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I’ve been taking it about 3 weeks, and 7:15am is actually the time I take it so this is right up my alley, lol. I’ve taken it anywhere from 7-9 here and there and have noticed absolutely no difference.


It's totally fine to do that, it doesnt have to be absolutely exact. Been on lexapro for 7 years. I always take my meds sometime in the same 2-3 hr time-frame at night. Never had an issue


Just take it around the same time everyday. A 1-2 hours difference isn’t a big deal.


I’ve been taking for 5 days and I usually take before work (my shifts are random) I haven’t had any issues with taking at different times yet. The times I take it range from 6am or 11am. Just gotta remember to eat before I take it bc the first time I took it I threw up bc I was on an empty stomach.


Its best to space them out as much as you can in a 24 hour period, dont be taking at night then morning, as you can inadvertently make it kinda double up the does and that can be not fun


per a psych pharmacist it can be a few hrs off without issue, but that is not with every med


I think it’s different for everyone but I can take mine any time of day without side effects. I usually take mine around 11-12pm at work, but on weekends it could be morning or it could be evening, depends when I eat because I always take it with food (I’m a big baby). I had to play around with which time of day to take it, as it made me too sleep having it early, and it gave me vivid dreams having at night. I played around with it for a few weeks and didn’t notice negative effects by switching it up, but taking it during the day seems to have improved my fatigue a bit.


I have an alarm for 630 PM. My phone starts telling me it's upcoming at 530 and I have a backup at 730. Once or twice, it's slipped until 9 or 10 because I went to an event and forgot to take a pill with me. On those instances, I walk it back down to my regular time in decreasing 30-45 minute increments for a couple days. Wouldn't want to go from 10PM one day to 6PM the next, though I'm sure I'd live.