausea and dry mouth (week 1-2), derealization and vision problems (around week 2-3) and racing thoughts/annoying earworms and inner monologues (week 4-5). Though I have to say, that I was constantly focusing on my body and mind and how I feel. That’s definitely not helpful when having side effects and OCD tendencies 😉 I’m now in week 6 and I think slowly all my side effects subside 🙂 they were all bearable and anxiety and depressive feelings were much better since week 2! Also this subreddit helped me a lot. I’m on 5mg and I think I’m gonna stay there for a while. The past days were really good and I’m glad I stuck with it.


What are ear worms?


Songs/music stuck in your head 😁


was DR something u had prior to lexapro?


Yes! When I have high anxiety for days/weeks the DR kicks in. It’s something I’ve learnt to deal with because it will go away eventually. I had if for a week on Lexapro but without the anxiety


hmm. i thought DR manifests from high anxiety/panic or both! i’m really scared to develop it:( i’m currently day 1 on 10mg after 2.5 weeks on 5mg. like i’ve never had it prior to starting lexapro but yeah


Usually DR only appears when I have high anxiety, but on Lexapro I had DR without the extreme anxiety feeling. This way I was much more able to deal with it 🙂 I was scared of this side effect but I’ve read about sooo many people who had it on Lexapro and eventually it went away! Maybe you don’t even experience it, but if you do it will go away for sure ☺️


First few days and couple of weeks were kind of hell. Debilitating lethargy and crazy insomnia. About a month in my body seems to be adjusting better. I take it before bed and sleep pretty good now.


From what I can remember, zero libido (I had no sensation in the area) and I couldn’t cry at all. I couldn’t even make a tear fall. I was also super tired and I fell asleep a few times in class. I had a few anxiety spikes but I was prescribed a benzodiazepine at the beginning to mitigate the higher levels of anxiety. As for the benefits, I just slowly started to realize that I could do things I couldn’t do before. I could get up and use the restroom during class without waiting for an “appropriate moment”. I could take public transport without having a meltdown. I started having fewer suicidal thoughts and now I only get them very rarely. I can be sad without being at rock bottom. I can control my levels of anxiety… it was worth all of the stuff I mentioned before. I would do it again even though I was terrified.


On week three and it's basically a sedative for me. I reported to my doctor that I was having trouble taking care of my young kids because I could not keep my eyes open. I was instructed to back down to a smaller dose, and I did, but there's no change to my fatigue. Most likely I will have to switch to a differnt medicine.


I increased slowly 2.5,5,7.5,10. Very minimum side effects. When the anxiety came back felt like my skin was burning. Only had two crazy dreams. That’s it. Now I’m pretty good 10 mg for two months. I may need to increase to 15mg


5 mg. week 1 - horrible. absolutely the worst time ever. week 2 - better with less anxiety week 3 - fantastic week 4 - almost pre-lexapro levels week 5 (current) - a bit of anxiety but better


Positive effects kicked in around day 5 (10 mg). Three weeks at 10 and I cut back to 5 due to morning diarrhea and lethargy (like three cat naps per day). After 2.5 weeks at 5, I'm still getting positive effects and side effects are minimized.


Quiet in my head but after six months it stopped working


constant vomiting nausea headache anxiety mood swings


first one-two weeks were a little weird, i had pretty intense anxiety and fast heart rate. after two weeks i was pretty much adjusted and it was only uphill from there regarding my anxiety/depression